Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected DrawContext |
AbstractSceneController.dc |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
DrawContext |
AbstractSceneController.getDrawContext() |
DrawContext |
Returns the current draw context.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
View.apply(DrawContext dc)
Calculates and applies this
View's internal state to the graphics context in the specified
dc . |
protected void |
AbstractSceneController.applyView(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
AbstractSceneController.buildCompositeSurfaceObjects(DrawContext dc)
Builds a composite representation for all
SurfaceObject instances in the draw
context's ordered surface renderable queue. |
protected void |
AbstractSceneController.checkGLErrors(DrawContext dc)
Called to check for openGL errors.
protected void |
AbstractSceneController.clearFrame(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
AbstractSceneController.createPickFrustum(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
AbstractSceneController.createTerrain(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
BasicSceneController.createTerrain2DContinuous(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
BasicSceneController.do2DContiguousRepaint(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
AbstractSceneController.doDeepPick(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
StereoOptionSceneController.doDrawStereoNone(DrawContext dc)
Implement no stereo ("Mono") while using a stereo device.
protected void |
StereoOptionSceneController.doDrawStereoRedBlue(DrawContext dc)
Implement stereo using the red-blue anaglyph technique.
protected void |
StereoOptionSceneController.doDrawToStereoDevice(DrawContext dc)
Implement stereo using the stereo-enabled graphics device.
protected void |
AbstractSceneController.doNonTerrainPick(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
BasicSceneController.doNormalRepaint(DrawContext dc) |
void |
BasicSceneController.doRepaint(DrawContext dc) |
protected abstract void |
AbstractSceneController.doRepaint(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
AbstractSceneController.doResolveTopPick(DrawContext dc,
Point pickPoint) |
protected void |
AbstractSceneController.doResolveTopPick(DrawContext dc,
Rectangle pickRect) |
protected void |
AbstractSceneController.draw(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
StereoOptionSceneController.draw(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
BasicSceneController.draw2DContiguous(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
AbstractSceneController.drawCompositeSurfaceObjects(DrawContext dc)
Causes the scene controller to draw the composite representation of all
SurfaceObject instances in the draw context's ordered surface renderable queue. |
protected void |
AbstractSceneController.drawOrderedSurfaceRenderables(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
AbstractSceneController.finalizeFrame(DrawContext dc) |
protected Point |
AbstractSceneController.getViewportCenter(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
AbstractSceneController.initializeDrawContext(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
AbstractSceneController.initializeFrame(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
BasicSceneController.makeCurrent(DrawContext dc,
int offset) |
protected void |
AbstractSceneController.pick(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
BasicSceneController.pick2DContiguous(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
AbstractSceneController.pickLayers(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
AbstractSceneController.pickOrderedSurfaceRenderables(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
AbstractSceneController.pickTerrain(DrawContext dc) |
void |
View.popReferenceCenter(DrawContext dc)
Removes the model-view matrix on top of the matrix stack, and restores the original matrix.
protected void |
AbstractSceneController.preRender(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
BasicSceneController.preRender2DContiguous(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
AbstractSceneController.preRenderOrderedSurfaceRenderables(DrawContext dc) |
Matrix |
View.pushReferenceCenter(DrawContext dc,
Vec4 referenceCenter)
Defines and applies a new model-view matrix in which the world origin is located at
referenceCenter . |
protected void |
AbstractSceneController.resolveTopPick(DrawContext dc) |
Matrix |
View.setReferenceCenter(DrawContext dc,
Vec4 referenceCenter)
Sets the reference center matrix without pushing the stack.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ShapeDataCache.ShapeDataCacheEntry.adjustTimer(DrawContext dc,
double newEyeDistance)
Adjust the timer's expiration time by comparing the cached eye distance to the current eye distance.
boolean |
ShapeDataCache.ShapeDataCacheEntry.isExpired(DrawContext dc)
Indicates whether this entry has expired.
boolean |
ShapeDataCache.ShapeDataCacheEntry.isValid(DrawContext dc)
Indicates whether this shape data's globe state and vertical exaggeration are the same as that in the current
draw context.
void |
ShapeDataCache.ShapeDataCacheEntry.restartTimer(DrawContext dc)
Resets the timer to the current time.
Constructor and Description |
ShapeDataCacheEntry(DrawContext dc,
long minExpiryTime,
long maxExpiryTime)
Constructs an entry using the globe and vertical exaggeration of a specified draw context.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
double |
Sector.distanceTo(DrawContext dc,
Vec4 point)
Returns an approximation of the distance in model coordinates between the surface geometry defined by this sector
and the specified model coordinate point.
protected void |
Box.drawBox(DrawContext dc,
Vec4 a,
Vec4 b,
Vec4 c,
Vec4 d) |
protected void |
Box.drawOutline(DrawContext dc,
Vec4 a,
Vec4 b,
Vec4 c,
Vec4 d) |
void |
Cylinder.render(DrawContext dc)
Display the cylinder.
void |
Sphere.render(DrawContext dc)
Causes this
Sphere to render itself using the DrawContext provided. |
void |
Box.render(DrawContext dc)
Draws a representation of the
Box . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
GlobeStateKey |
EllipsoidalGlobe.getGlobeStateKey(DrawContext dc) |
GlobeStateKey |
FlatGlobe.getGlobeStateKey(DrawContext dc) |
GlobeStateKey |
Globe.getGlobeStateKey(DrawContext dc)
Returns a typed state key identifying this globe's current configuration.
Object |
EllipsoidalGlobe.getStateKey(DrawContext dc) |
Object |
FlatGlobe.getStateKey(DrawContext dc) |
Object |
Globe.getStateKey(DrawContext dc)
Returns a state key identifying this globe's current configuration.
SectorGeometryList |
EllipsoidalGlobe.tessellate(DrawContext dc) |
SectorGeometryList |
Globe.tessellate(DrawContext dc)
Tessellate this globe for the currently visible region.
Constructor and Description |
StateKey(DrawContext dc) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
ScalebarLayer.addOrderedImage(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
TiledImageLayer.addTile(DrawContext dc,
TextureTile tile) |
protected void |
TiledImageLayer.addTileOrDescendants(DrawContext dc,
TextureTile tile) |
protected void |
SkyGradientLayer.applyDrawProjection(DrawContext dc,
OGLStackHandler ogsh) |
protected void |
SkyGradientLayer.applyDrawTransform(DrawContext dc,
OGLStackHandler ogsh) |
void |
TextureTile.applyInternalTransform(DrawContext dc,
boolean textureIdentityActive) |
protected void |
TextureTile.applyResourceTextureTransform(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
TiledImageLayer.assembleTiles(DrawContext dc) |
protected boolean |
TiledImageLayer.atMaxLevel(DrawContext dc) |
boolean |
TextureTile.bind(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
TiledImageLayer.checkTextureExpiration(DrawContext dc,
List<TextureTile> tiles) |
protected void |
GARSGraticuleLayer.clear(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
AbstractGraticuleLayer.clear(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
LatLonGraticuleLayer.clear(DrawContext dc) |
protected double |
AbstractGraticuleLayer.computeAltitudeAboveGround(DrawContext dc) |
protected Position |
TerrainProfileLayer.computeCursorPosition(DrawContext dc) |
protected Position |
WorldMapLayer.computeGroundPosition(DrawContext dc,
View view)
Compute the lat/lon position of the view center
protected LatLon |
AbstractGraticuleLayer.computeLabelOffset(DrawContext dc) |
protected Position |
WorldMapLayer.computePickPosition(DrawContext dc,
Vec4 locationSW,
Dimension mapSize)
Computes the lat/lon of the pickPoint over the world map
protected Position |
TerrainProfileLayer.computePickPosition(DrawContext dc,
Vec4 locationSW,
Dimension mapSize)
Computes the Position of the pickPoint over the graph and updates pickedSample indice
protected double |
ScalebarLayer.computePixelSize(DrawContext dc,
Position referencePosition) |
protected void |
TerrainProfileLayer.computeProfile(DrawContext dc)
Compute the terrain profile.
protected Vec4 |
TiledImageLayer.computeReferencePoint(DrawContext dc) |
protected double |
AbstractGraticuleLayer.computeTerrainConformance(DrawContext dc) |
protected Position |
TerrainProfileLayer.computeViewCenterPosition(DrawContext dc) |
protected ArrayList<LatLon> |
WorldMapLayer.computeViewFootPrint(DrawContext dc,
int steps)
Compute the view range footprint on the globe.
protected void |
CachedRenderableLayer.doPick(DrawContext dc,
Iterable<? extends Renderable> renderables,
Point pickPoint) |
protected void |
RenderableLayer.doPick(DrawContext dc,
Iterable<? extends Renderable> renderables,
Point pickPoint) |
void |
ScalebarLayer.doPick(DrawContext dc,
Point pickPoint) |
protected void |
IconLayer.doPick(DrawContext dc,
Point pickPoint) |
protected void |
AirspaceLayer.doPick(DrawContext dc,
Point pickPoint)
protected void |
AnnotationLayer.doPick(DrawContext dc,
Point pickPoint) |
void |
WorldMapLayer.doPick(DrawContext dc,
Point pickPoint) |
protected void |
AbstractLayer.doPick(DrawContext dc,
Point point) |
protected void |
MarkerLayer.doPick(DrawContext dc,
Point pickPoint) |
protected void |
CompassLayer.doPick(DrawContext dc,
Point pickPoint) |
protected void |
CachedRenderableLayer.doPick(DrawContext dc,
Point pickPoint) |
protected void |
RenderableLayer.doPick(DrawContext dc,
Point pickPoint) |
void |
TerrainProfileLayer.doPick(DrawContext dc,
Point pickPoint) |
protected void |
AbstractLayer.doPreRender(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
CachedRenderableLayer.doPreRender(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
RenderableLayer.doPreRender(DrawContext dc) |
void |
AbstractGraticuleLayer.doPreRender(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
CachedRenderableLayer.doPreRender(DrawContext dc,
Iterable<? extends Renderable> renderables) |
protected void |
RenderableLayer.doPreRender(DrawContext dc,
Iterable<? extends Renderable> renderables) |
protected void |
CrosshairLayer.doRender(DrawContext dc) |
void |
ScalebarLayer.doRender(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
IconLayer.doRender(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
AirspaceLayer.doRender(DrawContext dc)
protected void |
AnnotationLayer.doRender(DrawContext dc) |
void |
SkyColorLayer.doRender(DrawContext dc) |
void |
WorldMapLayer.doRender(DrawContext dc) |
protected abstract void |
AbstractLayer.doRender(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
TiledImageLayer.doRender(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
MarkerLayer.doRender(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
CompassLayer.doRender(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
CachedRenderableLayer.doRender(DrawContext dc) |
void |
ViewControlsLayer.doRender(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
RenderableLayer.doRender(DrawContext dc) |
void |
StarsLayer.doRender(DrawContext dc) |
void |
AbstractGraticuleLayer.doRender(DrawContext dc) |
void |
TerrainProfileLayer.doRender(DrawContext dc) |
void |
SkyGradientLayer.doRender(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
CachedRenderableLayer.doRender(DrawContext dc,
Iterable<? extends Renderable> renderables) |
protected void |
RenderableLayer.doRender(DrawContext dc,
Iterable<? extends Renderable> renderables) |
protected void |
TiledImageLayer.draw(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
CompassLayer.draw(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
MarkerLayer.draw(DrawContext dc,
Point pickPoint) |
void |
ScalebarLayer.draw(DrawContext dc,
ScalebarLayer.OrderedImage orderedImage) |
protected void |
TiledImageLayer.drawBoundingVolumes(DrawContext dc,
ArrayList<TextureTile> tiles) |
protected void |
TerrainProfileLayer.drawFilledRectangle(DrawContext dc,
Vec4 origin,
Dimension dimension,
Color color) |
protected void |
TerrainProfileLayer.drawGraph(DrawContext dc,
Dimension dimension) |
protected void |
TerrainProfileLayer.drawGrid(DrawContext dc,
Dimension dimension) |
protected void |
TerrainProfileLayer.drawGUI(DrawContext dc,
Dimension dimension) |
protected void |
TerrainProfileLayer.drawHorizontalLine(DrawContext dc,
Dimension dimension,
double y) |
protected void |
WorldMapLayer.drawIcon(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
TerrainProfileLayer.drawLabel(DrawContext dc,
String text,
Vec4 screenPoint,
int align) |
protected void |
TerrainProfileLayer.drawLine(DrawContext dc,
double x1,
double y1,
double x2,
double y2) |
void |
TerrainProfileLayer.drawProfile(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
SkyGradientLayer.drawSkyDome(DrawContext dc,
float radius,
double startLat,
double endLat,
int slices,
int stacks,
float zenithOpacity,
float gradientBias)
Draws the sky dome
protected void |
TiledImageLayer.drawTileIDs(DrawContext dc,
ArrayList<TextureTile> tiles) |
protected void |
TerrainProfileLayer.drawVerticalLine(DrawContext dc,
Dimension dimension,
double x) |
protected boolean |
StarsLayer.drawWithVBO(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
StarsLayer.drawWithVertexArray(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
StarsLayer.fillVbo(DrawContext dc)
Creates and fills this layer's vertex buffer.
protected Iterable<WWIcon> |
IconLayer.getActiveIcons(DrawContext dc)
Returns the Iterable of currently active Icons.
Extent |
TextureTile.getExtent(DrawContext dc) |
protected Vec4 |
TiledImageLayer.getReferencePoint(DrawContext dc) |
double |
GARSGraticuleLayer.GraticuleTile.getSizeInPixels(DrawContext dc) |
double |
LatLonGraticuleLayer.GraticuleTile.getSizeInPixels(DrawContext dc) |
protected Vec4 |
AbstractGraticuleLayer.getSurfacePoint(DrawContext dc,
Angle latitude,
Angle longitude) |
protected ArrayList<GARSGraticuleLayer.GraticuleTile> |
GARSGraticuleLayer.getVisibleTiles(DrawContext dc) |
protected ArrayList<LatLonGraticuleLayer.GraticuleTile> |
LatLonGraticuleLayer.getVisibleTiles(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
ViewControlsLayer.initialize(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
TerrainProfileLayer.initialize(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
WorldMapLayer.initializeTexture(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
CompassLayer.initializeTexture(DrawContext dc) |
protected Texture |
TextureTile.initializeTexture(DrawContext dc) |
boolean |
GARSGraticuleLayer.GraticuleTile.isInView(DrawContext dc) |
boolean |
AbstractGraticuleLayer.GridElement.isInView(DrawContext dc) |
boolean |
LatLonGraticuleLayer.GraticuleTile.isInView(DrawContext dc) |
boolean |
AbstractGraticuleLayer.GridElement.isInView(DrawContext dc,
Sector vs) |
boolean |
Layer.isLayerActive(DrawContext dc)
Indicates whether the layer is active based on arbitrary criteria.
boolean |
AbstractLayer.isLayerActive(DrawContext dc) |
boolean |
Layer.isLayerInView(DrawContext dc)
Indicates whether the layer is in the view.
boolean |
AbstractLayer.isLayerInView(DrawContext dc) |
boolean |
TiledImageLayer.isLayerInView(DrawContext dc) |
protected boolean |
TiledImageLayer.isTileVisible(DrawContext dc,
TextureTile tile) |
protected void |
TiledImageLayer.loadAllTopLevelTextures(DrawContext dc) |
protected boolean |
TiledImageLayer.meetsRenderCriteria(DrawContext dc,
TextureTile tile) |
protected boolean |
AbstractGraticuleLayer.needsToUpdate(DrawContext dc)
Determines whether the grid should be updated.
protected boolean |
TiledImageLayer.needToSplit(DrawContext dc,
Sector sector,
Level level) |
void |
ScalebarLayer.OrderedImage.pick(DrawContext dc,
Point pickPoint) |
void |
Layer.pick(DrawContext dc,
Point pickPoint)
Cause the layer to perform picking, which determines whether the object or its components intersect a given point
on the screen.
void |
WorldMapLayer.OrderedIcon.pick(DrawContext dc,
Point pickPoint) |
void |
AbstractLayer.pick(DrawContext dc,
Point point) |
void |
CompassLayer.OrderedIcon.pick(DrawContext dc,
Point pickPoint) |
void |
TerrainProfileLayer.OrderedIcon.pick(DrawContext dc,
Point pickPoint) |
void |
Layer.preRender(DrawContext dc)
Causes the layer to perform any actions necessary to subsequently render the layer.
void |
AbstractLayer.preRender(DrawContext dc) |
void |
ScalebarLayer.OrderedImage.render(DrawContext dc) |
void |
Layer.render(DrawContext dc)
Cause the layer to draw its representation.
void |
WorldMapLayer.OrderedIcon.render(DrawContext dc) |
void |
AbstractLayer.render(DrawContext dc) |
void |
TiledImageLayer.render(DrawContext dc) |
void |
CompassLayer.OrderedIcon.render(DrawContext dc) |
void |
TerrainProfileLayer.OrderedIcon.render(DrawContext dc) |
void |
GraticuleSupport.render(DrawContext dc) |
void |
GraticuleSupport.render(DrawContext dc,
double opacity) |
protected void |
AbstractGraticuleLayer.renderGraticule(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
BasicTiledImageLayer.requestTexture(DrawContext dc,
TextureTile tile) |
protected abstract void |
TiledImageLayer.requestTexture(DrawContext dc,
TextureTile tile) |
protected void |
GARSGraticuleLayer.selectRenderables(DrawContext dc)
Select the visible grid elements
void |
GARSGraticuleLayer.GraticuleTile.selectRenderables(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
AbstractGraticuleLayer.selectRenderables(DrawContext dc)
Select the visible grid elements
protected void |
LatLonGraticuleLayer.selectRenderables(DrawContext dc)
Select the visible grid elements
void |
LatLonGraticuleLayer.GraticuleTile.selectRenderables(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
TiledImageLayer.setBlendingFunction(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
TextureTile.setTextureParameters(DrawContext dc,
Texture t) |
protected void |
ViewControlsLayer.updatePositions(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
SkyGradientLayer.updateSkyDome(DrawContext dc) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
MGRSGraticuleLayer.clear(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
UTMGraticuleLayer.clear(DrawContext dc) |
protected Sector |
MGRSGraticuleLayer.computeVisibleSector(DrawContext dc) |
void |
UTMBaseGraticuleLayer.MetricScaleSupport.computeZone(DrawContext dc) |
double |
UTMGraticuleLayer.GraticuleTile.getSizeInPixels(DrawContext dc) |
protected ArrayList<UTMGraticuleLayer.GraticuleTile> |
UTMGraticuleLayer.getVisibleTiles(DrawContext dc) |
boolean |
UTMBaseGraticuleLayer.SquareGrid.isInView(DrawContext dc) |
boolean |
UTMGraticuleLayer.GraticuleTile.isInView(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
MGRSGraticuleLayer.selectMGRSRenderables(DrawContext dc,
Sector vs) |
protected void |
MGRSGraticuleLayer.selectRenderables(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
UTMBaseGraticuleLayer.selectRenderables(DrawContext dc)
Select the visible grid elements
void |
UTMBaseGraticuleLayer.MetricScaleSupport.selectRenderables(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
UTMGraticuleLayer.selectRenderables(DrawContext dc) |
void |
UTMGraticuleLayer.GraticuleTile.selectRenderables(DrawContext dc) |
void |
UTMBaseGraticuleLayer.SquareZone.selectRenderables(DrawContext dc,
Sector vs) |
void |
UTMBaseGraticuleLayer.SquareGrid.selectRenderables(DrawContext dc,
Sector vs) |
protected void |
UTMGraticuleLayer.selectUTMRenderables(DrawContext dc)
Select the visible grid elements
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
MercatorTiledImageLayer.doRender(DrawContext dc) |
boolean |
MercatorTiledImageLayer.isLayerInView(DrawContext dc) |
void |
MercatorTiledImageLayer.render(DrawContext dc) |
protected abstract void |
MercatorTiledImageLayer.requestTexture(DrawContext dc,
MercatorTextureTile tile) |
protected void |
BasicMercatorTiledImageLayer.requestTexture(DrawContext dc,
MercatorTextureTile tile) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected Vec4 |
PlaceNameLayer.computeReferencePoint(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
PlaceNameLayer.doRender(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
PlaceNameLayer.drawOrRequestTile(DrawContext dc,
PlaceNameLayer.Tile tile,
double minDisplayDistanceSquared,
double maxDisplayDistanceSquared) |
Extent |
PlaceNameService.getExtent(DrawContext dc) |
protected static boolean |
PlaceNameLayer.isNameVisible(DrawContext dc,
PlaceNameService service,
Position namePosition) |
protected boolean |
PlaceNameLayer.NavigationTile.isNavSectorVisible(DrawContext dc,
double minDistanceSquared,
double maxDistanceSquared) |
protected static boolean |
PlaceNameLayer.isSectorVisible(DrawContext dc,
Sector sector,
double minDistanceSquared,
double maxDistanceSquared) |
protected static boolean |
PlaceNameLayer.isServiceVisible(DrawContext dc,
PlaceNameService placeNameService) |
protected static boolean |
PlaceNameLayer.isTileVisible(DrawContext dc,
PlaceNameLayer.Tile tile,
double minDistanceSquared,
double maxDistanceSquared) |
protected Iterable<GeographicText> |
PlaceNameLayer.PlaceNameChunk.makeIterable(DrawContext dc) |
List<PlaceNameLayer.NavigationTile> |
PlaceNameLayer.NavigationTile.navTilesVisible(DrawContext dc,
double minDistSquared,
double maxDistSquared) |
protected void |
PlaceNameLayer.requestTile(DrawContext dc,
PlaceNameLayer.Tile tile) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
RPFTiledImageLayer.requestTexture(DrawContext dc,
TextureTile tile) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ColladaRoot.preRender(ColladaTraversalContext tc,
DrawContext dc)
Pre-Render this element.
void |
ColladaInstanceNode.preRender(ColladaTraversalContext tc,
DrawContext dc)
Pre-Render this element.
void |
ColladaVisualScene.preRender(ColladaTraversalContext tc,
DrawContext dc)
Pre-Render this element.
void |
ColladaInstanceVisualScene.preRender(ColladaTraversalContext tc,
DrawContext dc)
Pre-Render this element.
void |
ColladaScene.preRender(ColladaTraversalContext tc,
DrawContext dc)
Pre-Render this element.
void |
ColladaNode.preRender(ColladaTraversalContext tc,
DrawContext dc)
Pre-Render this element.
void |
ColladaRoot.render(ColladaTraversalContext tc,
DrawContext dc)
Render this element.
void |
ColladaInstanceNode.render(ColladaTraversalContext tc,
DrawContext dc)
Render this element.
void |
ColladaVisualScene.render(ColladaTraversalContext tc,
DrawContext dc)
Render this element.
void |
ColladaInstanceVisualScene.render(ColladaTraversalContext tc,
DrawContext dc)
Render this element.
void |
ColladaScene.render(ColladaTraversalContext tc,
DrawContext dc)
Render this element.
void |
ColladaNode.render(ColladaTraversalContext tc,
DrawContext dc)
Render this element.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
ColladaMeshShape.addOrderedRenderable(DrawContext dc)
Adds this shape to the draw context's ordered renderable list.
protected void |
ColladaMeshShape.applyMaterial(DrawContext dc,
Material material)
Apply a material to the active draw context.
protected OGLStackHandler |
ColladaMeshShape.beginDrawing(DrawContext dc,
int attrMask) |
protected Extent |
ColladaMeshShape.computeExtent(DrawContext dc)
Compute the shape's extent, using the active orientation matrix.
protected double |
ColladaMeshShape.computeEyeDistance(DrawContext dc)
Computes the minimum distance between this shape and the eye point.
protected Vec4 |
ColladaMeshShape.computeReferenceCenter(DrawContext dc)
Computes this shape's reference center.
protected Matrix |
ColladaMeshShape.computeRenderMatrix(DrawContext dc)
Computes the transform to use during rendering to orient the model.
protected AbstractShape.AbstractShapeData |
ColladaMeshShape.createCacheEntry(DrawContext dc)
Creates and returns a new cache entry specific to the subclass.
protected void |
ColladaMeshShape.createFullGeometry(DrawContext dc)
Create full geometry for the shape, including normals and texture coordinates.
protected void |
ColladaMeshShape.createMinimalGeometry(DrawContext dc,
ColladaMeshShape.ShapeData shapeData)
Compute enough geometry to determine this shape's extent, reference point and eye distance.
protected void |
ColladaMeshShape.createVertexCoords(DrawContext dc)
Create the shape's vertex coordinates.
protected void |
ColladaMeshShape.doDrawInterior(DrawContext dc)
Draws this shape's interior.
protected void |
ColladaMeshShape.doDrawInteriorVA(DrawContext dc,
ColladaMeshShape.Geometry geometry)
Draw one geometry in the mesh interior using vertex arrays.
protected void |
ColladaMeshShape.doDrawInteriorVBO(DrawContext dc,
ColladaMeshShape.Geometry geometry,
int[] vboIds)
Draw one geometry in the mesh interior using vertex buffer objects.
protected void |
ColladaMeshShape.doDrawOrderedRenderable(DrawContext dc,
PickSupport pickCandidates,
Matrix matrix)
Draw the shape as an OrderedRenderable, using the specified transform matrix.
protected void |
ColladaMeshShape.doDrawOutline(DrawContext dc)
Draws this shape's outline.
protected boolean |
ColladaMeshShape.doMakeOrderedRenderable(DrawContext dc)
Produces the geometry and other state necessary to represent this shape as an ordered renderable.
protected void |
ColladaMeshShape.drawBatched(DrawContext dc)
Draws this ordered renderable and all subsequent Path ordered renderables in the ordered renderable list.
protected void |
ColladaMeshShape.fillVBO(DrawContext dc)
Fill this shape's vertex buffer objects.
protected boolean |
ColladaMeshShape.isOrderedRenderableValid(DrawContext dc)
Determines whether this shape's ordered renderable state is valid and can be rendered.
protected boolean |
ColladaMeshShape.mustApplyTexture(DrawContext dc)
Indicates whether texture should be applied to this shape.
void |
ColladaMeshShape.OrderedMeshShape.pick(DrawContext dc,
Point pickPoint) |
void |
ColladaMeshShape.pick(DrawContext dc,
Point pickPoint,
Matrix matrix)
Pick the mesh in a given orientation.
void |
ColladaRenderable.preRender(ColladaTraversalContext tc,
DrawContext dc)
Pre-Render this element.
void |
ColladaController.preRender(DrawContext dc) |
void |
ColladaRenderable.render(ColladaTraversalContext tc,
DrawContext dc)
Render this element.
void |
ColladaMeshShape.OrderedMeshShape.render(DrawContext dc) |
void |
ColladaController.render(DrawContext dc)
Causes this
Renderable to render itself using the provided draw context. |
void |
ColladaMeshShape.render(DrawContext dc,
Matrix matrix)
Render the mesh in a given orientation.
protected void |
ColladaMeshShape.setModelViewMatrix(DrawContext dc)
Called during drawing to set the modelview matrix to apply the correct position, scale and orientation for this
Constructor and Description |
ShapeData(DrawContext dc,
AbstractGeneralShape shape)
Construct a cache entry for this shape.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
KMLAbstractContainer.beginRendering(KMLTraversalContext tc,
DrawContext dc)
Prepares this KML container for rendering.
protected String |
KMLLink.buildQueryString(DrawContext dc)
This returns the concatenation of the query part of
href (if any), the viewFormat and
the httpQuery to form the link URL's query part. |
protected Sector |
KMLLink.computeVisibleBounds(DrawContext dc)
Returns a
Sector that specifies the current visible bounds on the globe. |
protected KMLRegion.RegionData |
KMLRegion.createCacheEntry(DrawContext dc)
Creates and returns a new
RegionData instance specific to this Region instance. |
protected void |
KMLRegion.doMakeAbsoluteRegionData(DrawContext dc,
KMLLatLonAltBox box)
Produces the
Extent and the Sector for this Region. |
protected void |
KMLRegion.doMakeClampToGroundRegionData(DrawContext dc,
KMLLatLonAltBox box)
Produces the
Extent and the Sector for this Region. |
protected void |
KMLRegion.doMakeRegionData(DrawContext dc)
Produces the data used to determine whether this Region is active for the specified
DrawContext . |
protected void |
KMLRegion.doMakeRelativeToGroundRegionData(DrawContext dc,
KMLLatLonAltBox box)
Produces the
Extent and the Sector for this Region. |
protected void |
KMLPlacemark.doPreRender(KMLTraversalContext tc,
DrawContext dc)
Pre-renders the placemark geometry represented by this
KMLPlacemark . |
protected void |
KMLNetworkLink.doPreRender(KMLTraversalContext tc,
DrawContext dc)
Pre-renders the network resource referenced by this
KMLNetworkLink . |
protected void |
KMLGroundOverlay.doPreRender(KMLTraversalContext tc,
DrawContext dc)
Pre-renders the ground overlay geometry represented by this
KMLGroundOverlay . |
protected void |
KMLScreenOverlay.doPreRender(KMLTraversalContext tc,
DrawContext dc)
Pre-renders the screen overlay geometry represented by this
KMLScreenOverlay . |
protected void |
KMLAbstractContainer.doPreRender(KMLTraversalContext tc,
DrawContext dc)
Pre-renders the KML features held by this
KMLAbstractContainer . |
protected void |
KMLAbstractFeature.doPreRender(KMLTraversalContext tc,
DrawContext dc)
Called from
preRender if this KMLAbstractFeature 's visibility is not set
to false . |
protected void |
KMLPlacemark.doRender(KMLTraversalContext tc,
DrawContext dc)
Renders the placemark geometry represented by this
KMLGroundOverlay . |
protected void |
KMLNetworkLink.doRender(KMLTraversalContext tc,
DrawContext dc)
Renders the network resource referenced by this
KMLNetworkLink . |
protected void |
KMLGroundOverlay.doRender(KMLTraversalContext tc,
DrawContext dc)
Renders the ground overlay geometry represented by this
KMLGroundOverlay . |
protected void |
KMLScreenOverlay.doRender(KMLTraversalContext tc,
DrawContext dc)
Renders the screen overlay geometry represented by this
KMLScreenOverlay . |
protected void |
KMLAbstractContainer.doRender(KMLTraversalContext tc,
DrawContext dc)
Renders the KML features held by this
KMLAbstractContainer . |
protected void |
KMLAbstractFeature.doRender(KMLTraversalContext tc,
DrawContext dc)
Called from
render if this KMLAbstractFeature 's visibility is not set to
false . |
protected void |
KMLAbstractContainer.endRendering(KMLTraversalContext tc,
DrawContext dc)
Restores any rendering state changed during rendering.
String |
KMLLink.getAddress(DrawContext dc)
Returns the address of the resource specified by this KML link.
protected boolean |
KMLRegion.intersectsFrustum(DrawContext dc)
Indicates whether this Region intersects the viewing frustum for the specified
DrawContext . |
boolean |
KMLRegion.isActive(KMLTraversalContext tc,
DrawContext dc)
Indicates whether this Region is active on the specified
DrawContext . |
protected boolean |
KMLNetworkLink.isFeatureActive(KMLTraversalContext tc,
DrawContext dc)
Indicates whether this
KMLAbstractContainer is active and should be rendered on the specified
DrawContext . |
protected boolean |
KMLAbstractContainer.isFeatureActive(KMLTraversalContext tc,
DrawContext dc)
Indicates whether this
KMLAbstractContainer is active and should be rendered on the specified
DrawContext . |
protected boolean |
KMLAbstractFeature.isFeatureActive(KMLTraversalContext tc,
DrawContext dc)
Indicates whether this
KMLAbstractFeature is active and should be rendered on the specified
DrawContext . |
protected boolean |
KMLRegion.isRegionActive(KMLTraversalContext tc,
DrawContext dc)
Indicates whether this Region is active on the specified
DrawContext . |
protected boolean |
KMLRegion.isRegionVisible(DrawContext dc)
Indicates whether this Region is visible for the specified
DrawContext . |
protected void |
KMLRegion.makeRegionData(DrawContext dc)
Produces the data used to determine whether this Region is active for the specified
DrawContext . |
protected boolean |
KMLRegion.meetsAbsoluteLodCriteria(KMLTraversalContext tc,
DrawContext dc,
KMLLod lod)
Indicates whether the specified
DrawContext meets this Region's level of detail criteria. |
protected boolean |
KMLRegion.meetsClampToGroundLodCriteria(KMLTraversalContext tc,
DrawContext dc,
KMLLod lod)
Indicates whether the specified
DrawContext meets this Region's level of detail criteria. |
protected boolean |
KMLRegion.meetsLodCriteria(KMLTraversalContext tc,
DrawContext dc)
Indicates whether the specified
DrawContext meets this Region's level of detail criteria. |
protected boolean |
KMLRegion.meetsRelativeToGroundLodCriteria(KMLTraversalContext tc,
DrawContext dc,
KMLLod lod)
Indicates whether the specified
DrawContext meets this Region's level of detail criteria. |
protected boolean |
KMLRegion.meetsScreenAreaCriteria(DrawContext dc,
KMLLod lod)
Indicates whether this Region's projected screen area on the specified
DrawContext is in the range
specified by lod . |
protected boolean |
KMLRegion.mustRegenerateData(DrawContext dc)
Indicates whether this Region's data must be recomputed, either as a result of a change in the
Globe's state or the expiration of the geometry regeneration interval. |
void |
KMLRoot.preRender(KMLTraversalContext tc,
DrawContext dc) |
void |
KMLAbstractFeature.preRender(KMLTraversalContext tc,
DrawContext dc)
Pre-render this element.
protected void |
KMLAbstractContainer.preRenderFeatures(KMLTraversalContext tc,
DrawContext dc)
PreRenders this KML container's list of KML features, in the order they appear in the list.
void |
KMLRoot.render(KMLTraversalContext tc,
DrawContext dc) |
void |
KMLAbstractFeature.render(KMLTraversalContext tc,
DrawContext dc)
Render this element.
protected void |
KMLAbstractFeature.renderBalloon(KMLTraversalContext tc,
DrawContext dc)
Draws the
associated with this KML feature. |
protected void |
KMLAbstractContainer.renderFeatures(KMLTraversalContext tc,
DrawContext dc)
Draws this KML container's list of KML features, in the order they appear in the list.
protected void |
KMLNetworkLink.requestResource(DrawContext dc)
Thread's off a task to determine whether the resource is local or remote and then retrieves it either from disk
cache or a remote server.
Constructor and Description |
RegionData(DrawContext dc,
long minExpiryTime,
long maxExpiryTime)
Constructs a new
RegionData entry from the Globe and vertical exaggeration of a
specified draw context. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
KMLSurfacePolygonImpl.applyRotation(DrawContext dc)
Apply a rotation to the corner points of the overlay.
protected void |
KMLSurfaceImageImpl.applyRotation(DrawContext dc)
Apply a rotation to the corner points of the overlay.
protected PickedObject |
KMLSurfacePolygonImpl.createPickedObject(DrawContext dc,
Color pickColor)
Create a
PickedObject for this surface object. |
protected PickedObject |
KMLPointPlacemarkImpl.createPickedObject(DrawContext dc,
Color pickColor)
Create a
PickedObject for this placemark. |
Rectangle |
KMLAbstractBalloon.getBounds(DrawContext dc)
Get the balloon bounding
Rectangle using OGL coordinates - bottom-left corner x and y relative
to the WorldWindow bottom-left corner, and the balloon callout width and height. |
void |
KMLController.preRender(DrawContext dc) |
void |
KMLRenderable.preRender(KMLTraversalContext tc,
DrawContext dc)
Pre-render this element.
void |
KMLModelPlacemarkImpl.preRender(KMLTraversalContext tc,
DrawContext dc)
Pre-render this element.
void |
KMLScreenImageImpl.preRender(KMLTraversalContext tc,
DrawContext dc)
Pre-render this element.
void |
KMLPolygonImpl.preRender(KMLTraversalContext tc,
DrawContext dc) |
void |
KMLLineStringPlacemarkImpl.preRender(KMLTraversalContext tc,
DrawContext dc) |
void |
KMLSurfacePolygonImpl.preRender(KMLTraversalContext tc,
DrawContext dc) |
void |
KMLGroundOverlayPolygonImpl.preRender(KMLTraversalContext tc,
DrawContext dc)
Pre-render this element.
void |
KMLPointPlacemarkImpl.preRender(KMLTraversalContext tc,
DrawContext dc) |
void |
KMLSurfaceImageImpl.preRender(KMLTraversalContext tc,
DrawContext dc) |
void |
KMLExtrudedPolygonImpl.preRender(KMLTraversalContext tc,
DrawContext dc) |
void |
KMLController.render(DrawContext dc) |
void |
KMLAbstractBalloon.render(DrawContext dc)
Render the balloon.
void |
KMLRenderable.render(KMLTraversalContext tc,
DrawContext dc)
Render this element.
void |
KMLModelPlacemarkImpl.render(KMLTraversalContext tc,
DrawContext dc)
Render this element.
void |
KMLScreenImageImpl.render(KMLTraversalContext tc,
DrawContext dc)
Render this element.
void |
KMLPolygonImpl.render(KMLTraversalContext tc,
DrawContext dc) |
void |
KMLLineStringPlacemarkImpl.render(KMLTraversalContext tc,
DrawContext dc) |
void |
KMLSurfacePolygonImpl.render(KMLTraversalContext tc,
DrawContext dc) |
void |
KMLGroundOverlayPolygonImpl.render(KMLTraversalContext tc,
DrawContext dc)
Render this element.
void |
KMLPointPlacemarkImpl.render(KMLTraversalContext tc,
DrawContext dc) |
void |
KMLSurfaceImageImpl.render(KMLTraversalContext tc,
DrawContext dc)
Render this element.
void |
KMLExtrudedPolygonImpl.render(KMLTraversalContext tc,
DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
KMLModelPlacemarkImpl.requestResource(DrawContext dc)
Thread's off a task to determine whether the resource is local or remote and then retrieves it either from disk
cache or a remote server.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
PickSupport.beginPicking(DrawContext dc) |
protected PickedObject |
PickSupport.doResolvePick(DrawContext dc,
Point pickPoint,
Layer layer)
Adds a picked object registered with this PickSupport that is drawn at the specified point in AWT screen
coordinates (if one exists) to the draw context's list of picked objects.
protected void |
PickSupport.doResolvePick(DrawContext dc,
Rectangle pickRect,
Layer layer)
Adds all picked objects that are registered with this PickSupport and intersect the specified rectangle in AWT
screen coordinates (if any) to the draw context's list of picked objects.
void |
PickSupport.endPicking(DrawContext dc) |
int |
PickSupport.getTopColor(DrawContext dc,
Point pickPoint)
Returns the framebuffer RGB color for a point in AWT screen coordinates, formatted as a pick color code.
PickedObject |
PickSupport.getTopObject(DrawContext dc,
Point pickPoint) |
PickedObject |
PickSupport.resolvePick(DrawContext dc,
Point pickPoint,
Layer layer)
Adds picked object registered with this PickSupport that are drawn at the specified pick point or intersect the
draw context's pick rectangle to the draw context's list of picked objects.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
DrawContextImpl |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected DrawContext |
MultiLineTextRenderer.drawContext |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
SurfaceObjectTileBuilder.addIntersectingObjects(DrawContext dc,
SurfaceObjectTileBuilder.SurfaceObjectTile parent,
SurfaceObjectTileBuilder.SurfaceObjectTile tile)
Adds surface renderables from the parent's object list to the specified tile's object list.
protected void |
Path.addOrderedRenderable(DrawContext dc)
Adds this shape to the draw context's ordered renderable list.
protected void |
AbstractShape.addOrderedRenderable(DrawContext dc)
Adds this shape to the draw context's ordered renderable list.
protected void |
Path.addPickablePositions(DrawContext dc,
PickSupport pickCandidates)
Registers this Path's pickable position color codes with the specified pickCandidates.
protected void |
SurfaceObjectTileBuilder.addTileOrDescendants(DrawContext dc,
LevelSet levelSet,
SurfaceObjectTileBuilder.SurfaceObjectTile parent,
SurfaceObjectTileBuilder.SurfaceObjectTile tile)
Potentially adds the specified tile or its descendants to the tile builder's
SurfaceObjectTileBuilder.currentInfo . |
protected void |
IconRenderer.addToolTip(DrawContext dc,
WWIcon icon,
Vec4 iconPoint) |
protected Rectangle |
AnnotationNullLayout.adjustAnnotationBounds(DrawContext dc,
Rectangle parentBounds,
Annotation annotation,
Rectangle bounds) |
protected Dimension |
AbstractAnnotation.adjustSizeToChildren(DrawContext dc,
int width,
int height) |
protected Dimension |
AbstractAnnotation.adjustSizeToText(DrawContext dc,
int width,
int height) |
protected void |
AnnotationFlowLayout.alignHorizontal(DrawContext dc,
Rectangle bounds,
Dimension size,
String align) |
protected void |
AnnotationFlowLayout.alignVertical(DrawContext dc,
Rectangle bounds,
Dimension size,
String align) |
protected void |
Path.appendTerrainPoint(DrawContext dc,
Position position,
float[] color,
FloatBuffer path,
Path.PathData pathData)
Computes a point on a path and adds it to the renderable geometry.
protected void |
BasicLightingModel.apply(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
IconRenderer.applyBackground(DrawContext dc,
WWIcon icon,
Vec4 screenPoint,
double width,
double height,
double pedestalSpacing,
double pedestalScale) |
protected void |
AbstractAnnotation.applyBackgroundTextureState(DrawContext dc,
int width,
int height,
double opacity,
WWTexture texture) |
protected void |
ToolTipRenderer.applyColor(DrawContext dc,
Color color,
double opacity) |
protected void |
AbstractAnnotation.applyColor(DrawContext dc,
Color color,
double opacity,
boolean premultiplyColors) |
protected void |
SurfaceIcon.applyDrawColor(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
SurfaceText.applyDrawTransform(DrawContext dc,
SurfaceTileDrawContext sdc)
Apply a transform to the GL state to draw the text at the proper location and scale.
protected void |
SurfaceIcon.applyDrawTransform(DrawContext dc,
SurfaceTileDrawContext sdc,
LatLon location,
double drawScale) |
protected void |
AbstractSurfaceShape.applyInteriorState(DrawContext dc,
SurfaceTileDrawContext sdc,
ShapeAttributes attributes,
WWTexture texture,
LatLon refLocation) |
protected void |
SurfacePolygon.applyInteriorState(DrawContext dc,
SurfaceTileDrawContext sdc,
ShapeAttributes attributes,
WWTexture texture,
LatLon refLocation) |
protected void |
AbstractSurfaceShape.applyInteriorTextureState(DrawContext dc,
SurfaceTileDrawContext sdc,
ShapeAttributes attributes,
WWTexture texture,
LatLon refLocation) |
void |
BasicWWTexture.applyInternalTransform(DrawContext dc) |
void |
WWTexture.applyInternalTransform(DrawContext dc)
Applies any necessary transformations to the texture prior to its being rendered.
void |
LazilyLoadedTexture.applyInternalTransform(DrawContext dc) |
void |
FramebufferTexture.applyInternalTransform(DrawContext dc) |
void |
SurfaceImage.applyInternalTransform(DrawContext dc,
boolean textureIdentityActive) |
void |
SurfaceTile.applyInternalTransform(DrawContext dc,
boolean textureIdentityActive) |
protected void |
AbstractSurfaceShape.applyModelviewTransform(DrawContext dc,
SurfaceTileDrawContext sdc) |
protected void |
AbstractSurfaceShape.applyOutlineState(DrawContext dc,
ShapeAttributes attributes) |
protected void |
AbstractAnnotation.applyScreenTransform(DrawContext dc,
int x,
int y,
int width,
int height,
double scale) |
protected void |
SurfaceObjectTileBuilder.assembleTiles(DrawContext dc)
Assembles a set of surface tiles that are visible in the specified DrawContext and meet the tile builder's
resolution criteria.
protected void |
TrackRenderer.begin(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
SurfaceIcon.beginDraw(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
AbstractAnnotation.beginDraw(DrawContext dc,
OGLStackHandler stackHandler) |
protected void |
BasicAnnotationRenderer.beginDrawAnnotations(DrawContext dc,
OGLStackHandler stackHandler) |
void |
AnnotationLayoutManager.beginDrawAnnotations(DrawContext dc,
Rectangle bounds) |
void |
AnnotationFlowLayout.beginDrawAnnotations(DrawContext dc,
Rectangle bounds) |
void |
AbstractAnnotationLayout.beginDrawAnnotations(DrawContext dc,
Rectangle bounds) |
protected void |
AbstractAnnotation.beginDrawChildren(DrawContext dc,
Rectangle bounds) |
protected void |
IconRenderer.beginDrawIcons(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
AbstractBrowserBalloon.beginDrawing(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
PointPlacemark.beginDrawing(DrawContext dc)
Establish the OpenGL state needed to draw Paths.
protected OGLStackHandler |
Polygon.beginDrawing(DrawContext dc,
int attrMask) |
protected OGLStackHandler |
RigidShape.beginDrawing(DrawContext dc,
int attrMask) |
protected OGLStackHandler |
AbstractShape.beginDrawing(DrawContext dc,
int attrMask)
Establish the OpenGL state needed to draw this shape.
protected OGLStackHandler |
ExtrudedPolygon.beginDrawing(DrawContext dc,
int attrMask) |
protected void |
AbstractSurfaceShape.beginDrawing(DrawContext dc,
SurfaceTileDrawContext sdc) |
protected void |
AnnotationFlowLayout.beginHorizontal(DrawContext dc,
Rectangle bounds) |
void |
LightingModel.beginLighting(DrawContext dc)
Initializes the OpenGL state necessary to effect the lighting model.
void |
BasicLightingModel.beginLighting(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
GeographicTextRenderer.beginRendering(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
DeclutteringTextRenderer.beginRendering(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
ToolTipRenderer.beginRendering(DrawContext dc,
OGLStackHandler stackHandler) |
protected void |
AnnotationFlowLayout.beginVertical(DrawContext dc,
Rectangle bounds) |
boolean |
BasicWWTexture.bind(DrawContext dc) |
boolean |
WWTexture.bind(DrawContext dc)
Makes this texture the current texture for rendering.
boolean |
SurfaceImage.bind(DrawContext dc) |
boolean |
LazilyLoadedTexture.bind(DrawContext dc)
Binds this instance's
Texture to the GLContext if the texture has been created, otherwise
initiates image source retrieval and texture creation in a separate thread. |
boolean |
FramebufferTexture.bind(DrawContext dc) |
boolean |
SurfaceTile.bind(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
AbstractAnnotation.bindPickableObject(DrawContext dc,
Position position) |
protected boolean |
AbstractBrowserBalloon.bindWebViewTexture(DrawContext dc,
AbstractBrowserBalloon.OrderedBrowserBalloon obb) |
protected void |
AbstractSurfaceObject.buildPickRepresentation(DrawContext dc)
Builds this AbstractSurfaceObject's pickable representation.
void |
SurfaceObjectTileBuilder.buildTiles(DrawContext dc,
Iterable<?> iterable)
Assembles the surface tiles and draws any surface renderables in the iterable into those offscreen tiles.
protected boolean |
SurfaceObjectTileBuilder.canAssembleTiles(DrawContext dc)
Returns true if the draw context's viewport width and height are greater than zero.
protected void |
AbstractShape.checkViewDistanceExpiration(DrawContext dc)
Determines whether this shape's geometry should be invalidated because the view distance changed, and if so,
invalidates the geometry.
protected void |
RigidShape.clearCachedVbos(DrawContext dc)
Removes from the GPU resource cache the entry for the current data cache entry's VBOs.
protected void |
AbstractShape.clearCachedVbos(DrawContext dc)
Removes from the GPU resource cache the entry for the current data cache entry's VBOs.
void |
SurfaceObjectTileBuilder.clearPickCandidates(DrawContext dc)
Removes all entries from the list of pickable object candidates assembled during the last call to
SurfaceObjectTileBuilder.buildTiles(DrawContext, Iterable) . |
void |
SurfaceObjectTileBuilder.clearTiles(DrawContext dc)
Removes all entries from the list of SurfaceTiles assembled during the last call to
SurfaceObjectTileBuilder.buildTiles(DrawContext, Iterable) . |
protected ArrayList<Vec4> |
Polyline.clipAndAdd(DrawContext dc,
Vec4 ptA,
Vec4 ptB,
ArrayList<Vec4> span)
protected FloatBuffer |
Path.computeAbsolutePoints(DrawContext dc,
List<Position> positions,
FloatBuffer path,
Path.PathData pathData)
Computes a model-coordinate path from a list of positions, using the altitudes in the specified positions.
protected Point |
ScreenAnnotation.computeAnnotationPosition(DrawContext dc,
Position pos) |
protected Rectangle2D |
ToolTipRenderer.computeBackgroundBounds(DrawContext dc,
double width,
double height,
Insets insets) |
protected void |
ScreenBrowserBalloon.computeBalloonPoints(DrawContext dc,
AbstractBrowserBalloon.OrderedBrowserBalloon obb)
Computes and stores this balloon's screen coordinates.
protected abstract void |
AbstractBrowserBalloon.computeBalloonPoints(DrawContext dc,
AbstractBrowserBalloon.OrderedBrowserBalloon obb)
Computes and stores the balloon's model-coordinate and screen-coordinate points.
protected void |
GlobeBrowserBalloon.computeBalloonPoints(DrawContext dc,
AbstractBrowserBalloon.OrderedBrowserBalloon obb)
Computes and stores this balloon's model and screen coordinates.
protected abstract Rectangle |
AbstractAnnotation.computeBounds(DrawContext dc) |
protected Rectangle |
ScreenAnnotation.computeBounds(DrawContext dc) |
protected Rectangle |
GlobeAnnotation.computeBounds(DrawContext dc) |
protected double[] |
GeographicTextRenderer.computeDistanceScaleAndOpacity(DrawContext dc,
GeographicTextRenderer.OrderedText ot) |
protected double[] |
GlobeAnnotation.computeDistanceScaleAndOpacity(DrawContext dc,
Vec4 point,
Dimension size) |
protected Rectangle2D.Double |
SurfaceIcon.computeDrawDimension(DrawContext dc,
LatLon location) |
protected Angle |
SurfaceIcon.computeDrawHeading(DrawContext dc) |
protected Iterable<? extends LatLon> |
SurfaceIcons.computeDrawLocations(DrawContext dc,
SurfaceTileDrawContext sdc) |
protected double |
AbstractSurfaceRenderable.computeDrawPixelSize(DrawContext dc,
SurfaceTileDrawContext sdc) |
protected Point2D.Float |
GeographicTextRenderer.computeDrawPoint(DrawContext dc,
Rectangle2D rect,
Vec4 screenPoint)
Computes the final draw point for the given rectangle lower left corner and target screen point.
protected double |
SurfaceIcon.computeDrawScale(DrawContext dc,
SurfaceTileDrawContext sdc,
LatLon location) |
protected Extent |
Polyline.computeExtent(DrawContext dc)
protected Extent |
AbstractSurfaceObject.computeExtent(DrawContext dc)
Computes the surface object's extent.
protected Extent |
RigidShape.computeExtent(DrawContext dc)
Computes the shape's extent using a bounding box.
protected double |
AbstractGeneralShape.computeEyeDistance(DrawContext dc,
AbstractGeneralShape.ShapeData shapeData)
Computes the minimum distance between this shape and the eye point.
protected double |
ExtrudedPolygon.computeEyeDistance(DrawContext dc,
ExtrudedPolygon.ShapeData shapeData)
Computes the minimum distance between this shape and the eye point.
protected double |
Path.computeEyeDistance(DrawContext dc,
Path.PathData pathData)
Computes the minimum distance between this Path and the eye point.
protected double |
Polygon.computeEyeDistance(DrawContext dc,
Polygon.ShapeData shapeData)
Computes the minimum distance between this polygon and the eye point.
protected Rectangle |
AbstractAnnotation.computeFreeBounds(DrawContext dc,
int width,
int height) |
protected void |
SurfaceText.computeGeometry(DrawContext dc,
SurfaceTileDrawContext sdc)
Compute the text size and position.
protected Angle |
SurfaceIcons.computeIconRadius(DrawContext dc,
double regionPixelSize,
Sector drawSector) |
protected void |
PointPlacemark.computeImageBounds(DrawContext dc,
PointPlacemark.OrderedPlacemark opm)
Computes the screen-space rectangle bounding the placemark image.
protected void |
PointPlacemark.computeImageOffset(DrawContext dc) |
protected Vec4 |
PointPlacemark.computeLabelPoint(DrawContext dc,
PointPlacemark.OrderedPlacemark opm)
Computes the screen coordinate (lower-left origin) location of this placemark's label.
protected double |
GeographicTextRenderer.computeLookAtDistance(DrawContext dc) |
protected Double |
GlobeAnnotation.computeLookAtDistance(DrawContext dc) |
protected double[] |
ScreenAnnotation.computeOffset(DrawContext dc) |
protected Point |
AbstractBrowserBalloon.computeOffset(DrawContext dc,
BalloonAttributes activeAttrs,
int width,
int height) |
protected void |
AbstractAnnotationBalloon.computeOffsets(DrawContext dc)
Compute the position and offsets, and set in them in the annotation.
protected void |
ScreenImage.computeOffsets(DrawContext dc)
Compute the image size, rotation, and position based on the current viewport size.
protected double |
AbstractAnnotation.computeOpacity(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
Path.computePath(DrawContext dc,
List<Position> positions,
Path.PathData pathData)
Computes the shape's model-coordinate path from a list of positions.
protected double |
SurfaceText.computePixelSize(DrawContext dc,
SurfaceTileDrawContext sdc)
Compute the size of a pixel in the surface tile.
protected double |
AbstractSurfaceRenderable.computePixelSizeAtLocation(DrawContext dc,
LatLon location) |
protected void |
PointPlacemark.computePlacemarkPoints(DrawContext dc,
PointPlacemark.OrderedPlacemark opm)
Computes and stores the placemark's Cartesian location, the Cartesian location of the corresponding point on the
terrain (if the altitude mode requires it), and the screen-space projection of the placemark's point.
protected Vec4 |
Polyline.computePoint(DrawContext dc,
Position pos,
boolean applyOffset)
protected Vec4 |
AbstractShape.computePoint(DrawContext dc,
Terrain terrain,
Position position)
Computes a model-coordinate point from a position, applying this shape's altitude mode, and using
CLAMP_TO_GROUND if the current globe is 2D. |
protected FloatBuffer |
Path.computePointsRelativeToTerrain(DrawContext dc,
List<Position> positions,
Double altitude,
FloatBuffer path,
Path.PathData pathData)
Computes a terrain-conforming, model-coordinate path from a list of positions, using either a specified altitude
or the altitudes in the specified positions.
protected Vec4 |
Polygon.computePolygonNormal(DrawContext dc,
Polygon.ShapeData shapeData) |
protected abstract void |
AbstractAnnotationBalloon.computePosition(DrawContext dc)
Compute the annotation position, and set it in the annotation.
protected void |
ScreenAnnotationBalloon.computePosition(DrawContext dc)
Compute the annotation position, and set it in the annotation.
protected void |
GlobeAnnotationBalloon.computePosition(DrawContext dc)
Compute the annotation position, and set it in the annotation.
protected Vec4 |
Path.computeReferenceCenter(DrawContext dc)
Computes this path's reference center.
protected void |
Polyline.computeReferenceCenter(DrawContext dc)
Vec4 |
RigidShape.computeReferencePoint(DrawContext dc)
Sets the shape's referencePoint, which is essentially its centerPosition in Cartesian coordinates.
Matrix |
RigidShape.computeRenderMatrix(DrawContext dc)
Computes the transform to use during rendering to convert the unit sphere geometry representation of this shape
to its correct shape location, orientation and scale
protected Angle |
SurfaceIcons.computeSafeRadius(DrawContext dc,
SurfaceTileDrawContext sdc) |
protected double |
AbstractAnnotation.computeScale(DrawContext dc) |
protected Sector[] |
SurfaceText.computeSector(DrawContext dc)
Compute the sector covered by this surface text.
protected List<Sector> |
SurfaceIcon.computeSectors(DrawContext dc) |
protected List<Sector> |
AbstractSurfaceShape.computeSectors(DrawContext dc)
Computes the bounding sectors for the shape.
protected List<Sector> |
SurfaceIcons.computeSectors(DrawContext dc) |
protected double |
Path.computeSegmentLength(DrawContext dc,
Position posA,
Position posB)
Computes the approximate model-coordinate, path length between two positions.
protected double |
Polyline.computeSegmentLength(DrawContext dc,
Position posA,
Position posB)
protected Point |
ScreenAnnotation.computeSize(DrawContext dc) |
protected Dimension |
AbstractBrowserBalloon.computeSize(DrawContext dc,
BalloonAttributes activeAttrs)
Computes the size of this balloon's frame in the viewport (on the screen).
int |
MultiResolutionPath.SkipCountComputer.computeSkipCount(DrawContext dc,
Path.PathData pathData)
Determines the number of positions to skip for the current viewing state.
protected void |
Ellipsoid.computeSubdivisions(DrawContext dc,
RigidShape.ShapeData shapeData)
Computes the number of subdivisions necessary to achieve the expected Level of Detail given the shape's
relationship to the viewer.
protected void |
Pyramid.computeSubdivisions(DrawContext dc,
RigidShape.ShapeData shapeData)
Computes the number of subdivisions necessary to achieve the expected Level of Detail given the shape's
relationship to the viewer.
protected abstract void |
RigidShape.computeSubdivisions(DrawContext dc,
RigidShape.ShapeData shapeData)
Computes the number of subdivisions necessary to achieve the expected Level of Detail given the shape's
relationship to the viewer.
protected void |
Cone.computeSubdivisions(DrawContext dc,
RigidShape.ShapeData shapeData)
Computes the number of subdivisions necessary to achieve the expected Level of Detail given the shape's
relationship to the viewer.
protected void |
Cylinder.computeSubdivisions(DrawContext dc,
RigidShape.ShapeData shapeData)
Computes the number of subdivisions necessary to achieve the expected Level of Detail given the shape's
relationship to the viewer.
protected void |
Box.computeSubdivisions(DrawContext dc,
RigidShape.ShapeData shapeData)
Computes the number of subdivisions necessary to achieve the expected Level of Detail given the shape's
relationship to the viewer.
protected void |
Wedge.computeSubdivisions(DrawContext dc,
RigidShape.ShapeData shapeData)
Computes the number of subdivisions necessary to achieve the expected Level of Detail given the shape's
relationship to the viewer.
protected Vec4 |
TrackRenderer.computeSurfacePoint(DrawContext dc,
TrackPoint tp) |
protected Rectangle2D |
DeclutteringTextRenderer.computeTextBounds(DrawContext dc,
DeclutterableText text) |
protected Rectangle2D |
GeographicTextRenderer.computeTextBounds(DrawContext dc,
GeographicTextRenderer.OrderedText uText,
double scale) |
protected Rectangle2D |
ToolTipRenderer.computeTextBounds(DrawContext dc,
String text,
Font font) |
protected Rectangle |
AbstractAnnotation.computeTextBounds(DrawContext dc,
String text,
Font font,
String align) |
protected Point2D |
ToolTipRenderer.computeTextTranslation(DrawContext dc,
Rectangle2D textBounds,
Insets insets) |
protected Dimension |
SurfaceObjectTileBuilder.computeTextureTileDimension(DrawContext dc)
Returns the tile dimension used to create the tile textures for the specified
DrawContext . |
protected abstract void |
SurfaceTileRenderer.computeTextureTransform(DrawContext dc,
SurfaceTile tile,
SurfaceTileRenderer.Transform t) |
protected void |
GeographicSurfaceTileRenderer.computeTextureTransform(DrawContext dc,
SurfaceTile tile,
SurfaceTileRenderer.Transform t) |
protected AbstractShape.AbstractShapeData |
MultiResolutionPath.createCacheEntry(DrawContext dc)
Creates and returns a new cache entry specific to the subclass.
protected AbstractShape.AbstractShapeData |
Path.createCacheEntry(DrawContext dc) |
protected AbstractShape.AbstractShapeData |
Polygon.createCacheEntry(DrawContext dc) |
protected AbstractShape.AbstractShapeData |
RigidShape.createCacheEntry(DrawContext dc) |
protected abstract AbstractShape.AbstractShapeData |
AbstractShape.createCacheEntry(DrawContext dc)
Creates and returns a new cache entry specific to the subclass.
protected AbstractShape.AbstractShapeData |
ExtrudedPolygon.createCacheEntry(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
ExtrudedPolygon.createCapGeometry(DrawContext dc,
ExtrudedPolygon.ShapeData shapeData)
Compute the cap geometry.
protected void |
ExtrudedPolygon.createFullGeometry(DrawContext dc,
Terrain terrain,
ExtrudedPolygon.ShapeData shapeData,
boolean skipOuterBoundary)
Computes a boundary set's full geometry.
protected void |
Polygon.createFullGeometry(DrawContext dc,
Terrain terrain,
Polygon.ShapeData shapeData,
boolean skipOuterBoundary)
Computes a shape's full geometry.
protected void |
Polygon.createGeometry(DrawContext dc,
Polygon.ShapeData shapeData)
Compute the cap geometry.
protected Object |
AbstractSurfaceShape.createGeometryKey(DrawContext dc,
SurfaceTileDrawContext sdc) |
protected PickedObject |
AbstractBrowserBalloon.createLinkPickedObject(DrawContext dc,
Color pickColor,
AVList linkParams) |
protected void |
ExtrudedPolygon.createMinimalGeometry(DrawContext dc,
ExtrudedPolygon.ShapeData shapeData)
Computes the information necessary to determine this extruded polygon's extent.
protected void |
Polygon.createMinimalGeometry(DrawContext dc,
Polygon.ShapeData shapeData)
Compute enough geometry to determine this polygon's extent, reference point and eye distance.
protected PickedObject |
AbstractBrowserBalloon.createPickedObject(DrawContext dc,
Color pickColor) |
protected PickedObject |
PointPlacemark.createPickedObject(DrawContext dc,
Color pickColor)
Create a
PickedObject for this placemark. |
protected PickedObject |
GlobeBrowserBalloon.createPickedObject(DrawContext dc,
Color pickColor)
Overridden to use this balloon's position as the picked object's position.
protected PickedObject |
AbstractSurfaceObject.createPickedObject(DrawContext dc,
Color pickColor)
Create a
PickedObject for this surface object. |
protected PickedObject |
AbstractShape.createPickedObject(DrawContext dc,
Color pickColor)
Use the more general
AbstractShape.createPickedObject(int) instead. |
protected void |
ExtrudedPolygon.createTessllationGeometry(DrawContext dc,
ExtrudedPolygon.ShapeData shapeData)
Tessellates this extruded polygon's cap.
protected void |
Polygon.createTessllationGeometry(DrawContext dc,
Polygon.ShapeData shapeData)
Tessellates the polygon.
protected SurfaceObjectTileBuilder.TileInfo |
SurfaceObjectTileBuilder.createTileInfo(DrawContext dc)
Creates a tile info associated with the specified draw context.
protected SurfaceObjectTileBuilder.TileInfoKey |
SurfaceObjectTileBuilder.createTileInfoKey(DrawContext dc)
Creates a key to address the tile information associated with the specified draw context.
protected Texture |
SurfaceObjectTileBuilder.createTileTexture(DrawContext dc,
int width,
int height)
Returns a new surface tile texture for use on the specified draw context with the specified width and height.
protected void |
SurfacePolylines.determineActiveGeometry(DrawContext dc,
SurfaceTileDrawContext sdc) |
protected void |
AbstractSurfaceShape.determineActiveGeometry(DrawContext dc,
SurfaceTileDrawContext sdc) |
protected void |
AbstractAnnotation.doDraw(DrawContext dc,
int width,
int height,
double opacity,
Position pickPosition)
Draws an annotation with the given dimensions and opacity.
protected void |
AbstractAnnotation.doDrawBackgroundTexture(DrawContext dc,
int width,
int height,
double opacity,
Position pickPosition,
WWTexture texture) |
protected void |
AbstractAnnotation.doDrawChildren(DrawContext dc,
Rectangle bounds,
double opacity,
Position pickPosition) |
protected void |
AbstractSurfaceShape.doDrawGeographic(DrawContext dc,
SurfaceTileDrawContext sdc) |
protected void |
SurfacePolygon.doDrawGeographic(DrawContext dc,
SurfaceTileDrawContext sdc) |
protected void |
Path.doDrawInterior(DrawContext dc)
Draws this path's interior when the path is extruded.
protected void |
Polygon.doDrawInterior(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
RigidShape.doDrawInterior(DrawContext dc) |
protected abstract void |
AbstractShape.doDrawInterior(DrawContext dc)
Draws this shape's interior.
protected void |
ExtrudedPolygon.doDrawInterior(DrawContext dc)
Not used by this class.
protected void |
Path.doDrawInteriorVA(DrawContext dc,
Path.PathData pathData) |
protected void |
Polygon.doDrawInteriorVA(DrawContext dc,
Polygon.ShapeData shapeData) |
protected void |
Path.doDrawInteriorVBO(DrawContext dc,
int[] vboIds,
Path.PathData pathData) |
protected void |
Polygon.doDrawInteriorVBO(DrawContext dc,
int[] vboIds,
Polygon.ShapeData shapeData) |
protected void |
AbstractBrowserBalloon.doDrawOrderedRenderable(DrawContext dc,
AbstractBrowserBalloon.OrderedBrowserBalloon obb) |
protected void |
PointPlacemark.OrderedPlacemark.doDrawOrderedRenderable(DrawContext dc,
PickSupport pickCandidates) |
protected void |
Path.doDrawOrderedRenderable(DrawContext dc,
PickSupport pickCandidates)
Draw this shape as an ordered renderable.
protected void |
AbstractShape.doDrawOrderedRenderable(DrawContext dc,
PickSupport pickCandidates)
Draw this shape as an ordered renderable.
protected void |
PointPlacemark.doDrawOrderedRenderable(DrawContext dc,
PickSupport pickCandidates,
PointPlacemark.OrderedPlacemark opm)
Draw this placemark as an ordered renderable.
protected void |
Path.doDrawOutline(DrawContext dc)
Draws this shape's outline.
protected void |
Polygon.doDrawOutline(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
RigidShape.doDrawOutline(DrawContext dc) |
protected abstract void |
AbstractShape.doDrawOutline(DrawContext dc)
Draws this shape's outline.
protected void |
ExtrudedPolygon.doDrawOutline(DrawContext dc)
Not used by this class, which overrides
ExtrudedPolygon.drawOutline(DrawContext) . |
protected void |
Path.doDrawOutlineVA(DrawContext dc,
Path.PathData pathData) |
protected void |
Polygon.doDrawOutlineVA(DrawContext dc,
Polygon.ShapeData shapeData) |
protected void |
Path.doDrawOutlineVBO(DrawContext dc,
int[] vboIds,
Path.PathData pathData) |
protected void |
Polygon.doDrawOutlineVBO(DrawContext dc,
int[] vboIds,
Polygon.ShapeData shapeData) |
protected boolean |
Path.doMakeOrderedRenderable(DrawContext dc) |
protected boolean |
Polygon.doMakeOrderedRenderable(DrawContext dc) |
protected boolean |
RigidShape.doMakeOrderedRenderable(DrawContext dc) |
protected abstract boolean |
AbstractShape.doMakeOrderedRenderable(DrawContext dc)
Produces the geometry and other state necessary to represent this shape as an ordered renderable.
protected boolean |
ExtrudedPolygon.doMakeOrderedRenderable(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
IconRenderer.doRecordFeedback(DrawContext dc,
WWIcon icon,
Vec4 modelPoint,
Rectangle screenRect)
Records feedback about how the specified WWIcon has been processed.
protected void |
ScreenImage.doRender(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
BasicAnnotationRenderer.OrderedAnnotation.doRender(DrawContext dc,
BasicAnnotationRenderer.OrderedAnnotation oa) |
protected void |
ToolTipRenderer.doRender(DrawContext dc,
String text,
int x,
int y) |
protected abstract void |
TrackRenderer.Shape.doRender(DrawContext dc,
Vec4 point,
double radius) |
protected void |
TrackRenderer.Cylinder.doRender(DrawContext dc,
Vec4 point,
double size) |
protected abstract void |
AbstractAnnotation.doRenderNow(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
ScreenAnnotation.doRenderNow(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
GlobeAnnotation.doRenderNow(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
Path.PathPickSupport.doResolvePick(DrawContext dc,
Rectangle pickRect,
Layer layer)
Adds all picked paths that are registered with this PickSupport and intersect the specified rectangle in AWT
screen coordinates (if any) to the draw context's list of picked objects.
protected Integer |
AbstractSurfaceShape.doTessellateInterior(DrawContext dc) |
protected int[] |
SurfacePolygons.doTessellateInterior(DrawContext dc,
LatLon referenceLocation) |
protected void |
SurfaceImage.draw(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
Polyline.draw(DrawContext dc)
If the scene controller is rendering ordered renderables, this method draws this placemark's image as an ordered
protected void |
ScreenImage.draw(DrawContext dc) |
void |
AbstractAnnotation.draw(DrawContext dc,
int width,
int height,
double opacity,
Position pickPosition) |
void |
Annotation.draw(DrawContext dc,
int width,
int height,
double opacity,
Position pickPosition)
Draws the annotation without transforming to its screen position, or applying any scaling.
protected Vec4 |
TrackRenderer.draw(DrawContext dc,
Iterator<TrackPoint> trackPositions) |
protected void |
ToolTipRenderer.draw(DrawContext dc,
Rectangle viewport,
String text,
int x,
int y) |
protected void |
AbstractAnnotationLayout.drawAnnotation(DrawContext dc,
Annotation annotation,
int width,
int height,
double opacity,
Position pickPosition) |
void |
AnnotationLayoutManager.drawAnnotations(DrawContext dc,
Rectangle bounds,
Iterable<? extends Annotation> annotations,
double opacity,
Position pickPosition) |
void |
AnnotationFlowLayout.drawAnnotations(DrawContext dc,
Rectangle bounds,
Iterable<? extends Annotation> annotations,
double opacity,
Position pickPosition) |
void |
AnnotationNullLayout.drawAnnotations(DrawContext dc,
Rectangle bounds,
Iterable<? extends Annotation> annotations,
double opacity,
Position pickPosition) |
protected void |
AbstractAnnotation.drawBackground(DrawContext dc,
int width,
int height,
double opacity,
Position pickPosition) |
protected void |
AbstractAnnotation.drawBackgroundImage(DrawContext dc,
int width,
int height,
double opacity,
Position pickPosition) |
protected void |
PointPlacemark.drawBatched(DrawContext dc)
Draws this ordered renderable and all subsequent PointPlacemark ordered renderables in the ordered renderable
protected void |
AbstractShape.drawBatched(DrawContext dc)
Draws this ordered renderable and all subsequent Path ordered renderables in the ordered renderable list.
protected void |
AbstractAnnotation.drawBorder(DrawContext dc,
int width,
int height,
double opacity,
Position pickPosition) |
protected void |
AbstractSurfaceObject.drawBoundingSectors(DrawContext dc,
SurfaceTileDrawContext sdc)
Causes this SurfaceObject to render its bounding sectors to the specified region in geographic coordinates.
protected void |
AbstractBrowserBalloon.drawBrowserControl(DrawContext dc,
AbstractBrowserBalloon.BrowserControl control,
AbstractBrowserBalloon.OrderedBrowserBalloon obb) |
protected void |
AbstractBrowserBalloon.drawBrowserControls(DrawContext dc,
AbstractBrowserBalloon.OrderedBrowserBalloon obb) |
static void |
FrameFactory.drawBuffer(DrawContext dc,
int mode,
DoubleBuffer verts) |
static void |
FrameFactory.drawBuffer(DrawContext dc,
int mode,
int count,
DoubleBuffer verts)
Draw a vertex buffer in a given gl mode.
static void |
FrameFactory.drawBuffer(DrawContext dc,
int mode,
int count,
DoubleBuffer verts,
DoubleBuffer coords)
Draw a vertex buffer with texture coordinates in a given gl mode.
protected void |
AbstractAnnotation.drawCallout(DrawContext dc,
int mode,
int width,
int height,
boolean useTexCoords) |
void |
ExtrudedPolygon.drawCapInterior(DrawContext dc,
ExtrudedPolygon.ShapeData shapeData)
Draws the filled interior of this shape's cap.
void |
ExtrudedPolygon.drawCapOutline(DrawContext dc,
ExtrudedPolygon.ShapeData shapeData)
Draws the cap's outline.
protected void |
AbstractAnnotation.drawChildren(DrawContext dc,
int width,
int height,
double opacity,
Position pickPosition) |
protected void |
AbstractAnnotation.drawContent(DrawContext dc,
int width,
int height,
double opacity,
Position pickPosition) |
protected void |
MultiLineTextRenderer.drawFilledRectangle(DrawContext dc,
double x,
double y,
double width,
double height) |
protected void |
AbstractBrowserBalloon.drawFrame(DrawContext dc,
AbstractBrowserBalloon.OrderedBrowserBalloon obb) |
protected void |
AbstractBrowserBalloon.drawFrameInterior(DrawContext dc,
AbstractBrowserBalloon.OrderedBrowserBalloon obb)
Draws this browser balloon's interior geometry in screen-coordinates, with the
WebView's texture
representation applied as an OpenGL decal. |
protected void |
AbstractBrowserBalloon.drawFrameOutline(DrawContext dc,
AbstractBrowserBalloon.OrderedBrowserBalloon obb) |
void |
SurfaceIcon.drawGeographic(DrawContext dc,
SurfaceTileDrawContext sdc) |
protected void |
SurfaceText.drawGeographic(DrawContext dc,
SurfaceTileDrawContext sdc)
Causes the SurfaceObject to render itself to the specified region in geographic coordinates.
protected void |
AbstractSurfaceShape.drawGeographic(DrawContext dc,
SurfaceTileDrawContext sdc) |
protected abstract void |
AbstractSurfaceObject.drawGeographic(DrawContext dc,
SurfaceTileDrawContext sdc)
Causes the SurfaceObject to render itself to the specified region in geographic coordinates.
protected void |
Ellipsoid.drawGeometry(DrawContext dc,
int mode,
int count,
int type,
Buffer elementBuffer,
RigidShape.ShapeData shapeData,
int face)
Renders the Ellipsoid, using data from the provided buffer and the given parameters.
protected void |
Pyramid.drawGeometry(DrawContext dc,
int mode,
int count,
int type,
Buffer elementBuffer,
RigidShape.ShapeData shapeData,
int face)
Renders the Pyramid, using data from the provided buffer and the given parameters
protected abstract void |
RigidShape.drawGeometry(DrawContext dc,
int mode,
int count,
int type,
Buffer elementBuffer,
RigidShape.ShapeData shapeData,
int index)
Renders the shape, using data from the provided buffer and the given parameters.
protected void |
Cone.drawGeometry(DrawContext dc,
int mode,
int count,
int type,
Buffer elementBuffer,
RigidShape.ShapeData shapeData,
int face)
Renders the cone, using data from the provided buffer and the given parameters.
protected void |
Cylinder.drawGeometry(DrawContext dc,
int mode,
int count,
int type,
Buffer elementBuffer,
RigidShape.ShapeData shapeData,
int face)
Renders the cylinder, using data from the provided buffer and the given parameters.
protected void |
Box.drawGeometry(DrawContext dc,
int mode,
int count,
int type,
Buffer elementBuffer,
RigidShape.ShapeData shapeData,
int face)
Renders the Box, using data from the provided buffer and the given parameters.
protected void |
Wedge.drawGeometry(DrawContext dc,
int mode,
int count,
int type,
Buffer elementBuffer,
RigidShape.ShapeData shapeData,
int face)
Renders the wedge, using data from the provided buffer and the given parameters.
protected void |
RigidShape.drawGeometry(DrawContext dc,
RigidShape.ShapeData shapeData,
int index)
Renders the Rigid Shape
protected void |
AnnotationFlowLayout.drawHorizontal(DrawContext dc,
Rectangle bounds,
Iterable<? extends Annotation> annotations,
double opacity,
Position pickPosition) |
protected void |
AbstractAnnotation.drawHTML(DrawContext dc,
int x,
int y,
int lineHeight,
double opacity,
Object pickObject,
Position pickPosition,
String text) |
protected Vec4 |
IconRenderer.drawIcon(DrawContext dc,
IconRenderer.OrderedIcon uIcon) |
protected void |
SurfaceIcon.drawIcon(DrawContext dc,
SurfaceTileDrawContext sdc) |
protected void |
SurfaceIcons.drawIcon(DrawContext dc,
SurfaceTileDrawContext sdc) |
protected void |
IconRenderer.drawIconsInBatch(DrawContext dc,
IconRenderer.OrderedIcon uIcon) |
protected void |
AbstractShape.drawInterior(DrawContext dc)
Draws this shape's interior.
void |
ExtrudedPolygon.drawInterior(DrawContext dc) |
void |
OutlinedShape.drawInterior(DrawContext dc,
Object shape)
Draws the shape's filled faces.
protected void |
SurfacePolyline.drawInterior(DrawContext dc,
SurfaceTileDrawContext sdc) |
protected void |
SurfacePolylines.drawInterior(DrawContext dc,
SurfaceTileDrawContext sdc) |
protected void |
AbstractSurfaceShape.drawInterior(DrawContext dc,
SurfaceTileDrawContext sdc) |
protected void |
SurfacePolygons.drawInterior(DrawContext dc,
SurfaceTileDrawContext sdc) |
protected void |
PointPlacemark.drawLabel(DrawContext dc,
PickSupport pickCandidates,
PointPlacemark.OrderedPlacemark opm)
Draws the placemark's label if a label is specified.
protected void |
PointPlacemark.drawLine(DrawContext dc,
PickSupport pickCandidates,
PointPlacemark.OrderedPlacemark opm)
Draws the placemark's line.
protected void |
AbstractSurfaceShape.drawLineStrip(DrawContext dc,
List<LatLon> locations) |
protected void |
MultiLineTextRenderer.drawLineWithUniqueColors(String text,
int x,
int y,
DrawContext dc,
PickSupport pickSupport,
Object refObject,
Position refPosition) |
protected void |
AbstractBrowserBalloon.drawLinks(DrawContext dc,
AbstractBrowserBalloon.OrderedBrowserBalloon obb) |
protected void |
IconRenderer.drawMany(DrawContext dc,
Iterable<? extends WWIcon> icons,
Layer layer) |
protected void |
BasicAnnotationRenderer.drawMany(DrawContext dc,
Iterable<Annotation> annotations,
Layer layer) |
protected void |
BasicAnnotationRenderer.drawOne(DrawContext dc,
Annotation annotation,
Vec4 annotationPoint,
Layer layer) |
protected void |
Polyline.drawOrderedRenderable(DrawContext dc)
protected void |
AbstractSurfaceObject.drawOrderedRenderable(DrawContext dc)
Causes the SurfaceObject to render itself.
protected void |
AbstractShape.drawOrderedRenderable(DrawContext dc)
Draws this shape as an ordered renderable.
protected void |
AbstractBrowserBalloon.drawOrderedRenderable(DrawContext dc,
AbstractBrowserBalloon.OrderedBrowserBalloon obb) |
protected void |
PointPlacemark.drawOrderedRenderable(DrawContext dc,
PointPlacemark.OrderedPlacemark opm)
Draws the path as an ordered renderable.
protected void |
AbstractShape.drawOutline(DrawContext dc)
Draws this shape's outline.
void |
ExtrudedPolygon.drawOutline(DrawContext dc) |
void |
OutlinedShape.drawOutline(DrawContext dc,
Object shape)
Draws the shape's outline.
protected void |
SurfacePolylines.drawOutline(DrawContext dc,
SurfaceTileDrawContext sdc) |
protected void |
AbstractSurfaceShape.drawOutline(DrawContext dc,
SurfaceTileDrawContext sdc) |
protected void |
AbstractSurfaceObject.drawPickRepresentation(DrawContext dc)
Causes this SurfaceObject to draw a representation of itself suitable for use during picking.
protected void |
AbstractAnnotation.drawPlainText(DrawContext dc,
int x,
int y,
int lineHeight,
double opacity,
Object pickObject,
Position pickPosition,
String text) |
protected void |
PointPlacemark.drawPoint(DrawContext dc,
PickSupport pickCandidates,
PointPlacemark.OrderedPlacemark opm)
Draws the placemark's line.
protected void |
Path.drawPointsVA(DrawContext dc,
Path.PathData pathData)
Draws vertical lines at this path's specified positions.
protected void |
Path.drawPointsVBO(DrawContext dc,
int[] vboIds,
Path.PathData pathData)
Draws points at this path's specified positions.
protected void |
FramebufferTexture.drawQuad(DrawContext dc,
BilinearInterpolator interp,
int slices,
int stacks) |
protected void |
FramebufferTexture.drawQuad(DrawContext dc,
Matrix geoToCartesian,
int slices,
int stacks) |
protected void |
AbstractBrowserBalloon.drawResizeControl(DrawContext dc,
AbstractBrowserBalloon.OrderedBrowserBalloon obb)
Draw pickable regions for the resize controls.
static void |
FrameFactory.drawShape(DrawContext dc,
String shape,
double width,
double height,
int glMode,
int cornerRadius)
Draw a shape with the specified width and height, gl mode and corner radius.
static void |
FrameFactory.drawShapeWithLeader(DrawContext dc,
String shape,
double width,
double height,
Point leaderOffset,
double leaderGapWidth,
int glMode,
int cornerRadius)
Draw a shape with the specified width and height, gl mode and corner radius.
protected void |
ExtrudedPolygon.drawSideInteriors(DrawContext dc,
ExtrudedPolygon.ShapeData shapeData)
Draws this shape's sides.
protected void |
ExtrudedPolygon.drawSideOutline(DrawContext dc,
ExtrudedPolygon.ShapeData shapeData)
Draws this extruded polygon's side outline.
protected void |
SurfaceText.drawText(DrawContext dc)
Draw the text.
protected Vec4 |
DeclutteringTextRenderer.drawText(DrawContext dc,
DeclutterableText uText,
double scale,
double opacity) |
protected Vec4 |
GeographicTextRenderer.drawText(DrawContext dc,
GeographicTextRenderer.OrderedText uText,
double scale,
double opacity) |
protected void |
AbstractAnnotation.drawText(DrawContext dc,
int width,
int height,
double opacity,
Position pickPosition) |
protected void |
AbstractAnnotation.drawText(DrawContext dc,
int x,
int y,
int lineHeight,
double opacity,
Object pickObject,
Position pickPosition,
String text) |
protected void |
AbstractBrowserBalloon.drawTitleBar(DrawContext dc,
AbstractBrowserBalloon.OrderedBrowserBalloon obb) |
protected void |
ToolTipRenderer.drawToolTip(DrawContext dc,
Rectangle viewport,
String text,
int x,
int y,
ToolTipRenderer.ToolTipAttributes attributes) |
protected void |
ToolTipRenderer.drawToolTipInterior(DrawContext dc,
double width,
double height,
ToolTipRenderer.ToolTipAttributes attributes) |
protected void |
ToolTipRenderer.drawToolTipOutline(DrawContext dc,
double width,
double height,
ToolTipRenderer.ToolTipAttributes attributes) |
protected void |
ToolTipRenderer.drawToolTipText(DrawContext dc,
String text,
int x,
int y,
ToolTipRenderer.ToolTipAttributes attributes) |
protected void |
AbstractAnnotation.drawTopLevelAnnotation(DrawContext dc,
int x,
int y,
int width,
int height,
double scale,
double opacity,
Position pickPosition) |
protected void |
AnnotationFlowLayout.drawVertical(DrawContext dc,
Rectangle bounds,
Iterable<? extends Annotation> annotations,
double opacity,
Position pickPosition) |
protected void |
Path.drawVerticalOutlineVA(DrawContext dc,
Path.PathData pathData)
Draws vertical lines at this path's specified positions.
