Package | Description |
gov.nasa.worldwind | |
gov.nasa.worldwind.awt | |
gov.nasa.worldwind.geom | |
gov.nasa.worldwind.globes |
Provides classes for representing the shape and terrain of a planet.
gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada |
Provides classes for parsing COLLADA files and streams.
gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.impl |
Provides classes for rendering COLLADA documents.
gov.nasa.worldwind.render | |
gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces | |
gov.nasa.worldwind.util | |
gov.nasa.worldwind.view |
The view package contains implementations, and support for implementations of the
View interface. |
gov.nasa.worldwind.view.firstperson | |
gov.nasa.worldwind.view.orbit | |
gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.segmentplane | |
gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Matrix |
Returns the modelview matrix.
Matrix |
Gets the projection matrix.
Matrix |
View.pushReferenceCenter(DrawContext dc,
Vec4 referenceCenter)
Defines and applies a new model-view matrix in which the world origin is located at
referenceCenter . |
Matrix |
View.setReferenceCenter(DrawContext dc,
Vec4 referenceCenter)
Sets the reference center matrix without pushing the stack.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected Matrix |
AbstractViewInputHandler.mouseDownModelview |
protected Matrix |
AbstractViewInputHandler.mouseDownProjection |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static Matrix |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Matrix |
Matrix.add(Matrix matrix) |
Matrix |
Matrix.divideComponents(double value) |
Matrix |
Matrix.divideComponents(Matrix matrix) |
static Matrix |
Matrix.fromArray(double[] compArray,
int offset,
boolean rowMajor) |
static Matrix |
Matrix.fromAxes(Vec4[] axes)
Returns a Cartesian transform
Matrix that maps a local orientation to model coordinates. |
static Matrix |
Matrix.fromAxisAngle(Angle angle,
double axisX,
double axisY,
double axisZ) |
static Matrix |
Matrix.fromAxisAngle(Angle angle,
Vec4 axis) |
static Matrix |
Matrix.fromCovarianceOfVertices(BufferWrapper coordinates,
int stride)
Computes a symmetric covariance Matrix from the x, y, z coordinates of the specified buffer of points.
static Matrix |
Matrix.fromCovarianceOfVertices(Iterable<? extends Vec4> points)
Computes a symmetric covariance Matrix from the x, y, z coordinates of the specified points Iterable.
static Matrix |
Matrix.fromGeographicToImage(AVList worldFileParams) |
static Matrix |
Matrix.fromGeographicToImage(Point2D[] imagePoints,
LatLon[] geoPoints) |
static Matrix |
Matrix.fromGeographicToViewport(Sector sector,
int x,
int y,
int width,
int height)
Computes a Matrix that will map the geographic region defined by sector onto a Cartesian region of the specified
width and height and centered at the point (x, y) . |
static Matrix |
Matrix.fromImageToGeographic(AVList worldFileParams) |
static Matrix |
Matrix.fromImageToGeographic(int imageWidth,
int imageHeight,
Sector sector)
Computes a
Matrix that will map a aligned 2D grid coordinates to geographic coordinates in degrees. |
static Matrix |
Matrix.fromImageToGeographic(Point2D[] imagePoints,
LatLon[] geoPoints)
Computes a
Matrix that will map constrained 2D grid coordinates to geographic coordinates in
degrees. |
static Matrix |
Matrix.fromLocalOrientation(Vec4 origin,
Vec4[] axes)
Returns a Cartesian transform
Matrix that maps a local origin and orientation to model coordinates. |
static Matrix |
Matrix.fromModelLookAt(Vec4 eye,
Vec4 center,
Vec4 up)
Returns a local origin transform matrix in model coordinates defined by the specified eye point, reference point
indicating the center of the local scene, and up vector.
