How to Build a WorldWind Web App

Lesson 4: Place Search and Geocoding

View the completed code: Lesson 4

Add 2D Projection Support

We’ll use a 2D map in our search preview dialog. WorldWind already has support for 2D projections, so all we need to do is add the ability to change the projection to the Globe class.

Change the Globe constructor by adding the projectionName argument, like this:

constructor(canvasId, projectionName) {

Then add this code to the constructor’s body to keep track of the current projection, add it after the this.wwd property is assigned:

// Projection support
this.roundGlobe = this.wwd.globe;   // The default is a 3D globe
this.flatGlobe = null;
if (projectionName) {

Finally, add these two functions to the Globe class after the constructor. The getter can be used in the UI to provide a list of supported projections. changeProjection does just what it says.

 * Returns the supported projection names.
 * @returns {Array} 
get projectionNames() {
        "North Polar",
        "South Polar",
        "North UPS",
        "South UPS",
        "North Gnomonic",
        "South Gnomonic"
 * Changes the globe's projection.
 * @param {String} projectionName
changeProjection(projectionName) {
    if (projectionName === "3D") {
        if (!this.roundGlobe) {
            this.roundGlobe = new WorldWind.Globe(new WorldWind.EarthElevationModel());
        if (this.wwd.globe !== this.roundGlobe) {
            this.wwd.globe = this.roundGlobe;
    } else {
        if (!this.flatGlobe) {
            this.flatGlobe = new WorldWind.Globe2D();
        if (projectionName === "Equirectangular") {
            this.flatGlobe.projection = new WorldWind.ProjectionEquirectangular();
        } else if (projectionName === "Mercator") {
            this.flatGlobe.projection = new WorldWind.ProjectionMercator();
        } else if (projectionName === "North Polar") {
            this.flatGlobe.projection = new WorldWind.ProjectionPolarEquidistant("North");
        } else if (projectionName === "South Polar") {
            this.flatGlobe.projection = new WorldWind.ProjectionPolarEquidistant("South");
        } else if (projectionName === "North UPS") {
            this.flatGlobe.projection = new WorldWind.ProjectionUPS("North");
        } else if (projectionName === "South UPS") {
            this.flatGlobe.projection = new WorldWind.ProjectionUPS("South");
        } else if (projectionName === "North Gnomonic") {
            this.flatGlobe.projection = new WorldWind.ProjectionGnomonic("North");
        } else if (projectionName === "South Gnomonic") {
            this.flatGlobe.projection = new WorldWind.ProjectionGnomonic("South");
        if (this.wwd.globe !== this.flatGlobe) {
            this.wwd.globe = this.flatGlobe;

Now a ‘Globe’ can be created with a specific projection or you can change it later.

Add the Search Capabilities

The search capabilities are performed by the MapQuest Open Street Map Nominatim service. This service requires an API key. Copy the following block of Javascript and paste it to app.js inside $(document).ready(...) function, above the Globe class:

// Set the MapQuest API key used for the Nominatim service.
// Get your own key at
// Without your own key you will be using a limited WorldWind developer's key.
const MAPQUEST_API_KEY = "";

The WorldWind.NominatimGeocoder encapsulates the MapQuest’s Nominatim service for us. We’ll create a new SearchViewModel to get the user’s search text and perform the search using the WorldWind.NominatimGeocoder.

Our view model will examine the the search text and if looks like a latitude, longitude pair (e.g.: “34.2, -119.2”) we’ll simply center the globe on that location, otherwise we’ll use the NominatimGeocoder to lookup places that match the search text. The results will be displayed in a modal dialog controlled by a new PreviewViewModel

Add the following JavaScript code for the SearchViewModel to app.js below the SettingsViewModel.

 * Search view model. Uses the MapQuest Nominatim API. 
 * Requires an access key. See:
 * @param {Globe} globe
 * @param {Function} preview Function to preview the results
 * @returns {SearchViewModel}
function SearchViewModel(globe, preview) {
  var self = this;
  self.geocoder = new WorldWind.NominatimGeocoder();
  self.searchText = ko.observable('');
  self.performSearch = function() {
    if (!MAPQUEST_API_KEY) {
      console.error("SearchViewModel: A MapQuest API key is required to use the geocoder in production. Get your API key at");
    // Get the value from the observable
    let queryString = self.searchText();
    if (queryString) {
      if (queryString.match(WorldWind.WWUtil.latLonRegex)) {
        // Treat the text as a lat, lon pair 
        let tokens = queryString.split(",");
        let latitude = parseFloat(tokens[0]);
        let longitude = parseFloat(tokens[1]);
        // Center the globe on the lat, lon
        globe.wwd.goTo(new WorldWind.Location(latitude, longitude));
      } else {
        // Treat the text as an address or place name
        self.geocoder.lookup(queryString, function(geocoder, results) {
          if (results.length > 0) {
            // Open the modal dialog to preview and select a result
        }, MAPQUEST_API_KEY);

The new PreviewViewModel will display the search results in a table and on a 2D map (another Globe object). Its previewResults function loads a Knockout observable array with the results. These results are used to populate the table’s rows and the preview globe’s placemarks. When table row is clicked, its onClick event invokes previewSelection which centers the preview globe/map on the selected item’s location.

Add the following JavaScript code for the PreviewViewModel to app.js below the SearchViewModel.