protected void |
Path.drawVerticalOutlineVBO(DrawContext dc,
int[] vboIds,
Path.PathData pathData) |
protected void |
AbstractBrowserBalloon.drawWebViewLinks(DrawContext dc,
AbstractBrowserBalloon.OrderedBrowserBalloon obb) |
protected void |
TrackRenderer.end(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
SurfaceIcon.endDraw(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
AbstractAnnotation.endDraw(DrawContext dc,
OGLStackHandler stackHandler) |
void |
AnnotationLayoutManager.endDrawAnnotations(DrawContext dc) |
void |
AbstractAnnotationLayout.endDrawAnnotations(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
BasicAnnotationRenderer.endDrawAnnotations(DrawContext dc,
OGLStackHandler stackHandler) |
protected void |
AbstractAnnotation.endDrawChildren(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
IconRenderer.endDrawIcons(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
AbstractBrowserBalloon.endDrawing(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
PointPlacemark.endDrawing(DrawContext dc)
Pop the state set in beginDrawing.
protected void |
AbstractSurfaceShape.endDrawing(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
AbstractShape.endDrawing(DrawContext dc)
Pop the state set in
AbstractShape.beginDrawing(DrawContext, int) . |
void |
LightingModel.endLighting(DrawContext dc)
Restores state set by
LightingModel.beginLighting(DrawContext) to its original state. |
void |
BasicLightingModel.endLighting(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
GeographicTextRenderer.endRendering(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
DeclutteringTextRenderer.endRendering(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
ToolTipRenderer.endRendering(DrawContext dc,
OGLStackHandler stackHandler) |
protected void |
Path.fillVBO(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
Polygon.fillVBO(DrawContext dc)
Fill this shape's vertex buffer objects.
protected void |
RigidShape.fillVBO(DrawContext dc)
Fill this shape's vertex buffer objects.
protected abstract void |
AbstractShape.fillVBO(DrawContext dc)
Fill this shape's vertex buffer objects.
protected void |
ExtrudedPolygon.fillVBO(DrawContext dc) |
protected ArrayList<Intersection> |
ContourLine.filterIntersections(DrawContext dc,
ArrayList<Intersection> list)
Filters the given intersection segments list according to some criteria - here the inclusion inside the bounding
protected ArrayList<Intersection> |
ContourLinePolygon.filterIntersections(DrawContext dc,
ArrayList<Intersection> list)
Filters the given intersection segments list according to some criteria - here the inclusion inside the current
protected ArrayList<Intersection> |
ContourLine.filterIntersectionsOnViewFrustum(DrawContext dc,
ArrayList<Intersection> list)
Filters the given intersection segments list according to the current view frustum.
protected boolean |
FramebufferTexture.generateTexture(DrawContext dc,
int width,
int height) |
protected Rectangle |
AnnotationNullLayout.getAnnotationBounds(DrawContext dc,
Annotation annotation) |
Vec4 |
GlobeAnnotation.getAnnotationDrawPoint(DrawContext dc)
Get the final Vec4 point at which an annotation will be drawn.
protected Vec4 |
BasicAnnotationRenderer.getAnnotationDrawPoint(DrawContext dc,
Annotation annotation)
Get the final Vec4 point at which an annotation will be drawn.
protected Vec4 |
GlobeAnnotation.getAnnotationDrawPointLegacy(DrawContext dc)
Compute the draw point using the legacy altitude mode.
protected Dimension |
AbstractAnnotationLayout.getAnnotationSize(DrawContext dc,
Annotation annotation) |
WWTexture |
AnnotationAttributes.getBackgroundTexture(DrawContext dc)
Get the background image as a
WWTexture for the specified draw context. |
Rectangle |
AbstractAnnotation.getBounds(DrawContext dc)
Get the annotation bounding
Rectangle using OGL coordinates - bottom-left corner x and y
relative to the WorldWindow bottom-left corner, and the annotation callout width and height. |
Rectangle |
AbstractBrowserBalloon.getBounds(DrawContext dc)
Get the balloon bounding
Rectangle using OGL coordinates - bottom-left corner x and y relative
to the WorldWindow bottom-left corner, and the balloon callout width and height. |
Rectangle2D |
PointPlacemark.OrderedPlacemark.getBounds(DrawContext dc) |
Rectangle2D |
DeclutterableText.getBounds(DrawContext dc) |
Rectangle |
Annotation.getBounds(DrawContext dc)
Get the annotation bounding
Rectangle using OGL coordinates - bottom-left corner x and y
relative to the WorldWindow bottom-left corner, and the annotation callout width and height. |
Rectangle |
Balloon.getBounds(DrawContext dc)
Get the balloon bounding
Rectangle using OGL coordinates - bottom-left corner x and y relative
to the WorldWindow bottom-left corner, and the balloon callout width and height. |
Rectangle |
AbstractAnnotationBalloon.getBounds(DrawContext dc)
Get the balloon bounding
Rectangle using OGL coordinates - bottom-left corner x and y relative
to the WorldWindow bottom-left corner, and the balloon callout width and height. |
Rectangle2D |
Declutterable.getBounds(DrawContext dc) |
protected List<List<LatLon>> |
AbstractSurfaceShape.getCachedGeometry(DrawContext dc,
SurfaceTileDrawContext sdc) |
Double |
OutlinedShape.getDepthOffsetFactor(DrawContext dc,
Object shape)
Returns the depth-offset factor.
Double |
OutlinedShape.getDepthOffsetUnits(DrawContext dc,
Object shape)
Returns the depth-offset units.
protected double |
Path.getDistanceMetric(DrawContext dc,
Path.PathData pathData)
Computes this Path's distance from the eye point, for use in determining when to show positions points.
Extent |
SurfaceIcon.getExtent(DrawContext dc) |
Extent |
SurfaceImage.getExtent(DrawContext dc) |
Extent |
Polyline.getExtent(DrawContext dc)
Returns this Polyline's enclosing volume as an
Extent in model coordinates, given
a specified DrawContext . |
Extent |
AbstractSurfaceObject.getExtent(DrawContext dc)
Returns the surface object's enclosing volume as an
Extent in model coordinates,
given a specified DrawContext . |
Extent |
SurfaceObject.getExtent(DrawContext dc)
Returns the surface object's enclosing volume as an
Extent in model coordinates,
given a specified DrawContext . |
Extent |
SurfaceTile.getExtent(DrawContext dc) |
int |
BasicWWTexture.getHeight(DrawContext dc) |
int |
WWTexture.getHeight(DrawContext dc)
Returns the texture's height
int |
LazilyLoadedTexture.getHeight(DrawContext dc)
Returns the texture's height
int |
FramebufferTexture.getHeight(DrawContext dc) |
int |
ScreenImage.getImageHeight(DrawContext dc)
Returns the height of the image after dynamic scaling has been applied.
int |
ScreenCreditImage.getImageHeight(DrawContext dc) |
int |
ScreenImage.getImageWidth(DrawContext dc)
Returns the width of the source image after dynamic scaling has been applied.
int |
ScreenCreditImage.getImageWidth(DrawContext dc) |
protected abstract Iterable<SurfaceTile> |
SurfaceTileRenderer.getIntersectingTiles(DrawContext dc,
SectorGeometry sg,
Iterable<? extends SurfaceTile> tiles) |
protected Iterable<SurfaceTile> |
GeographicSurfaceTileRenderer.getIntersectingTiles(DrawContext dc,
SectorGeometry sg,
Iterable<? extends SurfaceTile> tiles) |
protected Rectangle |
PointPlacemark.getLabelBounds(DrawContext dc,
PointPlacemark.OrderedPlacemark opm)
Determines the screen coordinate boundaries of this placemark's label.
protected MultiLineTextRenderer |
AbstractAnnotation.getMultiLineTextRenderer(DrawContext dc,
Font font,
String align) |
Collection<PickedObject> |
SurfaceObjectTileBuilder.getPickCandidates(DrawContext dc)
Returns the list of pickable object candidates associated with the SurfaceTiles assembled during the last call to
SurfaceObjectTileBuilder.buildTiles(DrawContext, Iterable) . |
Dimension |
AbstractAnnotation.getPreferredSize(DrawContext dc) |
Dimension |
Annotation.getPreferredSize(DrawContext dc) |
Dimension |
AnnotationLayoutManager.getPreferredSize(DrawContext dc,
Iterable<? extends Annotation> annotations) |
Dimension |
AnnotationFlowLayout.getPreferredSize(DrawContext dc,
Iterable<? extends Annotation> annotations) |
Dimension |
AnnotationNullLayout.getPreferredSize(DrawContext dc,
Iterable<? extends Annotation> annotations) |
Point |
ScreenImage.getScreenLocation(DrawContext dc)
Returns the location of the image on the screen.
protected Point |
ScreenAnnotation.getScreenPoint(DrawContext dc)
Get the
Point where the annotation is drawn in the viewport. |
protected Point |
ScreenRelativeAnnotation.getScreenPoint(DrawContext dc)
Computes and returns the screen point in pixels corresponding to the annotation's relative position coordinates
and the current window size.
List<Sector> |
SurfaceIcon.getSectors(DrawContext dc) |
List<Sector> |
SurfaceText.getSectors(DrawContext dc)
Returns a list of sectors indicating the geographic region that bounds this renderable for the specified draw
List<Sector> |
SurfacePolylines.getSectors(DrawContext dc) |
List<Sector> |
AbstractSurfaceShape.getSectors(DrawContext dc) |
List<Sector> |
SurfaceRenderable.getSectors(DrawContext dc)
Returns a list of sectors indicating the geographic region that bounds this renderable for the specified draw
Object |
SurfaceIcon.getStateKey(DrawContext dc)
Returns an object that uniquely identifies this renderable's state for the specified draw context.
Object |
SurfaceQuad.getStateKey(DrawContext dc)
Returns an object that uniquely identifies this renderable's state for the specified draw context.
Object |
SurfaceEllipse.getStateKey(DrawContext dc)
Returns an object that uniquely identifies this renderable's state for the specified draw context.
Object |
AbstractSurfaceShape.getStateKey(DrawContext dc)
Returns an object that uniquely identifies this renderable's state for the specified draw context.
Object |
AbstractSurfaceObject.getStateKey(DrawContext dc)
Returns an object that uniquely identifies this renderable's state for the specified draw context.
Object |
SurfaceRenderable.getStateKey(DrawContext dc)
Returns an object that uniquely identifies this renderable's state for the specified draw context.
Object |
SurfaceObjectTileBuilder.SurfaceObjectTile.getStateKey(DrawContext dc)
Returns an object that uniquely identifies the tile's state on the specified draw context.
protected Rectangle |
AbstractAnnotation.getTextBounds(DrawContext dc,
String text,
Font font,
String align) |
protected TextRenderer |
SurfaceText.getTextRenderer(DrawContext dc)
Get the text renderer to use to draw text.
protected TextRenderer |
AbstractAnnotation.getTextRenderer(DrawContext dc,
Font font) |
TextRenderer |
DeclutteringTextRenderer.getTextRenderer(DrawContext dc,
Font font)
Returns either a cached or new text renderer for a specified font.
protected TextRenderer |
ToolTipRenderer.getTextRenderer(DrawContext dc,
Font font) |
protected Texture |
LazilyLoadedTexture.getTexture(DrawContext dc)
Returns the
Texture associated with this instance. |
protected Texture |
BasicWWTexture.getTexture(DrawContext dc,
boolean initialize) |
protected Texture |
BasicWWTexture.getTextureFromCache(DrawContext dc) |
int |
SurfaceObjectTileBuilder.getTileCount(DrawContext dc)
Returns the number of SurfaceTiles assembled during the last call to
SurfaceObjectTileBuilder.buildTiles(DrawContext, Iterable) . |
Collection<? extends SurfaceTile> |
SurfaceObjectTileBuilder.getTiles(DrawContext dc)
Returns the list of SurfaceTiles assembled during the last call to
SurfaceObjectTileBuilder.buildTiles(DrawContext, Iterable) . |
protected ToolTipRenderer |
IconRenderer.OrderedText.getToolTipRenderer(DrawContext dc) |
PickedObject |
Path.PathPickSupport.getTopObject(DrawContext dc,
Point pickPoint)
Computes and returns the top object at the specified pick point.
protected int[] |
AbstractShape.getVboIds(DrawContext dc)
Get or create OpenGL resource IDs for the current data cache entry.
protected int[] |
RigidShape.getVboIds(int index,
DrawContext dc)
Get or create OpenGL resource IDs for the current data cache entry.
protected Angle |
AbstractSurfaceRenderable.getViewHeading(DrawContext dc) |
int |
BasicWWTexture.getWidth(DrawContext dc) |
int |
WWTexture.getWidth(DrawContext dc)
Returns the texture's width.
int |
LazilyLoadedTexture.getWidth(DrawContext dc)
Returns the texture's width.
int |
FramebufferTexture.getWidth(DrawContext dc) |
protected String |
AbstractAnnotation.getWrappedText(DrawContext dc,
int width,
int height,
String text,
Font font,
String align) |
protected Point |
AbstractAnnotation.glPointFromAWTPoint(DrawContext dc,
Point awtPoint) |
protected void |
AbstractSurfaceShape.handleUnsuccessfulInteriorTessellation(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
SurfaceMultiPolygon.handleUnsuccessfulInteriorTessellation(DrawContext dc)
Overridden to clear the multi-polygon's boundary list upon an unsuccessful tessellation attempt.
protected void |
SurfacePolygon.handleUnsuccessfulInteriorTessellation(DrawContext dc)
Overridden to clear the polygon's locations iterable upon an unsuccessful tessellation attempt.
protected void |
SurfacePolygons.handleUnsuccessfulInteriorTessellation(DrawContext dc) |
protected Dimension |
AnnotationFlowLayout.horizontalPreferredSize(DrawContext dc,
Iterable<? extends Annotation> annotations) |
protected void |
SurfaceTileRenderer.initAlphaTexture(DrawContext dc,
int size) |
protected void |
TrackRenderer.Shape.initialize(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
TrackRenderer.Cylinder.initialize(DrawContext dc) |
protected WWTexture |
SurfaceImage.initializeGeneratedTexture(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
SurfaceImage.initializeSourceTexture(DrawContext dc) |
protected Texture |
FramebufferTexture.initializeTexture(DrawContext dc) |
protected Texture |
FBOTexture.initializeTexture(DrawContext dc) |
protected Texture |
BasicWWTexture.initializeTexture(DrawContext dc,
Object imageSource) |
protected void |
SurfaceTileRenderer.initOutlineTexture(DrawContext dc,
int size) |
protected boolean |
Polyline.intersectsFrustum(DrawContext dc)
Indicates whether the shape is visible in the current view.
protected boolean |
AbstractSurfaceObject.intersectsFrustum(DrawContext dc)
Test if this SurfaceObject intersects the specified draw context's frustum.
protected boolean |
AbstractShape.intersectsFrustum(DrawContext dc)
Determines whether this shape intersects the view frustum.
protected boolean |
AbstractBrowserBalloon.intersectsFrustum(DrawContext dc,
AbstractBrowserBalloon.OrderedBrowserBalloon obb)
Determines whether the balloon intersects the view frustum.
protected boolean |
GlobeBrowserBalloon.intersectsFrustum(DrawContext dc,
AbstractBrowserBalloon.OrderedBrowserBalloon obb)
Determines whether the balloon intersects the view frustum.
protected boolean |
PointPlacemark.intersectsFrustum(DrawContext dc,
PointPlacemark.OrderedPlacemark opm)
Determines whether the placemark image intersects the view frustum.
protected boolean |
SurfaceObjectTileBuilder.intersectsFrustum(DrawContext dc,
TextureTile tile)
Test if the tile intersects the specified draw context's frustum.
protected boolean |
AbstractSurfaceObject.intersectsPickFrustum(DrawContext dc)
Test if this SurfaceObject intersects the specified draw context's pick frustums.
protected boolean |
AbstractSurfaceObject.intersectsVisibleSector(DrawContext dc)
Test if this SurfaceObject intersects the specified draw context's visible sector.
protected boolean |
SurfaceObjectTileBuilder.intersectsVisibleSector(DrawContext dc,
TextureTile tile)
Test if the specified tile intersects the draw context's visible sector.
protected boolean |
BasicAnnotationRenderer.isAtPickRange(DrawContext dc,
Annotation annotation) |
protected boolean |
AbstractBrowserBalloon.isDrawBrowserControls(DrawContext dc) |
protected boolean |
AbstractBrowserBalloon.isDrawInterior(DrawContext dc) |
boolean |
OutlinedShape.isDrawInterior(DrawContext dc,
Object shape)
Indicates whether the shape's faces are drawn.
protected boolean |
PointPlacemark.isDrawLine(DrawContext dc,
PointPlacemark.OrderedPlacemark opm)
Determines whether the placemark's optional line should be drawn and whether it intersects the view frustum.
protected boolean |
AbstractBrowserBalloon.isDrawLinks(DrawContext dc) |
protected boolean |
AbstractBrowserBalloon.isDrawOutline(DrawContext dc) |
boolean |
OutlinedShape.isDrawOutline(DrawContext dc,
Object shape)
Indicates whether the shape's outline is drawn.
protected boolean |
PointPlacemark.isDrawPoint(DrawContext dc)
Indicates whether a point should be drawn when the active texture is null.
protected boolean |
AbstractBrowserBalloon.isDrawResizeControl(DrawContext dc) |
protected boolean |
AbstractBrowserBalloon.isDrawTitleBar(DrawContext dc) |
boolean |
OutlinedShape.isEnableDepthOffset(DrawContext dc,
Object shape)
Indicates whether the shape's depth should be adjusted to give its filled faces priority over coincident items
previously drawn.
protected boolean |
IconRenderer.isFeedbackEnabled(DrawContext dc,
WWIcon icon)
Returns true if the IconRenderer should record feedback about how the specified WWIcon has been processed.
protected boolean |
Path.isOrderedRenderableValid(DrawContext dc) |
protected boolean |
Polygon.isOrderedRenderableValid(DrawContext dc) |
protected boolean |
RigidShape.isOrderedRenderableValid(DrawContext dc) |
protected abstract boolean |
AbstractShape.isOrderedRenderableValid(DrawContext dc)
Determines whether this shape's ordered renderable state is valid and can be rendered.
protected boolean |
ExtrudedPolygon.isOrderedRenderableValid(DrawContext dc) |
protected boolean |
Path.isSegmentVisible(DrawContext dc,
Position posA,
Position posB,
Vec4 ptA,
Vec4 ptB)
Determines whether the segment between two path positions is visible.
protected boolean |
Polyline.isSegmentVisible(DrawContext dc,
Position posA,
Position posB,
Vec4 ptA,
Vec4 ptB)
protected boolean |
Path.isSmall(DrawContext dc,
Vec4 ptA,
Vec4 ptB,
int numPixels) |
protected boolean |
Path.isSurfacePath(DrawContext dc)
Indicates whether this Path's defining positions and the positions in between are located on the underlying
boolean |
BasicWWTexture.isTextureCurrent(DrawContext dc) |
boolean |
WWTexture.isTextureCurrent(DrawContext dc)
Indicates whether the texture is currently available for use without regenerating it from its image source.
boolean |
LazilyLoadedTexture.isTextureCurrent(DrawContext dc) |
boolean |
FramebufferTexture.isTextureCurrent(DrawContext dc) |
boolean |
SurfaceIcon.SectorInfo.isValid(DrawContext dc) |
protected boolean |
ContourLine.isValid(DrawContext dc) |
protected boolean |
Polyline.ExtentInfo.isValid(DrawContext dc) |
protected Texture |
LazilyLoadedTexture.makeBufferedImageTexture(DrawContext dc)
Creates this instance's
Texture if the image source is a BufferedImage |
protected void |
ContourLine.makeContourLine(DrawContext dc)
Update the renderable list with appropriate renderables to display the contour line.
protected void |
AbstractSurfaceShape.makeOrderedPreRenderable(DrawContext dc)
Overridden to determine the shape's active attributes during preRendering, prior to building the shape's pickable
representation and the SceneController's composite representation.
protected void |
AbstractSurfaceObject.makeOrderedPreRenderable(DrawContext dc)
Prepares the SurfaceObject as an
OrderedRenderable and adds it to the
DrawContext's ordered surface renderable list. |
protected void |
AbstractBrowserBalloon.makeOrderedRenderable(DrawContext dc)
Updates the balloon's per-frame rendering state, and determines whether to queue an ordered renderable for the
protected void |
PointPlacemark.makeOrderedRenderable(DrawContext dc)
If the scene controller is rendering ordered renderables, this method draws this placemark's image as an ordered
protected void |
AbstractSurfaceObject.makeOrderedRenderable(DrawContext dc)
Prepares the SurfaceObject as an
OrderedRenderable and adds it to the
DrawContext's ordered surface renderable list. |
protected void |
AbstractShape.makeOrderedRenderable(DrawContext dc)
Determines whether to add this shape to the draw context's ordered renderable list.
protected int |
ContourLine.makePolylinesConnected(DrawContext dc,
ArrayList<Intersection> inter,
int tolerance)
Add a set of
Polyline objects to the contour line renderable list by connecting as much as possible
the segments from the given Intersection array. |
protected void |
MultiResolutionPath.makePositions(DrawContext dc,
Path.PathData pathData)
Overridden to skip positions from this Path's original positions list.
protected void |
Path.makePositions(DrawContext dc,
Path.PathData pathData) |
protected ArrayList<Vec4> |
Polyline.makeSegment(DrawContext dc,
Position posA,
Position posB,
Vec4 ptA,
Vec4 ptB)
protected void |
Path.makeSegment(DrawContext dc,
Position posA,
Position posB,
Vec4 ptA,
Vec4 ptB,
Color colorA,
Color colorB,
int ordinalA,
int ordinalB,
Path.PathData pathData)
Creates the interior segment positions to adhere to the current path type and terrain-following settings.
protected void |
MultiResolutionPath.makeTessellatedPositions(DrawContext dc,
Path.PathData pathData)
Generates positions defining this path with path type and terrain-conforming properties applied.
protected void |
Path.makeTessellatedPositions(DrawContext dc,
Path.PathData pathData)
Generates positions defining this path with path type and terrain-conforming properties applied.
protected Texture |
LazilyLoadedTexture.makeTextureFromTextureData(DrawContext dc)
protected void |
Polyline.makeVertices(DrawContext dc)
protected void |
AbstractBrowserBalloon.makeWebView(DrawContext dc,
Dimension frameSize) |
protected boolean |
SurfaceObjectTileBuilder.meetsRenderCriteria(DrawContext dc,
LevelSet levelSet,
Tile tile)
Tests if the specified tile meets the rendering criteria on the specified draw context.
protected boolean |
AbstractShape.mustApplyLighting(DrawContext dc)
Indicates whether standard lighting must be applied by consulting the current active attributes.
protected boolean |
Path.mustApplyLighting(DrawContext dc,
ShapeAttributes activeAttrs) |
protected boolean |
AbstractShape.mustApplyLighting(DrawContext dc,
ShapeAttributes activeAttrs)
Indicates whether standard lighting must be applied by consulting either the specified active attributes or the
current active attributes.
protected boolean |
Path.mustApplyTexture(DrawContext dc) |
protected boolean |
Polygon.mustApplyTexture(DrawContext dc) |
protected boolean |
RigidShape.mustApplyTexture(DrawContext dc) |
protected abstract boolean |
AbstractShape.mustApplyTexture(DrawContext dc)
Indicates whether texture should be applied to this shape.
protected boolean |
ExtrudedPolygon.mustApplyTexture(DrawContext dc) |
protected boolean |
AbstractShape.mustCreateNormals(DrawContext dc)
Indicates whether normal vectors must be computed by consulting the current active attributes.
protected boolean |
AbstractShape.mustCreateNormals(DrawContext dc,
ShapeAttributes activeAttrs)
Indicates whether normal vectors must be computed by consulting either the specified active attributes or the
current active attributes.
protected boolean |
Ellipsoid.mustRegenerateGeometry(DrawContext dc) |
protected boolean |
Path.mustRegenerateGeometry(DrawContext dc) |
protected boolean |
Polygon.mustRegenerateGeometry(DrawContext dc) |
protected boolean |
RigidShape.mustRegenerateGeometry(DrawContext dc) |
protected boolean |
Cone.mustRegenerateGeometry(DrawContext dc) |
protected boolean |
AbstractShape.mustRegenerateGeometry(DrawContext dc)
Indicates whether this shape's renderable geometry must be recomputed, either as a result of an attribute or
property change or the expiration of the geometry regeneration interval.
protected boolean |
Cylinder.mustRegenerateGeometry(DrawContext dc) |
protected boolean |
ExtrudedPolygon.mustRegenerateGeometry(DrawContext dc) |
protected boolean |
Wedge.mustRegenerateGeometry(DrawContext dc) |
protected boolean |
SurfaceObjectTileBuilder.needToSplit(DrawContext dc,
Tile tile)
Tests if the specified tile must be split to meets the desired resolution on the specified draw context.
void |
BasicAnnotationRenderer.pick(DrawContext dc,
Annotation annotation,
Vec4 annotationPoint,
Point pickPoint,
Layer layer) |
void |
AnnotationRenderer.pick(DrawContext dc,
Annotation annotation,
Vec4 annotationPoint,
Point pickPoint,
Layer annotationLayer) |
void |
IconRenderer.pick(DrawContext dc,
Iterable<? extends WWIcon> icons,
Point pickPoint,
Layer layer) |
void |
BasicAnnotationRenderer.pick(DrawContext dc,
Iterable<Annotation> annotations,
Point pickPoint,
Layer layer) |
void |
AnnotationRenderer.pick(DrawContext dc,
Iterable<Annotation> annotations,
Point pickPoint,
Layer annotationLayer) |
Vec4 |
TrackRenderer.pick(DrawContext dc,
Iterator<TrackPoint> trackPositions,
Point pickPoint,
Layer layer) |
void |
AbstractAnnotation.pick(DrawContext dc,
Point pickPoint)
Pick at the annotation.
void |
IconRenderer.OrderedText.pick(DrawContext dc,
Point pickPoint) |
void |
IconRenderer.OrderedIcon.pick(DrawContext dc,
Point pickPoint) |
void |
AbstractBrowserBalloon.OrderedBrowserBalloon.pick(DrawContext dc,
Point pickPoint) |
void |
PointPlacemark.OrderedPlacemark.pick(DrawContext dc,
Point pickPoint) |
void |
DeclutterableText.pick(DrawContext dc,
Point pickPoint) |
void |
SurfaceImage.pick(DrawContext dc,
Point pickPoint) |
void |
GeographicTextRenderer.OrderedText.pick(DrawContext dc,
Point pickPoint) |
void |
ScreenCreditController.pick(DrawContext dc,
Point pickPoint) |
void |
Polyline.pick(DrawContext dc,
Point pickPoint)
void |
BasicAnnotationRenderer.OrderedAnnotation.pick(DrawContext dc,
Point pickPoint) |
void |
AbstractSurfaceObject.pick(DrawContext dc,
Point pickPoint)
Causes the surface object to draw a pickable representation of itself on the surface terrain, using the provided
draw context.
void |
SurfaceObject.pick(DrawContext dc,
Point pickPoint)
Causes the surface object to draw a pickable representation of itself on the surface terrain, using the provided
draw context.
void |
ScreenCredit.pick(DrawContext dc,
Point pickPoint) |
void |
AbstractShape.pick(DrawContext dc,
Point pickPoint) |
void |
OrderedRenderable.pick(DrawContext dc,
Point pickPoint)
Executes a pick of the ordered renderable.
void |
ScreenImage.pick(DrawContext dc,
Point pickPoint) |
void |
ScreenImage.OrderedImage.pick(DrawContext dc,
Point pickPoint) |
void |
AbstractBrowserBalloon.pick(DrawContext dc,
Point pickPoint,
AbstractBrowserBalloon.OrderedBrowserBalloon obb) |
void |
PointPlacemark.pick(DrawContext dc,
Point pickPoint,
PointPlacemark.OrderedPlacemark opm) |
void |
MultiLineTextRenderer.pick(String text,
int x,
int y,
int textLineHeight,
DrawContext dc,
PickSupport pickSupport,
Object refObject,
Position refPosition)
Draw text with unique colors word bounding rectangles and add each as a pickable object to the provided
PickSupport instance.
protected void |
AbstractSurfaceObject.pickBatched(DrawContext dc,
PickSupport pickSupport)
Causes adjacent SurfaceObjects in the DrawContext's ordered surface renderable list to draw themselves in in a
unique pick color, and adds themselves as pickable objects to the specified pickSupport.
void |
MultiLineTextRenderer.pickHTML(String text,
int x,
int y,
TextRendererCache renderers,
DrawContext dc,
PickSupport pickSupport,
Object refObject,
Position refPosition)
Draw text with unique colors word bounding rectangles and add each as a pickable object to the provided
PickSupport instance.
protected void |
IconRenderer.pickIconsInBatch(DrawContext dc,
IconRenderer.OrderedIcon uIcon) |
protected void |
AbstractSurfaceObject.pickOrderedRenderable(DrawContext dc,
PickSupport pickSupport)
Causes the SurfaceObject to draw itself in a unique pick color, and add itself as a pickable object to the
specified pickSupport.
protected void |
MultiLineTextRenderer.pickWord(String word,
String hyperlink,
double drawX,
double drawY,
Rectangle2D wordBounds,
DrawContext dc,
PickSupport pickSupport,
Object refObject,
Position refPosition) |
protected abstract void |
SurfaceTileRenderer.preComputeTextureTransform(DrawContext dc,
SectorGeometry sg,
SurfaceTileRenderer.Transform t) |
protected void |
GeographicSurfaceTileRenderer.preComputeTextureTransform(DrawContext dc,
SectorGeometry sg,
SurfaceTileRenderer.Transform t) |
protected void |
AbstractBrowserBalloon.prepareToDrawInterior(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
AbstractShape.prepareToDrawInterior(DrawContext dc,
ShapeAttributes activeAttrs,
ShapeAttributes defaultAttrs)
Establishes OpenGL state for drawing the interior, including setting the color/material.
protected void |
AbstractBrowserBalloon.prepareToDrawOutline(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
AbstractShape.prepareToDrawOutline(DrawContext dc,
ShapeAttributes activeAttrs,
ShapeAttributes defaultAttrs)
Establishes OpenGL state for drawing the outline, including setting the color/material, line smoothing, line
width and stipple.
protected void |
Path.prepareToDrawPoints(DrawContext dc) |
void |
SurfaceText.preRender(DrawContext dc)
Causes the surface object to prepare a representation of itself which can be drawn on the surface terrain, using
the provided draw context.
void |
SurfaceImage.preRender(DrawContext dc) |
void |
Polyline.preRender(DrawContext dc)
void |
AbstractSurfaceObject.preRender(DrawContext dc)
Causes the surface object to prepare a representation of itself which can be drawn on the surface terrain, using
the provided draw context.
void |
PreRenderable.preRender(DrawContext dc) |
void |
SurfaceObject.preRender(DrawContext dc)
Causes the surface object to prepare a representation of itself which can be drawn on the surface terrain, using
the provided draw context.
void |
AbstractShape.preRender(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
IconRenderer.recordFeedback(DrawContext dc,
WWIcon icon,
Vec4 modelPoint,
Rectangle screenRect)
If feedback is enabled for the specified WWIcon, this method records feedback about how the specified WWIcon has
been processed.
void |
AbstractAnnotation.render(DrawContext dc)
Render the annotation.
void |
Quadrilateral.render(DrawContext dc) |
void |
IconRenderer.OrderedText.render(DrawContext dc) |
void |
IconRenderer.OrderedIcon.render(DrawContext dc) |
void |
Renderable.render(DrawContext dc)
Causes this
Renderable to render itself using the provided draw context. |
void |
AbstractBrowserBalloon.render(DrawContext dc) |
void |
AbstractBrowserBalloon.OrderedBrowserBalloon.render(DrawContext dc) |
void |
PointPlacemark.render(DrawContext dc) |
void |
PointPlacemark.OrderedPlacemark.render(DrawContext dc) |
void |
DeclutterableText.render(DrawContext dc)
Causes this
Renderable to render itself using the provided draw context. |
void |
SurfaceImage.render(DrawContext dc) |
void |
GeographicTextRenderer.OrderedText.render(DrawContext dc) |
void |
ContourLine.render(DrawContext dc) |
void |
ScreenCreditController.render(DrawContext dc) |
void |
Polyline.render(DrawContext dc)
void |
BasicAnnotationRenderer.OrderedAnnotation.render(DrawContext dc) |
void |
AbstractAnnotationBalloon.render(DrawContext dc)
Causes this
Renderable to render itself using the provided draw context. |
void |
Polygon.render(DrawContext dc) |
void |
AbstractSurfaceObject.render(DrawContext dc)
Causes this
Renderable to render itself using the provided draw context. |
void |
AbstractShape.render(DrawContext dc) |
void |
ExtrudedPolygon.render(DrawContext dc) |
void |
ScreenImage.render(DrawContext dc) |
void |
ScreenImage.OrderedImage.render(DrawContext dc) |
void |
BasicAnnotationRenderer.render(DrawContext dc,
Annotation annotation,
Vec4 annotationPoint,
Layer layer) |
void |
AnnotationRenderer.render(DrawContext dc,
Annotation annotation,
Vec4 annotationPoint,
Layer layer) |
void |
GeographicTextRenderer.render(DrawContext dc,
GeographicText text,
Vec4 textPoint) |
void |
DeclutteringTextRenderer.render(DrawContext dc,
Iterable<? extends GeographicText> textIterable)
Adds ordered renderables to the ordered renderable list.
void |
IconRenderer.render(DrawContext dc,
Iterable<? extends WWIcon> icons) |
void |
BasicAnnotationRenderer.render(DrawContext dc,
Iterable<Annotation> annotations,
Layer layer) |
void |
AnnotationRenderer.render(DrawContext dc,
Iterable<Annotation> annotations,
Layer layer) |
void |
GeographicTextRenderer.render(DrawContext dc,
Iterable<GeographicText> text) |
Vec4 |
TrackRenderer.render(DrawContext dc,
Iterator<TrackPoint> trackPositions) |
void |
ToolTipRenderer.render(DrawContext dc,
String text,
int x,
int y) |
protected void |
TrackRenderer.Shape.render(DrawContext dc,
Vec4 point,
double radius) |
void |
AbstractAnnotation.renderNow(DrawContext dc) |
void |
Annotation.renderNow(DrawContext dc)
Draws the annotation immediately on the specified DrawContext.
void |
SurfaceTileRenderer.renderTile(DrawContext dc,
SurfaceTile tile) |
void |
SurfaceTileRenderer.renderTiles(DrawContext dc,
Iterable<? extends SurfaceTile> tiles) |
protected Texture |
LazilyLoadedTexture.requestTexture(DrawContext dc)
If this instance's image source is a
BufferedImage , creates and returns the texture, otherwise
creates a task in a separate thread to retrieve it from its local or remote location. |
void |
PointPlacemark.LODSelector.selectLOD(DrawContext dc,
PointPlacemark placemark,
double eyeDistance)
Modifies the placemark's attributes and properties to achieve a desired level of detail during rendering.
protected void |
GeographicTextRenderer.setDepthFunc(DrawContext dc,
GeographicTextRenderer.OrderedText uText,
Vec4 screenPoint) |
protected void |
IconRenderer.setDepthFunc(DrawContext dc,
IconRenderer.OrderedIcon uIcon,
Vec4 screenPoint) |
protected void |
DeclutteringTextRenderer.setDepthFunc(DrawContext dc,
Vec4 screenPoint) |
protected void |
GlobeAnnotation.setDepthFunc(DrawContext dc,
Vec4 screenPoint) |
protected void |
PointPlacemark.setLineColor(DrawContext dc,
PickSupport pickCandidates)
Sets the color of the placemark's line during rendering.
protected void |
PointPlacemark.setLineWidth(DrawContext dc)
Sets the width of the placemark's line during rendering.
protected void |
RigidShape.setModelViewMatrix(DrawContext dc)
Called during drawing to set the modelview matrix to apply the correct position, scale and orientation for this
protected void |
PointPlacemark.setPointSize(DrawContext dc)
Sets the width of the placemark's point during rendering.
protected void |
LazilyLoadedTexture.setTextureParameters(DrawContext dc,
Texture texture)
Sets a specified texture's OpenGL
Texture parameters. |
protected void |
ScreenBrowserBalloon.setupDepthTest(DrawContext dc,
AbstractBrowserBalloon.OrderedBrowserBalloon obb) |
protected abstract void |
AbstractBrowserBalloon.setupDepthTest(DrawContext dc,
AbstractBrowserBalloon.OrderedBrowserBalloon obb) |
protected void |
GlobeBrowserBalloon.setupDepthTest(DrawContext dc,
AbstractBrowserBalloon.OrderedBrowserBalloon obb) |
protected boolean |
Path.shouldUseVBOs(DrawContext dc) |
protected boolean |
Polygon.shouldUseVBOs(DrawContext dc) |
protected boolean |
AbstractShape.shouldUseVBOs(DrawContext dc)
Indicates whether this shape should use OpenGL vertex buffer objects.
protected boolean |
Ellipsoid.sufficientDetail(DrawContext dc,
int subdivisions,
RigidShape.ShapeData shapeData) |
protected boolean |
Cone.sufficientDetail(DrawContext dc,
int subdivisions,
RigidShape.ShapeData shapeData) |
protected boolean |
Cylinder.sufficientDetail(DrawContext dc,
int subdivisions,
RigidShape.ShapeData shapeData) |
protected boolean |
Wedge.sufficientDetail(DrawContext dc,
int subdivisions,
RigidShape.ShapeData shapeData) |
protected Integer |
AbstractSurfaceShape.tessellateInterior(DrawContext dc) |
protected int[] |
SurfacePolygons.tessellateInterior(DrawContext dc,
LatLon referenceLocation) |
protected int[] |
SurfacePolylines.tessellateOutline(DrawContext dc,
LatLon referenceLocation) |
protected void |
AbstractAnnotation.transformBackgroundImageCoordsToAnnotationCoords(DrawContext dc,
int width,
int height,
WWTexture texture)
Transforms texture coordinates from Annotation background image coordinates to Annotation geometry coordinates
(in screen pixels), and applies the Annotation's image scale and image offset attributes.
protected Rectangle |
AbstractAnnotation.transformByModelview(DrawContext dc,
Rectangle rectangle) |
protected void |
AbstractAnnotation.transformImageCoordsToBackgroundImageCoords(DrawContext dc,
WWTexture texture)
Transforms texture coordinates from standard GL image coordinates to Annotation background image coordinates.
protected void |
AbstractBrowserBalloon.updateRenderState(DrawContext dc,
AbstractBrowserBalloon.OrderedBrowserBalloon obb) |
protected void |
AbstractBrowserBalloon.updateRenderStateIfNeeded(DrawContext dc,
AbstractBrowserBalloon.OrderedBrowserBalloon obb)
Update the balloon's active attributes and points, if that hasn't already been done this frame.
protected void |
SurfaceText.updateTextBounds(DrawContext dc)
Determine the text bounds.
protected void |
SurfaceObjectTileBuilder.updateTile(DrawContext dc,
SurfaceObjectTileBuilder.SurfaceObjectTile tile)
Draws the current list of surface renderables into the specified surface tile.
protected void |
SurfaceObjectTileBuilder.updateTiles(DrawContext dc)
Updates each
SurfaceObjectTileBuilder.SurfaceObjectTile in the SurfaceObjectTileBuilder.currentInfo . |
protected void |
AbstractBrowserBalloon.updateWebView(DrawContext dc,
AbstractBrowserBalloon.OrderedBrowserBalloon obb) |
protected Dimension |
AnnotationFlowLayout.verticalPerferredSize(DrawContext dc,
Iterable<? extends Annotation> annotations) |
protected String |
AbstractAnnotation.wrapText(DrawContext dc,
int width,
int height,
String text,
Font font,
String align) |
Constructor and Description |
AbstractShapeData(DrawContext dc,
long minExpiryTime,
long maxExpiryTime)
Constructs a data cache entry and initializes its globe-dependent state key for the globe in the specified
draw context and capture the current vertical exaggeration.
CacheEntry(Object object,
DrawContext dc) |
ExtentInfo(Extent extent,
DrawContext dc) |
GeometryKey(DrawContext dc,
double edgeIntervalsPerDegree) |
MultiResolutionPathData(DrawContext dc,
Path shape)
Creates a new MultiResolutionPathData with the specified draw context and path.
OrderedRenderableEntry(OrderedRenderable orderedRenderable,
double distanceFromEye,
long insertionTime,
DrawContext dc) |
OrderedRenderableEntry(OrderedRenderable orderedRenderable,
long insertionTime,
DrawContext dc) |
PathData(DrawContext dc,
Path shape) |
SectorInfo(List<Sector> sectors,
DrawContext dc) |
ShapeData(DrawContext dc,
AbstractGeneralShape shape)
Construct a cache entry for this shape.
ShapeData(DrawContext dc,
ExtrudedPolygon shape)
Constructs an instance using the boundaries of a specified extruded polygon.
ShapeData(DrawContext dc,
Polygon shape)
Construct a cache entry using the boundaries of this shape.
ShapeData(DrawContext dc,
RigidShape shape) |
SurfaceObjectTileStateKey(DrawContext dc,
SurfaceObjectTileBuilder.SurfaceObjectTile tile)
Construsts a tile state key for the specified surface renderable tile.
TileInfoKey(DrawContext dc,
int tileWidth,
int tileHeight) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
Polygon.adjustForGroundReference(DrawContext dc,
boolean[] terrainConformant,
double[] altitudes) |
protected void |
AbstractAirspace.adjustForGroundReference(DrawContext dc,
boolean[] terrainConformant,
double[] altitudes,
LatLon groundRef) |
protected void |
Box.applyCenterLineState(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
SurfaceBox.applyCenterLineState(DrawContext dc,
ShapeAttributes attributes) |
void |
AirspaceAttributes.applyInterior(DrawContext dc,
boolean enableMaterial)
Material.apply(, int) or make OpenGL state changes directly. |
void |
BasicAirspaceAttributes.applyInterior(DrawContext dc,
boolean enableMaterial)
Material.apply(, int) or make OpenGL state changes directly. |
protected void |
BasicAirspaceAttributes.applyMaterial(DrawContext dc,
Material material,
double opacity,
boolean enableMaterial) |
void |
AirspaceAttributes.applyOutline(DrawContext dc,
boolean enableMaterial)
Material.apply(, int) or make OpenGL state changes directly. |
void |
BasicAirspaceAttributes.applyOutline(DrawContext dc,
boolean enableMaterial)
Material.apply(, int) or make OpenGL state changes directly. |
protected void |
AbstractAirspace.beginRendering(DrawContext dc) |
protected DetailLevel |
AbstractAirspace.computeDetailLevel(DrawContext dc) |
protected double |
AbstractAirspace.computeElevationAt(DrawContext dc,
Angle latitude,
Angle longitude) |
protected Extent |
AbstractAirspace.computeExtent(DrawContext dc) |
protected Sphere |
SphereAirspace.computeExtent(DrawContext dc) |
protected Extent |
TrackAirspace.computeExtent(DrawContext dc) |
protected double |
AbstractAirspace.computeEyeDistance(DrawContext dc) |
protected double |
SphereAirspace.computeEyeDistance(DrawContext dc) |
protected List<Vec4> |
AbstractAirspace.computeMinimalGeometry(DrawContext dc) |
Vec4 |
AbstractAirspace.computePointFromPosition(DrawContext dc,
Angle latitude,
Angle longitude,
double elevation,
boolean terrainConformant) |
protected Vec4 |
CappedCylinder.computeReferenceCenter(DrawContext dc) |
protected Vec4 |
Polygon.computeReferenceCenter(DrawContext dc) |
protected Vec4 |
Orbit.computeReferenceCenter(DrawContext dc) |
protected Vec4 |
Curtain.computeReferenceCenter(DrawContext dc) |
protected Vec4 |
Box.computeReferenceCenter(DrawContext dc) |
protected Vec4 |
CappedEllipticalCylinder.computeReferenceCenter(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
AbstractAirspace.determineActiveAttributes(DrawContext dc)
Determines which attributes -- normal, highlight or default -- to use each frame.
protected void |
SurfaceBox.determineActiveGeometry(DrawContext dc,
SurfaceTileDrawContext sdc) |
protected void |
AbstractAirspace.doDrawOrderedRenderable(DrawContext dc,
PickSupport pickCandidates) |
protected void |
CappedCylinder.doRenderGeometry(DrawContext dc,
String drawStyle) |
protected abstract void |
AbstractAirspace.doRenderGeometry(DrawContext dc,
String drawStyle) |
protected void |
SphereAirspace.doRenderGeometry(DrawContext dc,
String drawStyle) |
protected void |
Polygon.doRenderGeometry(DrawContext dc,
String drawStyle) |
protected void |
Orbit.doRenderGeometry(DrawContext dc,
String drawStyle) |
protected void |
TrackAirspace.doRenderGeometry(DrawContext dc,
String drawStyle) |
protected void |
Curtain.doRenderGeometry(DrawContext dc,
String drawStyle) |
protected void |
PartialCappedCylinder.doRenderGeometry(DrawContext dc,
String drawStyle) |
protected void |
Cake.doRenderGeometry(DrawContext dc,
String drawStyle) |
protected void |
Box.doRenderGeometry(DrawContext dc,
String drawStyle) |
protected void |
PolyArc.doRenderGeometry(DrawContext dc,
String drawStyle) |
protected void |
CappedEllipticalCylinder.doRenderGeometry(DrawContext dc,
String drawStyle) |
protected void |
Polygon.doRenderGeometry(DrawContext dc,
String drawStyle,
List<LatLon> locations,
List<Boolean> edgeFlags) |
protected void |
AbstractAirspace.drawBatched(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
SurfaceBox.drawCenterLine(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
Curtain.drawCurtainFill(DrawContext dc,
int count,
LatLon[] locations,
String pathType,
double splitThreshold,
double[] altitudes,
boolean[] terrainConformant,
Vec4 referenceCenter) |
protected void |
Curtain.drawCurtainOutline(DrawContext dc,
int count,
LatLon[] locations,
String pathType,
double splitThreshold,
double[] altitudes,
boolean[] terrainConformant,
Vec4 referenceCenter) |
protected void |
AbstractAirspace.drawGeometry(DrawContext dc,
Geometry indices,
Geometry vertices) |
protected void |
AbstractAirspace.drawInterior(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
AbstractAirspace.drawOrderedRenderable(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
AbstractAirspace.drawOutline(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
SurfaceBox.drawOutline(DrawContext dc,
SurfaceTileDrawContext sdc) |
protected void |
SphereAirspace.drawSphere(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
SphereAirspace.drawUnitSphere(DrawContext dc,
int subdivisions) |
protected void |
AbstractAirspace.endRendering(DrawContext dc) |
protected AbstractAirspace.AirspaceInfo |
AbstractAirspace.getAirspaceInfo(DrawContext dc) |
protected Curtain.CurtainGeometry |
Curtain.getCurtainGeometry(DrawContext dc,
int count,
LatLon[] locations,
String pathType,
double splitThreshold,
double[] altitudes,
boolean[] terrainConformant,
Vec4 referenceCenter) |
Extent |
AbstractAirspace.getExtent(DrawContext dc) |
Extent |
SphereAirspace.getExtent(DrawContext dc)
Returns this SphereAirspace's
Extent for the specified DrawContext. |
Extent |
Airspace.getExtent(DrawContext dc)
Returns this Airspace's enclosing volume as an
Extent in model coordinates, given
a specified DrawContext . |
protected int |
Curtain.getSectionPillarCount(DrawContext dc,
LatLon begin,
LatLon end,
String pathType,
double splitThreshold) |
boolean |
AbstractAirspace.isAirspaceVisible(DrawContext dc)
Test if this airspace is visible in the specified draw context.
boolean |
Airspace.isAirspaceVisible(DrawContext dc)
Test if this airspace is visible in the specified draw context.
boolean |
TrackAirspace.isAirspaceVisible(DrawContext dc) |
boolean |
Cake.isAirspaceVisible(DrawContext dc) |
protected boolean |
AbstractAirspace.isExpired(DrawContext dc,
Geometry geom) |
boolean |
AbstractAirspace.AirspaceInfo.isValid(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
Curtain.makeCurtainGeometry(DrawContext dc,
int count,
LatLon[] locations,
String pathType,
double splitThreshold,
double[] altitudes,
boolean[] terrainConformant,
Vec4 referenceCenter,
Curtain.CurtainGeometry dest) |
protected void |
AbstractAirspace.makeOrderedRenderable(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
Curtain.makeSectionInfo(DrawContext dc,
int count,
LatLon[] locations,
String pathType,
double splitThreshold,
Curtain.SectionRenderInfo[] ri,
int[] counts) |
protected void |
Curtain.makeSectionVertices(DrawContext dc,
LatLon begin,
LatLon end,
String pathType,
double[] altitude,
boolean[] terrainConformant,
int pillars,
int vertexPos,
float[] dest,
Vec4 referenceCenter) |
boolean |
DetailLevel.meetsCriteria(DrawContext dc,
Airspace airspace) |
boolean |
ScreenSizeDetailLevel.meetsCriteria(DrawContext dc,
Airspace airspace) |
protected boolean |
AbstractAirspace.mustDrawInterior(DrawContext dc) |
protected boolean |
AbstractAirspace.mustDrawOutline(DrawContext dc) |
protected long |
AbstractAirspace.nextExpiryTime(DrawContext dc,
boolean[] terrainConformance) |
void |
AbstractAirspace.pick(DrawContext dc,
Point pickPoint) |
void |
AbstractAirspace.preRender(DrawContext dc) |
void |
TrackAirspace.preRender(DrawContext dc) |
void |
Cake.preRender(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
CappedCylinder.regenerateSurfaceShape(DrawContext dc,
SurfaceShape shape) |
protected void |
AbstractAirspace.regenerateSurfaceShape(DrawContext dc,
SurfaceShape shape)
Regenerates surface shape geometry prior to picking and rendering the 2D shape used to represent this Airspace on
2D globes.
protected void |
SphereAirspace.regenerateSurfaceShape(DrawContext dc,
SurfaceShape shape) |
protected void |
Polygon.regenerateSurfaceShape(DrawContext dc,
SurfaceShape shape) |
protected void |
Orbit.regenerateSurfaceShape(DrawContext dc,
SurfaceShape shape) |
protected void |
Curtain.regenerateSurfaceShape(DrawContext dc,
SurfaceShape shape) |
protected void |
PartialCappedCylinder.regenerateSurfaceShape(DrawContext dc,
SurfaceShape shape) |
protected void |
Box.regenerateSurfaceShape(DrawContext dc,
SurfaceShape shape) |
protected void |
PolyArc.regenerateSurfaceShape(DrawContext dc,
SurfaceShape shape) |
protected void |
CappedEllipticalCylinder.regenerateSurfaceShape(DrawContext dc,
SurfaceShape shape) |
void |
AbstractAirspace.render(DrawContext dc) |
void |
TrackAirspace.render(DrawContext dc) |
void |
Cake.render(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
AbstractAirspace.updateExpiryCriteria(DrawContext dc,
Geometry geom) |
protected void |
CappedCylinder.updateSurfaceShape(DrawContext dc,
SurfaceShape shape) |
protected void |
AbstractAirspace.updateSurfaceShape(DrawContext dc,
SurfaceShape shape)
Sets surface shape parameters prior to picking and rendering the 2D shape used to represent this Airspace on 2D
protected void |
SphereAirspace.updateSurfaceShape(DrawContext dc,
SurfaceShape shape) |
protected void |
Polygon.updateSurfaceShape(DrawContext dc,
SurfaceShape shape) |
protected void |
Orbit.updateSurfaceShape(DrawContext dc,
SurfaceShape shape) |
protected void |
Curtain.updateSurfaceShape(DrawContext dc,
SurfaceShape shape) |
protected void |
CappedEllipticalCylinder.updateSurfaceShape(DrawContext dc,
SurfaceShape shape) |
Constructor and Description |
AirspaceInfo(DrawContext dc,
Extent extent,
List<Vec4> minimalGeometry) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
AbstractAirspaceEditor.addControlPoint(DrawContext dc,
AirspaceControlPoint controlPoint) |
protected void |
PolygonEditor.addPolygonControlPoint(DrawContext dc,
int locationIndex,
int altitudeIndex) |
protected void |
PolygonEditor.assembleControlPoints(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
SphereAirspaceEditor.assembleControlPoints(DrawContext dc) |
protected abstract void |
AbstractAirspaceEditor.assembleControlPoints(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
BasicAirspaceControlPointRenderer.begin(DrawContext dc) |
protected double |
BasicAirspaceControlPointRenderer.computeMarkerRadius(DrawContext dc,
Marker marker,
Vec4 point) |
protected void |
AbstractAirspaceEditor.doPick(DrawContext dc,
Point point) |
protected void |
AbstractAirspaceEditor.doRender(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
BasicAirspaceControlPointRenderer.draw(DrawContext dc,
Iterable<? extends AirspaceControlPoint> controlPoints) |
protected void |
AbstractAirspaceEditor.draw(DrawContext dc,
Point pickPoint) |
protected void |
BasicAirspaceControlPointRenderer.drawControlPoints(DrawContext dc,
Iterable<? extends AirspaceControlPoint> controlPoints) |
protected void |
BasicAirspaceControlPointRenderer.drawMarker(DrawContext dc,
AirspaceControlPoint controlPoint) |
protected void |
BasicAirspaceControlPointRenderer.drawMarkers(DrawContext dc,
Iterable<? extends AirspaceControlPoint> controlPoints) |
protected void |
BasicAirspaceControlPointRenderer.end(DrawContext dc) |
void |
BasicAirspaceControlPointRenderer.pick(DrawContext dc,
Iterable<? extends AirspaceControlPoint> controlPoints,
Point pickPoint,
Layer layer) |
void |
AirspaceControlPointRenderer.pick(DrawContext dc,
Iterable<? extends AirspaceControlPoint> controlPoints,
Point pickPoint,
Layer layer) |
void |
BasicAirspaceControlPointRenderer.render(DrawContext dc,
Iterable<? extends AirspaceControlPoint> controlPoints) |
void |
AirspaceControlPointRenderer.render(DrawContext dc,
Iterable<? extends AirspaceControlPoint> controlPoints) |
protected void |
BasicAirspaceControlPointRenderer.setupLighting(DrawContext dc) |
protected SortedSet<AirspaceControlPoint> |
BasicAirspaceControlPointRenderer.sortControlPoints(DrawContext dc,
Iterable<? extends AirspaceControlPoint> unsortedPoints) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
MarkerAttributes.apply(DrawContext dc) |
void |
BasicMarkerAttributes.apply(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
MarkerRenderer.begin(DrawContext dc) |
protected double |
MarkerRenderer.computeMarkerRadius(DrawContext dc,
Vec4 point,
Marker marker) |
protected Vec4 |
BasicMarkerShape.Shape.computeOrientationVector(DrawContext dc,
Vec4 point,
Vec4 normal,
Angle heading,
Angle pitch)
Compute a direction vector given a point, heading and pitch.
protected Vec4 |
MarkerRenderer.computeSurfacePoint(DrawContext dc,
Position pos) |
protected void |
MarkerRenderer.computeSurfacePoints(DrawContext dc,
Iterable<? extends Marker> markers) |
protected int[] |
BasicMarkerShape.Shape.createDisplayList(DrawContext dc,
double radius) |
protected abstract void |
BasicMarkerShape.Shape.doRender(DrawContext dc,
Marker marker,
Vec4 point,
double radius,
int[] dlResource) |
protected void |
BasicMarkerShape.Sphere.doRender(DrawContext dc,
Marker marker,
Vec4 point,
double radius,
int[] dlResource) |
protected void |
BasicMarkerShape.Cube.doRender(DrawContext dc,
Marker marker,
Vec4 point,
double size,
int[] dlResource) |
protected void |
BasicMarkerShape.Cone.doRender(DrawContext dc,
Marker marker,
Vec4 point,
double size,
int[] dlResource) |
protected void |
BasicMarkerShape.Cylinder.doRender(DrawContext dc,
Marker marker,
Vec4 point,
double size,
int[] dlResource) |
protected void |
BasicMarkerShape.HeadingLine.doRender(DrawContext dc,
Marker marker,
Vec4 point,
double size,
int[] dlResource) |
protected void |
BasicMarkerShape.HeadingArrow.doRender(DrawContext dc,
Marker marker,
Vec4 point,
double size,
int[] dlResource) |
protected void |
MarkerRenderer.draw(DrawContext dc,
Iterable<Marker> markers) |
protected void |
MarkerRenderer.drawAll(DrawContext dc,
Iterable<Marker> markers) |
protected void |
MarkerRenderer.drawOrderedMarkers(DrawContext dc,
MarkerRenderer.OrderedMarker uMarker) |
protected void |
MarkerRenderer.drawSeparated(DrawContext dc,
Iterable<Marker> markers) |
protected abstract int |
BasicMarkerShape.Shape.drawShape(DrawContext dc,
double radius) |
protected int |
BasicMarkerShape.Sphere.drawShape(DrawContext dc,
double radius) |
protected int |
BasicMarkerShape.Cube.drawShape(DrawContext dc,
double radius) |
protected int |
BasicMarkerShape.Cone.drawShape(DrawContext dc,
double radius) |
protected int |
BasicMarkerShape.Cylinder.drawShape(DrawContext dc,
double radius) |
protected int |
BasicMarkerShape.HeadingLine.drawShape(DrawContext dc,
double radius) |
protected int |
BasicMarkerShape.HeadingArrow.drawShape(DrawContext dc,
double radius) |
protected void |
MarkerRenderer.end(DrawContext dc) |
MarkerShape |
MarkerAttributes.getShape(DrawContext dc) |
MarkerShape |
BasicMarkerAttributes.getShape(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
BasicMarkerShape.Shape.initialize(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
BasicMarkerShape.Sphere.initialize(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
BasicMarkerShape.Cube.initialize(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
BasicMarkerShape.Cone.initialize(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
BasicMarkerShape.Cylinder.initialize(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
BasicMarkerShape.HeadingLine.initialize(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
BasicMarkerShape.HeadingArrow.initialize(DrawContext dc) |
protected boolean |
MarkerRenderer.intersectsFrustum(DrawContext dc,
Vec4 point,
double radius) |
void |
MarkerRenderer.OrderedMarker.pick(DrawContext dc,
Point pickPoint) |
protected void |
MarkerRenderer.pickOrderedMarkers(DrawContext dc,
MarkerRenderer.OrderedMarker uMarker) |
void |
MarkerRenderer.OrderedMarker.render(DrawContext dc) |
void |
MarkerRenderer.render(DrawContext dc,
Iterable<Marker> markers) |
void |
BasicMarkerShape.CompoundShape.render(DrawContext dc,
Marker marker,
Vec4 point,
double radius) |
void |
BasicMarkerShape.Shape.render(DrawContext dc,
Marker marker,
Vec4 point,
double radius) |
void |
MarkerShape.render(DrawContext dc,
Marker marker,
Vec4 point,
double radius) |
void |
BasicMarkerShape.CompoundShape.render(DrawContext dc,
Marker marker,
Vec4 point,
double radius,
boolean isRelative) |
void |
BasicMarkerShape.Shape.render(DrawContext dc,
Marker marker,
Vec4 point,
double radius,
boolean isRelative) |
void |
MarkerShape.render(DrawContext dc,
Marker marker,
Vec4 point,
double radius,
boolean isRelative) |
void |
Marker.render(DrawContext dc,
Vec4 point,
double radius) |
void |
BasicMarker.render(DrawContext dc,
Vec4 point,
double radius) |
void |
Marker.render(DrawContext dc,
Vec4 point,
double radius,
boolean isRelative) |
void |
BasicMarker.render(DrawContext dc,
Vec4 point,
double radius,
boolean isRelative) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
AbstractTacticalSymbol.addGlyph(DrawContext dc,
Offset offset,
Offset hotspot,
String modifierCode,
AbstractTacticalSymbol.OrderedSymbol osym) |
protected void |
AbstractTacticalSymbol.addGlyph(DrawContext dc,
Offset offset,
Offset hotspot,
String modifierCode,
AVList retrieverParams,
Object layoutMode,
AbstractTacticalSymbol.OrderedSymbol osym) |
protected void |
AbstractTacticalSymbol.addLabel(DrawContext dc,
Offset offset,
Offset hotspot,
String modifierText,
AbstractTacticalSymbol.OrderedSymbol osym) |
protected void |
AbstractTacticalSymbol.addLabel(DrawContext dc,
Offset offset,
Offset hotspot,
String modifierText,
Font font,
Color color,
Object layoutMode,
AbstractTacticalSymbol.OrderedSymbol osym) |
protected void |
AbstractTacticalSymbol.addLine(DrawContext dc,
Offset offset,
List<? extends Point2D> points,
AbstractTacticalSymbol.OrderedSymbol osym) |
protected void |
AbstractTacticalSymbol.addLine(DrawContext dc,
Offset offset,
List<? extends Point2D> points,
Object layoutMode,
int numPointsInLayout,
AbstractTacticalSymbol.OrderedSymbol osym) |
protected void |
TacticalGraphicLabel.beginDrawing(DrawContext dc)
Establish the OpenGL state needed to draw text.
protected void |
AbstractTacticalSymbol.beginDrawing(DrawContext dc,
int attrMask) |
protected void |
TacticalGraphicLabel.computeBoundsIfNeeded(DrawContext dc)
Compute the bounds of the text, if necessary.
protected void |
AbstractTacticalGraphic.computeGeometry(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
TacticalGraphicLabel.computeGeometry(DrawContext dc,
TacticalGraphicLabel.OrderedLabel olbl)
Compute the label's screen position from its geographic position.
protected void |
TacticalGraphicLabel.computeGeometryIfNeeded(DrawContext dc) |
protected Dimension |
AbstractTacticalSymbol.computeMinTextLayout(DrawContext dc,
AVList modifiers)
Compute the dimension of the minimum layout rectangle for the text modifiers.
protected void |
AbstractTacticalSymbol.computeScaledBounds(DrawContext dc,
AVList modifiers,
AbstractTacticalSymbol.OrderedSymbol osym)
Compute the bounds of symbol after the scale has been applied.
protected void |
AbstractTacticalSymbol.computeSymbolPoints(DrawContext dc,
AbstractTacticalSymbol.OrderedSymbol osym) |
protected void |
AbstractTacticalSymbol.computeTransform(DrawContext dc,
AbstractTacticalSymbol.OrderedSymbol osym) |
protected void |
AbstractTacticalGraphic.determineLabelPositions(DrawContext dc)
Determine positions for the start and end labels.
protected void |
AbstractTacticalGraphic.determinePerFrameAttributes(DrawContext dc)
Determine geometry and attributes for this frame.
protected void |
AbstractTacticalSymbol.OrderedSymbol.doDrawOrderedRenderable(DrawContext dc,
PickSupport pickCandidates) |
protected void |
TacticalGraphicLabel.OrderedLabel.doDrawOrderedRenderable(DrawContext dc,
PickSupport pickCandidates) |
protected void |
AbstractTacticalSymbol.doDrawOrderedRenderable(DrawContext dc,
PickSupport pickCandidates,
AbstractTacticalSymbol.OrderedSymbol osym) |
protected void |
TacticalGraphicLabel.doDrawOrderedRenderable(DrawContext dc,
PickSupport pickSupport,
TacticalGraphicLabel.OrderedLabel olbl)
Draw this label during ordered rendering.
protected void |
TacticalGraphicLabel.doPick(DrawContext dc,
PickSupport pickSupport,
TacticalGraphicLabel.OrderedLabel olbl)
Draw labels for picking.
protected abstract void |
AbstractTacticalGraphic.doRenderGraphic(DrawContext dc)
Render this graphic, without modifiers.
protected void |
AbstractTacticalGraphic.doRenderGraphicModifiers(DrawContext dc)
Render the graphic modifiers.
protected void |
AbstractTacticalGraphic.doRenderTextModifiers(DrawContext dc)
Render the text modifiers.
protected void |
AbstractTacticalSymbol.draw(DrawContext dc,
AbstractTacticalSymbol.OrderedSymbol osym) |
protected void |
AbstractTacticalSymbol.drawBatched(DrawContext dc,
AbstractTacticalSymbol.OrderedSymbol firstSymbol) |
protected void |
TacticalGraphicLabel.drawBatched(DrawContext dc,
TacticalGraphicLabel.OrderedLabel firstLabel)
Draws this ordered renderable and all subsequent Label ordered renderables in the ordered renderable list.
protected void |
TacticalGraphicLabel.drawBatchedText(DrawContext dc,
TextRenderer textRenderer,
TacticalGraphicLabel.OrderedLabel firstLabel)
Draws text for subsequent Label ordered renderables in the ordered renderable list.
protected void |
AbstractTacticalSymbol.drawGlyphs(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
AbstractTacticalSymbol.drawGraphicModifiers(DrawContext dc,
AbstractTacticalSymbol.OrderedSymbol osym) |
protected void |
AbstractTacticalSymbol.drawIcon(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
TacticalGraphicLabel.drawInterior(DrawContext dc,
TacticalGraphicLabel.OrderedLabel olbl)
Render the label interior as a filled rectangle.
protected void |
AbstractTacticalSymbol.drawLabels(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
AbstractTacticalSymbol.drawLines(DrawContext dc,
AbstractTacticalSymbol.OrderedSymbol osym) |
protected void |
AbstractTacticalSymbol.drawOrderedRenderable(DrawContext dc,
AbstractTacticalSymbol.OrderedSymbol osym) |
protected void |
TacticalGraphicLabel.drawOrderedRenderable(DrawContext dc,
TacticalGraphicLabel.OrderedLabel olbl)
Draws the graphic as an ordered renderable.
protected void |
TacticalGraphicLabel.drawText(DrawContext dc,
TextRenderer textRenderer,
TacticalGraphicLabel.OrderedLabel olbl)
Draw the label's text.
protected void |
AbstractTacticalSymbol.drawTextModifiers(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
AbstractTacticalSymbol.endDrawing(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
TacticalGraphicLabel.endDrawing(DrawContext dc)
Pop the state set in beginDrawing.
Rectangle |
TacticalGraphicLabel.getBounds(DrawContext dc)
Get the label bounding
Rectangle using OGL coordinates - bottom-left corner x and y relative to
the WorldWindow bottom-left corner. |
protected boolean |
AbstractTacticalSymbol.intersectsFrustum(DrawContext dc,
AbstractTacticalSymbol.OrderedSymbol osym) |
protected boolean |
TacticalGraphicLabel.intersectsFrustum(DrawContext dc,
TacticalGraphicLabel.OrderedLabel olbl)
Determine if this label intersects the view or pick frustum.
protected void |
AbstractTacticalSymbol.layout(DrawContext dc,
AbstractTacticalSymbol.OrderedSymbol osym) |
protected void |
AbstractTacticalSymbol.layoutDynamicModifiers(DrawContext dc,
AVList modifiers,
AbstractTacticalSymbol.OrderedSymbol osym)
Layout dynamic modifiers around the symbol.
protected void |
AbstractTacticalSymbol.layoutGraphicModifiers(DrawContext dc,
AVList modifiers,
AbstractTacticalSymbol.OrderedSymbol osym)
Layout static graphic modifiers around the symbol.
protected void |
AbstractTacticalSymbol.layoutIcon(DrawContext dc,
AbstractTacticalSymbol.IconSource source,
AbstractTacticalSymbol.OrderedSymbol osym) |
protected void |
AbstractTacticalSymbol.layoutStaticModifiers(DrawContext dc,
AVList modifiers,
AbstractTacticalSymbol.OrderedSymbol osym)
Layout static modifiers around the symbol.
protected void |
AbstractTacticalSymbol.layoutTextModifiers(DrawContext dc,
AVList modifiers,
AbstractTacticalSymbol.OrderedSymbol osym)
Layout static text modifiers around the symbol.
protected void |
AbstractTacticalSymbol.makeOrderedRenderable(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
TacticalGraphicLabel.makeOrderedRenderable(DrawContext dc)
Draws the graphic as an ordered renderable.
protected boolean |
AbstractTacticalSymbol.mustDrawGraphicModifiers(DrawContext dc) |
protected boolean |
AbstractTacticalSymbol.mustDrawIcon(DrawContext dc) |
protected boolean |
AbstractTacticalSymbol.mustDrawTextModifiers(DrawContext dc) |
void |
AbstractTacticalSymbol.OrderedSymbol.pick(DrawContext dc,
Point pickPoint) |
void |
TacticalGraphicLabel.OrderedLabel.pick(DrawContext dc,
Point pickPoint) |
void |
AbstractTacticalSymbol.pick(DrawContext dc,
Point pickPoint,
AbstractTacticalSymbol.OrderedSymbol osym) |
void |
TacticalGraphicLabel.pick(DrawContext dc,
Point pickPoint,
TacticalGraphicLabel.OrderedLabel olbl) |
static void |
TacticalGraphicUtil.placeLabelsOnPath(DrawContext dc,
Iterable<? extends Position> positions,
TacticalGraphicLabel label1,
TacticalGraphicLabel label2,
double distance)
Position one or two labels some distance along the path.
protected void |
AbstractTacticalSymbol.prepareToDraw(DrawContext dc,
AbstractTacticalSymbol.OrderedSymbol osym) |
void |
AbstractTacticalSymbol.render(DrawContext dc)
Causes this
Renderable to render itself using the provided draw context. |
void |
AbstractTacticalSymbol.OrderedSymbol.render(DrawContext dc) |
void |
AbstractTacticalGraphic.render(DrawContext dc)
Causes this
Renderable to render itself using the provided draw context. |
void |
TacticalGraphicLabel.render(DrawContext dc) |
void |
TacticalGraphicLabel.OrderedLabel.render(DrawContext dc) |
void |
TacticalSymbol.LODSelector.selectLOD(DrawContext dc,
TacticalSymbol symbol,
double eyeDistance)
Modifies the symbol's attributes and properties to achieve a desired level of detail during rendering.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static List<? extends Point2D> |
MilStd2525Util.computeCenterHeadingIndicatorPoints(DrawContext dc,
Vec4 symbolPoint,
Angle heading,
double length)
Compute screen points required to draw a leader line on a tactical symbol.
protected static Vec4 |
MilStd2525Util.computeDirectionOfMovement(DrawContext dc,
Vec4 symbolPoint,
Angle heading,
double length)
Compute a vector in the direction that a symbol is moving.
static List<? extends Point2D> |
MilStd2525Util.computeGroundHeadingIndicatorPoints(DrawContext dc,
Vec4 symbolPoint,
Angle heading,
double length,
double frameHeight)
Compute screen points required to draw a leader line on a tactical ground symbol.
protected void |
MilStd2525TacticalSymbol.computeTransform(DrawContext dc,
AbstractTacticalSymbol.OrderedSymbol osym) |
protected void |
MilStd2525TacticalSymbol.layoutDynamicModifiers(DrawContext dc,
AVList modifiers,
AbstractTacticalSymbol.OrderedSymbol osym) |
protected void |
MilStd2525TacticalSymbol.layoutGraphicModifiers(DrawContext dc,
AVList modifiers,
AbstractTacticalSymbol.OrderedSymbol osym) |
protected void |
MilStd2525TacticalSymbol.layoutTextModifiers(DrawContext dc,
AVList modifiers,
AbstractTacticalSymbol.OrderedSymbol osym) |
void |
MilStd2525PointGraphic.render(DrawContext dc)
Causes this
Renderable to render itself using the provided draw context. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
TacticalGraphicSymbol.computeTransform(DrawContext dc,
AbstractTacticalSymbol.OrderedSymbol osym) |
protected void |
EchelonSymbol.computeTransform(DrawContext dc,
AbstractTacticalSymbol.OrderedSymbol osym) |
protected void |
EchelonSymbol.drawIcon(DrawContext dc)
Overridden to apply rotation.
protected void |
TacticalGraphicSymbol.layoutDynamicModifiers(DrawContext dc,
AVList modifiers,
AbstractTacticalSymbol.OrderedSymbol osym) |
protected void |
TacticalGraphicSymbol.layoutLabel(DrawContext dc,
Font font,
TacticalGraphicSymbol.OffsetPair layout,
String value,
String mode,
AbstractTacticalSymbol.OrderedSymbol osym) |
protected void |
TacticalGraphicSymbol.layoutMultiLabel(DrawContext dc,
Font font,
List<TacticalGraphicSymbol.OffsetPair> layouts,
Iterable values,
String mode,
AbstractTacticalSymbol.OrderedSymbol osym) |
protected void |
TacticalGraphicSymbol.layoutTextModifiers(DrawContext dc,
AVList modifiers,
AbstractTacticalSymbol.OrderedSymbol osym)
Layout text and graphic modifiers around the symbol.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected Ambush.ArcData |
Ambush.computeArc(DrawContext dc)
Compute the arc.
protected List<Position> |
Ambush.computeArcPositions(DrawContext dc,
Ambush.ArcData arcData)
Compute positions required to draw the arc.
protected List<Position> |
Ambush.computeArrowheadPositions(DrawContext dc,
Position tip,
Ambush.ArcData arcData)
Determine the positions that make up the arrowhead.
protected List<Position> |
AttackByFirePosition.computeArrowheadPositions(DrawContext dc,
Position base,
Position tip)
Determine the positions that make up the arrowhead.
protected List<Position> |
SearchArea.computeArrowheadPositions(DrawContext dc,
Position startPosition,
Position endPosition)
Determine the positions that make up the arrowhead.
protected List<Position> |
SectorRangeFan.computeArrowheadPositions(DrawContext dc,
Position base,
Position tip,
double arrowLength,
Angle arrowAngle)
Compute the positions of the arrow head for the sector center line.
protected List<Position> |
SearchArea.computeArrowheadPositions(DrawContext dc,
Position base,
Position tip,
double arrowLength,
Angle arrowAngle)
Compute the positions of the arrow head of the graphic's legs.
protected List<Position> |
AttackByFirePosition.computeBasePositions(DrawContext dc,
Position position1,
Position position2,
Position orientationPos)
Determine the positions that make up the base of the graphic (a trapezoid missing one side).
void |
FortifiedArea.computeGeometry(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
Encirclement.computeGeometry(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
AbstractRectangularGraphic.computeQuadSize(DrawContext dc) |
protected Position |
IrregularFireSupportArea.computeTimeLabelPosition(DrawContext dc)
Determine the position of the time range label.
protected List<Path> |
AirfieldZone.createAirfieldPaths(DrawContext dc)
Create shapes to draw the airfield graphic.
protected void |
SectorRangeFan.createArc(DrawContext dc,
double radius,
Angle leftAzimuth,
Angle rightAzimuth,
List<Position> positions)
Create positions to draw an arc around the graphic's center position.
protected void |
SectorRangeFan.createCenterOfSectorArrow(DrawContext dc,
Angle centerAzimuth,
double finalRadius)
Create shapes to draw the Center Of Sector arrow.
protected void |
Ambush.createLegs(DrawContext dc,
Ambush.ArcData arcData,
Path[] paths,
int startIndex,
int pathCount)
Create paths for the graphic's "legs".
protected void |
MinimumSafeDistanceZones.createShapes(DrawContext dc)
Create the circles used to draw this graphic.
protected void |
SectorRangeFan.createShapes(DrawContext dc)
Create the paths required to draw the graphic.
protected void |
AttackByFirePosition.createShapes(DrawContext dc)
Create the paths required to draw the graphic.
protected void |
SearchArea.createShapes(DrawContext dc)
Create the list of positions that describe the arrow.
protected void |
SupportByFirePosition.createShapes(DrawContext dc)
Create the paths necessary to draw the graphic.
protected void |
Ambush.createShapes(DrawContext dc)
Create the paths required to draw the graphic.
protected void |
MinimumSafeDistanceZones.determineLabelPositions(DrawContext dc)
Determine positions for the start and end labels.
protected void |
IrregularFireSupportArea.determineLabelPositions(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
SectorRangeFan.determineLabelPositions(DrawContext dc)
Determine positions for the start and end labels.
protected void |
BasicArea.determineLabelPositions(DrawContext dc)
Determine the appropriate position for the graphic's labels.
protected void |
RectangularTarget.determineLabelPositions(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
RectangularFireSupportArea.determineLabelPositions(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
CircularPositionArea.determineLabelPositions(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
BattlePosition.determineLabelPositions(DrawContext dc)
Determine the appropriate position for the graphic's labels.
protected void |
CircularFireSupportArea.determineLabelPositions(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
RectangularPositionArea.determineLabelPositions(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
CircularRangeFan.determineLabelPositions(DrawContext dc)
Determine positions for the start and end labels.
protected Position |
BasicArea.determineMainLabelPosition(DrawContext dc)
Compute the position for the area's main label.
protected Position |
Airhead.determineMainLabelPosition(DrawContext dc)
Compute the position for the area's main label.
protected Position |
GroupOfTargets.determineMainLabelPosition(DrawContext dc)
Compute the position for the area's main label.
protected void |
AbstractRectangularGraphic.doRenderGraphic(DrawContext dc)
Render the quad.
protected void |
MinimumSafeDistanceZones.doRenderGraphic(DrawContext dc)
Render the polygon.
protected void |
AbstractCircularGraphic.doRenderGraphic(DrawContext dc)
Render the polygon.
protected void |
SectorRangeFan.doRenderGraphic(DrawContext dc)
Render the polygon.
protected void |
AirfieldZone.doRenderGraphic(DrawContext dc)
Render the polygon.
protected void |
BasicArea.doRenderGraphic(DrawContext dc)
Render the polygon.
protected void |
Encirclement.doRenderGraphic(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
AttackByFirePosition.doRenderGraphic(DrawContext dc)
Render this graphic, without modifiers.
protected void |
Dummy.doRenderGraphic(DrawContext dc)
Render this graphic, without modifiers.
protected void |
LimitedAccessArea.doRenderGraphic(DrawContext dc)
Render this graphic, without modifiers.
protected void |
SearchArea.doRenderGraphic(DrawContext dc)
Render this graphic, without modifiers.
protected void |
Ambush.doRenderGraphic(DrawContext dc)
Render this graphic, without modifiers.
protected void |
CircularRangeFan.doRenderGraphic(DrawContext dc)
Render the polygon.
protected void |
SectorRangeFan.doRenderGraphicModifiers(DrawContext dc)
Render the graphic modifiers.
protected void |
BattlePosition.doRenderGraphicModifiers(DrawContext dc)
Render the graphic modifiers.
protected void |
SearchArea.doRenderGraphicModifiers(DrawContext dc)
Render the graphic modifiers.
protected void |
CircularRangeFan.doRenderGraphicModifiers(DrawContext dc)
Render the graphic modifiers.
protected void |
FortifiedArea.generateIntermediatePositions(DrawContext dc,
Iterable<? extends Position> positions)
Generate the positions required to draw the polygon with a square wave boundary.
protected void |
Encirclement.generateIntermediatePositions(DrawContext dc,
Iterable<? extends Position> positions)
Generate the positions required to draw the polygon with a triangle wave boundary.
protected void |
AirfieldZone.makeShapes(DrawContext dc)
Create shapes to draw the airfield graphic.
protected void |
BasicArea.makeShapes(DrawContext dc) |
void |
AbstractRectangularGraphic.preRender(DrawContext dc) |
void |
MinimumSafeDistanceZones.preRender(DrawContext dc) |
void |
AbstractCircularGraphic.preRender(DrawContext dc) |
void |
SectorRangeFan.preRender(DrawContext dc) |
void |
BasicArea.preRender(DrawContext dc) |
void |
Encirclement.preRender(DrawContext dc) |
void |
SearchArea.preRender(DrawContext dc) |
void |
CircularRangeFan.preRender(DrawContext dc) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected List<Position> |
PrincipleDirectionOfFire.computeArrowheadPositions(DrawContext dc,
Position startPosition,
Position endPosition)
Determine the positions that make up the arrowhead.
protected List<Position> |
DirectionOfAttack.computeArrowheadPositions(DrawContext dc,
Vec4 tip,
Vec4 dir,
double length)
Determine the positions that make up the arrowhead.
protected Vec4[] |
DirectionOfAttackForFeint.computeBezierControlPoints(DrawContext dc,
Vec4 start,
Vec4 end,
double curvature)
Compute the position of control points that will generate a Bezier curve that looks like the Direction of Attack
for Feint graphic in MIL-STD-2525C (pg.
protected Vec4[] |
InfiltrationLane.computeBezierControlPoints(DrawContext dc,
Vec4 start,
Vec4 end,
int numControlPoints,
double curvature)
Compute the position of control points that will generate a Bezier curve that looks like the Infiltration Lane
graphic in MIL-STD-2525C (pg.
protected void |
DirectionOfAttack.computeGeometry(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
ForwardEdgeOfBattleArea.computeGeometry(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
ForwardLineOfOwnTroops.computeGeometry(DrawContext dc) |
protected Position |
Route.computeMainLabelPosition(DrawContext dc,
TacticalGraphicLabel label,
Position midpoint,
Position posB)
Compute the position of the graphic's main label.
protected Object[] |
FireSupportLine.computePathLength(DrawContext dc)
Compute the length of the path, and determine the start and end positions.
protected Path |
PullUpPoint.createBowtie(DrawContext dc)
Create a path to draw the bowtie graphic in the middle of the circle.
protected List<Position> |
DirectionOfAttackAviation.createBowTie(DrawContext dc,
Position pos1,
Position pos2)
Create positions required to to draw the bow tie part of the graphic.
protected void |
Route.createPaths(DrawContext dc)
Create the paths used to draw the route.
protected void |
HoldingLine.createShape(DrawContext dc)
Create a Path to render the line.
protected void |
AbstractAxisArrow.createShapePositions(DrawContext dc)
Create the list of positions that describe the arrow.
protected void |
DirectionOfAttackForFeint.createShapes(DrawContext dc)
Create the list of positions that describe the arrow.
protected void |
DirectionOfAttack.createShapes(DrawContext dc)
Create the list of positions that describe the arrow.
protected void |
DirectionOfAttackAviation.createShapes(DrawContext dc)
Create the list of positions that describe the arrow.
protected void |
LinearTarget.createShapes(DrawContext dc)
Create the list of positions that describe the shape.
protected void |
PrincipleDirectionOfFire.createShapes(DrawContext dc)
Create the list of positions that describe the arrow.
protected void |
InfiltrationLane.createShapes(DrawContext dc)
Create the list of positions that describe the arrow.
protected void |
Boundary.determineLabelPositions(DrawContext dc)
Determine positions for the start and end labels.
protected void |
MunitionFlightPath.determineLabelPositions(DrawContext dc)
Determine positions for the start and end labels.
protected void |
DirectionOfAttackForFeint.determineLabelPositions(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
AdvanceForFeint.determineLabelPositions(DrawContext dc)
Determine positions for the start and end labels.
protected void |
HoldingLine.determineLabelPositions(DrawContext dc)
Determine positions for the start and end labels.
protected void |
DirectionOfAttackAviation.determineLabelPositions(DrawContext dc) |
protected void |
RoutePoint.determineLabelPositions(DrawContext dc)
Determine the appropriate position for the graphic's labels.
protected void |
LinearTarget.determineLabelPositions(DrawContext dc)
Determine positions for the start and end labels.
protected void |
PhaseLine.determineLabelPositions(DrawContext dc)
Determine positions for the start and end labels.
protected void |
FireSupportLine.determineLabelPositions(DrawContext dc)
Determine positions for the start and end labels.
protected void |
PrincipleDirectionOfFire.determineLabelPositions(DrawContext dc)
Determine positions for the start and end labels.
protected void |
Route.determineLabelPositions(DrawContext dc)
Compute the position for the area's main label.
protected void |