static Matrix |
Matrix.fromOrthographic(double width,
double height,
double near,
double far) |
static Matrix |
Matrix.fromOrthographic2D(double width,
double height) |
static Matrix |
Matrix.fromPerspective(Angle horizontalFieldOfView,
double viewportWidth,
double viewportHeight,
double near,
double far) |
static Matrix |
Matrix.fromPerspective(double width,
double height,
double near,
double far) |
static Matrix |
Matrix.fromQuaternion(Quaternion quaternion) |
static Matrix |
Matrix.fromRotationX(Angle angle) |
static Matrix |
Matrix.fromRotationXYZ(Angle xRotation,
Angle yRotation,
Angle zRotation) |
static Matrix |
Matrix.fromRotationY(Angle angle) |
static Matrix |
Matrix.fromRotationZ(Angle angle) |
static Matrix |
Matrix.fromScale(double scale) |
static Matrix |
Matrix.fromScale(double scaleX,
double scaleY,
double scaleZ) |
static Matrix |
Matrix.fromScale(Vec4 scale) |
static Matrix |
Matrix.fromSkew(Angle theta,
Angle phi) |
static Matrix |
Matrix.fromTranslation(double x,
double y,
double z) |
static Matrix |
Matrix.fromTranslation(Vec4 translation) |
static Matrix |
Matrix.fromViewLookAt(Vec4 eye,
Vec4 center,
Vec4 up)
Returns a viewing matrix in model coordinates defined by the specified View eye point, reference point indicating
the center of the scene, and up vector.
static Matrix |
Matrix.fromViewportToGeographic(Sector sector,
int x,
int y,
int width,
int height)
Computes a Matrix that will map a Cartesian region of the specified
width and height
and centered at the point (x, y) to the geographic region defined by sector onto . |
Matrix |
Returns the inverse of this matrix, or
null if this matrix is singular and has no inverse. |
Matrix |
Matrix.getTranspose() |
Matrix |
Matrix.multiply(Matrix matrix) |
Matrix |
Matrix.multiplyComponents(double value) |
Matrix |
Matrix.negate() |
Matrix |
Matrix.subtract(Matrix matrix) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Matrix |
Matrix.add(Matrix matrix) |
static void |
Matrix.computeEigensystemFromSymmetricMatrix3(Matrix matrix,
double[] outEigenvalues,
Vec4[] outEigenvectors)
Computes the eigensystem of the specified symmetric Matrix's upper 3x3 matrix.
Matrix |
Matrix.divideComponents(Matrix matrix) |
static Quaternion |
Quaternion.fromMatrix(Matrix matrix) |
static Frustum |
Frustum.fromProjectionMatrix(Matrix projectionMatrix)
Creates a frustum by extracting the six frustum planes from a projection matrix.
Matrix |
Matrix.multiply(Matrix matrix) |
Matrix |
Matrix.subtract(Matrix matrix) |
PickPointFrustum |
PickPointFrustum.transformBy(Matrix matrix)
Returns a copy of this PickPointFrustum which is transformed by the specified Matrix.
Frustum |
Frustum.transformBy(Matrix matrix)
Returns a copy of this frustum transformed by a specified
Matrix . |
Vec4 |
Vec4.transformBy3(Matrix matrix) |
Vec4 |
Matrix.transformBy3(Matrix matrix,
double x,
double y,
double z) |
Vec4 |
Vec4.transformBy4(Matrix matrix) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Matrix |
EllipsoidalGlobe.computeEllipsoidalOrientationAtPosition(Angle latitude,
Angle longitude,
double metersElevation) |
Matrix |
Globe.computeEllipsoidalOrientationAtPosition(Angle latitude,
Angle longitude,
double metersElevation)
Returns the cartesian transform matrix that maps local model coordinates to an ellipsoidal coordinate system at
(latitude, longitude, metersElevation).
Matrix |
EllipsoidalGlobe.computeModelCoordinateOriginTransform(Angle latitude,
Angle longitude,
double metersElevation) |
Matrix |
Globe.computeModelCoordinateOriginTransform(Angle latitude,
Angle longitude,
double metersElevation) |
Matrix |
EllipsoidalGlobe.computeModelCoordinateOriginTransform(Position position) |
Matrix |
Globe.computeModelCoordinateOriginTransform(Position position) |
Matrix |
EllipsoidalGlobe.computeSurfaceOrientationAtPosition(Angle latitude,
Angle longitude,
double metersElevation)
Returns the cartesian transform matrix that maps model coordinates to a local coordinate system at (latitude,
longitude, metersElevation).
Matrix |
FlatGlobe.computeSurfaceOrientationAtPosition(Angle latitude,
Angle longitude,
double metersElevation) |
Matrix |
Globe.computeSurfaceOrientationAtPosition(Angle latitude,
Angle longitude,
double metersElevation)
Returns the cartesian transform matrix that maps model coordinates to a local coordinate system at (latitude,
longitude, metersElevation).
Matrix |
EllipsoidalGlobe.computeSurfaceOrientationAtPosition(Position position)
Returns the cartesian transform matrix that maps model coordinates to a local coordinate system at (latitude,
longitude, metersElevation).
Matrix |
Globe.computeSurfaceOrientationAtPosition(Position position)
Returns the cartesian transform matrix that maps model coordinates to a local coordinate system at (latitude,
longitude, metersElevation).
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected Matrix |
Transform matrix computed from the document's scale and orientation.
protected Matrix |
Transform matrix for this node.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected Matrix |
Indicates the transform matrix applied to this document.
protected Matrix |
Indicates the transform matrix specified in this node.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected Matrix |
ColladaMeshShape.ExtentCacheKey.matrix |
protected Matrix |
Transform applied to this instance of the mesh.
protected Matrix |
Transform matrix to apply when rendering the shape.
protected Matrix |
Matrix to orient the shape on the surface of the globe.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected Stack<Matrix> |
Transform matrix stack.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected Matrix |
ColladaMeshShape.computeRenderMatrix(DrawContext dc)
Computes the transform to use during rendering to orient the model.
Matrix |
Returns the matrix at the top of the matrix stack, but does not modify the stack.
Matrix |
Removes the matrix at the top of the matrix stack.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
ColladaMeshShape.doDrawOrderedRenderable(DrawContext dc,
PickSupport pickCandidates,
Matrix matrix)
Draw the shape as an OrderedRenderable, using the specified transform matrix.
void |
ColladaTraversalContext.multiplyMatrix(Matrix m)
Multiply the matrix at the top of the stack with another matrix.
void |
ColladaMeshShape.pick(DrawContext dc,
Point pickPoint,
Matrix matrix)
Pick the mesh in a given orientation.
void |
ColladaTraversalContext.pushMatrix(Matrix m)
Push a matrix onto the stack.
void |
ColladaMeshShape.render(DrawContext dc,
Matrix matrix)
Render the mesh in a given orientation.
Constructor and Description |
ExtentCacheKey(Globe globe,
Matrix matrix) |
OrderedMeshShape(ColladaMeshShape mesh,
Matrix renderMatrix,
double eyeDistance)
Create a new ordered renderable.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected Matrix |
The rotation matrix for this shape data.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected Matrix |
FramebufferTexture.computeGeographicToCartesianTransform(Sector sector) |
Matrix |
RigidShape.computeRenderMatrix(DrawContext dc)
Computes the transform to use during rendering to convert the unit sphere geometry representation of this shape
to its correct shape location, orientation and scale
Matrix |
RigidShape.computeRenderMatrix(Globe globe,
double verticalExaggeration)
Computes the transform to use during rendering to convert the unit sphere geometry representation of this shape
to its correct shape location, orientation and scale
Matrix |
RigidShape.computeRenderMatrixInverse(Globe globe,
double verticalExaggeration)
Computes the inverse of the transform to use during rendering to convert the unit geometry representation of this
shape to its correct shape location, orientation and scale, essentially bringing the shape back into local
coordinate space.
protected Matrix |
Polygon.computeRotationMatrix(Globe globe) |
Matrix |
Returns this shape data's rotation matrix, if there is one.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
Polygon.computeBoundaryVertices(Terrain terrain,
Polygon.BoundaryInfo boundary,
Vec4 refPoint,
Matrix rotationMatrix)
Compute the vertices associated with a specified boundary.
protected Vec4 |
Polygon.computeReferencePoint(Terrain terrain,
Matrix rotationMatrix) |
protected FloatBuffer |
RigidShape.computeTransformedVertices(FloatBuffer vertices,
int numVertices,
Matrix matrix)
Transform all vertices with the provided matrix
protected void |
FramebufferTexture.drawQuad(DrawContext dc,
Matrix geoToCartesian,
int slices,
int stacks) |
List<Intersection> |
RigidShape.intersectFace(Line line,
int index,
Matrix renderMatrix)
Returns intersections of line with the ith face of this shape, Assumes we already know the line intersects the
shape somewhere (but perhaps not on this face)
void |
Polygon.ShapeData.setRotationMatrix(Matrix matrix)
Specifies this shape data's rotation matrix.
protected Vec4 |
FramebufferTexture.transformToQuadCoordinates(Matrix geoToCartesian,
LatLon latLon) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected Matrix |
CappedCylinder.computeEllipsoidalTransform(Globe globe,
double verticalExaggeration) |
protected Matrix |
Orbit.computeEllipsoidalTransform(Globe globe,
double verticalExaggeration) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected int |
Polygon.computeEllipsoidalPolygon(Globe globe,
List<? extends LatLon> locations,
List<Boolean> edgeFlags,
Vec4[] points,
Boolean[] edgeFlagArray,
Matrix[] transform) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected Matrix |
SurfaceTileDrawContext.modelview |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Matrix |
Returns a Matrix mapping geographic coordinates to pixels in the off-screen tile.
Matrix |
SurfaceTileDrawContext.getModelviewMatrix(LatLon referenceLocation)
Returns a Matrix mapping geographic coordinates to pixels in the off-screen tile.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static List<LatLon> |
ImageUtil.computeImageCorners(int imageWidth,
int imageHeight,
Matrix imageToGeographic)
Returns the geographic corners of an image with the specified dimensions, and a transform that maps image
coordinates to geographic coordinates.
static void |
ImageUtil.warpImageWithTransform(BufferedImage image,
BufferedImage canvas,
Matrix canvasToImageTransform)
Rasterizes the image into the canvas, given a transform that maps canvas coordinates to image coordinates.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected Matrix |
BasicView.modelview |
protected Matrix |
BasicView.modelviewInv |
protected Matrix |
BasicView.projection |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Matrix |
ViewUtil.computeModelViewMatrix(Globe globe,
Vec4 eyePoint,
Vec4 centerPoint,
Vec4 up) |
static Matrix |
ViewUtil.computePositionTransform(Globe globe,
Position center) |
static Matrix |
ViewUtil.computeTransformMatrix(Globe globe,
Position position,
Angle heading,
Angle pitch,
Angle roll) |
Matrix |
BasicView.getModelviewMatrix() |
Matrix |
BasicView.getProjectionMatrix() |
Matrix |
BasicView.pushReferenceCenter(DrawContext dc,
Vec4 referenceCenter) |
Matrix |
BasicView.setReferenceCenter(DrawContext dc,
Vec4 referenceCenter) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Angle |
ViewUtil.computeHeading(Matrix headingPitchZoomTransform) |
static ViewUtil.ViewState |
ViewUtil.computeModelCoordinates(Globe globe,
Matrix modelTransform,
Vec4 centerPoint,
Vec4 eyePoint) |
static Angle |
ViewUtil.computePitch(Matrix transform) |
static Position |
ViewUtil.computePosition(Globe globe,
Matrix transform) |
static Line |
ViewUtil.computeRayFromScreenPoint(View view,
double x,
double y,
Matrix modelview,
Matrix projection,
Rectangle viewport) |
static Angle |
ViewUtil.computeRoll(Matrix transform) |
static void |
BasicView.loadGLViewState(DrawContext dc,
Matrix modelview,
Matrix projection)
Sets the the opengl modelview and projection matrices to the given matrices.
static Vec4 |
ViewUtil.project(Vec4 modelPoint,
Matrix modelview,
Matrix projection,
Rectangle viewport)
Transforms a point in model coordinates to a point in screen coordinates.
Vec4 |
BasicView.project(Vec4 point,
Matrix modelview,
Matrix projection,
Rectangle viewport)
Transforms the specified object coordinates into window coordinates using the given modelview and projection
matrices, and viewport.
static Vec4 |
ViewUtil.unProject(Vec4 windowPoint,
Matrix modelview,
Matrix projection,
Rectangle viewport)
Transforms a point in screen coordinates to a point in model coordinates.
Vec4 |
BasicView.unProject(Vec4 windowPoint,
Matrix modelview,
Matrix projection,
Rectangle viewport)
Maps the given window coordinates into model coordinates using the given matrices and viewport.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Matrix |
BasicFlyView.getModelViewMatrix(Position eyePosition,
Position centerPosition) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected static Matrix |
OrbitViewInputSupport.computeCenterTransform(Globe globe,
Position center) |
protected static Matrix |
OrbitViewInputSupport.computeHeadingPitchRollZoomTransform(Angle heading,
Angle pitch,
Angle roll,
double zoom) |
static Matrix |
OrbitViewInputSupport.computeTransformMatrix(Globe globe,
Position center,
Angle heading,
Angle pitch,
Angle roll,
double zoom) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static OrbitViewInputSupport.OrbitViewState |
OrbitViewInputSupport.computeOrbitViewState(Globe globe,
Matrix modelTransform,
Vec4 centerPoint) |
protected static double |
OrbitViewInputSupport.computeZoom(Matrix headingPitchZoomTransform) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
SegmentPlaneRenderer.drawBorder(DrawContext dc,
SegmentPlaneRenderer.RenderInfo renderInfo,
Matrix modelview,
double radius,
double height) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected Matrix |
ViewVolumeRenderer.OrderedViewVolume.modelview |
protected Matrix |
ViewVolumeRenderer.OrderedViewVolume.projection |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
ViewVolumeRenderer.draw(DrawContext dc,
Matrix modelview,
Matrix projection,
Rectangle viewport) |
protected void |
ViewVolumeRenderer.drawAxes(DrawContext dc,
Matrix modelview) |
protected void |
ViewVolumeRenderer.drawClipVolume(DrawContext dc,
Matrix modelview,
Matrix projection,
Rectangle viewport) |
protected static void |
ViewVolumeRenderer.drawVolume(DrawContext dc,
Matrix modelview,
Matrix projection,
Rectangle viewport) |
void |
ViewVolumeRenderer.render(DrawContext dc,
Matrix modelview,
Matrix projection,
Rectangle viewport) |
protected Iterable<ExtentVisibilitySupport.ScreenExtent> |
ExtentVisibilitySupport.translateScreenExtents(Iterable<? extends ExtentVisibilitySupport.ScreenExtent> screenExtents,
Matrix oldModelview,
Matrix newModelview,
Matrix projection,
Rectangle viewport) |
protected static Vec4 |
ViewVolumeRenderer.worldPointFromScreenPoint(DrawContext dc,
Rectangle viewport,
Matrix modelview,
Matrix projection,
Vec4 screenPoint) |
Constructor and Description |
OrderedViewVolume(Matrix modelview,
Matrix projection,
Rectangle viewport) |