 * Define the view model for the Search Preview.
 * @param {Globe} primaryGlobe
 * @returns {PreviewViewModel}
function PreviewViewModel(primaryGlobe) {
  var self = this;
  // Show a warning message about the MapQuest API key if missing
  this.showApiWarning = (MAPQUEST_API_KEY === null || MAPQUEST_API_KEY === "");

  // Create secondary globe with a 2D Mercator projection for the preview
  this.previewGlobe = new Globe("preview-canvas", "Mercator");
  let resultsLayer = new WorldWind.RenderableLayer("Results");
  let bingMapsLayer = new WorldWind.BingRoadsLayer();
  this.previewGlobe.addLayer(bingMapsLayer, {detailControl: 1.25}); // Show next level-of-detail sooner. Default is 1.75

  // Set up the common placemark attributes for the results
  let placemarkAttributes = new WorldWind.PlacemarkAttributes(null);
  placemarkAttributes.imageSource = WorldWind.configuration.baseUrl + "images/pushpins/castshadow-red.png";
  placemarkAttributes.imageScale = 0.5;
  placemarkAttributes.imageOffset = new WorldWind.Offset(
    WorldWind.OFFSET_FRACTION, 0.3,
    WorldWind.OFFSET_FRACTION, 0.0);

  // Create an observable array who's contents are displayed in the preview
  this.searchResults = ko.observableArray();
  this.selected = ko.observable();

  // Shows the given search results in a table with a preview globe/map
  this.previewResults = function(results) {
    if (results.length === 0) {
    // Clear the previous results
    // Add the results to the observable array => self.searchResults.push(item));
    // Create a simple placemark for each result
    for (let i = 0, max = results.length; i < max; i++) {
      let item = results[i];
      let placemark = new WorldWind.Placemark(
        new WorldWind.Position(
          parseFloat(item.lon), 100));
      placemark.altitudeMode = WorldWind.RELATIVE_TO_GROUND;
      placemark.displayName = item.display_name;
      placemark.attributes = placemarkAttributes;

    // Initialize preview with the first item
    // Display the preview dialog
    $('#preview-dialog .modal-body-table').scrollTop(0);

  // Center's the preview globe on the selection and sets the selected item.
  this.previewSelection = function(selection) {
    let latitude = parseFloat(,
      longitude = parseFloat(selection.lon),
      location = new WorldWind.Location(latitude, longitude);
    // Update our observable holding the selected location
    // Go to the posiion

  // Centers the primary globe on the selected item
  this.gotoSelected = function() {
    // Go to the location held in the selected observable

Replace the existing Search Box <div/> in the Navbar with this block, which includes a data-binding to the searchText observable in the view model, and also a data-binding for click a handler to the performSearch function.

<div id="search" class="form-inline">
  <input id="searchText" class="form-control mr-sm-2" type="text" placeholder="Search" aria-label="Search" 
    data-bind="value: searchText, valueUpdate: 'keyup'">
  <button id="searchButton" class="btn btn-outline-success" data-bind="click: $root.performSearch">
                <span class="fas fa-search" aria-hidden="true"></span>

Show the Results in the Preview Dialog

Now we will a <canvas/> for the preview globe and a <table/> to preview the results. The table rows are populated from an observable array via a Knockout view template contained in a <script/>

In the web page, replace the Search Preview Dialog with this version which includes the data-bindings for the table row data and the click event handlers:

<div id="preview" class="hidden">
  <div id="preview-dialog" class="modal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog">
    <div class="modal-dialog" role="document">
      <div class="modal-content">
        <div class="modal-header">
          <h5 class="modal-title">Search Results</h5>
          <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close">
                                  <span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span>
        <div class="modal-body">
          <div class="modal-body-canvas pb-3" title="Preview">
            <canvas id="preview-canvas" style="width: 100%; height: 100%;">
  <h1>Your browser does not support HTML5 Canvas.</h1>
          <div class="modal-body-table">
            <div class="alert alert-warning alert-dismissible fade show" role="alert" data-bind="visible: showApiWarning">
              MapQuest API key missing. Get a free key at
              <a href="" class="alert-link" target="_blank"></a> and set the MAPQUEST_API_KEY variable to your key.
              <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-label="Close">
      <span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span>
            <table class="table table-hover">
                  <th scope="col">Name</th>
                  <th scope="col">Type</th>
              <tbody data-bind="template: { name: 'search-results-template', foreach: searchResults}"></tbody>
            <script type="text/html" id="search-results-template">
              <tr data-bind="click: $parent.previewSelection">
                <td><span data-bind="text: $data.display_name"></span></td>
                <td><span data-bind="text: $data.type"></span></td>

        <div class="modal-footer">
          <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" data-dismiss="modal" data-bind="enable: selected, click: gotoSelected">Go to</button>
          <button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary" data-dismiss="modal">Cancel</button>

Now we need to bind our view models to their views.

Add this code to the list of view models being created in app.js.

let preview = new PreviewViewModel(globe);
let search = new SearchViewModel(globe, preview.previewResults);

Also this code to the list of view and view model bindings in app.js.

ko.applyBindings(search, document.getElementById('search'));
ko.applyBindings(preview, document.getElementById('preview'));


Now you have a web app with a functioning globe, navigation, layer management and a place search feature

Here’s what we accomplished:

Here’s the complete code for lesson 4:

Next Steps: