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NASA World Wind
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c1 - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.util.ShadedPanel
c2 - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.util.ShadedPanel
C2GM_AVN_ARS_HIDACZ - Static variable in interface
High Density Airspace Control Zone (HIDACZ)
C2GM_AVN_ARS_MEZ - Static variable in interface
Missile Engagement Zone (MEZ)
C2GM_AVN_ARS_MEZ_HAMEZ - Static variable in interface
High Altitude Mez
C2GM_AVN_ARS_MEZ_LAMEZ - Static variable in interface
Low Altitude Mez
C2GM_AVN_ARS_ROZ - Static variable in interface
Restricted Operations Zone (ROZ)
C2GM_AVN_ARS_SHRDEZ - Static variable in interface
Short-Range Air Defense Engagement Zone (SHORADEZ)
C2GM_AVN_ARS_WFZ - Static variable in interface
Weapons Free Zone
C2GM_AVN_LNE_ACDR - Static variable in interface
Air Corridor
C2GM_AVN_LNE_LLTR - Static variable in interface
Low Level Transit Route (LLTR)
C2GM_AVN_LNE_MRR - Static variable in interface
Minimum Risk Route (MRR)
C2GM_AVN_LNE_SAAFR - Static variable in interface
Standard-Use Army Aircraft Flight Route (SAAFR)
C2GM_AVN_LNE_UAR - Static variable in interface
Unmanned Aircraft (UA) Route
C2GM_AVN_PNT_ACP - Static variable in interface
Air Control Point (ACP)
C2GM_AVN_PNT_COMMCP - Static variable in interface
Communications Checkpoint (CCP)
C2GM_AVN_PNT_DAPP - Static variable in interface
Downed Aircrew Pickup Point
C2GM_AVN_PNT_PUP - Static variable in interface
Pull-Up Point (PUP)
C2GM_DCPN_AAFF - Static variable in interface
Axis Of Advance For Feint
C2GM_DCPN_DAFF - Static variable in interface
Direction Of Attack For Feint
C2GM_DCPN_DMA - Static variable in interface
Decoy Mined Area
C2GM_DCPN_DMAF - Static variable in interface
Decoy Mined Area, Fenced
C2GM_DCPN_DMY - Static variable in interface
Dummy (Deception/Decoy)
C2GM_DCPN_DMYMD - Static variable in interface
Dummy Minefield (Dynamic)
C2GM_DCPN_DMYMS - Static variable in interface
Dummy Minefield (Static)
C2GM_DEF_ARS_BTLPSN - Static variable in interface
Battle Position
C2GM_DEF_ARS_BTLPSN_PBNO - Static variable in interface
Prepared But Not Occupied
C2GM_DEF_ARS_EMTARA - Static variable in interface
Engagement Area
C2GM_DEF_LNE_FEBA - Static variable in interface
Forward Edge Of Battle Area (FEBA)
C2GM_DEF_LNE_PDF - Static variable in interface
Principal Direction Of Fire (PDF)
C2GM_DEF_PNT_OBSPST - Static variable in interface
Observation Post/Outpost
C2GM_DEF_PNT_OBSPST_CBRNOP - Static variable in interface
Cbrn Observation Post (Dismounted)
C2GM_DEF_PNT_OBSPST_CBTPST - Static variable in interface
Combat Outpost
C2GM_DEF_PNT_OBSPST_FWDOP - Static variable in interface
Forward Observer Position
C2GM_DEF_PNT_OBSPST_RECON - Static variable in interface
Observation Post Occupied By Dismounted Scouts Or Reconnaissance
C2GM_DEF_PNT_OBSPST_SOP - Static variable in interface
Sensor Outpost/Listening Post (OP/Lp)
C2GM_DEF_PNT_TGTREF - Static variable in interface
Target Reference Point (TRP)
C2GM_GNL_ARS - Static variable in interface
C2GM_GNL_ARS_ABYARA - Static variable in interface
Assembly Area
C2GM_GNL_ARS_AIRFZ - Static variable in interface
Airfield Zone
C2GM_GNL_ARS_DRPZ - Static variable in interface
Drop Zone
C2GM_GNL_ARS_EMTARA - Static variable in interface
Engagement Area
C2GM_GNL_ARS_EZ - Static variable in interface
Extraction Zone (EZ)
C2GM_GNL_ARS_FTFDAR - Static variable in interface
Fortified Area
C2GM_GNL_ARS_GENARA - Static variable in interface
General Area
C2GM_GNL_ARS_LAARA - Static variable in interface
Limited Access Area
C2GM_GNL_ARS_LZ - Static variable in interface
Landing Zone (LZ)
C2GM_GNL_ARS_PZ - Static variable in interface
Pickup Zone (PZ)
C2GM_GNL_ARS_SRHARA - Static variable in interface
Search Area/Reconnaissance Area
C2GM_GNL_LNE_BNDS - Static variable in interface
C2GM_GNL_LNE_FLOT - Static variable in interface
Forward Line of Own Troops
C2GM_GNL_LNE_LITLNE - Static variable in interface
Light Line
C2GM_GNL_LNE_LOC - Static variable in interface
Line Of Contact
C2GM_GNL_LNE_PHELNE - Static variable in interface
Phase Line
C2GM_GNL_PNT_ACTL - Static variable in interface
Air Control
C2GM_GNL_PNT_ACTL_ABNEW - Static variable in interface
Airborne Early Warning (AEW)
C2GM_GNL_PNT_ACTL_ASBWF - Static variable in interface
Antisubmarine Warfare, Fixed Wing
C2GM_GNL_PNT_ACTL_ASBWR - Static variable in interface
Antisubmarine Warfare, Rotary Wing
C2GM_GNL_PNT_ACTL_CAP - Static variable in interface
Combat Air Patrol (CAP)
C2GM_GNL_PNT_ACTL_MIWF - Static variable in interface
IW - Fixed Wing
C2GM_GNL_PNT_ACTL_MIWR - Static variable in interface
MIW - Rotary Wing
C2GM_GNL_PNT_ACTL_ORB - Static variable in interface
C2GM_GNL_PNT_ACTL_ORBF8 - Static variable in interface
Orbit - Figure Eight
C2GM_GNL_PNT_ACTL_ORBRD - Static variable in interface
Orbit - Random, Closed
C2GM_GNL_PNT_ACTL_ORBRT - Static variable in interface
Orbit - Race Track
C2GM_GNL_PNT_ACTL_RPH - Static variable in interface
C2GM_GNL_PNT_ACTL_RSC - Static variable in interface
C2GM_GNL_PNT_ACTL_SKEIP - Static variable in interface
Strike Ip
C2GM_GNL_PNT_ACTL_SUWF - Static variable in interface
Sucap - Fixed Wing
C2GM_GNL_PNT_ACTL_SUWR - Static variable in interface
Sucap - Rotary Wing
C2GM_GNL_PNT_ACTL_TAK - Static variable in interface
C2GM_GNL_PNT_ACTL_TCN - Static variable in interface
C2GM_GNL_PNT_ACTL_TMC - Static variable in interface
C2GM_GNL_PNT_ACTL_UA - Static variable in interface
Unmanned Aerial System (UAS/UA)
C2GM_GNL_PNT_ACTL_VTUA - Static variable in interface
C2GM_GNL_PNT_ACTPNT - Static variable in interface
Action Points (General)
C2GM_GNL_PNT_ACTPNT_AMNPNT - Static variable in interface
Amnesty Point
C2GM_GNL_PNT_ACTPNT_CHKPNT - Static variable in interface
Check Point
C2GM_GNL_PNT_ACTPNT_CONPNT - Static variable in interface
Contact Point
C2GM_GNL_PNT_ACTPNT_CRDPNT - Static variable in interface
Coordination Point
C2GM_GNL_PNT_ACTPNT_DCNPNT - Static variable in interface
Decision Point
C2GM_GNL_PNT_ACTPNT_LNKUPT - Static variable in interface
Linkup Point
C2GM_GNL_PNT_ACTPNT_PSSPNT - Static variable in interface
Passage Point
C2GM_GNL_PNT_ACTPNT_RAYPNT - Static variable in interface
Rally Point
C2GM_GNL_PNT_ACTPNT_RELPNT - Static variable in interface
Release Point
C2GM_GNL_PNT_ACTPNT_STRPNT - Static variable in interface
Start Point
C2GM_GNL_PNT_ACTPNT_WAP - Static variable in interface
C2GM_GNL_PNT_FRMN - Static variable in interface
C2GM_GNL_PNT_HBR - Static variable in interface
Harbor (General)
C2GM_GNL_PNT_HBR_PNTA - Static variable in interface
Point A
C2GM_GNL_PNT_HBR_PNTQ - Static variable in interface
Point Q
C2GM_GNL_PNT_HBR_PNTX - Static variable in interface
Point X
C2GM_GNL_PNT_HBR_PNTY - Static variable in interface
Point Y
C2GM_GNL_PNT_REFPNT - Static variable in interface
Reference Point
C2GM_GNL_PNT_REFPNT_CRDRTB - Static variable in interface
Corridor Tab
C2GM_GNL_PNT_REFPNT_DLRP - Static variable in interface
C2GM_GNL_PNT_REFPNT_MRSH - Static variable in interface
Marshall Point
C2GM_GNL_PNT_REFPNT_NAVREF - Static variable in interface
Navigational Reference Point
C2GM_GNL_PNT_REFPNT_PIM - Static variable in interface
Point Of Intended Movement (PIM)
C2GM_GNL_PNT_REFPNT_PNTINR - Static variable in interface
Point Of Interest
C2GM_GNL_PNT_REFPNT_SPLPNT - Static variable in interface
Special Point
C2GM_GNL_PNT_REFPNT_WAP - Static variable in interface
C2GM_GNL_PNT_RTE - Static variable in interface
C2GM_GNL_PNT_RTE_DVSN - Static variable in interface
C2GM_GNL_PNT_RTE_PIM - Static variable in interface
C2GM_GNL_PNT_RTE_PNTR - Static variable in interface
Point R
C2GM_GNL_PNT_RTE_RDV - Static variable in interface
C2GM_GNL_PNT_RTE_WAP - Static variable in interface
C2GM_GNL_PNT_SCTL - Static variable in interface
EA Surface Control Station
C2GM_GNL_PNT_SCTL_ASW - Static variable in interface
ASW Control Station
C2GM_GNL_PNT_SCTL_MIW - Static variable in interface
MIW Control Station
C2GM_GNL_PNT_SCTL_NCBTT - Static variable in interface
Noncombatant Control Station
C2GM_GNL_PNT_SCTL_PKT - Static variable in interface
Picket Control Station
C2GM_GNL_PNT_SCTL_RDV - Static variable in interface
Rendezvous Control Point
C2GM_GNL_PNT_SCTL_REP - Static variable in interface
Replenishment Control Point
C2GM_GNL_PNT_SCTL_RSC - Static variable in interface
Rescue Control Point
C2GM_GNL_PNT_SCTL_SUW - Static variable in interface
SUW Control Station
C2GM_GNL_PNT_SCTL_USV - Static variable in interface
Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV) Control Station
C2GM_GNL_PNT_SCTL_USV_ASW - Static variable in interface
USV - Antisubmarine Warfare Control Station
C2GM_GNL_PNT_SCTL_USV_MIW - Static variable in interface
USV - Mine Warfare Control Station
C2GM_GNL_PNT_SCTL_USV_RMV - Static variable in interface
Remote Multimission Vehicle (RMV) Usv Control Station
C2GM_GNL_PNT_SCTL_USV_SUW - Static variable in interface
USV - Surface Warfare Control Station
C2GM_GNL_PNT_UCTL - Static variable in interface
Subsurface Control Station
C2GM_GNL_PNT_UCTL_SBSTN - Static variable in interface
Submarine Control Station
C2GM_GNL_PNT_UCTL_SBSTN_ASW - Static variable in interface
ASW Submarine Control Station
C2GM_GNL_PNT_UCTL_UUV - Static variable in interface
Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (UUV) Control Station
C2GM_GNL_PNT_UCTL_UUV_ASW - Static variable in interface
UUV - Antisubmarine Warfare Control Station
C2GM_GNL_PNT_UCTL_UUV_MIW - Static variable in interface
UUV - Mine Warfare Control Station
C2GM_GNL_PNT_UCTL_UUV_SUW - Static variable in interface
UUV - Surface Warfare Control Station
C2GM_GNL_PNT_USW_SNBY - Static variable in interface
C2GM_GNL_PNT_USW_SNBY_ANM - Static variable in interface
C2GM_GNL_PNT_USW_SNBY_ATAC - Static variable in interface
C2GM_GNL_PNT_USW_SNBY_BT - Static variable in interface
Bathythermograph Transmitting (BT)
C2GM_GNL_PNT_USW_SNBY_CASS - Static variable in interface
Command Active Sonobuoy System (CASS)
C2GM_GNL_PNT_USW_SNBY_DICASS - Static variable in interface
Directional Command Active Sonobuoy System (DICASS)
C2GM_GNL_PNT_USW_SNBY_DIFAR - Static variable in interface
Directional Frequency Analyzing And Recording (DIFAR)
C2GM_GNL_PNT_USW_SNBY_EXP - Static variable in interface
C2GM_GNL_PNT_USW_SNBY_KGP - Static variable in interface
C2GM_GNL_PNT_USW_SNBY_LOFAR - Static variable in interface
Low Frequency Analyzing And Recording (LOFAR)
C2GM_GNL_PNT_USW_SNBY_PTNCTR - Static variable in interface
Pattern Center
C2GM_GNL_PNT_USW_SNBY_RO - Static variable in interface
Range Only (RO)
C2GM_GNL_PNT_USW_SNBY_VLAD - Static variable in interface
Vertical Line Array Difar (VLAD)
C2GM_GNL_PNT_USW_SRH - Static variable in interface
C2GM_GNL_PNT_USW_SRH_ARA - Static variable in interface
Search Area
C2GM_GNL_PNT_USW_SRH_CTR - Static variable in interface
Search Center
C2GM_GNL_PNT_USW_SRH_DIPPSN - Static variable in interface
DIP Position
C2GM_GNL_PNT_USW_UH2_BCON - Static variable in interface
Brief Contact
C2GM_GNL_PNT_USW_UH2_DTM - Static variable in interface
C2GM_GNL_PNT_USW_UH2_LCON - Static variable in interface
Lost Contact
C2GM_GNL_PNT_USW_UH2_SNK - Static variable in interface
C2GM_GNL_PNT_WPN_AIMPNT - Static variable in interface
Aim Point
C2GM_GNL_PNT_WPN_DRPPNT - Static variable in interface
Drop Point
C2GM_GNL_PNT_WPN_ENTPNT - Static variable in interface
Entry Point
C2GM_GNL_PNT_WPN_GRDZRO - Static variable in interface
Ground Zero
C2GM_GNL_PNT_WPN_IMTPNT - Static variable in interface
Impact Point
C2GM_GNL_PNT_WPN_MSLPNT - Static variable in interface
MSL Detect Point
C2GM_GNL_PNT_WPN_PIPNT - Static variable in interface
Predicted Impact Point
C2GM_OFF_ARS_AFP - Static variable in interface
Attack By Fire Position
C2GM_OFF_ARS_ASTPSN - Static variable in interface
Assault Position
C2GM_OFF_ARS_ATKPSN - Static variable in interface
Attack Position
C2GM_OFF_ARS_OBJ - Static variable in interface
C2GM_OFF_ARS_PBX - Static variable in interface
Penetration Box
C2GM_OFF_ARS_SFP - Static variable in interface
Support By Fire Position
C2GM_OFF_LNE_AXSADV - Static variable in interface
Axis Of Advance
C2GM_OFF_LNE_AXSADV_ABN - Static variable in interface
C2GM_OFF_LNE_AXSADV_ATK - Static variable in interface
Attack, Rotary Wing
C2GM_OFF_LNE_AXSADV_AVN - Static variable in interface
C2GM_OFF_LNE_AXSADV_GRD - Static variable in interface
C2GM_OFF_LNE_AXSADV_GRD_MANATK - Static variable in interface
Main Attack
C2GM_OFF_LNE_AXSADV_GRD_SUPATK - Static variable in interface
Supporting Attack
C2GM_OFF_LNE_DIRATK_AVN - Static variable in interface
C2GM_OFF_LNE_DIRATK_GRD_MANATK - Static variable in interface
Main Ground Attack
C2GM_OFF_LNE_DIRATK_GRD_SUPATK - Static variable in interface
Supporting Ground Attack
C2GM_OFF_LNE_FCL - Static variable in interface
Final Coordination Line
C2GM_OFF_LNE_INFNLE - Static variable in interface
Infiltration Lane
C2GM_OFF_LNE_LD - Static variable in interface
Line Of Departure
C2GM_OFF_LNE_LDLC - Static variable in interface
Line Of Departure/Line Of Contact (LD/LC)
C2GM_OFF_LNE_LMTADV - Static variable in interface
Limit Of Advance
C2GM_OFF_LNE_PLD - Static variable in interface
Probable Line Of Deployment (PLD)
C2GM_OFF_PNT_PNTD - Static variable in interface
Point Of Departure
C2GM_SPL_ARA - Static variable in interface
C2GM_SPL_ARA_AHD - Static variable in interface
C2GM_SPL_ARA_AOO - Static variable in interface
Area Of Operations (AO)
C2GM_SPL_ARA_ENCMT - Static variable in interface
C2GM_SPL_ARA_NAI - Static variable in interface
C2GM_SPL_ARA_TAI - Static variable in interface
Targeted Area Of Interest (TAI)
C2GM_SPL_LNE_AMB - Static variable in interface
C2GM_SPL_LNE_BRGH - Static variable in interface
C2GM_SPL_LNE_HGL - Static variable in interface
Holding Line
C2GM_SPL_LNE_REL - Static variable in interface
Release Line
cache - Static variable in class
cache - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.SessionCacheRetrievalPostProcessor
cache - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.BulkDownloadPanel
CACHE_CONTENT_TYPES - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.avlist.AVKey
CACHE_ID - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.RectangularTessellator
CACHE_NAME - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.RectangularTessellator
CACHE_SIZE - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.lineofsight.LinesOfSight
The size of the Terrain's cache.
Cacheable - Interface in gov.nasa.worldwind.cache
cacheContentTypes - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.cache.BasicDataFileStore
The list of content types used to determine an unknown file format in requestFile.
CachedDataRaster - Class in
The CachedDataRaster is used to hold data raster's source and metadata, while the actual data raster may not be loaded in to the memory.
CachedDataRaster(Object, AVList, DataRasterReader, MemoryCache) - Constructor for class
Create a cached data raster.
CachedDataRaster.ErrorHandlerMode - Enum in
CachedRenderableLayer - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.layers
Holds a collection of Renderables and manages local caching of them.
CachedRenderableLayer(Sector) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.CachedRenderableLayer
Constructs a layer instance.
CachedRenderableLayer(Sector, int) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.CachedRenderableLayer
Constructs a layer instance.
CacheEntry(Object, String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.cache.BasicGpuResourceCache.CacheEntry
CacheEntry(Object, String, long) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.cache.BasicGpuResourceCache.CacheEntry
CacheEntry(Object, DrawContext) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractSurfaceObject.CacheEntry
cacheIntersectingTiles(Position, Position) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.HighResolutionTerrain
Cause the tiles used by subsequent intersection calculations to be cached so that they are available immediately to those subsequent calculations.
cacheIntersectingTiles(Sector) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.HighResolutionTerrain
Cause the tiles used by subsequent intersection calculations to be cached so that they are available immediately to those subsequent calculations.
CacheKey(Globe, Class, String, Object...) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.Geometry.CacheKey
CacheKey(Class, String, Object...) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.Geometry.CacheKey
CacheKey(String, Object...) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.Geometry.CacheKey
CacheKey(Font, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.TextRendererCache.CacheKey
CacheKey(DrawContext, Sector, int) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.RectangularTessellator.CacheKey
cacheKey - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.SessionCacheRetrievalPostProcessor
cacheListener - Variable in class
CacheLocationConfiguration - Class in gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples
Illustrates how to specify a configuration file that specifies alternate locations for the World Wind local cache.
CacheLocationConfiguration() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.CacheLocationConfiguration
cacheName - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.SurfaceObjectTileBuilder.TileInfo
cacheName - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.Level
cacheRootPath - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.FileStoreDataSet
CacheTable - Class in gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.cachecleaner
CacheTable() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.cachecleaner.CacheTable
Cake - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces
A cake consists of mutiple adjacent cylinder segments.
Cake(Collection<Cake.Layer>) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.Cake
Cake(AirspaceAttributes) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.Cake
Cake() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.Cake
Cake.Layer - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces
An inner class of Cake defining the parameters of one of the cake's cylinders.
calcBoundingBoxForUTM(AVList) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.ImageUtil
calcBoundingSector(SpatialReference, Point2D[]) - Static method in class
calculates a Geodetic bounding box
calcGetGeoTransform(Sector, int, int) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.gdal.GDALUtils
Calculates geo-transform matrix for a north-up raster
calculateTileCount(LevelSet, AVList) - Method in class
calculationDispatchThread - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.lineofsight.LinesOfSight.AppFrame
calculationDispatchThread - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.TerrainIntersections.AppFrame
call() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.retrieve.LocalRasterServerRetriever
call() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.retrieve.URLRetriever
callActionListener(KeyEventState, String, ViewInputAttributes.ActionAttributes) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.awt.BasicViewInputHandler
callActionListListeners(KeyEvent, ViewInputAttributes.ActionAttributes.ActionTrigger, ViewInputAttributes.ActionAttributesList) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.awt.BasicViewInputHandler
callActionListListeners(KeyEventState, String, ViewInputAttributes.ActionAttributes.ActionTrigger, ViewInputAttributes.ActionAttributesList) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.awt.BasicViewInputHandler
callKeyPressedListeners(KeyEvent) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.awt.AWTInputHandler
callKeyReleasedListeners(KeyEvent) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.awt.AWTInputHandler
callKeyTypedListeners(KeyEvent) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.awt.AWTInputHandler
callMouseActionListListeners(MouseEvent, ViewInputAttributes.ActionAttributes.ActionTrigger, ViewInputAttributes.ActionAttributesList) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.awt.BasicViewInputHandler
callMouseClickedListeners(MouseEvent) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.awt.AWTInputHandler
callMouseDraggedListeners(MouseEvent) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.awt.AWTInputHandler
callMouseEnteredListeners(MouseEvent) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.awt.AWTInputHandler
callMouseExitedListeners(MouseEvent) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.awt.AWTInputHandler
callMouseMovedListeners(MouseEvent) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.awt.AWTInputHandler
callMousePressedListeners(MouseEvent) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.awt.AWTInputHandler
callMouseReleasedListeners(MouseEvent) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.awt.AWTInputHandler
callMouseWheelActionListListeners(MouseWheelEvent, ViewInputAttributes.ActionAttributes.ActionTrigger, ViewInputAttributes.ActionAttributesList) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.awt.BasicViewInputHandler
callMouseWheelMovedListeners(MouseWheelEvent) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.awt.AWTInputHandler
callPositionListeners(PositionEvent) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.WorldWindowImpl
callRenderingExceptionListeners(Throwable) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.WorldWindowImpl
callRenderingListeners(RenderingEvent) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.WorldWindowImpl
callRetrievalListeners(Retriever, TextureTile) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.BasicTiledImageLayerBulkDownloader
callRetrievalListeners(Retriever, PlaceNameLayer.Tile) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.placename.PlaceNameLayerBulkDownloader
callRetrievalListeners(BulkRetrievalEvent) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.retrieve.BulkRetrievalThread
callRetrievalListeners(Retriever, Tile) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.BasicElevationModelBulkDownloader
callSelectListeners(SelectEvent) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.awt.AWTInputHandler
callSelectListeners(SelectEvent) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.WorldWindowImpl
callSelectListeners(SelectEvent) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.util.measuretool.WWOMeasureTool
callService(String) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.poi.POIUtils
Invoke a point-of-interest service.
callTarget(Object) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.OSXAdapter
canAssembleTiles(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.SurfaceObjectTileBuilder
Returns true if the draw context's viewport width and height are greater than zero.
cancel() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.features.WMSPanel
CANCEL_BUTTON_ENABLED - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.wizard.WizardModel
CANCEL_BUTTON_ICON - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.wizard.WizardModel
CANCEL_BUTTON_TEXT - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.wizard.WizardModel
CANCEL_BUTTON_TEXT - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.eurogeoss.CatalogPanel
CANCEL_OPTION - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.SaveTrackDialog
CANCEL_RETURN_CODE - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.wizard.Wizard
cancelActiveDownloads() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.BulkDownloadPanel
Cancel all active downloads.
cancelButton - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.BulkDownloadPanel.DownloadMonitorPanel
cancelButtonActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.BulkDownloadPanel.DownloadMonitorPanel
cancelDrag() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.awt.AWTInputHandler
cancelHover() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.awt.AWTInputHandler
canCompact() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.TextureAtlas.AtlasBackingStore

Returns true.

canContainPole() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractSurfaceShape
Indicates whether the shape is a closed polygon that can enclose a pole, or an open path that cannot.
canContainPole() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.SurfacePolyline
Indicates whether the shape is a closed polygon that can enclose a pole, or an open path that cannot.
canContainPole() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.SurfacePolylines
Indicates whether the shape is a closed polygon that can enclose a pole, or an open path that cannot.
canDrawInBounds() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.tree.ScrollBar
Determines if the scrollbar is able to draw within its bounds.
canFocusOnTerrainCenter() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.orbit.BasicOrbitView
canFocusOnViewportCenter() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.orbit.BasicOrbitView
Determines if the BasicOrbitView can be focused on the viewport center BasicOrbitView.focusOnViewportCenter().
canFocusOnViewportCenter() - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.view.orbit.OrbitView
Implementations are expected to determines if the OrbitView can set the center of rotation for heading and pitch changes to the viewport center intersection with the globe surface via a call to OrbitView.focusOnViewportCenter().
canMoveTo(KMLAbstractFeature) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.kml.KMLApplicationController
Determines if the view can be moved to look at a KML feature.
canMoveToNextTrackPoint() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.SARTrackExtensionTool
canOpen(Object) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.gdal.GDALUtils
Checks if a data raster can is readable
canParseContentType(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaRoot
Determines if a MIME type can be parsed as COLLADA.
canParseContentType(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.kml.KMLRoot
Determines if a MIME type can be parsed as KML or KMZ.
canRead(Object, AVList) - Method in class
Indicates whether this reader can read a specified data source.
canRead(Object, AVList) - Method in interface
Indicates whether this reader can read a specified data source.
canRead(Object, AVList) - Method in class
canRead(Object, AVList) - Method in class
canRead(Object) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.tracks.AbstractTrackReader
canRead(Object) - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.tracks.TrackReader
canReadSuffix(Object) - Method in class
canRemoveLastTrackPoint() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.SARTrackBuilder
canRemoveLastTrackPoint() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.SARTrackExtensionTool
canSelect(KMLAbstractFeature) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.kml.KMLApplicationController
Determines if there is a some action (fly to and/or open description balloon) to take when the user selects a KML feature in the tree.
canShowBalloon(KMLAbstractFeature) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.kml.KMLApplicationController
Determines if a balloon can be opened for a KML feature.
canShowBalloon(KMLAbstractFeature) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.BalloonController
Determines whether or not a balloon must be created for a KML feature.
canvasSize - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.DynamicLayerPanelDisplay.AppFrame
canvasSize - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.multiwindow.FlatAndRoundGlobes.WWFrame
canvasSize - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.ViewIteration.AppFrame
canWrite(DataRaster, String, File) - Method in class
Checks if a data raster could be written to a File the given format.
canWrite(DataRaster, String, File) - Method in interface
Checks if a data raster could be written to a File the given format.
capabilities - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.StereoOptionSceneController
Indicates the GL drawable capabilities.
Capabilities - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.wms
Capabilities(Document, XPath) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.wms.Capabilities
Capabilities.Layer - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.wms
Capabilities.Style - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.wms
CapabilitiesRequest - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.wms
CapabilitiesRequest() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.wms.CapabilitiesRequest
Construct an OGC GetCapabilities request using the default service.
CapabilitiesRequest(URI) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.wms.CapabilitiesRequest
Constructs a request for the default service, WMS, and a specified server.
CapabilitiesRequest(URI, String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.wms.CapabilitiesRequest
Constructs a request for a specified service at a specified server.
CapabilitiesV111 - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.wms
Version-dependent class for gathering information from a wms capabilities document.
CapabilitiesV111(Document, XPath) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.wms.CapabilitiesV111
CapabilitiesV130 - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.wms
Version-dependent class for gathering information from a wms capabilities document.
CapabilitiesV130(Document, XPath) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.wms.CapabilitiesV130
CAPABILITY - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.OGCCapabilities
capability - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.wms.Capabilities
capabilityInformation - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.OGCCapabilities
capacity - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.cache.BasicMemoryCache
capacity - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.CompoundStringBuilder
capacity - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.CompoundVecBuffer
capEdgeIndexBuffers - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.ExtrudedPolygon
capEdgeIndices - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.ExtrudedPolygon.ExtrudedBoundaryInfo
Indices identifying the cap edges in the vertex buffer.
capFillIndexBuffers - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.ExtrudedPolygon.ShapeData
Slices of capFillIndices, one per boundary.
capFillIndices - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.ExtrudedPolygon.ExtrudedBoundaryInfo
Indices identifying the cap vertices in the vertex buffer.
capFillIndices - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.ExtrudedPolygon.ShapeData
The indices identifying the cap vertices in a shape data's vertex buffer.
capNormalBuffer - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.ExtrudedPolygon.ExtrudedBoundaryInfo
A buffer holding the boundary cap's vertex normals.
capNormalBuffer - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.ExtrudedPolygon.ShapeData
A buffer holding the cap normals of all the shape's boundaries.
CappedCylinder - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces
A cylinder defined by a geographic position, a radius in meters, and minimum and maximum altitudes.
CappedCylinder(LatLon, double) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.CappedCylinder
CappedCylinder(CappedCylinder) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.CappedCylinder
CappedCylinder(AirspaceAttributes) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.CappedCylinder
CappedCylinder() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.CappedCylinder
CappedEllipticalCylinder - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces
An elliptical cylinder defined by a geographic position, major and minor radii in meters, and minimum and maximum altitudes.
CappedEllipticalCylinder(LatLon, double, double, Angle) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.CappedEllipticalCylinder
CappedEllipticalCylinder(CappedEllipticalCylinder) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.CappedEllipticalCylinder
CappedEllipticalCylinder(AirspaceAttributes) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.CappedEllipticalCylinder
CappedEllipticalCylinder() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.CappedEllipticalCylinder
caps - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.WCSCoveragePanel.CoverageInfo
caps - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.WMSLayersPanel.LayerInfo
capsURL - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.wms.Capabilities
capTexture - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.ExtrudedPolygon
This shape's cap texture.
capTextureCoords - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.ExtrudedPolygon
This shape's cap texture coordinates.
capVertexBuffer - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.ExtrudedPolygon.ExtrudedBoundaryInfo
A buffer holding the vertices defining the boundary's cap.
capVertexBuffer - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.ExtrudedPolygon.ShapeData
A buffer holding the Cartesian cap vertices of all the shape's boundaries.
capVertices - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.ExtrudedPolygon.ExtrudedBoundaryInfo
The vertices defining the boundary's cap.
CardLayoutUsage - Class in gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.multiwindow
This class illustrates how to use multiple World Wind windows with a CardLayout layer manager.
CardLayoutUsage() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.multiwindow.CardLayoutUsage
caretUpdate(CaretEvent) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.shapebuilder.RigidShapeBuilder.AbstractShapeBuilderController
cartesianNormalBuffer - Variable in class
cartesianToGeodetic(Vec4) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.EllipsoidalGlobe
Compute the geographic position to corresponds to a Cartesian point.
cartesianToGeodetic(Vec4) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.FlatGlobe
cartesianToGeographic(Globe, Vec4, Vec4) - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.GeographicProjection
Converts a Cartesian point in meters to a geographic position.
cartesianToGeographic(Globe, Vec4, Vec4) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.projections.ProjectionEquirectangular
cartesianToGeographic(Globe, Vec4, Vec4) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.projections.ProjectionMercator
cartesianToGeographic(Globe, Vec4, Vec4) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.projections.ProjectionModifiedSinusoidal
cartesianToGeographic(Globe, Vec4, Vec4) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.projections.ProjectionPolarEquidistant
cartesianToGeographic(Globe, Vec4, Vec4) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.projections.ProjectionSinusoidal
cartesianToGeographic(Globe, Vec4, Vec4) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.projections.ProjectionTransverseMercator
cartesianToGeographic(Globe, Vec4, Vec4) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.projections.ProjectionUPS
cartesianToGeographicNGA(Globe, Vec4, Vec4) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.projections.ProjectionUPS
CartesianToSpherical(double, double, double) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.SkyGradientLayer
Converts position in cartesian coordinates (XYZ) to spherical (radius, lat, lon) coordinates.
cartesianVertexBuffer - Variable in class
cascaded - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.wms.WMSLayerCapabilities
CatalogConnection - Class in gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.eurogeoss
CatalogConnection(String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.eurogeoss.CatalogConnection
CatalogPanel - Class in gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.eurogeoss
CatalogPanel(String, WorldWindow) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.eurogeoss.CatalogPanel
catalogPanel - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.eurogeoss.EuroGeossApp.AppFrame
CatalogPanel.GetRecordsTask - Class in gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.eurogeoss
CATEGORY - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.SymbologyConstants
Indicates the category code associated with a MIL-STD-2525 symbol (SIDC position 3).
CATEGORY_ALL - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.SymbologyConstants
List containing all recognized MIL-STD-2525 category codes.
CATEGORY_ALL_EMERGENCY_MANAGEMENT - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.SymbologyConstants
List containing all recognized MIL-STD-2525 category codes for the Emergency Management scheme.
CATEGORY_ALL_METOC - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.SymbologyConstants
List containing all recognized MIL-STD-2525 category codes for the Meteorological and Oceanographic scheme.
CATEGORY_ALL_STABILITY_OPERATIONS - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.SymbologyConstants
List containing all recognized MIL-STD-2525 category codes for the Stability Operations scheme.
CATEGORY_ALL_TACTICAL_GRAPHICS - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.SymbologyConstants
List containing all recognized MIL-STD-2525 category codes for the Tactical Graphics scheme.
CATEGORY_ATMOSPHERIC - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.SymbologyConstants
The MIL-STD-2525 Atmospheric category code, used by symbols belonging to the METOC scheme.
CATEGORY_COMBAT_SERVICE_SUPPORT - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.SymbologyConstants
The MIL-STD-2525 Combat Service Support category code, used by symbols belonging to the Tactical Graphics scheme.
CATEGORY_COMMAND_CONTROL_GENERAL_MANEUVER - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.SymbologyConstants
The MIL-STD-2525 Command and Control General Maneuver category code, used by symbols belonging to the Tactical Graphics scheme.
CATEGORY_FIRE_SUPPORT - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.SymbologyConstants
The MIL-STD-2525 Fire Support category code, used by symbols belonging to the Tactical Graphics scheme.
CATEGORY_INCIDENT - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.SymbologyConstants
The MIL-STD-2525 Incident category code, used by symbols belonging to the Emergency Management scheme.
CATEGORY_INDIVIDUAL - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.SymbologyConstants
The MIL-STD-2525 Individual category code, used by symbols belonging to the Stability Operations scheme.
CATEGORY_INFRASTRUCTURE - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.SymbologyConstants
The MIL-STD-2525 Infrastructure category code, used by symbols belonging to the Emergency Management scheme.
CATEGORY_ITEMS - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.SymbologyConstants
The MIL-STD-2525 Items category code, used by symbols belonging to the Stability Operations scheme.
CATEGORY_LOCATIONS - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.SymbologyConstants
The MIL-STD-2525 Locations category code, used by symbols belonging to the Stability Operations scheme.
CATEGORY_MOBILITY_SURVIVABILITY - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.SymbologyConstants
The MIL-STD-2525 Mobility/Survivability category code, used by symbols belonging to the Tactical Graphics scheme.
CATEGORY_NATURAL_EVENTS - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.SymbologyConstants
The MIL-STD-2525 Natural Events category code, used by symbols belonging to the Emergency Management scheme.
CATEGORY_NONMILITARY_GROUP_ORGANIZATION - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.SymbologyConstants
The MIL-STD-2525 Non-Military Group or Organization category code, used by symbols belonging to the Stability Operations scheme.
CATEGORY_OCEANIC - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.SymbologyConstants
The MIL-STD-2525 Oceanic category code, used by symbols belonging to the METOC scheme.
CATEGORY_OPERATIONS - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.SymbologyConstants
The MIL-STD-2525 Operations category code, used by symbols belonging to the Stability Operations and Emergency Management schemes.
CATEGORY_OTHER - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.SymbologyConstants
The MIL-STD-2525 Other category code, used by symbols belonging to the Tactical Graphics scheme.
CATEGORY_RAPE - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.SymbologyConstants
The MIL-STD-2525 Rape category code, used by symbols belonging to the Stability Operations scheme.
CATEGORY_SPACE - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.SymbologyConstants
The MIL-STD-2525 Space category code, used by symbols belonging to the METOC scheme.
CATEGORY_TASKS - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.SymbologyConstants
The MIL-STD-2525 Tasks category code, used by symbols belonging to the Tactical Graphics scheme.
CATEGORY_VIOLENT_ACTIVITIES - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.SymbologyConstants
The MIL-STD-2525 Violent Activities category code, used by symbols belonging to the Stability Operations scheme.
cb - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.ExtrudedPolygon.ShapeData
This shape's tessellation.
cb - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Polygon.ShapeData
This shape's tessellation indices.
cc - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.combine.CombineContext.TessCallbackAdapter
The CombineContext that receives forwarded GLU tessellator callbacks.
Cell(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.ImageInterpolator.Cell
Cell(Sector, double, double) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.measure.AreaMeasurer.Cell
CellInfo(int, int, int) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.ContourBuilder.CellInfo
CellKey(int, int) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.ContourBuilder.CellKey
CellPanel() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.features.swinglayermanager.LayerTree.CellPanel
cellSize - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.RectangularTessellator.RectTile
cellSize - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.ImageInterpolator
CENTER - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.avlist.AVKey
center - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Box
center - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Sphere
center - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.CappedEllipticalCylinder
CENTER - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.Orbit.OrbitType
CENTER - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Offset
center - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.SurfaceEllipse
center - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.SurfaceQuad
center - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.orbit.BasicOrbitView
CENTER_ALTITUDE_LABEL - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.shapebuilder.AbstractShapeEditor
CENTER_LATITUDE_LABEL - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.measure.MeasureTool
CENTER_LATITUDE_LABEL - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.util.measuretool.WWOMeasureTool.MeasureDisplay
CENTER_LATITUDE_LABEL - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.shapebuilder.AbstractShapeEditor
CENTER_LONGITUDE_LABEL - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.measure.MeasureTool
CENTER_LONGITUDE_LABEL - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.util.measuretool.WWOMeasureTool.MeasureDisplay
CENTER_LONGITUDE_LABEL - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.shapebuilder.AbstractShapeEditor
CENTER_STOPPED - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.view.orbit.OrbitView
centerAzimuth - Variable in class
Azimuth of the Center Of Sector arrow.
centerButtonPanel - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.features.AbstractFeatureDialog
centerDialogInContainer(JDialog, Container) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.util.Util
centerLocationLimits - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.orbit.BasicOrbitViewLimits
centerOfSectorLength - Variable in class
Length of the Center Of Sector line, as a fraction of the last range fan radius.
centerPoint - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.RadarVolume.ShapeData
centerPosition - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.RigidShape
centerPosition - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.KeepingObjectsInView.ViewAnimator
centerWindowInDesktop(Window) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.SAR2
centralLatitude - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.projections.ProjectionTransverseMercator
centralMeridian - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.projections.ProjectionTransverseMercator
centralMeridianForZone(int) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.projections.ProjectionUTM
CFL_OUTLINE_STIPPLE_FACTOR - Static variable in class
Factor applied to the stipple pattern used to draw the dashed line for a Coordinated Fire Line.
CHANGE_HEADING_ACTION - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.shapebuilder.RigidShapeEditor
CHANGE_HEIGHT_ACTION - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.shapebuilder.ExtrudedPolygonEditor
CHANGE_HEIGHT_ACTION - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.shapebuilder.RigidShapeEditor
CHANGE_LATITUDE_ACTION - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.shapebuilder.RigidShapeEditor
CHANGE_LONGITUDE_ACTION - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.shapebuilder.RigidShapeEditor
CHANGE_ROLL_ACTION - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.shapebuilder.RigidShapeEditor
CHANGE_SKEW_ACTION - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.shapebuilder.RigidShapeEditor
CHANGE_TILT_ACTION - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.shapebuilder.RigidShapeEditor
changeHeading(BasicOrbitView, AnimationController, Angle, ViewInputAttributes.ActionAttributes) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.orbit.OrbitViewInputHandler
changePitch(BasicOrbitView, AnimationController, Angle, ViewInputAttributes.ActionAttributes) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.orbit.OrbitViewInputHandler
changeShapeHeading(Point, Point) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.shapebuilder.RigidShapeEditor
changeShapeRoll(Point, Point) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.shapebuilder.RigidShapeEditor
changeShapeTilt(Point, Point) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.shapebuilder.RigidShapeEditor
changeZoom(BasicOrbitView, AnimationController, double, ViewInputAttributes.ActionAttributes) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.orbit.OrbitViewInputHandler
characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.placename.PlaceNameLayer.GMLPlaceNameSAXHandler
characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.ElementParser
CHARACTERS_CONTENT - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.xml.AbstractXMLEventParser
chars - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.GARSGraticuleLayer
checkAndAppendBooleanElement(AVList, String, Element, String) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWXML
Checks a parameter list for a specified key and if present attempts to append new elements represeting the parameter to a specified context.
checkAndAppendDoubleElement(AVList, String, Element, String) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWXML
Checks a parameter list for a specified key and if present attempts to append new elements represeting the parameter to a specified context.
checkAndAppendIntegerlement(AVList, String, Element, String) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWXML
Checks a parameter list for a specified key and if present attempts to append new elements represeting the parameter to a specified context.
checkAndAppendLatLonElement(AVList, String, Element, String) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWXML
Checks a parameter list for a specified key and if present attempts to append new elements represeting the parameter to a specified context.
checkAndAppendLongElement(AVList, String, Element, String) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWXML
Checks a parameter list for a specified key and if present attempts to append new elements represeting the parameter to a specified context.
checkAndAppendScreenCreditElement(AVList, String, Element, String) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWXML
Checks a parameter list for a specified key and if present attempts to append new elements represeting the parameter to a specified context.
checkAndAppendSectorElement(AVList, String, Element, String) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWXML
Checks a parameter list for a specified key and if present attempts to append new elements represeting the parameter to a specified context.
checkAndAppendSectorResolutionElement(AVList, String, Element, String) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWXML
Checks a parameter list for a specified key and if present attempts to append new elements represeting the parameter to a specified context.
checkAndAppendTextArrayElement(AVList, String, Element, String) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWXML
Checks a parameter list for a specified key and if present attempts to append new elements represeting the parameter to a specified context.
checkAndAppendTextElement(AVList, String, Element, String) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWXML
Checks a parameter list for a specified key and if present attempts to append new elements represeting the parameter to a specified context.
checkAndAppendTimeElement(AVList, String, Element, String) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWXML
Checks a parameter list for a specified key and if present attempts to append new elements represeting the parameter to a specified context.
checkAndSetBooleanParam(Element, AVList, String, String, XPath) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWXML
Checks a parameter list for a specified key and if not present attempts to find a value for the key from an element matched by an XPath expression.
checkAndSetColorArrayParam(Element, AVList, String, String, XPath) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWXML
checkAndSetColorParam(Element, AVList, String, String, XPath) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWXML
Checks a parameter list for a specified key and if not present attempts to find a value for the key from an element matched by an XPath expression.
checkAndSetDateTimeParam(Element, AVList, String, String, String, XPath) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWXML
Checks a parameter list for a specified key and if not present attempts to find a value for the key from an element matched by an XPath expression.
checkAndSetDoubleParam(Element, AVList, String, String, XPath) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWXML
Checks a parameter list for a specified key and if not present attempts to find a value for the key from an element matched by an XPath expression.
checkAndSetIntegerParam(Element, AVList, String, String, XPath) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWXML
Checks a parameter list for a specified key and if not present attempts to find a value for the key from an element matched by an XPath expression.
checkAndSetLatLonParam(Element, AVList, String, String, XPath) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWXML
Checks a parameter list for a specified key and if not present attempts to find a value for the key from an element matched by an XPath expression.
checkAndSetLongParam(Element, AVList, String, String, XPath) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWXML
Checks a parameter list for a specified key and if not present attempts to find a value for the key from an element matched by an XPath expression.
checkAndSetScreenCreditParam(Element, AVList, String, String, XPath) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWXML
Checks a parameter list for a specified key and if not present attempts to find a value for the key from an element matched by an XPath expression.
checkAndSetSectorParam(Element, AVList, String, String, XPath) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWXML
Checks a parameter list for a specified key and if not present attempts to find a value for the key from an element matched by an XPath expression.
checkAndSetSectorResolutionParam(Element, AVList, String, String, XPath) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWXML
Checks a parameter list for a specified key and if not present attempts to find a value for the key from an element matched by an XPath expression.
checkAndSetStringArrayParam(Element, AVList, String, String, XPath) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWXML
Checks a parameter list for a specified key and if not present attempts to find a value for the key from an element matched by an XPath expression.
checkAndSetStringParam(Element, AVList, String, String, XPath) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWXML
Checks a parameter list for a specified key and if not present attempts to find a value for the key from an element matched by an XPath expression.
checkAndSetTimeParam(Element, AVList, String, String, XPath) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWXML
Checks a parameter list for a specified key and if not present attempts to find a value for the key from an element matched by an XPath expression.
checkAndSetTimeParamAsInteger(Element, AVList, String, String, XPath) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWXML
Checks a parameter list for a specified key and if not present attempts to find a value for the key from an element matched by an XPath expression.
checkAndSetUniqueStringsParam(Element, AVList, String, String, XPath) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWXML
Checks a parameter list for a specified key and if not present attempts to find a value for the key from an element matched by an XPath expression.
checkBox - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.features.swinglayermanager.LayerTree.CellPanel
checkBox - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.layermanager.ElevationModelPanel
checkBox - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.layermanager.LayerPanel
checkBoxColor1 - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.tree.BasicTreeAttributes
checkBoxColor2 - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.tree.BasicTreeAttributes
checkBoxes - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.DynamicLayerPanelDisplay.DynamicLayerPanel
checkContainment(float, float, ImageInterpolator.Cell) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.ImageInterpolator
checkElevationExpiration(BasicElevationModel.ElevationTile) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.BasicElevationModel
checkElevationExpiration(Iterable<? extends BasicElevationModel.ElevationTile>) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.BasicElevationModel
checkForLicenseAgreement(Component) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.LicenseAgreement
checkForViewChange() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.WorldWindowGLAutoDrawable
Determine if the view has changed since the previous frame.
checkFramebufferStatus(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.OGLRenderToTextureSupport
checkGLErrors(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.AbstractSceneController
Called to check for openGL errors.
checkOGCException(Document) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWXML
checkResources() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.rpf.RPFTiledImageLayer
checkTextureExpiration(DrawContext, List<TextureTile>) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.TiledImageLayer
checkViewDistanceExpiration(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractShape
Determines whether this shape's geometry should be invalidated because the view distance changed, and if so, invalidates the geometry.
childList - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractAnnotation
children - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaNode
Children of this node.
children - Variable in class
Graphics drawn at the route control points.
children - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.ImageInterpolator.Cell
children - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.tree.BasicTreeNode
children - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.util.LayerTree
childrenCrossDateline() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.GeographicImageInterpolator.GeographicCell
Returns true if any of this image cell's children cross the international dateline, and false otherwise.
chooseBestFittingWidth(AVList) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.milstd2525.MilStd2525ModifierRetriever
chooseCapabilities(CapabilitiesImmutable, List<? extends CapabilitiesImmutable>, int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.BasicGLCapabilitiesChooser
Overridden to provide a fallback behavior when device supported stereo requested but is not supported by the hardware.
chooseImageFormat(Object[], String[]) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.DataConfigurationUtils
chooseOutputFile(String, String, String) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.core.Controller
chooseRasterForCanvas(BufferedImageRaster) - Method in class
chooseStereoCapabilities(CapabilitiesImmutable, List<? extends CapabilitiesImmutable>, int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.BasicGLCapabilitiesChooser
Attempts to use the superclass functionality to find a match to the desired GL capabilities in the list of available capabilities.
chooseTexture(PointPlacemarkAttributes) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.PointPlacemark
Determines the appropriate texture for the current availability.
circle - Variable in class
CIRCLE_LINE_WIDTH - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.milstd2525.MilStd2525IconRetriever
Line width used to stroke circle when fill is turned off.
CIRCLE_OFFSET - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.milstd2525.MilStd2525Util
CIRCLE_RADIUS - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.milstd2525.MilStd2525IconRetriever
Radius (in pixels) of circle that is drawn to the represent the symbol when both frame and icon are off.
CIRCLE_SIZE - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.milstd2525.MilStd2525Util
CircularFireSupportArea - Class in
Implementation of circular Fire Support graphics.
CircularFireSupportArea(String) - Constructor for class
Create a new circular area.
CircularPositionArea - Class in
Implementation of the Position Area for Artillery, Circular graphic (2.X.
CircularPositionArea(String) - Constructor for class
Create a new circular area.
CircularRangeFan - Class in
Implementation of the Circular Weapon/Sensor Range Fan graphic (2.X.
CircularRangeFan(String) - Constructor for class
Create the range fan.
CITIESOVER100K - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.Earth.NASAWFSPlaceNameLayer
CITIESOVER10K - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.Earth.NASAWFSPlaceNameLayer
CITIESOVER1K - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.Earth.NASAWFSPlaceNameLayer
CITIESOVER500K - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.Earth.NASAWFSPlaceNameLayer
CITIESOVER50K - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.Earth.NASAWFSPlaceNameLayer
CITY - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.OGCAddress
city - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.OGCAddress
clamp(Angle, Angle, Angle) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Angle
Limits a specified angle to be within a specified minimum and maximum.
clamp(double, double, double) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWMath
Clamps a value to a given range.
clamp(int, int, int) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWMath
Clamps an integer value to a given range.
clamp3(Vec4, double, double) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Vec4
CLAMP_TO_GROUND - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.WorldWind
clampAngle(Angle, Angle, Angle) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.placename.PlaceNameLayer
clampDouble(double, double, double) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.animation.AnimationSupport
Clamps a value between a minimum and maximum
clampElevation(double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.BathymetryFilterElevationModel
Called to clamp a source elevation to this elevation model's threshold.
clampToGroundSurface - Variable in class
ClampToGroundSurface(AnalyticSurface) - Constructor for class
CLARKE1866_GLOBE - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.coords.DatumTransformation
CLASS_LEVEL - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.avlist.AVKey
CLASS_LEVEL_CONFIDENTIAL - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.avlist.AVKey
CLASS_LEVEL_RESTRICTED - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.avlist.AVKey
CLASS_LEVEL_SECRET - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.avlist.AVKey
CLASS_LEVEL_TOPSECRET - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.avlist.AVKey
CLASS_LEVEL_UNCLASSIFIED - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.avlist.AVKey
classMap - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.milstd2525.MilStd2525GraphicFactory
Map to associate MIL-STD-2525C function codes with implementation classes.
className - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.SessionState.LayerStateFilename
classNameList - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.view.ViewSwitch.AppFrame.ViewDisplay
clear() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.cache.BasicGpuResourceCache
clear() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.cache.BasicMemoryCache
Empties the cache.
clear() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.cache.BasicMemoryCacheSet
clear() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.cache.BasicSessionCache
Removes all entries from the cache.
clear() - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.cache.GpuResourceCache
Removes all entries from this cache.
clear() - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.cache.MemoryCache
Empties the cache.
clear() - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.cache.MemoryCacheSet
clear() - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.cache.SessionCache
Removes all entries from the cache.
clear(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.AbstractGraticuleLayer
clear(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.Earth.MGRSGraticuleLayer
clear() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.Earth.UTMBaseGraticuleLayer.MetricScaleSupport
clear(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.Earth.UTMGraticuleLayer
clear(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.GARSGraticuleLayer
clear(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.LatLonGraticuleLayer
clear(int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.Geometry
clear() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.TextRendererCache
clear() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.BasicClutterFilter
clear() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.BasicQuadTree
Removes all items from the tree.
clear() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.CompoundStringBuilder
Clears this CompoundStringBuilder's backing StringBuilder and sets the number of substrings to zero.
clear() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.CompoundVecBuffer
Sets the number sub-buffers to zero.
clear() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.IntSet
Removes all of the values from this set.
clear() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.measure.MeasureTool
Removes all positions from the shape, clear attributes.
clear(DrawContext, Color) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.OGLRenderToTextureSupport
Clears the current texture target's pixels with the specified RGBA clear color.
clear() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.OGLStackHandler
clear() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.PlacemarkClutterFilter
Release all the resources used in the most recent filter application.
clear() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.TextureAtlas
Removes all elements from this texture atlas.
clear() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.VecBufferSequence
Sets the number sub-buffers to zero.
clear() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.dataimporter.FileSet
clear() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.util.measuretool.WWOMeasureTool
clear() - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.util.measuretool.WWOMeasureTool.ControlPointList
clear() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.util.measuretool.WWOMeasureToolControlPoints
clear() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.LineBuilder
Removes all positions from the polyline.
clear() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.SectorSelector.RegionShape
CLEAR_SELECTION - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.AirspaceBuilder
CLEAR_SELECTION - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.shapebuilder.ExtrudedPolygonBuilder
CLEAR_SELECTION - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.shapebuilder.RigidShapeBuilder
clearAnnotations() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.AnnotationLayer
clearCachedValues() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.measure.AreaMeasurer
clearCachedValues() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.measure.LengthMeasurer
clearCachedVbos(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractShape
Removes from the GPU resource cache the entry for the current data cache entry's VBOs.
clearCachedVbos(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.RigidShape
Removes from the GPU resource cache the entry for the current data cache entry's VBOs.
clearCaches() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractSurfaceObject
Clears this SurfaceObject's internal extent cache.
clearCaches() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractSurfaceShape
Clears this SurfaceObject's internal extent cache.
clearCaches() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.SurfaceIcon
clearCaches() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.SurfacePolygon
clearColor - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.DrawContextImpl
clearColor - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.TextureAtlas
Indicates the color used to fill regions of this texture atlas that do not contain a sub-image element.
clearContourCells() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.ContourBuilder
clearControls() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.ViewControlsLayer
clearDirtyBit() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.SARTrack
clearDirtyRect() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.TextureAtlas
Removes any regions in this texture atlas' backing image previously marked as needing to be synchronized with the OpenGL texture.
clearElevationMap() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.AbstractAirspace
clearExtents() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.cache.ShapeDataCache
Set to null the extent field of all entries in this cache.
clearFileSets() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.dataimporter.FileSetTableModel
clearFrame(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.AbstractSceneController
clearIcons() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.IconLayer
clearInactiveDownloads() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.BulkDownloadPanel
Remove inactive downloads from the monitor panel.
clearIntersectionGeometry() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Polygon
clearIntersectionGeometry() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.RigidShape
clearKeyState() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.awt.KeyEventState
clearLayers() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.lineofsight.LinesOfSight.AppFrame
clearLayers() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.TerrainIntersections.AppFrame
clearList() - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.avlist.AVList
clearList() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.avlist.AVListImpl
clearList() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.awt.WorldWindowGLCanvas
clearList() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.awt.WorldWindowGLJPanel
clearList() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.LayerList
clearList() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.kml.impl.KMLAbstractBalloon
clearList() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.RasterControlPointList
clearObjectList() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.SurfaceObjectTileBuilder.SurfaceObjectTile
Clears the tile's list of intersecting objects.
clearPanel() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.features.MeasurementPanel
clearPanel() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.features.WMSPanel
Clears the panel.
clearPickCandidates(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.SurfaceObjectTileBuilder
Removes all entries from the list of pickable object candidates assembled during the last call to SurfaceObjectTileBuilder.buildTiles(DrawContext, Iterable).
clearPickList() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.pick.PickSupport
clearPickList() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Path.PathPickSupport

Overridden to clear the list of pickable positions.

clearRect(BufferedImage, int, int, int, int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.TextureAtlas
Fills the specified rectangle with the clear color in the backing image.
clearRenderables() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.Earth.UTMBaseGraticuleLayer.SquareGrid
clearRenderables() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.Earth.UTMBaseGraticuleLayer.SquareZone
clearRenderables() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.Earth.UTMGraticuleLayer.GraticuleTile
clearRenderables() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.GARSGraticuleLayer.GraticuleTile
clearRenderables() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.LatLonGraticuleLayer.GraticuleTile
clearRenderables() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.RenderableLayer
clearSector() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.BulkDownloadPanel
Clear the current selection sector and remove it from the globe.
clearSectors() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.SectorVisibilityTree
clearSelection() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.ScreenSelector.SelectionRectangle
clearTiles() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.Earth.UTMGraticuleLayer
clearTiles() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.GARSGraticuleLayer
clearTiles() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.LatLonGraticuleLayer
clearTiles(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.SurfaceObjectTileBuilder
Removes all entries from the list of SurfaceTiles assembled during the last call to SurfaceObjectTileBuilder.buildTiles(DrawContext, Iterable).
clearTree() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.features.swinglayermanager.LayerTree
ClickAndGoSelectListener - Class in gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples
Handles view 'fly to' on left clicked picked objects with a position.
ClickAndGoSelectListener(WorldWindow, Class) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.ClickAndGoSelectListener
ClickAndGoSelectListener(WorldWindow, Class, double) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.ClickAndGoSelectListener
clientLayer - Variable in class
clientObjectSize - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.cache.BasicMemoryCache.CacheEntry
clip(Vec4, Vec4) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Plane
Clip a line segment to this plane.
clip - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.PolygonTessellator2
clip - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.AnnotationControls.AudioContentAnnotation
clipCode(double, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.ClippingTessellator
Computes a 4-bit code indicating the vertex's location in the 9 cell grid defined by the clip coordinates and the eight adjacent spaces defined by extending the min/max boundaries to infinity.
clipCode(double, double, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.PolygonTessellator2
Computes a 4-bit code indicating the vertex's location in the 9 cell grid defined by the clip bounds and the eight adjacent spaces defined by extending the min/max boundaries to infinity.
clipcyl(Vec4, Vec4, Vec4, Vec4, Vec4, double[]) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Cylinder
clipDegrees - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.ClippingTessellator
clipMode - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.ShapeClippingPanel
clippingPanel - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.ShapeClipping.AppFrame
ClippingTessellator - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.util
ClippingTessellator(GLUtessellator, Sector) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.ClippingTessellator
clipShape - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.ShapeClippingPanel
clipShape() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.ShapeClippingPanel
clipToFrustum(Vec4, Vec4, Frustum) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Line
Clip a line segment to a frustum, returning the end points of the portion of the segment that is within the frustum.
clipToHorizon - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.PointPlacemark
clipWithDateline(List<SurfacePolygon.Vertex>) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.SurfacePolygon
clipWithPole(List<SurfacePolygon.Vertex>, String, Angle) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.SurfacePolygon
CLOCKWISE - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.avlist.AVKey
CLOCKWISE - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.GeometryBuilder
CLOSE - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.avlist.AVKey
close(ImageOutputStream) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.ImageUtil
close() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.SARAnnotationWriter
close() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.kml.KMLDocumentBuilder
Close the document builder.
close() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.kml.KMZDocumentBuilder
Close the document builder.
CLOSE_IMAGE_PATH - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.DialogAnnotation
CLOSE_TOOLTIP_TEXT - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.DialogAnnotation
closeButton - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.features.AbstractFeatureDialog
closeButton - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.DialogAnnotation
closeContour(List<SurfacePolygon.Vertex>) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.SurfacePolygon
closed - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.SurfacePolyline
CLOSED_RETURN_CODE - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.wizard.Wizard
closeEventReader(XMLEventReader, String) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWXML
Close an XML event stream and catch any XMLStreamException generated in the process.
closeEventStream() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaRoot
Closes the event stream associated with this context's XML event reader.
closeEventStream() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.kml.KMLRoot
Closes the event stream associated with this context's XML event reader.
closeResource(AnnotationControls.ContentAnnotation) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.AnnotationControls.AppFrame
closeStream(Object, String) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWIO
Close a stream and catch any IOException generated in the process.
CLOUD_CEILING_CHANGE - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.CloudCeilingPanel
CLOUD_CEILING_OPEN - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.CloudCeilingPanel
CloudCeiling - Class in gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar
Display one or two contour lines depicting lower and upper cloud ceiling around a list of positions.
CloudCeiling(WorldWindow) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.CloudCeiling
CloudCeilingPanel - Class in gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar
CloudCeilingPanel() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.CloudCeilingPanel
cloudImagePath - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.glider.GliderTestApp
CLOVER_C2_HQ_OFFSET - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.milstd2525.MilStd2525Util
CLOVER_DOWN_OFFSET - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.milstd2525.MilStd2525Util
CLOVER_DOWN_SIZE - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.milstd2525.MilStd2525Util
CLOVER_OFFSET - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.milstd2525.MilStd2525Util
CLOVER_SIZE - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.milstd2525.MilStd2525Util
CLOVER_UP_OFFSET - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.milstd2525.MilStd2525Util
CLOVER_UP_SIZE - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.milstd2525.MilStd2525Util
clutterFilter - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.AbstractSceneController
clutterFilter - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.DrawContextImpl
ClutterFilter - Interface in gov.nasa.worldwind.util
Provides a mechanism to track the screen region of rendered items and determine whether that region overlaps with regions already rendered.
COLLADA_MIME_TYPE - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaConstants
MIME type for Collada documents.
COLLADA_NAMESPACE - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaConstants
The Collada namespace URI.
ColladaAbstractGeometry - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada
Base class for COLLADA geometry (lines and triangles).
ColladaAbstractGeometry(String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaAbstractGeometry
Create a new instance.
ColladaAbstractInstance<T> - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada
Represents the COLLADA Instance element.
ColladaAbstractInstance(String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaAbstractInstance
Create an instance.
ColladaAbstractObject - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada
Base class for COLLADA parser classes.
ColladaAbstractObject(String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaAbstractObject
Construct an instance.
ColladaAbstractParamContainer - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada
Base class for COLLADA elements that hold parameters.
ColladaAbstractParamContainer(String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaAbstractParamContainer
Construct an instance.
ColladaAbstractShader - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada
Base class for COLLADA shaders.
ColladaAbstractShader(String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaAbstractShader
Construct an instance.
ColladaAccessor - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada
Represents the COLLADA accessor element and provides access to its contents.
ColladaAccessor(String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaAccessor
Create a new accessor.
ColladaAsset - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada
Represents the COLLADA asset element and provides access to its contents.
ColladaAsset(String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaAsset
Construct an instance.
ColladaBind - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada
Represents the COLLADA bind element and provides access to its contents.
ColladaBind(String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaBind
Construct an instance.
ColladaBindMaterial - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada
Represents the COLLADA bind_material element, and provides access to its contents.
ColladaBindMaterial(String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaBindMaterial
Construct an instance.
ColladaBindVertexInput - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada
Represents the COLLADA bind_vertex_input element and provides access to its contents.
ColladaBindVertexInput(String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaBindVertexInput
Construct an instance.
ColladaColor - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada
Represents the COLLADA color element and provides access to its contents.
ColladaColor(String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaColor
Construct an instance.
ColladaConstants - Interface in gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada
Constants related to COLLADA documents.
ColladaContributor - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada
Represents the COLLADA contributor element and provides access to its contents.
ColladaContributor(String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaContributor
Construct an instance.
ColladaController - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.impl
Executes the mapping from COLLADA to World Wind.
ColladaController(ColladaRoot) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.impl.ColladaController
Create a new controller to render a COLLADA document.
colladaDoc - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaRoot
Reference to the ColladaDoc representing the COLLADA file.
ColladaDoc - Interface in
Represents the source of a COLLADA document, and provides access to the document's content.
ColladaEffect - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada
Represents the COLLADA effect element and provides access to its contents.
ColladaEffect(String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaEffect
Construct an instance.
ColladaExtra - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada
Represents the COLLADA extra element, and provides access to its contents.
ColladaExtra(String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaExtra
Construct an instance.
ColladaFile - Class in
Represents a COLLADA document read from a file.
ColladaFile(File) - Constructor for class
Create a new instance from a file.
colladaFile - Variable in class
File from which COLLADA content is read.
ColladaFloatArray - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada
Represents the COLLADA float_array element and provides access to its contents.
ColladaFloatArray(String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaFloatArray
Construct an instance.
ColladaFloatOrParam - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada
Represents either a floating point number, or a param element.
ColladaFloatOrParam(String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaFloatOrParam
Construct an instance.
ColladaFormat - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada
Represents the COLLADA format element and provides access to its contents.
ColladaFormat(String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaFormat
Construct an instance.
ColladaGeometry - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada
Represents the COLLADA geometry element and provides access to its contents.
ColladaGeometry(String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaGeometry
Construct an instance.
colladaGeometry - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.impl.ColladaMeshShape.Geometry
Collada element that defines this geometry.
ColladaImage - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada
Represents the COLLADA image element and provides access to its contents.
ColladaImage(String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaImage
ColladaInput - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada
Represents the COLLADA input element and provides access to its contents.
ColladaInput(String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaInput
ColladaInputStream - Class in
Represents a COLLADA document read from an input stream.
ColladaInputStream(InputStream, URI) - Constructor for class
Construct a ColladaInputStream instance.
ColladaInstanceEffect - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada
Represents the COLLADA instance_effect element and provides access to its contents.
ColladaInstanceEffect(String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaInstanceEffect
ColladaInstanceGeometry - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada
Represents the COLLADA instance_geometry element and provides access to its contents.
ColladaInstanceGeometry(String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaInstanceGeometry
ColladaInstanceMaterial - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada
Represents the COLLADA instance_material element and provides access to its contents.
ColladaInstanceMaterial(String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaInstanceMaterial
ColladaInstanceNode - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada
Represents the COLLADA instance_node element and provides access to its contents.
ColladaInstanceNode(String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaInstanceNode
Construct an instance.
ColladaInstanceVisualScene - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada
Represents the COLLADA instance_visual_scene element and provides access to its contents.
ColladaInstanceVisualScene(String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaInstanceVisualScene
ColladaLambert - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada
Represents the COLLADA Lambert shader element and provides access to its contents.
ColladaLambert(String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaLambert
Construct an instance.
ColladaLibrary<T> - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada
Represents the COLLADA Library element and provides access to its contents.
ColladaLibrary(String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaLibrary
Construct an instance.
ColladaLines - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada
Represents the COLLADA lines element and provides access to its contents.
ColladaLines(String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaLines
Construct an instance.
ColladaMaterial - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada
Represents the COLLADA material element and provides access to its contents.
ColladaMaterial(String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaMaterial
Construct an instance.
ColladaMatrix - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada
Represents the COLLADA matrix element and provides access to its contents.
ColladaMatrix(String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaMatrix
Construct an instance.
ColladaMesh - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada
Represents the COLLADA mesh element and provides access to its contents.
ColladaMesh(String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaMesh
ColladaMeshShape - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.impl
Shape to render a COLLADA line or triangle mesh.
ColladaMeshShape(List<? extends ColladaAbstractGeometry>) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.impl.ColladaMeshShape
Create an instance of the shape.
ColladaMeshShape.ExtentCacheKey - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.impl
ColladaMeshShape.Geometry - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.impl
Geometry and attributes of a COLLADA triangles or lines element.
ColladaMeshShape.OrderedMeshShape - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.impl
Class to represent an instance of the mesh to be drawn as an ordered renderable.
ColladaMeshShape.ShapeData - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.impl
This class holds globe-specific data for this shape.
ColladaNewParam - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada
Represents the COLLADA newparam element and provides access to its contents.
ColladaNewParam(String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaNewParam
Construct an instance.
ColladaNode - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada
Represents the COLLADA node element and provides access to its contents.
ColladaNode(String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaNode
Construct an instance.
ColladaP - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada
Represents the COLLADA p element and provides access to its contents.
ColladaP(String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaP
Construct an instance.
ColladaParam - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada
Represents the COLLADA param element and provides access to its contents.
ColladaParam(String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaParam
Construct an instance.
ColladaParserContext - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada
The parser context for Collada documents.
ColladaParserContext(XMLEventReader, String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaParserContext
Creates a parser context instance.
ColladaParserContext(String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaParserContext
Creates a parser context instance.
ColladaParserContext(ColladaParserContext) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaParserContext
ColladaPhong - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada
Represents the COLLADA phong shader element and provides access to its contents.
ColladaPhong(String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaPhong
Construct an instance.
ColladaProfileCommon - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada
Represents the COLLADA profile_COMMON element and provides access to its contents.
ColladaProfileCommon(String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaProfileCommon
Construct an instance.
ColladaRenderable - Interface in gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.impl
Interface for rendering COLLADA elements.
ColladaResourceResolver - Interface in gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada
Interface for resolving paths relative to a COLLADA document.
ColladaRoot - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada
Parses a COLLADA document and provides access to its contents.
ColladaRoot(ColladaDoc) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaRoot
Create a new ColladaRoot for a ColladaDoc instance.
ColladaRoot(File) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaRoot
Create a new ColladaRoot for a File.
ColladaRoot(URL) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaRoot
Create a new ColladaRoot for a URL.
ColladaRoot(InputStream) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaRoot
Create a new ColladaRoot for a InputStream.
colladaRoot - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.impl.ColladaController
Collada document rendered by this controller.
colladaRoot - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.kml.impl.KMLModelPlacemarkImpl
Reference to the COLLADA root that contains the parsed COLLADA file.
ColladaSampler2D - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada
Represents the COLLADA sampler2D element and provides access to its contents.
ColladaSampler2D(String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaSampler2D
Construct an instance.
ColladaScene - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada
Represents the COLLADA scene element and provides access to its contents.
ColladaScene(String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaScene
Construct an instance.
ColladaSource - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada
Represents the COLLADA source element and provides access to its contents.
ColladaSource(String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaSource
Construct an instance.
ColladaSurface - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada
Represents the COLLADA surface element and provides access to its contents.
ColladaSurface(String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaSurface
Construct an instance.
ColladaTechnique - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada
Represents the COLLADA technique element and provides access to its contents.
ColladaTechnique(String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaTechnique
Construct an instance.
ColladaTechniqueCommon - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada
Represents the COLLADA technique_common element and provides access to its contents.
ColladaTechniqueCommon(String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaTechniqueCommon
Construct an instance.
ColladaTexture - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada
Represents the COLLADA texture element and provides access to its contents.
ColladaTexture(String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaTexture
Construct an instance.
ColladaTextureOrColor - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada
Represents a COLLADA texture or color element and provides access to its contents.
ColladaTextureOrColor(String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaTextureOrColor
Construct an instance.
ColladaTraversalContext - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.impl
Context to keep track of state while a COLLADA document is traversed.
ColladaTraversalContext() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.impl.ColladaTraversalContext
Create a new traversal context.
colladaTraversalContext - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.kml.impl.KMLModelPlacemarkImpl
Traversal context for rendering the ColladaRoot.
ColladaTriangles - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada
Represents the COLLADA triangles element and provides access to its contents.
ColladaTriangles(String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaTriangles
Construct an instance.
ColladaUnit - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada
Represents the COLLADA Unit element and provides access to its contents.
ColladaUnit(String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaUnit
Construct an instance.
ColladaUnsupported - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada
Parser class for COLLADA elements that are not used by World Wind.
ColladaUnsupported(String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaUnsupported
Construct an instance.
ColladaVertices - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada
Represents the COLLADA vertices element and provides access to its contents.
ColladaVertices(String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaVertices
Construct an instance.
ColladaVisualScene - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada
Represents the COLLADA visual_scene element and provides access to its contents.
ColladaVisualScene(String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaVisualScene
Construct an instance.
collapseLists(LayerList[]) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.LayerList
Aggregate the contents of a group of layer lists into a single one.
collapsePath(TreePath) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.tree.BasicTree
Collapse a path in the tree.
collapsePath(TreePath) - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.util.tree.Tree
Collapse a path in the tree.
CollectIndexListsCallback() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.GLUTessellatorSupport.CollectIndexListsCallback
CollectPrimitivesCallback() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.GLUTessellatorSupport.CollectPrimitivesCallback
COLLISION_NUM_ITERATIONS - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.BasicView
COLLISION_THRESHOLD - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.BasicView
CollisionAwarePitchAccessor(OrbitView) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.orbit.OrbitViewInputHandler.CollisionAwarePitchAccessor
Creates a new CollisionAwarePitchAccessor with the specified OrbitView, but otherwise does nothing.
collisionSupport - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.orbit.BasicOrbitView
COLOR - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.avlist.AVKey
color - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.ScalebarLayer
color - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.TerrainProfileLayer
color - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.WorldMapLayer
color - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractBrowserBalloon.BrowserControl
color - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.IconRenderer.OrderedText
color - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.MultiLineTextRenderer.DrawState.DrawAttributes
color - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.ScreenImage
color - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.SurfaceText
Color to use to draw the text.
color - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.AbstractTacticalSymbol.Label
COLOR_MODE_DOW - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.MarkersOrder.AppFrame
COLOR_MODE_HOURS - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.MarkersOrder.AppFrame
COLOR_MODE_RAMP - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.MarkersOrder.AppFrame
ColorAllocator - Class in gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.dataimporter
Allocates colors used to key data sets to the visible sectors they cover.
ColorAllocator() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.dataimporter.ColorAllocator
colorBuffer - Variable in class
colorForValue(double, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.ContourBuilderExample.AppFrame
colorMode - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.MarkersOrder.AppFrame
colorOffset - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Path.PathData
Indicates the offset in number of floats to the first RGBA color tuple in renderedPath.
colorRampCombo - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.MarkersOrder.AppFrame
colors - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.PathPositionColors.ExamplePositionColors
colors - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.PathsOnDateline.ExamplePositionColors
colorTarget - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.OGLRenderToTextureSupport
column - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.placename.PlaceNameLayer.Tile
columnAttribute - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.AirspaceBuilder.AirspaceBuilderModel
columnAttribute - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.shapebuilder.ExtrudedPolygonBuilder.PolygonBuilderModel
columnAttribute - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.shapebuilder.RigidShapeBuilder.AbstractShapeBuilderModel
columnClass - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.AirspaceBuilder.AirspaceBuilderModel
columnClass - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.shapebuilder.ExtrudedPolygonBuilder.PolygonBuilderModel
columnClass - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.shapebuilder.RigidShapeBuilder.AbstractShapeBuilderModel
columnName - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.AirspaceBuilder.AirspaceBuilderModel
columnName - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.shapebuilder.ExtrudedPolygonBuilder.PolygonBuilderModel
columnName - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.shapebuilder.RigidShapeBuilder.AbstractShapeBuilderModel
columnTitles - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.dataimporter.FileSetTableModel
columnTitles - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.dataimporter.FileStoreTableModel
columnTypes - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.dataimporter.FileStoreTableModel
COMBAT_EFFECTIVENESS - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.SymbologyConstants
The MIL-STD-2525 Combat Effectiveness modifier field ID.
CombatSupportArea - Class in
Implementation of combat support area graphics.
CombatSupportArea(String) - Constructor for class
Create a new area.
Combinable - Interface in gov.nasa.worldwind.util.combine
Interface for shapes that can be combined into a complex set of contours by using boolean operations.
combine(CombineContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractSurfaceShape
Causes this Combinable to draw its contours using the GLU tessellator attached to the provided CombineContext.
combine(CombineContext) - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.util.combine.Combinable
Causes this Combinable to draw its contours using the GLU tessellator attached to the provided CombineContext.
combine(double[], Object[], float[], Object[]) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.combine.CombineContext.TessCallbackAdapter
Calls CombineContext.tessCombine with the specified arguments.
combine(CombineContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.ContourList
Causes this Combinable to draw its contours using the GLU tessellator attached to the provided CombineContext.
combine(double[], Object[], float[], Object[]) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.GLUTessellatorSupport.CollectIndexListsCallback
combine(double[], Object[], float[], Object[]) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.GLUTessellatorSupport.OGLDrawPrimitivesCallback
combine(double[], Object[], float[], Object[]) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.GLUTessellatorSupport.RecursiveCallback
Called by the GLU tessellator to indicate that up to four vertices must be merged into a new vertex.
combineBounds(CombineContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractSurfaceShape
combineBounds(CombineContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.ContourList
CombineContext - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.util.combine
CombineContext provides a suitcase of state used by Combinable shapes to generate a complex set of contours by applying boolean operations to one or more shapes.
CombineContext(Globe, double) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.combine.CombineContext
Creates a new combine context with the specified globe, resolution, and the default region of interest.
CombineContext.TessCallbackAdapter - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.util.combine
Implementation of GLUtessellatorCallback that forwards GLU tessellator callbacks to protected methods on CombineContext.
combineContours(CombineContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractSurfaceShape
combineContours(CombineContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.ContourList
combineData(double[], Object[], float[], Object[], Object) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.PolygonTessellator.TessCallbackAdapter
combineData(double[], Object[], float[], Object[], Object) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.PolygonTessellator2.TessCallbackAdapter
COMBO_BOX_PREFERRED_WIDTH - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.eurogeoss.RecordPanel
compare(TextureTile, TextureTile) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.TiledImageLayer.LevelComparer
compareTo(BasicMemoryCache.CacheEntry) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.cache.BasicMemoryCache.CacheEntry
compareTo(Angle) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Angle
Compares this Angle with another.
compareTo(Sector) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Sector
Compares this sector to a specified sector according to their minimum latitude, minimum longitude, maximum latitude, and maximum longitude, respectively.
compareTo(BasicTiledImageLayer.RequestTask) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.BasicTiledImageLayer.RequestTask
compareTo(PlaceNameLayer.RequestTask) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.placename.PlaceNameLayer.RequestTask
compareTo(DetailLevel) - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.DetailLevel
compareTo(DetailLevel) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.ScreenSizeDetailLevel
compareTo(GeographicTextRenderer.OrderedText) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.GeographicTextRenderer.OrderedText
compareTo(Level) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.Level
compareTo(PerformanceStatistic) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.PerformanceStatistic
compareTo(TextureAtlas.Entry) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.TextureAtlas.Entry
Compares this texture atlas entry's last used timestamp to that of the specified entry.
compareTo(Tile) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.Tile
compareTo(TileKey) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.TileKey
Compare two tile keys.
compareVersion(String, String) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWUtil
Compares two version strings, e.g., 1.3.0, and returns 0 if they match, -1 if the first string is less than the second, and 1 if the first string is greater than the second.
Compass - Class in gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.features
Compass() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.features.Compass
Compass(Registry) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.features.Compass
CompassLayer - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.layers
CompassLayer() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.CompassLayer
CompassLayer(String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.CompassLayer
CompassLayer.OrderedIcon - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.layers
compassToViewportScale - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.CompassLayer
completion(Object) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.ShapefileViewer.AppFrame
component - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.WCSCoveragePanel.CoverageInfoAction
component - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.WMSLayersPanel.LayerInfoAction
composeDataRaster(Dataset, AVList) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.gdal.GDALUtils
composeElevations(Sector, List<? extends LatLon>, int, double[]) - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.ElevationModel
Determines the elevations at specified locations within a specified Sector.
composeElevations(Sector, List<? extends LatLon>, int, double[]) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.AbstractElevationModel
composeElevations(Sector, List<? extends LatLon>, int, double[]) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.CompoundElevationModel
composeElevations(Sector, List<? extends LatLon>, int, double[]) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.WCSElevationModel
composeElevations(Sector, List<? extends LatLon>, int, double[]) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.WMSBasicElevationModel
composeEmergencyManagementSymCode() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.milstd2525.SymbolCode
Composes a 15-character symbol identification code (SIDC) for the Emergency Management coding scheme.
composeExceptionReason(Throwable) - Method in class
composeExceptionReason(Throwable) - Method in class
composeFilename(SymbolCode) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.milstd2525.MilStd2525PointGraphicRetriever
Indicates the filename of the icon for a graphic.
composeFilenameEms(SymbolCode) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.milstd2525.MilStd2525PointGraphicRetriever
Indicates the filename of a graphic in the Emergency Management scheme (MIL-STD-2525C Appendix G).
composeFilenameMetoc(SymbolCode) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.milstd2525.MilStd2525PointGraphicRetriever
Indicates the filename of a graphic in the Meteorological and Oceanographic scheme (MIL-STD-2525C Appendix C).
composeFilenameTacticalGraphic(SymbolCode, String) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.milstd2525.MilStd2525PointGraphicRetriever
Indicates the filename of a graphic in the Tactical Graphics scheme (MIL-STD-2525C Appendix B).
composeFilledImage(BufferedImage, SymbolCode) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.milstd2525.MilStd2525PointGraphicRetriever
Create an image by drawing over a fill image.
composeFillPath(SymbolCode) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.milstd2525.MilStd2525IconRetriever
composeFillPath(SymbolCode) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.milstd2525.MilStd2525PointGraphicRetriever
Compose a file path to the fill icon for a graphic.
composeFramePath(SymbolCode) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.milstd2525.MilStd2525IconRetriever
composeIconPath(SymbolCode, AVList) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.milstd2525.MilStd2525IconRetriever
composeImage() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.dataimporter.FileSetPreviewImageGenerator
composeImageDataRaster(Dataset, AVList) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.gdal.GDALUtils
Opens image or elevation file, returns as a BufferedImage (even for elevations)
composeImageForSector(Sector, int, int, int, String, boolean, BufferedImage) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.mercator.MercatorTiledImageLayer
composeImageForSector(Sector, int, int, double, BufferedImage) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.SurfaceImageLayer
Create an image for the portion of this layer lying within a specified sector.
composeImageForSector(Sector, int, int, double, int, String, boolean, BufferedImage, int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.TiledImageLayer
Create an image for the portion of this layer lying within a specified sector.
composeImageForSector(Sector, int, int, double, int, String, boolean, BufferedImage, int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.wms.WMSTiledImageLayer
ComposeImageTile(Sector, String, Level, int, int) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.wms.WMSTiledImageLayer.ComposeImageTile
composeIntelligenceSymCode() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.milstd2525.SymbolCode
Composes a 15-character symbol identification code (SIDC) for the Signals Intelligence coding scheme.
composeLayerStateFilename(String, int) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.SessionState
composeMetocSymCode() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.milstd2525.SymbolCode
Composes a 15-character symbol identification code (SIDC) for the Meteorological and Oceanographic coding scheme.
composeNonImageDataRaster(Dataset, AVList) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.gdal.GDALUtils
The "composeDataRaster" method creates a ByteBufferRaster from an elevation (or non-image) Dataset.
composePath(String, AVList) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.milstd2525.MilStd2525ModifierRetriever
composeRaster(AVList) - Method in class
Composes a DataRaster of the given width and height for the specific geographic region of interest (ROI).
composeStabilityOperationsSymCode() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.milstd2525.SymbolCode
Composes a 15-character symbol identification code (SIDC) for the Stability Operations coding scheme.
composeSymbolModifierCode(SymbolCode, AVList, String) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.milstd2525.SymbolCode
composeSymCode() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.milstd2525.SymbolCode
Composes and returns a MIL-STD-2525 15-character symbol identification code (SIDC) from this SymbolCode's current field values.
composeTacticalGraphicsSymCode() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.milstd2525.SymbolCode
Composes a 15-character symbol identification code (SIDC) for the Tactical Graphics coding scheme.
composeUnrecognizedSymCode() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.milstd2525.SymbolCode
Returns null indicating that this SymbolCode's Coding Scheme is not recognized.
composeWarfightingSymCode() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.milstd2525.SymbolCode
Composes a 15-character symbol identification code (SIDC) for the Warfighting coding scheme.
CompositionRetrievalPostProcessor(TextureTile) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.TiledImageLayer.CompositionRetrievalPostProcessor
CompositionRetrievalPostProcessor(File) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.WMSBasicElevationModel.CompositionRetrievalPostProcessor
CompoundAnimator - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.animation
A group of two or more Animators.
CompoundAnimator(Interpolator) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.animation.CompoundAnimator
Construct a CompoundAnimator with the given Interpolator
CompoundAnimator(Interpolator, Animator...) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.animation.CompoundAnimator
Construct a CompoundAnimator with the given Interpolator, and the given Animators.
CompoundElevationModel - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain
CompoundElevationModel() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.CompoundElevationModel
CompoundFilter - Class in gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.tracks
CompoundFilter(FileFilter[], String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.tracks.CompoundFilter
CompoundIterator(CompoundVecBuffer.SubBufferIterable<T>) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.CompoundVecBuffer.CompoundIterator
CompoundShape(String, String, MarkerShape, MarkerShape) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.markers.BasicMarkerShape.CompoundShape
CompoundShape(String, String, MarkerShape, MarkerShape, double) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.markers.BasicMarkerShape.CompoundShape
CompoundStringBuilder - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.util
CompoundStringBuilder provides a mechanism for storing and retrieving a collection of variable length strings in a single StringBuilder.
CompoundStringBuilder(StringBuilder, int) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.CompoundStringBuilder
Constructs a CompoundStringBuilder with the specified backing StringBuilder and initial capacity.
CompoundStringBuilder(int) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.CompoundStringBuilder
Constructs a CompoundStringBuilder with a default backing StringBuilder, and the specified initial capacity.
CompoundStringBuilder() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.CompoundStringBuilder
Constructs a CompoundStringBuilder with a default backing StringBuilder, and the default initial capacity.
CompoundVecBuffer - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.util
CompoundVecBuffer defines an interface for storing and retrieving a collection of variable length VecBuffer objects.
CompoundVecBuffer(int) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.CompoundVecBuffer
Constructs a CompoundVecBuffer with the specified initial capacity.
CompoundVecBuffer() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.CompoundVecBuffer
Constructs a CompoundVecBuffer with the default initial capacity.
CompoundVecBuffer(CompoundVecBuffer, int, int) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.CompoundVecBuffer
CompoundVecBuffer(CompoundVecBuffer, int[], int, int) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.CompoundVecBuffer
CompoundVecBuffer.CompoundIterator<T> - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.util
CompoundVecBuffer.CoordIterable - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.util
CompoundVecBuffer.EmptyCompoundVecBuffer - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.util
CompoundVecBuffer.LocationIterable - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.util
CompoundVecBuffer.PositionIterable - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.util
CompoundVecBuffer.ReverseCompoundIterator<T> - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.util
CompoundVecBuffer.SubBufferIterable<T> - Interface in gov.nasa.worldwind.util
CompoundVecBuffer.VectorIterable - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.util
COMPRESS_TEXTURES - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.avlist.AVKey
compute(int, int, int, int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Size
Computes the width and height of a rectangle within a container rectangle.
compute(Angle, Angle) - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.SectorGeometry.GeographicTextureCoordinateComputer
Computes a texture coordinate for a specified location.
compute_intervals_isectline(Vec4[], double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Triangle
computeAbsolutePoints(DrawContext, List<Position>, FloatBuffer, Path.PathData) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Path
Computes a model-coordinate path from a list of positions, using the altitudes in the specified positions.
computeAccumulatedLength(LatLon) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.measure.MeasureTool
computeAccumulatedLength(LatLon, WWOMeasureTool) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.util.measuretool.WWOMeasureDisplay
computeAltitude(Globe, List<? extends Position>, String) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.kml.impl.KMLUtil
Compute the altitude of each position in a list, based on altitude mode.
computeAltitude(Globe, Position, String) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.kml.impl.KMLUtil
Create a Position, taking into account an altitude mode.
computeAltitudeAboveGround(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.AbstractGraticuleLayer
computeAltitudesToFitPositions(Iterable<? extends Position>) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.SARSegmentPlane
computeAltitudesToFitPositions(WorldWindow, SegmentPlane, Iterable<? extends Position>, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.SARSegmentPlane
computeAndSetViewCenter() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.orbit.BasicOrbitView
Computes and sets the center of rotation for heading and pitch changes.
computeAndSetViewCenterIfNeeded() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.orbit.BasicOrbitView
Computes and sets the center of rotation for heading and pitch changes, if it is needed.
computeAndShow(Position) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.lineofsight.LinesOfSight.AppFrame
computeAndShowIntersections(Position) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.TerrainIntersections.AppFrame
computeAngleBetween(LatLon, LatLon, LatLon) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.measure.MeasureTool
computeAngleBetween(LatLon, LatLon, LatLon) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.util.measuretool.WWOMeasureDisplay
computeAngles() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.PartialCappedCylinder
computeAngles() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.PolyArc
computeAnnotationPosition(DrawContext, Position) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.ScreenAnnotation
computeAnnotationPosition(Position, WWOMeasureTool) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.util.measuretool.WWOMeasureDisplay
computeAnnotationPosition(Position) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.shapebuilder.ExtrudedPolygonEditor
computeAnnotationPosition(Position) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.shapebuilder.RigidShapeEditor
computeArc(DrawContext) - Method in class
Compute the arc.
computeArc(Globe, List<Position>, Position, Angle, Angle, double, int) - Method in class
Compute the positions required to draw an arc.
computeArcPositions(DrawContext, Ambush.ArcData) - Method in class
Compute positions required to draw the arc.
computeArrayNormal(Vec4[]) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWMath
Computes a unit-length normal vector for an array of coordinates.
computeArrowheadGeometry(DrawContext, int, int, Vec4, Vec4, FloatBuffer, Path.PathData) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.DirectedPath
Compute the geometry of a direction arrow between two points.
computeArrowheadGeometry(DrawContext, SurfaceTileDrawContext, LatLon, LatLon) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.DirectedSurfacePolyline
Compute the geometry of a direction arrow for a polyline segment.
computeArrowheadPositions(DrawContext, Position, Ambush.ArcData) - Method in class
Determine the positions that make up the arrowhead.
computeArrowheadPositions(DrawContext, Position, Position) - Method in class
Determine the positions that make up the arrowhead.
computeArrowheadPositions(DrawContext, Position, Position, double, Angle) - Method in class
Compute the positions of the arrow head of the graphic's legs.
computeArrowheadPositions(DrawContext, Position, Position) - Method in class
Determine the positions that make up the arrowhead.
computeArrowheadPositions(DrawContext, Position, Position, double, Angle) - Method in class
Compute the positions of the arrow head for the sector center line.
computeArrowheadPositions(DrawContext, Vec4, Vec4, double) - Method in class
Determine the positions that make up the arrowhead.
computeArrowheadPositions(DrawContext, Position, Position) - Method in class
Determine the positions that make up the arrowhead.
computeAverageLabelSize(SegmentPlaneRenderer.OrderedText[], int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.segmentplane.SegmentPlaneRenderer
computeAveragePoint(Iterable<? extends Vec4>) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Vec4
Returns the arithmetic mean of the x, y, z, and w coordinates of the specified points Iterable.
computeAveragePoint3(BufferWrapper, int) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Vec4
Returns the arithmetic mean of the x, y, z coordinates of the specified points buffer.
computeAverageTileSize(File) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.BasicTiledImageLayerBulkDownloader
computeAverageTileSize(File) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.BasicElevationModelBulkDownloader
computeAzimuthLabelOffset(double, double) - Method in class
Compute an angular offset to apply to a azimuth label.
computeBackgroundBounds(DrawContext, double, double, Insets) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.ToolTipRenderer
computeBackgroundColor(Color) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.SurfaceText
Compute a background color that contrasts with the text color.
computeBackgroundColor(Color) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.TacticalGraphicLabel
Compute a contrasting background color to draw the label's outline.
computeBalloonPoints(DrawContext, AbstractBrowserBalloon.OrderedBrowserBalloon) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractBrowserBalloon
Computes and stores the balloon's model-coordinate and screen-coordinate points.
computeBalloonPoints(DrawContext, AbstractBrowserBalloon.OrderedBrowserBalloon) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.GlobeBrowserBalloon
Computes and stores this balloon's model and screen coordinates.
computeBalloonPoints(DrawContext, AbstractBrowserBalloon.OrderedBrowserBalloon) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.ScreenBrowserBalloon
Computes and stores this balloon's screen coordinates.
computeBasePositions(DrawContext, Position, Position, Position) - Method in class
Determine the positions that make up the base of the graphic (a trapezoid missing one side).
computeBestFittingControlPoints4(Point2D[], LatLon[], Point2D[], LatLon[]) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.ImageUtil
Computes which three control points out of four provide the best estimate an image's geographic location.
computeBezierControlPoints(DrawContext, Vec4, Vec4, double) - Method in class
Compute the position of control points that will generate a Bezier curve that looks like the Direction of Attack for Feint graphic in MIL-STD-2525C (pg.
computeBezierControlPoints(DrawContext, Vec4, Vec4, int, double) - Method in class
Compute the position of control points that will generate a Bezier curve that looks like the Infiltration Lane graphic in MIL-STD-2525C (pg.
computeBilinearCoordinates(float, float, ImageInterpolator.Cell) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.GeographicImageInterpolator
Overridden to correctly compute bilinear interpolation coordinates for image cells which cross the international dateline.
computeBilinearCoordinates(float, float, ImageInterpolator.Cell) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.ImageInterpolator
computeBitPosition(int, int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.BitSetQuadTreeFilter
Computes the bit position of a quadtree cell.
computeBoundaryNormals(Polygon.BoundaryInfo, FloatBuffer) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Polygon
Compute normal vectors for a boundary's vertices.
computeBoundaryVertices(Terrain, ExtrudedPolygon.ExtrudedBoundaryInfo, Vec4) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.ExtrudedPolygon
Compute and set the Cartesian vertices for one specified boundary of this shape.
computeBoundaryVertices(Terrain, Polygon.BoundaryInfo, Vec4, Matrix) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Polygon
Compute the vertices associated with a specified boundary.
computeBoundingBox(Iterable<? extends Vec4>) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Box
Compute a Box that bounds a specified list of points.
computeBoundingBox(BufferWrapper, int) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Box
Computes a Box that bounds a specified buffer of points.
computeBoundingBox(Globe, double, Sector) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Sector
Returns a Box that bounds the specified sector on the surface of the specified Globe.
computeBoundingBox(Globe, double, Sector, double, double) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Sector
Returns a Box that bounds the specified sector on the surface of the specified Globe.
computeBoundingCylinder(Iterable<? extends Vec4>) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Cylinder
Compute a bounding cylinder for a collection of points.
computeBoundingCylinder(Globe, double, Sector) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Sector
Returns a cylinder that minimally surrounds the specified sector at a specified vertical exaggeration.
computeBoundingCylinder(Globe, double, Sector, double, double) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Sector
Returns a cylinder that minimally surrounds the specified sector at a specified vertical exaggeration and minimum and maximum elevations for the sector.
computeBoundingCylinderOrig(Globe, double, Sector) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Sector
computeBoundingCylinderOrig(Globe, double, Sector, double, double) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Sector
Returns a cylinder that minimally surrounds the specified minimum and maximum elevations in the sector at a specified vertical exaggeration.
computeBoundingRectangle(Rectangle, int, int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractAnnotation
computeBoundingSector(Iterable<? extends DataRaster>) - Method in class
computeBoundingSphere(Globe, double, Sector) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Sector
Returns a sphere that minimally surrounds the sector at a specified vertical exaggeration.
computeBounds(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractAnnotation
computeBounds(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.GlobeAnnotation
computeBounds(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.ScreenAnnotation
computeBounds(Dimension, float[], float[]) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.ImageInterpolator.Cell
computeBounds() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.tree.ScrollBar
Compute the bounds of the scroll bar.
computeBounds(boolean, boolean) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.tree.ScrollFrame
Compute the content bounds, taking into account the frame size and the presence of scroll bars.
computeBoundsIfNeeded(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.TacticalGraphicLabel
Compute the bounds of the text, if necessary.
computeBufferNormal(FloatBuffer, int) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWMath
Computes a unit-length normal vector for a buffer of coordinate triples.
computeCapNormals(ExtrudedPolygon.ExtrudedBoundaryInfo, FloatBuffer) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.ExtrudedPolygon
Compute normal vectors for an extruded polygon's cap vertices.
computeCenterHeadingIndicatorPoints(DrawContext, Vec4, Angle, double) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.milstd2525.MilStd2525Util
Compute screen points required to draw a leader line on a tactical symbol.
computeCenterPoint(Globe, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Sector
Computes the Cartesian coordinates of a Sector's center.
computeCenterPoint() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.RadarVolume
computeCenterPoint(Globe, double, Iterable<? extends Extent>, Iterable<? extends ExtentVisibilitySupport.ScreenExtent>) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.ExtentVisibilitySupport
computeCenterPosition(Position, Vec4, Angle, int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.kml.KMLOrbitViewController
Compute a center position from an eye position and an orientation.
computeCenterPositionToResolveCollision(BasicOrbitView, double, DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.orbit.OrbitViewCollisionSupport
computeCenterSectorAngle(Angle, Angle) - Method in class
Compute the angle of the Center Of Sector line.
computeCenterTransform(Globe, Position) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.orbit.OrbitViewInputSupport
computeCircleThroughPoints(Vec4, Vec4, Vec4, Vec4[], Vec4[], double[]) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWMath
Computes the center, axis, and radius of the circle that circumscribes the specified points.
computeClipRect(Sector, DataRaster) - Method in class
computeClipRect(int, int, GDAL.Area) - Method in class
computeColorForDayOfWeek(int) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.MarkersOrder.AppFrame
computeColorForHour(int) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.MarkersOrder.AppFrame
computeColumn(Sector, Angle) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.HighResolutionTerrain
Computes the column index corresponding to a specified latitude.
computeColumn(Angle, Angle, Angle) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.Tile
Computes the column index of a longitude in the global tile grid corresponding to a specified grid interval.
computeColumnLongitude(int, Angle, Angle) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.Tile
Determines the minimum longitude of a column in the global tile grid corresponding to a specified grid interval.
computeContrastingColor(Color) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWUtil
computeControlPointAzimuth(String, double, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.measure.MeasureTool
computeControlPointAzimuthInShapeCoordinates(String, Angle) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.measure.MeasureTool
computeControlPointDelta(LatLon, LatLon) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.ShapeEditor
Computes the Cartesian difference between two control points.
computeControlPointLocation(String, Globe, Angle, LatLon, double, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.measure.MeasureTool
computeControlPointPathLength(String, double, double, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.measure.MeasureTool
computeControlPointPosition(SectorGeometryList, Globe, SegmentPlane, SegmentPlane.ControlPoint) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.segmentplane.SegmentPlaneRenderer
computeCornerControl(Position) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.measure.MeasureTool
computeCornerPoints(Globe, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Sector
Computes the Cartesian coordinates of a Sector's corners.
computeCornersFromGeotransform(double[], int, int) - Static method in class
computeCursorPosition(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.TerrainProfileLayer
computeDateLineCrossingPoints(VecBuffer) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.SurfacePolygons
computeDateLineEntryPoint(double[], double[]) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.SurfacePolygons
computeDefaultScreenSizeRamp(int) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.ScreenSizeDetailLevel
computeDefaultWavelength(Globe) - Method in class
Compute a default tooth size for the polygon.
computeDefaultWavelength(Globe) - Method in class
Compute a default tooth size for the polygon.
computeDefaultWavelength(Iterable<? extends Position>, Globe) - Method in class
computeDesiredTileDelta(Sector) - Method in class
computeDetailLevel(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.AbstractAirspace
computeDetailThreshold() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Cone
Computes a threshold value, based on the current detailHint, for use in the sufficientDetail() calculation.
computeDetailThreshold() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Cylinder
Computes a threshold value, based on the current detailHint, for use in the sufficientDetail() calculation.
computeDetailThreshold() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Ellipsoid
Computes a threshold value, based on the current detailHint, for use in the sufficientDetail() calculation.
computeDetailThreshold() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Wedge
Computes a threshold value, based on the current detailHint, for use in the sufficientDetail() calculation.
computeDimensions() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.HighResolutionTerrain
Computes the row and column dimensions of the tile array.
computeDirectionArrows(DrawContext, Path.PathData) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.DirectedPath
Compute the geometry of the direction arrows.
computeDirectionArrows(DrawContext, SurfaceTileDrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.DirectedSurfacePolyline
Computes the geometry of the direction arrows.
computeDirectionOfMovement(DrawContext, Vec4, Angle, double) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.milstd2525.MilStd2525Util
Compute a vector in the direction that a symbol is moving.
computeDirectorySize(File) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.FileStoreDataSet
computeDistanceFromEye(DrawContext, Extent) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWMath
Returns the distance in model coordinates from the View eye point to the specified Extent.
computeDistanceScaleAndOpacity(DrawContext, GeographicTextRenderer.OrderedText) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.GeographicTextRenderer
computeDistanceScaleAndOpacity(DrawContext, Vec4, Dimension) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.GlobeAnnotation
computedPositions - Variable in class
Positions computed from the original positions.
computedPositions - Variable in class
Positions computed from the original positions.
computedPositions - Variable in class
Positions computed from the original positions.
computeDragSlope(Point, Point, Vec4, Vec4) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.awt.AbstractViewInputHandler
computeDragSlope(Point, Point, Vec4, Vec4) - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.awt.ViewInputHandler
Compute the drag slope the given screen and world coordinates.
computeDrawDimension(DrawContext, LatLon) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.SurfaceIcon
computeDrawDimension(double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.SurfaceIcon
computeDrawHeading(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.SurfaceIcon
computeDrawLocations(DrawContext, SurfaceTileDrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.SurfaceIcons
computeDrawPixelSize(DrawContext, SurfaceTileDrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractSurfaceRenderable
computeDrawPoint(LatLon, SurfaceTileDrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractSurfaceRenderable
computeDrawPoint(Rectangle2D, Vec4) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.DeclutteringTextRenderer
Computes the final draw point for the given rectangle lower left corner and target screen point.
computeDrawPoint(DrawContext, Rectangle2D, Vec4) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.GeographicTextRenderer
Computes the final draw point for the given rectangle lower left corner and target screen point.
computeDrawScale(DrawContext, SurfaceTileDrawContext, LatLon) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.SurfaceIcon
computeEdgeInfoFor(int, Iterable<? extends AirspaceControlPoint>) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.editor.AirspaceEditorUtil
computeEdgeIntervalsPerDegree(SurfaceTileDrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractSurfaceShape
computeEdgeIntervalsPerDegree(double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractSurfaceShape
computeEdgeLocation(LatLon, LatLon, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.ShapeEditor
Computes a control point location at the edge of a shape.
computeEffectiveArea(PolylineGeneralizer.Element) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.PolylineGeneralizer
computeEigensystemFromSymmetricMatrix3(Matrix, double[], Vec4[]) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Matrix
Computes the eigensystem of the specified symmetric Matrix's upper 3x3 matrix.
computeElevationAboveSurface(DrawContext, Position) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.ViewUtil
computeElevationAt(DrawContext, Angle, Angle) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.AbstractAirspace
computeElevationIndex(LatLon) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.BasicElevationModel.ElevationTile
computeElevations(ArrayList<Position>) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.HighResolutionTerrainTest
computeEliminationArea() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.PolylineGeneralizer
computeEllipsoidalNormalAtLocation(Angle, Angle) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.EllipsoidalGlobe
Computes a vector perpendicular to the surface of the ellipsoid specified by this globe, in cartesian coordinates.
computeEllipsoidalNormalAtLocation(Angle, Angle) - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.Globe
Computes a vector perpendicular to the surface of the ellipsoid specified by this globe, in cartesian coordinates.
computeEllipsoidalOrientationAtPosition(Angle, Angle, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.EllipsoidalGlobe
computeEllipsoidalOrientationAtPosition(Angle, Angle, double) - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.Globe
Returns the cartesian transform matrix that maps local model coordinates to an ellipsoidal coordinate system at (latitude, longitude, metersElevation).
computeEllipsoidalPointFromLocation(LatLon) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.EllipsoidalGlobe
Computes a ellipsoidal point from a latitude and longitude.
computeEllipsoidalPointFromLocation(LatLon) - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.Globe
Computes a ellipsoidal point from a latitude and longitude.
computeEllipsoidalPointFromPosition(Angle, Angle, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.EllipsoidalGlobe
Computes a ellipsoidal point from a latitude, longitude, and elevation.
computeEllipsoidalPointFromPosition(Position) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.EllipsoidalGlobe
Computes a ellipsoidal point from a latitude, longitude, and elevation.
computeEllipsoidalPointFromPosition(Angle, Angle, double) - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.Globe
Computes a ellipsoidal point from a latitude, longitude, and elevation.
computeEllipsoidalPointFromPosition(Position) - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.Globe
Computes a ellipsoidal point from a latitude, longitude, and elevation.
computeEllipsoidalPointFromScreen(DragContext, Point, double, boolean) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.drag.DraggableSupport
Determines the cartesian coordinate of a screen point given the altitude mode and altitude on an ellipsoidal globe.
computeEllipsoidalPolygon(Globe, List<? extends LatLon>, List<Boolean>, Vec4[], Boolean[], Matrix[]) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.Polygon
computeEllipsoidalTransform(Globe, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.CappedCylinder
computeEllipsoidalTransform(Globe, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.Orbit
computeEntrySize(BasicGpuResourceCache.CacheEntry) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.cache.BasicGpuResourceCache
computeEstimatedMemorySize() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.placename.PlaceNameLayer.PlaceNameChunk
computeExpandedBounds(Rectangle2D, int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.GeographicTextRenderer
computeExpiryRefreshTime(KMLRoot, String) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.kml.KMLNetworkLink
Indicates the expiration time of a linked resource.
computeExtent(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.impl.ColladaMeshShape
Compute the shape's extent, using the active orientation matrix.
computeExtent(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractSurfaceObject
Computes the surface object's extent.
computeExtent(Globe, double, List<Sector>) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractSurfaceObject
Computes an extent bounding the the specified sectors on the specified Globe's surface.
computeExtent(Globe, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.AbstractAirspace
computeExtent(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.AbstractAirspace
computeExtent(Globe, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.Box
computeExtent(Globe, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.Cake
computeExtent(Globe, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.CappedCylinder
computeExtent(Globe, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.CappedEllipticalCylinder
computeExtent(Globe, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.Curtain
computeExtent(Globe, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.Orbit
computeExtent(Globe, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.PartialCappedCylinder
computeExtent(Globe, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.Polygon
computeExtent(Globe, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.SphereAirspace
computeExtent(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.SphereAirspace
computeExtent(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.TrackAirspace
computeExtent(Globe, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.TrackAirspace
computeExtent(ExtrudedPolygon.ExtrudedBoundaryInfo, Vec4) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.ExtrudedPolygon
Computes this shapes extent.
computeExtent(Path.PathData) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Path
Computes the path's bounding box from the current rendering path.
computeExtent(Polygon.BoundaryInfo, Vec4) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Polygon
Computes the Cartesian extent of a polygon boundary.
computeExtent(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.RigidShape
Computes the shape's extent using a bounding box.
computeExtentAndEyeDistance(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.lineofsight.PointGrid
computeExtentFromPositions(Globe, double, Iterable<? extends LatLon>) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractShape
Computes this shape's approximate extent from its positions.
computeExtrema(Vec4[]) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Vec4
Calculate the extrema of a given array of Vec4s.
computeExtrema(BufferWrapper) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Vec4
computeExtremeElevations(Sector) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.BasicElevationModel
computeExtremesFromChildren() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.GeographicImageInterpolator.GeographicCell
Overridden to correctly compute the extremes for parent cells who's children cross the international dateline.
computeExtremesFromChildren() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.ImageInterpolator.Cell
computeExtremesFromLocations(Dimension, float[], float[]) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.GeographicImageInterpolator.GeographicCell
Overridden to correctly compute the extremes for leaf cells which cross the international dateline.
computeExtremesFromLocations(Dimension, float[], float[]) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.ImageInterpolator.Cell
computeExtremeValues(BufferWrapper, double) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWBufferUtil
Returns the minimum and maximum floating point values in the specified buffer.
computeExtremeValues(BufferWrapper) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWBufferUtil
Returns the minimum and maximum floating point values in the specified buffer.
computeExtremeValues(Iterable<? extends AnalyticSurface.GridPointAttributes>, double) - Static method in class
Returns the minimum and maximum values in the specified iterable of AnalyticSurface.GridPointAttributes.
computeExtremeValues(Iterable<? extends AnalyticSurface.GridPointAttributes>) - Static method in class
Returns the minimum and maximum values in the specified iterable of AnalyticSurface.GridPointAttributes.
computeEyeDistance(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.impl.ColladaMeshShape
Computes the minimum distance between this shape and the eye point.
computeEyeDistance(DrawContext, AbstractGeneralShape.ShapeData) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractGeneralShape
Computes the minimum distance between this shape and the eye point.
computeEyeDistance(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.AbstractAirspace
computeEyeDistance(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.SphereAirspace
computeEyeDistance(DrawContext, ExtrudedPolygon.ShapeData) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.ExtrudedPolygon
Computes the minimum distance between this shape and the eye point.
computeEyeDistance(DrawContext, Path.PathData) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Path
Computes the minimum distance between this Path and the eye point.
computeEyeDistance(DrawContext, Polygon.ShapeData) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Polygon
Computes the minimum distance between this polygon and the eye point.
computeEyePoint(Vec4, Vec4, Vec4, Angle, Rectangle, double, double, Iterable<? extends Extent>, Iterable<? extends ExtentVisibilitySupport.ScreenExtent>) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.ExtentVisibilitySupport
computeEyePointForModelExtents(Vec4, Vec4, Vec4, Angle, Rectangle, Iterable<? extends Extent>) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.ExtentVisibilitySupport
computeEyePointForScreenBounds(Vec4, Vec4, Vec4, Angle, Rectangle, double, double, Iterable<? extends ExtentVisibilitySupport.ScreenExtent>) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.ExtentVisibilitySupport
computeEyePointForScreenExtents(Vec4, Vec4, Vec4, Angle, Rectangle, double, double, Iterable<? extends ExtentVisibilitySupport.ScreenExtent>) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.ExtentVisibilitySupport
computeEyePointForScreenReferencePoints(Vec4, Vec4, Vec4, Angle, Rectangle, Iterable<? extends ExtentVisibilitySupport.ScreenExtent>) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.ExtentVisibilitySupport
computeEyePositionFromModelview() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.BasicView
computeFarClipDistance() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.BasicView
computeFarDistance(Position) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.BasicView
computeFarDistance(Position) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.orbit.BasicOrbitView
computeFrameGeometry() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.tree.ScrollFrame
Updates the frame's screen-coordinate geometry in ScrollFrame.vertexBuffer according to the current screen bounds.
computeFramePickRect(Rectangle) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractBrowserBalloon
computeFrameRectForContentRect(Dimension) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.tree.ScrollFrame
Compute the size of the frame rectangle required to accommodate a given content size without displaying scroll bars.
computeFrameRectForWebViewRect(BalloonAttributes, Rectangle) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractBrowserBalloon
computeFreeBounds(DrawContext, int, int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractAnnotation
computeGeographicToCartesianTransform(Sector) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.FramebufferTexture
computeGeographicToRasterTransform(int, int, Sector) - Method in class
computeGeographicToRasterTransform(int, int, Sector) - Method in class
computeGeometry(AbstractBrowserBalloon.OrderedBrowserBalloon) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractBrowserBalloon
Updates the balloon's screen-coordinate geometry in frameInfo according to the current screen bounds, screen offset, and active attributes.
computeGeometry(DrawContext, SurfaceTileDrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.SurfaceText
Compute the text size and position.
computeGeometry(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.AbstractTacticalGraphic
computeGeometry(DrawContext) - Method in class
computeGeometry(DrawContext) - Method in class
computeGeometry(DrawContext) - Method in class
computeGeometry(DrawContext) - Method in class
computeGeometry(DrawContext) - Method in class
computeGeometry(DrawContext, TacticalGraphicLabel.OrderedLabel) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.TacticalGraphicLabel
Compute the label's screen position from its geographic position.
computeGeometryIfNeeded(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.TacticalGraphicLabel
computeGeoToRasterTransform(int, int) - Method in class
computeGlobeIntersection(Line, double, boolean, Globe, SceneController) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.drag.DraggableSupport
Computes the intersection of the provided Line with the Globe while accounting for the altitude mode.
computeGreatCirclePathLength(Iterable<? extends Position>) - Method in class
computeGridPoints(DrawContext, FloatBuffer) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.lineofsight.PointGrid
computeGridSector(Position, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.lineofsight.LinesOfSight.AppFrame
computeGroundHeadingIndicatorPoints(DrawContext, Vec4, Angle, double, double) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.milstd2525.MilStd2525Util
Compute screen points required to draw a leader line on a tactical ground symbol.
computeGroundPosition(DrawContext, View) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.WorldMapLayer
Compute the lat/lon position of the view center
computeHeading(View) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.CompassLayer
computeHeading(Matrix) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.ViewUtil
computeHeading(Position, Position) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.ViewIteration.AppFrame
computeHeadingPitchRollZoomTransform(Angle, Angle, Angle, double) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.orbit.OrbitViewInputSupport
computeHeightAboveSurface(WorldWindow, Vec4) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.editor.AirspaceEditorUtil
computeHemisphereOffset(Sector, LatLon) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractSurfaceRenderable
computeHorizonDistance() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.BasicView
computeHorizonDistance(Position) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.BasicView
computeHorizonDistance(Position) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.orbit.BasicOrbitView
computeHorizonDistance(Globe, double) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.ViewUtil
computeIconRadius(DrawContext, double, Sector) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.SurfaceIcons
computeImageBounds(DrawContext, PointPlacemark.OrderedPlacemark) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.PointPlacemark
Computes the screen-space rectangle bounding the placemark image.
computeImageCorners(int, int, Matrix) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.ImageUtil
Returns the geographic corners of an image with the specified dimensions, and a transform that maps image coordinates to geographic coordinates.
computeImageOffset(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.PointPlacemark
computeIndentation() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.tree.BasicTreeLayout
Compute the indentation, in pixels, applied to each new level of the tree.
computeIndicesForGridInterior(int, int) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWMath
Computes an index buffer in the system native byte order that tessellates the interior of a vertex grid as a triangle strip.
computeIndicesForGridOutline(int, int) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWMath
Computes an index buffer in the system native byte order that tessellates the outline of a vertex grid as a line strip.
computeInfinitePlane(Globe) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.segmentplane.SegmentPlane
computeInitialArea() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.PolylineGeneralizer
computeInitialHorizontalGap(WorldWindow, SegmentPlane, Position, Position) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.SARSegmentPlane
computeInitialVerticalGap(WorldWindow, SegmentPlane, Iterable<? extends Position>) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.SARSegmentPlane
computeInsetBounds(int, int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractAnnotation
computeIntegralLevelZeroTileDelta(LatLon) - Method in class
computeInterpolantRange(double[], int, double[]) - Static method in class
computeInterpolationFactor(double, double, double) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWMath
Returns the interpolation factor for v given the specified range [x, y].
computeIntersection(AbstractShape, Point) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.BalloonController
Compute the intersection of a line through a screen point and a shape.
computeIntersections() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.lineofsight.LinesOfSight.AppFrame
computeLabelInteriorOpacity(double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.AbstractTacticalGraphic
Compute the opacity for the label interior.
computeLabelOffset(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.AbstractGraticuleLayer
computeLabelPoint(DrawContext, PointPlacemark.OrderedPlacemark) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.PointPlacemark
Computes the screen coordinate (lower-left origin) location of this placemark's label.
computeLeaderLocationCode(float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.GeometryBuilder
Returns a four bit code indicating the leader's location within the specified rectangle.
computeLength(Globe, boolean) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.measure.LengthMeasurer
computeLengths(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.core.InfoPanelController
Determine the number of lines in the annotation text and the length of the longest line.
computeLevelForResolution(Sector, Globe, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.mercator.MercatorTiledImageLayer
computeLevelForResolution(Sector, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.TiledImageLayer
computeLevelForResolution(Sector, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.BasicElevationModelBulkDownloader
computeLevelSizes(int) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.BitSetQuadTreeFilter
An internal method that computes the number of ancestor cells at each level.
computeLinearScreenSizeRamp(int, double, double) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.ScreenSizeDetailLevel
computeLocation(Rectangle, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.CompassLayer
computeLocation(Rectangle, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.TerrainProfileLayer
computeLocation(Rectangle, Rectangle) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.ViewControlsLayer
Compute the screen location of the controls overall rectangle bottom right corner according to either the location center if not null, or the screen position.
computeLocation(Rectangle, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.WorldMapLayer
computeLocation(Rectangle) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.LayerManagerLayer
Compute the draw frame south-west corner screen location according to it's position - see LayerManagerLayer.setPosition(String), location offset - see LayerManagerLayer.setLocationOffset(Vec4), or location center - see LayerManagerLayer.setLocationCenter(Vec4), and border distance from the viewport edges - see LayerManagerLayer.setBorderWidth(int).
computeLocationDistanceDegreesSquared(Sector, LatLon) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.SurfaceIcons
computeLocations(Globe, int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.SurfaceEllipse
computeLocations(HighResolutionTerrain.RectTile) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.HighResolutionTerrain
Computes the tile's cell locations, determined by the tile's density and sector.
computeLocations(RectangularTessellator.RectTile) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.RectangularTessellator
computeLocationsToFitPositions(Position, Position) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.SARSegmentPlane
computeLocationsToFitPositions(WorldWindow, SegmentPlane, Position, Position, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.SARSegmentPlane
computeLookAtDistance(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.GeographicTextRenderer
computeLookAtDistance(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.GlobeAnnotation
computeLookHeading(OrbitView, ScreenAnnotation, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.ViewControlsSelectListener
computeLookPitch(OrbitView, ScreenAnnotation, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.ViewControlsSelectListener
computeLowestHeightAboveSurface(WorldWindow, Iterable<? extends AirspaceControlPoint>, int) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.editor.AirspaceEditorUtil
computeMainLabelPosition(DrawContext, TacticalGraphicLabel, Position, Position) - Method in class
Compute the position of the graphic's main label.
computeMarkerRadius(DrawContext, Marker, Vec4) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.editor.BasicAirspaceControlPointRenderer
computeMarkerRadius(DrawContext, Vec4, Marker) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.markers.MarkerRenderer
computeMaxMarkerSize(Iterable<? extends AirspaceControlPoint>) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.editor.BasicAirspaceControlPointRenderer
computeMaxSizeForPixels(Globe, SegmentPlane) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.segmentplane.SegmentPlaneRenderer
computeMaxTextHeight(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.tree.BasicTreeLayout
Determine the maximum height of a line of text using the active font.
computeMetricScaleExtremes(int, String, AbstractGraticuleLayer.GridElement, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.Earth.UTMBaseGraticuleLayer.MetricScaleSupport
computeMidZoom(Globe, LatLon, LatLon, double, double) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.ViewElevationAnimator
computeMinDistanceBetweenLabels(DrawContext, SegmentPlaneRenderer.OrderedText[], int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.segmentplane.SegmentPlaneRenderer
computeMinimalGeometry(Globe, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.AbstractAirspace
computeMinimalGeometry(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.AbstractAirspace
computeMinimalGeometry(Globe, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.Box
computeMinimalGeometry(Globe, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.Cake
computeMinimalGeometry(Globe, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.CappedCylinder
computeMinimalGeometry(Globe, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.CappedEllipticalCylinder
computeMinimalGeometry(Globe, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.Curtain
computeMinimalGeometry(Globe, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.Orbit
computeMinimalGeometry(Globe, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.PartialCappedCylinder
computeMinimalGeometry(Globe, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.PolyArc
computeMinimalGeometry(Globe, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.Polygon
computeMinimalGeometry(Globe, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.SphereAirspace
computeMinimalGeometry(Globe, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.TrackAirspace
computeMinimumDistanceBetweenAltitudes(int, Iterable<? extends AirspaceControlPoint>) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.editor.AirspaceEditorUtil
computeMinMaxElevations() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.LocalElevationModel.LocalTile
Determines the minimum and maximum elevations of this tile.
computeMinTextLayout(DrawContext, AVList) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.AbstractTacticalSymbol
Compute the dimension of the minimum layout rectangle for the text modifiers.
computeMipmapLevel(int, int, Sector, int, int, Sector) - Method in class
computeMirroredPositions(LatLon) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.TerrainProfileLayer
computeModelCoordinateOriginTransform(Angle, Angle, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.EllipsoidalGlobe
computeModelCoordinateOriginTransform(Position) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.EllipsoidalGlobe
computeModelCoordinateOriginTransform(Angle, Angle, double) - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.Globe
computeModelCoordinateOriginTransform(Position) - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.Globe
computeModelCoordinates(Globe, Matrix, Vec4, Vec4) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.ViewUtil
computeModelViewMatrix(Globe, Vec4, Vec4, Vec4) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.ViewUtil
computeNearClipDistance() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.BasicView
computeNearDistance(Position) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.BasicView
computeNearestGridLineToPoint(Vec4, SegmentPlaneRenderer.RenderInfo) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.segmentplane.SegmentPlaneRenderer
computeNearestLineToPoint(Vec4, int, IntBuffer, DoubleBuffer, Vec4) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.segmentplane.SegmentPlaneRenderer
computeNearestOutlineToPoint(Vec4, SegmentPlaneRenderer.RenderInfo) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.segmentplane.SegmentPlaneRenderer
computeNewHeading(OrbitView, Angle) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.orbit.OrbitViewInputHandler
computeNewPitch(OrbitView, Angle) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.orbit.OrbitViewInputHandler
computeNewPosition(OrbitView, Position) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.orbit.OrbitViewInputHandler
computeNewPositionFromPlaneGeometry(WorldWindow) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.segmentplane.SegmentPlaneEditor
computeNewPositionFromPlaneIntersection(WorldWindow, Point) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.segmentplane.SegmentPlaneEditor
computeNewZoom(OrbitView, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.ViewControlsSelectListener
computeNewZoom(OrbitView, double, double) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.orbit.OrbitViewInputHandler
computeNext() - Method in class
Compute the next position along the line, and transition the state machine to the next state (if appropriate).
computeNextPosition() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.lineofsight.GridOfPoints.PositionIterator
computeNextTrackPosition(Point) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.SARTrackExtensionTool
computeNextTrackPosition() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.SARTrackExtensionTool
computeNormalizedHeading(Angle) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.measure.MeasureTool
computeNormalizedSectors(Sector) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractSurfaceRenderable
computeNormalsForIndexedTriangleStrip(IntBuffer, FloatBuffer, FloatBuffer) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWMath
Computes per-vertex normals of an indexed triangle strip, storing the normal coordinates in the specified normal buffer.
computeNorthPointingTangentAtLocation(Angle, Angle) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.EllipsoidalGlobe
computeNorthPointingTangentAtLocation(Angle, Angle) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.FlatGlobe
computeNorthPointingTangentAtLocation(Angle, Angle) - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.Globe
Computes a vector tangent to this globe and pointing toward the north pole.
computeNumEdgeIntervals(Globe, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.SurfaceEllipse
computeNumIntervals(Globe, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.SurfaceEllipse
computeNumLevels(LatLon, LatLon) - Method in class
computeObjectSample(LatLon) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.TerrainProfileLayer
Compute the sample number along the path closest to the given LatLon.
computeObjectSize(View, Globe, SegmentPlane, Object, Vec4) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.segmentplane.SegmentPlaneRenderer
computeObjectSize(View, Globe, SegmentPlane, Object, Vec4, boolean) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.segmentplane.SegmentPlaneRenderer
computeOffset(DrawContext, BalloonAttributes, int, int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractBrowserBalloon
computeOffset(double, double, Double, Double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Offset
Computes the X and Y offset specified by this offset applied to a specified rectangle.
computeOffset(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.ScreenAnnotation
computeOffsets(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractAnnotationBalloon
Compute the position and offsets, and set in them in the annotation.
computeOffsets(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.ScreenImage
Compute the image size, rotation, and position based on the current viewport size.
computeOpacity(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractAnnotation
computeOrbitViewState(Globe, Vec4, Vec4, Vec4) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.orbit.OrbitViewInputSupport
computeOrbitViewState(Globe, Matrix, Vec4) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.orbit.OrbitViewInputSupport
computeOrientationVector(DrawContext, Vec4, Vec4, Angle, Angle) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.markers.BasicMarkerShape.Shape
Compute a direction vector given a point, heading and pitch.
computeOutlinePickWidth() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractBrowserBalloon
Computes the line width to use during picking (in pixels).
computePanAmount(Globe, OrbitView, ScreenAnnotation, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.ViewControlsSelectListener
computePanelSize(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.core.InfoPanelController
Determine the panel size needed to display the full annotation.
computePanHeading(OrbitView, ScreenAnnotation) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.ViewControlsSelectListener
computePath(DrawContext, List<Position>, Path.PathData) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Path
Computes the shape's model-coordinate path from a list of positions.
computePath(DrawContext, List<Position>, Path.PathData) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.DirectedPath
Computes the shape's model-coordinate path from a list of positions.
computePathLength() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.TerrainProfileLayer
computePathLength(DrawContext) - Method in class
Compute the length of the path, and determine the start and end positions.
computePathLength() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.measure.MeasureTool
computePathLength(WWOMeasureTool) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.util.measuretool.WWOMeasureDisplay
computePathPositions() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.TerrainProfileLayer
computePathPositions(Position, Position, Angle) - Method in class
computePerspectiveNearDistance(Angle, double) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.ViewUtil
Computes the maximum near clip distance for a perspective projection that avoids clipping an object at a given distance from the eye point.
computePerspectiveNearDistance(double, double, int) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.ViewUtil
Computes the near clip distance that corresponds to a specified far clip distance and a resolution at the far clip distance.
computePickPosition(DrawContext, Vec4, Dimension) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.TerrainProfileLayer
Computes the Position of the pickPoint over the graph and updates pickedSample indice
computePickPosition(DrawContext, Vec4, Dimension) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.WorldMapLayer
Computes the lat/lon of the pickPoint over the world map
computePitch(View) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.CompassLayer
computePitch(Matrix) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.ViewUtil
computePitchToResolveCollision(BasicOrbitView, double, DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.orbit.OrbitViewCollisionSupport
computePixelSize(DrawContext, Position) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.ScalebarLayer
computePixelSize(DrawContext, SurfaceTileDrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.SurfaceText
Compute the size of a pixel in the surface tile.
computePixelSizeAtDistance(double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.BasicView
computePixelSizeAtDistance(double) - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.View
Computes the dimension (in meters) that a screen pixel would cover at a given distance from the eye point (also in meters).
computePixelSizeAtDistance(double, Angle, Rectangle) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.ViewUtil
computePixelSizeAtLocation(DrawContext, LatLon) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractSurfaceRenderable
computePlacemarkPoints(DrawContext, PointPlacemark.OrderedPlacemark) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.PointPlacemark
Computes and stores the placemark's Cartesian location, the Cartesian location of the corresponding point on the terrain (if the altitude mode requires it), and the screen-space projection of the placemark's point.
computePlaneFillIndices(int, int, IntBuffer) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.segmentplane.SegmentPlaneRenderer
computePlaneGridIndices(int, int, IntBuffer) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.segmentplane.SegmentPlaneRenderer
computePlaneNormals(Globe, SegmentPlane, int, int, IntBuffer, DoubleBuffer, DoubleBuffer) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.segmentplane.SegmentPlaneRenderer
computePlaneOutlineIndices(int, int, int, IntBuffer) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.segmentplane.SegmentPlaneRenderer
computePlaneParameterization(Globe, SegmentPlane, int[], double[]) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.segmentplane.SegmentPlaneRenderer
computePlanes(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.ElevationPlane
computePlaneVertices(Globe, SegmentPlane, int, int, double, double, Vec4, DoubleBuffer) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.segmentplane.SegmentPlaneRenderer
computePoint(Terrain, Position) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractShape
Computes a model-coordinate point from a position, applying this shape's altitude mode.
computePoint(DrawContext, Terrain, Position) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractShape
Computes a model-coordinate point from a position, applying this shape's altitude mode, and using CLAMP_TO_GROUND if the current globe is 2D.
computePoint(DrawContext, Position) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.lineofsight.PointGrid
computePoint(DrawContext, LatLon) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.LabeledPath
Computes a model-coordinate point from a LatLon or Position, applying the path's altitude mode.
computePointFromLocation(LatLon) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.EllipsoidalGlobe
computePointFromLocation(LatLon) - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.Globe
Computes a cartesian point from a geographic location on the surface of this globe.
computePointFromPosition(Position) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.EllipsoidalGlobe
computePointFromPosition(LatLon, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.EllipsoidalGlobe
computePointFromPosition(Angle, Angle, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.EllipsoidalGlobe
computePointFromPosition(Angle, Angle, double) - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.Globe
Computes a cartesian point from a latitude, longitude, and elevation.
computePointFromPosition(LatLon, double) - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.Globe
Computes a cartesian point from a geographic location and elevation.
computePointFromPosition(Position) - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.Globe
Computes a cartesian point from a geographic position.
computePointFromPosition(DrawContext, Angle, Angle, double, boolean) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.AbstractAirspace
computePointFromPosition(Position, int) - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.render.DrawContext
Computes a Cartesian point from a specified geographic position, applying a specified altitude mode.
computePointFromPosition(Position, int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.DrawContextImpl
computePointsFromPositions(Sector, int, int, double[], Vec4[]) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.EllipsoidalGlobe
Computes a grid of cartesian points corresponding to a grid of geographic positions.
computePointsFromPositions(Sector, int, int, double[], Vec4[]) - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.Globe
Computes a grid of cartesian points corresponding to a grid of geographic positions.
computePointsRelativeToTerrain(DrawContext, List<Position>, Double, FloatBuffer, Path.PathData) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Path
Computes a terrain-conforming, model-coordinate path from a list of positions, using either a specified altitude or the altitudes in the specified positions.
computePole(List<double[]>) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.SurfacePolygons
computePoleWrappingPoint(int, List<double[]>) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.SurfacePolygons
computePolygonArea2(int, int, Vec4[]) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.GeometryBuilder
computePolygonAreaFromVertices(Iterable<? extends Vec4>) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWMath
Returns the area enclosed by the specified (x, y) points (the z and w coordinates are ignored).
computePolygonNormal(ExtrudedPolygon.ShapeData) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.ExtrudedPolygon
computePolygonNormal(DrawContext, Polygon.ShapeData) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Polygon
computePolygonWindingOrder2(int, int, Vec4[]) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.GeometryBuilder
computePosition(int, String, double, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.Earth.UTMBaseGraticuleLayer
computePosition(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractAnnotationBalloon
Compute the annotation position, and set it in the annotation.
computePosition(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.GlobeAnnotationBalloon
Compute the annotation position, and set it in the annotation.
computePosition(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.ScreenAnnotationBalloon
Compute the annotation position, and set it in the annotation.
computePosition(Globe, Matrix) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.ViewUtil
computePositionCount() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Path
Counts the number of positions in this path's specified positions.
computePositionFromEllipsoidalPoint(Vec4) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.EllipsoidalGlobe
Computes the geographic position of a point in ellipsoidal coordinates.
computePositionFromEllipsoidalPoint(Vec4) - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.Globe
Computes the geographic position of a point in ellipsoidal coordinates.
computePositionFromPoint(Vec4) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.EllipsoidalGlobe
computePositionFromPoint(Vec4) - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.Globe
Computes the geographic position of a point in cartesian coordinates.
computePositionFromPoint(Vec4) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.KeepingObjectsInView.ViewController
computePositionFromScreenPoint(double, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.BasicView
computePositionFromScreenPoint(double, double) - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.View
Computes the intersection of a line originating from the eye point and passing through (x, y) with the Globe.
computePositionFromUPS(String, double, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.Earth.UTMBaseGraticuleLayer
computePositionFromUTM(int, String, double, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.Earth.UTMBaseGraticuleLayer
computePositionOnOrAboveSurface(WorldWindow, Position) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.segmentplane.SegmentPlaneEditor
computePositionOnPlane(SectorGeometryList, Globe, SegmentPlane, double, double, boolean) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.segmentplane.SegmentPlaneRenderer
computePositionTransform(Globe, Position) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.ViewUtil
computePowers(int, int) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWMath
Populate an array with the successive powers of a number.
computePrincipalAxes(Iterable<? extends Vec4>) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWMath
Returns an array of normalized vectors defining the three principal axes of the x-, y-, and z-coordinates from the specified points Iterable, sorted from the most prominent axis to the least prominent.
computePrincipalAxes(BufferWrapper, int) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWMath
Returns an array of normalized vectors defining the three principal axes of the x-, y-, and z-coordinates from the specified buffer of points, sorted from the most prominent axis to the least prominent.
computeProfile(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.TerrainProfileLayer
Compute the terrain profile.
computeProgressBarBounds(int, int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.ProgressAnnotation
computeProgressBarWidth(int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.ProgressAnnotation
computeProgressContainerBounds(int, int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.ProgressAnnotation
computeProjectedAreaGeometry(Globe) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.measure.AreaMeasurer
computeProjectionHullCode(View) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Box
Computes an index into the ProjectionHullTable for this Box given the specified view.
computeQuadEdgeMidpointLocation(String, Globe, Angle, LatLon, double, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.measure.MeasureTool
computeQuadSize(DrawContext) - Method in class
computeRandomRegions(Sector, int, int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.BasicTiledImageLayerBulkDownloader
computeRandomRegions(Sector, int, int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.BasicElevationModelBulkDownloader
computeRangeX(double[]) - Method in class
computeRangeY(double[]) - Method in class
computeRasterPixelSize(DataRaster) - Method in class
computeRasterPixelSize(DataRaster) - Method in class
computeRasterTileDelta(int, int, Iterable<? extends DataRaster>) - Method in class
computeRasterTileDelta(int, int, Iterable<? extends DataRaster>) - Method in class
computeRayFromScreenPoint(double, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.BasicView
computeRayFromScreenPoint(double, double) - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.View
Computes a line, in model coordinates, originating from the eye point, and passing through the point contained by (x, y) on the View's projection plane (or after projection into model space).
computeRayFromScreenPoint(View, double, double, Matrix, Matrix, Rectangle) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.ViewUtil
computeRectangularEdgeLocation(LatLon, LatLon, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.ShapeEditor
Computes a control point location at the edge of a rectangular shape.
computeReferenceCenter(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.impl.ColladaMeshShape
Computes this shape's reference center.
computeReferenceCenter(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.Box
computeReferenceCenter(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.CappedCylinder
computeReferenceCenter(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.CappedEllipticalCylinder
computeReferenceCenter(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.Curtain
computeReferenceCenter(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.Orbit
computeReferenceCenter(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.Polygon
computeReferenceCenter(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Path
Computes this path's reference center.
computeReferencePoint(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.placename.PlaceNameLayer
computeReferencePoint(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.TiledImageLayer
computeReferencePoint(Terrain) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractGeneralShape
computeReferencePoint(Terrain, ExtrudedPolygon.ShapeData) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.ExtrudedPolygon
Computes and sets this shape's reference point, the Cartesian position corresponding to its geographic location.
computeReferencePoint(Terrain, Matrix) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Polygon
computeReferencePoint(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.RigidShape
Sets the shape's referencePoint, which is essentially its centerPosition in Cartesian coordinates.
computeReferencePoint(Globe, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.RigidShape
Sets the shape's referencePoint, which is essentially its centerPosition in Cartesian coordinates.
computeReferencePosition(List<? extends LatLon>, double[]) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.AbstractAirspace
computeRefreshTime() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.kml.KMLLink
computeRegionDivisions(Sector, int, int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.BasicTiledImageLayerBulkDownloader
computeRegionDivisions(Sector, int, int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.BasicElevationModelBulkDownloader
computeRelativePoint(Line, Globe, SceneController, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.drag.DraggableSupport
Attempts to find a position with the altitude specified for objects which are WorldWind.RELATIVE_TO_GROUND.
computeRenderMatrix(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.impl.ColladaMeshShape
Computes the transform to use during rendering to orient the model.
computeRenderMatrix(Globe, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.RigidShape
Computes the transform to use during rendering to convert the unit sphere geometry representation of this shape to its correct shape location, orientation and scale
computeRenderMatrix(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.RigidShape
Computes the transform to use during rendering to convert the unit sphere geometry representation of this shape to its correct shape location, orientation and scale
computeRenderMatrixInverse(Globe, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.RigidShape
Computes the inverse of the transform to use during rendering to convert the unit geometry representation of this shape to its correct shape location, orientation and scale, essentially bringing the shape back into local coordinate space.
computeRoll(Matrix) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.ViewUtil
computeRotatedScreenExtent(Rectangle, int, int, Angle) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.TacticalGraphicLabel
Compute the bounding screen extent of a rotated rectangle.
computeRotatedSectorBounds(Sector, LatLon, Angle) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractSurfaceRenderable
computeRotation(Vec4, Vec4) - Method in class
Compute the amount of rotation to apply to a label in order to keep it oriented toward its orientation position.
computeRotation(Vec4, Vec4) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.TacticalGraphicLabel
Compute the amount of rotation to apply to a label in order to keep it oriented toward its orientation position.
computeRotationMatrix(Globe) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Polygon
computeRoundCorner(Globe, List<Position>, Vec4, Vec4, Vec4, double, int) - Method in class
Compute positions to draw a rounded corner between three points.
computeRow(Sector, Angle) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.HighResolutionTerrain
Computes the row index corresponding to a specified latitude.
computeRow(Angle, Angle, Angle) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.Tile
Computes the row index of a latitude in the global tile grid corresponding to a specified grid interval.
computeRowLatitude(int, Angle, Angle) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.Tile
Determines the minimum latitude of a row in the global tile grid corresponding to a specified grid interval.
computeSafeRadius(DrawContext, SurfaceTileDrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.SurfaceIcons
computeScale(Rectangle) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.CompassLayer
computeScale(Rectangle) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.TerrainProfileLayer
computeScale(Rectangle) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.WorldMapLayer
computeScale() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaRoot
Indicates the scale defined by the asset/unit element.
computeScale(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractAnnotation
computeScale(AbstractTacticalSymbol.OrderedSymbol) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.AbstractTacticalSymbol
computeScaledBounds(Rectangle2D, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.GeographicTextRenderer
computeScaledBounds(DrawContext, AVList, AbstractTacticalSymbol.OrderedSymbol) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.AbstractTacticalSymbol
Compute the bounds of symbol after the scale has been applied.
computeScaledRect(Rectangle, Dimension, double, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.AbstractTacticalSymbol
computeScreenExtent(AbstractTacticalSymbol.OrderedSymbol) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.AbstractTacticalSymbol
computeScreenOffsetFromReferencePosition(Position, DragContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.drag.DraggableSupport
Determines the offset in screen coordinates from the previous screen point (DragContext.getInitialPoint() and the objects Movable.getReferencePosition() or Movable2.getReferencePosition() methods.
computeSector(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.SurfaceText
Compute the sector covered by this surface text.
computeSector() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.ContourList
computeSectorForKey(TileKey) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.LevelSet
computeSectorForPosition(Angle, Angle, LatLon) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.Level
computeSectorRadius(Sector) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.SurfaceIcons
computeSectors(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractSurfaceShape
Computes the bounding sectors for the shape.
computeSectors(Globe) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractSurfaceShape
Computes the bounding sectors for the shape.
computeSectors(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.SurfaceIcon
computeSectors(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.SurfaceIcons
computeSegmentLength(DrawContext, Position, Position) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Path
Computes the approximate model-coordinate, path length between two positions.
computeSelectedPointAt(Point) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.awt.AbstractViewInputHandler
computeSelectedPosition() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.awt.AbstractViewInputHandler
computeShiftedLocations(Position, Position, Iterable<? extends LatLon>) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.LatLon
Computes a new set of locations translated from a specified location to a new location.
computeShiftedLocations(Globe, LatLon, LatLon, Iterable<? extends LatLon>) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.LatLon
computeShiftedPositions(Position, Position, Iterable<? extends Position>) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Position
Computes a new set of positions translated from a specified reference position to a new reference position.
computeShiftedPositions(Globe, Position, Position, Iterable<? extends Position>) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Position
computeSize(DrawContext, BalloonAttributes) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractBrowserBalloon
Computes the size of this balloon's frame in the viewport (on the screen).
computeSize(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.ScreenAnnotation
computeSize(double, String, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Size
Compute a dimension taking into account the units of the dimension.
computeSize(Tree, TreeNode, DrawContext, Dimension, Dimension, int, int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.tree.BasicTreeLayout
Compute the size of a tree.
computeSizeForPixels(View, Vec4, double, double, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.segmentplane.SegmentPlaneRenderer
computeSizeInBytes(BufferedImage) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.ImageUtil
Returns the size in bytes of the specified image.
computeSizeInWindowCoordinates(DrawContext, Extent) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWMath
Returns the size in window coordinates of the specified Extent from the current View.
computeSkipCount(DrawContext, Path.PathData) - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.render.MultiResolutionPath.SkipCountComputer
Determines the number of positions to skip for the current viewing state.
computeSmallestPixelSize(Iterable<? extends DataRaster>) - Method in class
computeSourceToDestTransform(int, int, Sector, int, int, Sector) - Method in class
computeSourceToDestTransform(int, int, Sector, int, int, Sector) - Method in class
computeSphereProjectedArea(View, Vec4, double) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWMath
Computes the area in square pixels of a sphere after it is projected into the specified view's viewport.
computeSubdivisions(DrawContext, RigidShape.ShapeData) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Box
Computes the number of subdivisions necessary to achieve the expected Level of Detail given the shape's relationship to the viewer.
computeSubdivisions(DrawContext, RigidShape.ShapeData) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Cone
Computes the number of subdivisions necessary to achieve the expected Level of Detail given the shape's relationship to the viewer.
computeSubdivisions(DrawContext, RigidShape.ShapeData) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Cylinder
Computes the number of subdivisions necessary to achieve the expected Level of Detail given the shape's relationship to the viewer.
computeSubdivisions(DrawContext, RigidShape.ShapeData) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Ellipsoid
Computes the number of subdivisions necessary to achieve the expected Level of Detail given the shape's relationship to the viewer.
computeSubdivisions(DrawContext, RigidShape.ShapeData) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Pyramid
Computes the number of subdivisions necessary to achieve the expected Level of Detail given the shape's relationship to the viewer.
computeSubdivisions(DrawContext, RigidShape.ShapeData) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.RigidShape
Computes the number of subdivisions necessary to achieve the expected Level of Detail given the shape's relationship to the viewer.
computeSubdivisions(DrawContext, RigidShape.ShapeData) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Wedge
Computes the number of subdivisions necessary to achieve the expected Level of Detail given the shape's relationship to the viewer.
computeSurfaceAreaSampling(Globe, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.measure.AreaMeasurer
computeSurfaceElevation(DrawContext, Angle, Angle) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.render.TrackSegmentInfo
computeSurfaceElevation(SectorGeometryList, Globe, Angle, Angle) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.segmentplane.SegmentPlaneRenderer
computeSurfaceElevation(WorldWindow, LatLon) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.SurfaceImageEditor
computeSurfaceNormalAtLocation(Angle, Angle) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.EllipsoidalGlobe
Returns the normal to the Globe at the specified position.
computeSurfaceNormalAtLocation(Angle, Angle) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.FlatGlobe
computeSurfaceNormalAtLocation(Angle, Angle) - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.Globe
Computes a vector perpendicular to the surface of this globe in cartesian coordinates.
computeSurfaceNormalAtPoint(Vec4) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.EllipsoidalGlobe
Returns the normal to the Globe at the specified cartiesian point.
computeSurfaceNormalAtPoint(Vec4) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.FlatGlobe
computeSurfaceNormalAtPoint(Vec4) - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.Globe
Computes a vector perpendicular to the surface of this globe, at a cartesian point.
computeSurfaceOrientationAtPosition(Angle, Angle, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.EllipsoidalGlobe
Returns the cartesian transform matrix that maps model coordinates to a local coordinate system at (latitude, longitude, metersElevation).
computeSurfaceOrientationAtPosition(Position) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.EllipsoidalGlobe
Returns the cartesian transform matrix that maps model coordinates to a local coordinate system at (latitude, longitude, metersElevation).
computeSurfaceOrientationAtPosition(Angle, Angle, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.FlatGlobe
computeSurfaceOrientationAtPosition(Angle, Angle, double) - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.Globe
Returns the cartesian transform matrix that maps model coordinates to a local coordinate system at (latitude, longitude, metersElevation).
computeSurfaceOrientationAtPosition(Position) - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.Globe
Returns the cartesian transform matrix that maps model coordinates to a local coordinate system at (latitude, longitude, metersElevation).
computeSurfacePoint(OrbitView, Angle, Angle) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.ViewControlsSelectListener
Find out where on the terrain surface the eye would be looking at with the given heading and pitch angles.
computeSurfacePoint(WorldWindow, Angle, Angle) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.editor.AirspaceEditorUtil
computeSurfacePoint(DrawContext, Position) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.markers.MarkerRenderer
computeSurfacePoint(DrawContext, TrackPoint) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.TrackRenderer
computeSurfacePoint(DrawContext, Angle, Angle, double) - Method in class
computeSurfacePoints(DrawContext, Iterable<? extends Marker>) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.markers.MarkerRenderer
computeSurfacePosition(LatLon) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.measure.MeasureTool
computeSurfacePosition(LatLon) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.util.measuretool.WWOMeasureTool
computeSymbolPoints(DrawContext, AbstractTacticalSymbol.OrderedSymbol) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.AbstractTacticalSymbol
computeSymbolPosition() - Method in class
Compute the position of the symbol drawn between the first two control points.
computeTacticalSymbolInfo(String) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.milstd2525.MilStd2525Util
computeTerrainConformance(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.AbstractGraticuleLayer
computeTerrainPoint(Angle, Angle, double) - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.render.DrawContext
Compute a model-coordinate point on the terrain.
computeTerrainPoint(Angle, Angle, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.DrawContextImpl
computeTextBounds(DrawContext, String, Font, String) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractAnnotation
computeTextBounds(DrawContext, DeclutterableText) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.DeclutteringTextRenderer
computeTextBounds(DrawContext, GeographicTextRenderer.OrderedText, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.GeographicTextRenderer
computeTextBounds(DrawContext, String, Font) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.ToolTipRenderer
computeTextExtent(int, int, TacticalGraphicLabel.OrderedLabel) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.TacticalGraphicLabel
Determine the screen rectangle covered by a label.
computeTextTranslation(DrawContext, Rectangle2D, Insets) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.ToolTipRenderer
computeTexturePixelFormat(int) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.OGLUtil
Returns an OpenGL pixel format corresponding to the specified texture internal format.
computeTextureSize(BasicGpuResourceCache.CacheEntry) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.cache.BasicGpuResourceCache
computeTextureTileDimension(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.SurfaceObjectTileBuilder
Returns the tile dimension used to create the tile textures for the specified DrawContext.
computeTextureTransform(DrawContext, SurfaceTile, SurfaceTileRenderer.Transform) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.GeographicSurfaceTileRenderer
computeTextureTransform(DrawContext, SurfaceTile, SurfaceTileRenderer.Transform) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.SurfaceTileRenderer
computeTileResolutionTarget(DrawContext, RectangularTessellator.RectTile) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.RectangularTessellator
computeTileTextureDimension(Dimension, Dimension) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.tree.ScrollFrame
Compute the dimension of a texture large enough to represent the amount of the contents visible in the frame.
computeTimeLabelPosition(DrawContext) - Method in class
Determine the position of the time range label.
computeTimeOffset(String, int) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.FileStoreDataSet
computeTransform(DrawContext, AbstractTacticalSymbol.OrderedSymbol) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.AbstractTacticalSymbol
computeTransform(DrawContext, AbstractTacticalSymbol.OrderedSymbol) - Method in class
computeTransform(DrawContext, AbstractTacticalSymbol.OrderedSymbol) - Method in class
computeTransform(DrawContext, AbstractTacticalSymbol.OrderedSymbol) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.milstd2525.MilStd2525TacticalSymbol
computeTransformedVertices(FloatBuffer, int, Matrix) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.RigidShape
Transform all vertices with the provided matrix
computeTransformMatrix(Globe, Position, Angle, Angle, Angle, double) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.orbit.OrbitViewInputSupport
computeTransformMatrix(Globe, Position, Angle, Angle, Angle) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.ViewUtil
computeTreeLayout(TreeNode, DrawContext, Dimension, Point, int, List<BasicTreeLayout.NodeLayout>) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.tree.BasicTreeLayout
Determine the tree layout.
computeTreeSelected() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.tree.BasicTreeNode
Determine if any part of the sub-tree rooted at this node is selected.
computeTriangleNormal(Vec4, Vec4, Vec4) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWMath
Returns the normal vector corresponding to the triangle defined by three vertices (a, b, c).
computeTriangleProjectedArea(Globe, float[], int, int, int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.measure.AreaMeasurer
computeTruncatedSegment(Position, Position, Sector, ArrayList<Position>) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.AbstractGraticuleLayer
computeVerticalBoundingCylinder(Globe, double, Sector) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Cylinder
Returns a cylinder that minimally surrounds the specified minimum and maximum elevations in the sector at a specified vertical exaggeration, and is oriented such that the cylinder axis is perpendicular to the globe's surface.
computeVerticalBoundingCylinder(Globe, double, Sector, double, double) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Cylinder
Returns a cylinder that minimally surrounds the specified minimum and maximum elevations in the sector at a specified vertical exaggeration, and is oriented such that the cylinder axis is perpendicular to the globe's surface.
computeVerticalBoundsFromSectorLatitudeRange(Globe, Sector, double, double) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Cylinder
Compute the Cylinder that surrounds the equator, and has height defined by the sector's minumum and maximum latitudes (including maxHeight).
computeVerticalBoundsFromSectorQuadrilateral(Globe, Sector, double, double) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Cylinder
Returns a cylinder that minimally surrounds the specified height range in the sector.
computeVerticalBoundsFromSectorVertices(Globe, Sector, double, double) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Cylinder
Returns a cylinder that surrounds the specified height range in the zero-area sector.
computeVerticalFieldOfView(Angle, Rectangle) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.ViewUtil
Computes a View's vertical field-of-view given a View's horizontal field-of-view and the viewport window dimensions.
computeVerticalSegmentPositions(Globe, Vec4, Vec4, double) - Method in class
Compute positions for one of the vertical segments in the graphic.
computeViewCenterPosition(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.TerrainProfileLayer
computeViewFootPrint(DrawContext, int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.WorldMapLayer
Compute the view range footprint on the globe.
computeViewLookAtContainingExtents(Globe, double, Vec4, Vec4, Vec4, Angle, Rectangle, double, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.ExtentVisibilitySupport
Returns an array of View look-at vectors optimal for viewing the the scene elements, or null if this has no scene elements.
computeViewLookAtContainingExtents(Globe, double, View) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.ExtentVisibilitySupport
Returns an array of View look-at vectors optimal for viewing the the scene elements, or null if this has no scene elements.
computeViewLookAtForScene(View) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.KeepingObjectsInView.ViewController
computeViewState(Globe, Vec4, Vec4, Vec4) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.ViewUtil
computeVisibleBounds(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.kml.KMLLink
Returns a Sector that specifies the current visible bounds on the globe.
computeVisibleSector(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.Earth.MGRSGraticuleLayer
computeWebViewRectForFrameRect(BalloonAttributes, Rectangle) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractBrowserBalloon
computeWindingOrderOfLocations(Iterable<? extends LatLon>) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWMath
Returns the winding order of the polygon described by the specified locations, with respect to an axis perpendicular to the (lat, lon) coordinates, and pointing in the direction of "positive elevation".
computeWindingOrderOfVertices(Iterable<? extends Vec4>) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWMath
Returns the winding order of the 2D polygon described by the specified (x, y) points (z and w coordinates are ignored), with respect to the positive z axis.
computeWrappedText(DrawContext, TreeNode, Font, int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.tree.BasicTreeLayout
Get the wrapped description text for a node.
computeZone(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.Earth.UTMBaseGraticuleLayer.MetricScaleSupport
computeZoom(Matrix) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.orbit.OrbitViewInputSupport
computeZoomForExtent(Sector) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.ScankortDenmark
Cone - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.render
A general cone volume defined by a center position, a height and a radius, or alternatively, by three axis radii.
Cone() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Cone
Construct a cone with default parameters
Cone(Position, double, double) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Cone
Constructs a Cone from a specified center position, height and radius.
Cone(Position, double, double, double) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Cone
Constructs a cone from a specified center position and axes lengths.
Cone(Position, double, double, double, Angle, Angle, Angle) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Cone
Constructs a cone from a specified center position, axes lengths and rotation angles.
CONE - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.markers.BasicMarkerShape
Cone() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.markers.BasicMarkerShape.Cone
CONE - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.TrackRenderer
CONE_VOLUME - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.RadarVolumeExample.AppFrame
ConeEditor - Class in gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.shapebuilder
ConeEditor() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.shapebuilder.ConeEditor
ConeFactory() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.shapebuilder.RigidShapeBuilder.ConeFactory
coneIndices - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.antenna.AntennaAxes.ShapeData
coneNormals - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.antenna.AntennaAxes.ShapeData
Cones - Class in gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples
Illustrates how to use the World Wind Cone rigid shape to display an arbitrarily sized and oriented cone at a geographic position on the Globe.
Cones() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.Cones
Cones.AppFrame - Class in gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples
coneVertices - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.antenna.AntennaAxes.ShapeData
configFilePath - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.dataimporter.FileStoreDataSet
Configuration - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind
This class manages the initial World Wind configuration.
configurationLocation - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.core.AppConfiguration
configure(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.core.AppConfiguration
configureBalloon(Balloon, KMLAbstractFeature) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.BalloonController
Configure a new balloon for a KML feature.
configureColladaRoot(ColladaRoot) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.kml.impl.KMLModelPlacemarkImpl
Apply the model's position, orientation, and scale to a COLLADA root.
configureFeatures(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.core.AppConfiguration
configureGLRuntimeCaps() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.ConfiguringGLRuntimeCapabilities.MyGLAutoDrawable
Configures the OpenGL runtime features used by the World Wind SDK.
configurePath(Path) - Method in class
Configure a path in the airfield graphic.
configureProxy() - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWIO
configureSSLContext(HttpsURLConnection) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.retrieve.URLRetriever
ConfiguringGLRuntimeCapabilities - Class in gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples
Illustrates how to specify the OpenGL features World Wind uses by configuring a GLRuntimeCapabilities.
ConfiguringGLRuntimeCapabilities() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.ConfiguringGLRuntimeCapabilities
ConfiguringGLRuntimeCapabilities.MyGLAutoDrawable - Class in gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples
Subclass of WorldWindowGLAutoDrawable which overrides the method WorldWindowGLAutoDrawable.init( to configure the OpenGL features used by the World Wind SDK.
connection - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.retrieve.URLRetriever
connectTimeout - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.retrieve.URLRetriever
connectTimeout - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.eurogeoss.CatalogConnection
consolidateFileSets(List<FileSet>) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.dataimporter.FileSetFinder
CONSTANT - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.WorldWind
Constants - Interface in gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.core
constraintMap - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AnnotationNullLayout
constrainToSourceBounds(Point, Object) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.awt.AbstractViewInputHandler
constraints - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.ows.OWSOperation
constraints - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.ows.OWSOperationsMetadata
CONSTRUCTION_PARAMETERS - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.avlist.AVKey
consume() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.event.SelectEvent
consume() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.event.WWEvent
Consumes the event so it will not be processed in the default manner by the source which originated it.
consumed - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.event.WWEvent
Denotes whether or not the event has been consumed.
CONTACT_ADDRESS - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.OGCContactInformation
CONTACT_ELECTRONIC_MAIL_ADDRESS - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.OGCContactInformation
CONTACT_FACSIMILE_TELEPHONE - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.OGCContactInformation
CONTACT_INFORMATION - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.OGCServiceInformation
CONTACT_ORGANIZATION - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.OGCContactInformation
CONTACT_PERSON - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.OGCContactInformation
CONTACT_PERSON_PRIMARY - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.OGCContactInformation
CONTACT_POSITION - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.OGCContactInformation
CONTACT_VOICE_TELEPHONE - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.OGCContactInformation
contactAddress - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.OGCContactInformation
contactInformation - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.OGCServiceInformation
contactWMSServer(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.features.WMSPanel
Contact the specified WMS server to get its capabilities document.
containers - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.kml.KMLCreate
contains(Object) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.cache.BasicGpuResourceCache
contains(Object) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.cache.BasicMemoryCache
Returns true if the cache contains the item referenced by key.
contains(Object) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.cache.BasicSessionCache
Returns true if the cache contains a specified key, and false if it does not.
contains(Object) - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.cache.GpuResourceCache
Indicates whether a resource is in the cache.
contains(Object) - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.cache.MemoryCache
Discovers whether or not this cache contains the object referenced by key.
contains(Object) - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.cache.SessionCache
Returns true if the cache contains a specified key, and false if it does not.
contains(GDAL.Area) - Method in class
contains(Vec4) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.BarycentricQuadrilateral
contains(Vec4) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.BarycentricTriangle
contains(Extent) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Frustum
Indicates whether a specified Extent is fully within this frustum.
contains(Vec4) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Frustum
Indicates whether a specified point is within this frustum.
contains(double, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.PickPointFrustum
Returns true if the specified point is inside the 2D screen rectangle enclosed by this frustum
contains(Point) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.PickPointFrustum
Returns true if the specified point is inside the 2D screen rectangle enclosed by this frustum
contains(Angle, Angle) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Sector
contains(LatLon) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Sector
Determines whether a latitude/longitude position is within the sector.
contains(Sector) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Sector
Determines whether another sector is fully contained within this one.
contains(Vec4) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Triangle
Indicates whether a specified point is on the triangle.
contains(Angle, Angle) - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.ElevationModel
Indicates whether a specified location is within the elevation model's domain.
contains(Object) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.TextRendererCache
contains(Retriever) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.retrieve.BasicRetrievalService
contains(Retriever) - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.retrieve.RetrievalService
contains(Angle, Angle) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.BasicElevationModel
contains(Angle, Angle) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.BathymetryFilterElevationModel
contains(Angle, Angle) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.CompoundElevationModel
contains(Angle, Angle) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.LocalElevationModel
contains(Angle, Angle) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.ZeroElevationModel
contains(T) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.BasicQuadTree
Indicates whether an item is contained in the tree.
contains(int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.IntSet
Indicates whether this set contains the specified value.
contains(int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.Range
Returns a boolean value indicating whether or not the specified location is in this range.
contains(Runnable) - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.util.TaskService
contains(Object) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.TextureAtlas
Indicates whether this texture atlas contains an element with the specified key.
contains(Runnable) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.ThreadedTaskService
containsCache(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.cache.BasicMemoryCacheSet
containsCache(String) - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.cache.MemoryCacheSet
containsDataSource(Object) - Method in class
containsDataSource(Object) - Method in interface
containsDegrees(double, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Sector
containsElement(Element) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.RestorableSupport
containsElevationModel(ElevationModel) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.CompoundElevationModel
Returns true if this CompoundElevationModel contains the specified ElevationModel, and false otherwise.
containsFile(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.cache.AbstractFileStore
containsFile(String) - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.cache.FileStore
Indicates whether the file store contains a specified file.
containsHTML(String) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.MultiLineTextRenderer
Return true if the text contains some sgml tags.
containsImage(GliderImage) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.glider.GliderWorldWindow
Indicates whether a specified image is associated.
containsInAll(Vec4) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.PickPointFrustumList
Returns true if the specified point is inside the space enclosed by ALL of the frustums
containsInAll(Point) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.PickPointFrustumList
Returns true if the specified 2D screen point is inside the 2D screen rectangle enclosed by ALL of the frustums
containsInAny(Vec4) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.PickPointFrustumList
Returns true if the specified point is inside the space enclosed by ANY of the frustums
containsInAny(double, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.PickPointFrustumList
Returns true if the specified 2D point is inside the 2D screen rectangle enclosed by ANY of the frustums
containsInAny(Point) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.PickPointFrustumList
Returns true if the specified 2D point is inside the 2D screen rectangle enclosed by ANY of the frustums
containsPath(LayerPath) - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.core.layermanager.LayerManager
containsPath(LayerPath) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.features.swinglayermanager.LayerManagerPanel
containsPole(Iterable<? extends LatLon>) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractSurfaceShape
Determine if a list of geographic locations encloses either the North or South pole.
containsRadians(double, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Sector
Determines whether a latitude/longitude postion expressed in radians is within the sector.
ContentAnnotation(AnnotationControls.AppFrame, DialogAnnotation, DialogAnnotationController) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.AnnotationControls.ContentAnnotation
contentBounds - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.tree.ScrollFrame
Bounds of the content part of the frame.
contentLayer - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.AnnotationControls.AppFrame
contentLength - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.retrieve.LocalRasterServerRetriever
contentLength - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.retrieve.URLRetriever
contentLengthRead - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.retrieve.LocalRasterServerRetriever
contentLengthRead - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.retrieve.URLRetriever
contents - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.tree.ScrollFrame
The contents of the frame.
contentSize - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.tree.ScrollFrame
Total size of the frame content.
contentType - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.cache.BasicDataFileStore.DBEntry
contentType - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.retrieve.URLRetriever
CONTEXT - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.avlist.AVKey
Context(DrawContext, double, List<Sector>) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.SectorVisibilityTree.Context
context - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.BalloonController.DocumentRetrievalTask
The document that contained the link this document.
CONTEXT_MENU_INFO - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.core.Constants
CONTEXT_MENU_INFO - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.ContextMenusOnShapes.ContextMenu
ContextMenu(Component, ContextMenusOnShapes.ContextMenuInfo) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.ContextMenusOnShapes.ContextMenu
ContextMenuController() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.ContextMenusOnShapes.ContextMenuController
ContextMenuInfo(String, ContextMenusOnShapes.ContextMenuItemInfo[]) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.ContextMenusOnShapes.ContextMenuInfo
ContextMenuItemAction(ContextMenusOnShapes.ContextMenuItemInfo) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.ContextMenusOnShapes.ContextMenuItemAction
ContextMenuItemInfo(String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.ContextMenusOnShapes.ContextMenuItemInfo
ContextMenusOnShapes - Class in gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples
Illustrates how to attach context (popup) menus to shapes.
ContextMenusOnShapes() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.ContextMenusOnShapes
ContextMenusOnShapes.AppFrame - Class in gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples
ContextMenusOnShapes.ContextMenu - Class in gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples
The ContextMenu class implements the context menu.
ContextMenusOnShapes.ContextMenuController - Class in gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples
The Controller listens for selection events and either highlights a selected item or shows its context menu.
ContextMenusOnShapes.ContextMenuInfo - Class in gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples
The ContextMenuInfo class specifies the contents of the context menu.
ContextMenusOnShapes.ContextMenuItemAction - Class in gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples
The ContextMenuItemAction responds to user selection of a context menu item.
ContextMenusOnShapes.ContextMenuItemInfo - Class in gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples
The ContextMenuItemInfo class specifies the contents of one entry in the context menu.
CONTINENTS - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.Earth.NASAWFSPlaceNameLayer
continuationString - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.MultiLineTextRenderer
continuous - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.FlatGlobe
ContourBuilder - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.util
Generates contour lines at threshold values in a rectangular array of numeric values.
ContourBuilder(int, int, double[]) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.ContourBuilder
Creates a new ContourBuilder with the specified rectangular array arguments.
ContourBuilder.CellInfo - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.util
ContourBuilder.CellKey - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.util
ContourBuilder.Direction - Enum in gov.nasa.worldwind.util
ContourBuilderExample - Class in gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples
Shows how to use the ContourBuilder class to compute contour lines in an arbitrary rectangular array of numeric values.
ContourBuilderExample() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.ContourBuilderExample
ContourBuilderExample.AppFrame - Class in gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples
contourCellList - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.ContourBuilder
contourCellMap - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.ContourBuilder
ContourLine - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.render
Renders a contour line on the terrain at a given elevation.
ContourLine() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.ContourLine
ContourLine(double) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.ContourLine
ContourLine(Sector) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.ContourLine
ContourLine(double, Sector) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.ContourLine
contourLine - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.ContourLines.AppFrame
ContourLinePolygon - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.render
Renders a contour line on the terrain at a given elevation.
ContourLinePolygon() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.ContourLinePolygon
ContourLinePolygon(double) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.ContourLinePolygon
ContourLinePolygon(double, ArrayList<? extends LatLon>) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.ContourLinePolygon
ContourLines - Class in gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples
Illustrates how to display contour lines in World Wind on the surface terrain at a specified elevation.
ContourLines() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.ContourLines
ContourLines.AppFrame - Class in gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples
contourList - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.ContourBuilder
ContourList - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.util
ContourList() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.ContourList
ContourList(ContourList) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.ContourList
contourMask - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.ContourBuilder.CellInfo
contours - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.combine.CombineContext
The list of contours representing the result of a boolean operation on one or more Combinable shapes.
contours - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.ContourList
CONTROL_POINT_LEADING_EDGE - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.segmentplane.SegmentPlane
CONTROL_POINT_LOWER_LEFT - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.segmentplane.SegmentPlane
CONTROL_POINT_LOWER_RIGHT - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.segmentplane.SegmentPlane
CONTROL_POINT_TOP_EDGE - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.segmentplane.SegmentPlane
CONTROL_POINT_UPPER_RIGHT - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.segmentplane.SegmentPlane
CONTROL_TYPE_LEADER_ORIGIN - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.measure.MeasureTool
CONTROL_TYPE_LOCATION_INDEX - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.measure.MeasureTool
CONTROL_TYPE_REGULAR_SHAPE - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.measure.MeasureTool
controlFovNarrow - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.ViewControlsLayer
controlFovWide - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.ViewControlsLayer
controlHeadingLeft - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.ViewControlsLayer
controlHeadingRight - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.ViewControlsLayer
controller - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.DecisionTree
controller - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.measure.MeasureTool
controller - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.core.AbstractMenu
controller - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.core.AppConfiguration
Controller - Class in gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.core
Controller() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.core.Controller
controller - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.core.SimpleImporter
controller - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.features.AbstractFeature
controller - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.features.ImportedDataPanel
controller - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.util.LayerTree
controller - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.AnnotationControls.ContentAnnotation
controller - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.elevations.RetrieveElevations.AppFrame
controller - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.LayerTreeUsage.AppFrame
Controller(RubberSheetImage.AppFrame) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.RubberSheetImage.Controller
Controller(ViewLimits.AppFrame) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.ViewLimits.Controller
controlLook - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.ViewControlsLayer
controlPan - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.ViewControlsLayer
ControlPanel - Class in gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar
ControlPanel() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.ControlPanel
controlPanel - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.ApplicationTemplate.AppFrame
controlPitchDown - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.ViewControlsLayer
controlPitchUp - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.ViewControlsLayer
ControlPoint(Position, AnnotationAttributes, MeasureTool) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.measure.MeasureTool.ControlPoint
ControlPoint(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.RasterControlPointList.ControlPoint
ControlPoint(Object, Object, double, double, boolean, String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.segmentplane.SegmentPlane.ControlPoint
controlPoint - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.segmentplane.SegmentPlaneRenderer.ControlPointInfo
ControlPoint(Position) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.util.measuretool.WWOMeasureToolControlPoints.ControlPoint
controlPointAdded(AirspaceEditEvent) - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.editor.AirspaceEditListener
controlPointAdded(AirspaceEditEvent) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.AirspaceBuilder.AirspaceBuilderController
controlPointAttributes - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.util.measuretool.WWOMeasureToolControlPoints
controlPointChanged(AirspaceEditEvent) - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.editor.AirspaceEditListener
controlPointChanged(AirspaceEditEvent) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.AirspaceBuilder.AirspaceBuilderController
ControlPointInfo(SegmentPlane.ControlPoint, Position, MarkerShape) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.segmentplane.SegmentPlaneRenderer.ControlPointInfo
ControlPointLabelAttributes(Color, Font, String, String, SARSegmentPlane) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.SARSegmentPlane.ControlPointLabelAttributes
ControlPointLabelAttributes() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.SARSegmentPlane.ControlPointLabelAttributes
controlPointLayer - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.ShapeEditor
The layer holding the editor's control points.
controlPointLayer - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.SurfaceImageEditor
ControlPointMarker(Position, MarkerAttributes, int, String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.ShapeEditor.ControlPointMarker
ControlPointMarker(Position, MarkerAttributes, int, int, String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.ShapeEditor.ControlPointMarker
ControlPointMarker(String, Position, Vec4, MarkerAttributes, int) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.shapebuilder.ExtrudedPolygonEditor.ControlPointMarker
ControlPointMarker(String, Position, Vec4, MarkerAttributes, int) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.shapebuilder.RigidShapeEditor.ControlPointMarker
ControlPointMarker(Position, MarkerAttributes, int) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.SurfaceImageEditor.ControlPointMarker
controlPointRemoved(AirspaceEditEvent) - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.editor.AirspaceEditListener
controlPointRemoved(AirspaceEditEvent) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.AirspaceBuilder.AirspaceBuilderController
controlPoints - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.measure.MeasureTool
controlPoints - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.util.measuretool.WWOMeasureTool
controlPoints - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.shapebuilder.RigidShapeEditor
controlPointsAttributes - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.measure.MeasureTool
controlPointsLayer - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.measure.MeasureTool
controlPointsLayer - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.util.measuretool.WWOMeasureTool
ControlPointWithLeader(Position, AnnotationAttributes, ShapeAttributes, MeasureTool) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.measure.MeasureTool.ControlPointWithLeader
controlPointWithLeaderAttributes - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.measure.MeasureTool
CONTROLS_PANEL - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.core.Constants
ControlsPanel - Interface in gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.features.swinglayermanager
ControlsPanelImpl - Class in gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.features.swinglayermanager
ControlsPanelImpl(Registry) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.features.swinglayermanager.ControlsPanelImpl
controlVeDown - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.ViewControlsLayer
controlVeUp - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.ViewControlsLayer
controlZoomIn - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.ViewControlsLayer
controlZoomOut - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.ViewControlsLayer
convergenceThreshold - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.drag.DraggableSupport
This instances convergence threshold for the solver used to determine the position of objects using the WorldWind.RELATIVE_TO_GROUND altitude mode.
convertAltitudeMode(String, int) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.kml.impl.KMLUtil
convertAVListToString(AVList) - Static method in class
convertDaysToMillis(double) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWMath
Convert time in days to time in milliseconds.
convertFeetToMeters(double) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWMath
Converts distance in feet to distance in meters.
convertGeodeticToPolarStereographic(double, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.coords.PolarCoordConverter
The function Convert_Geodetic_To_Polar_Stereographic converts geodetic coordinates (latitude and longitude) to Polar Stereographic coordinates (easting and northing), according to the current ellipsoid and Polar Stereographic projection parameters.
convertGeodeticToUPS(double, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.coords.UPSCoordConverter
The function convertGeodeticToUPS converts geodetic (latitude and longitude) coordinates to UPS (hemisphere, easting, and northing) coordinates, according to the current ellipsoid parameters.
convertGLUTessErrorToString(int) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.GLUTessellatorSupport
Converts the specified GLU tessellator error number to a string description.
convertHoursToMillis(double) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWMath
Converts time in hours to time in milliseconds.
convertImageToElevations(ByteBuffer, String) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.BasicElevationModel
convertLayerSet(Object, WWDotNetLayerSetConverter.ProductionState) - Method in class
convertLegacyModeString(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Size
Converts a legacy size mode string ("NativeDimension", "MaintainAspectRatio", "ExplicitDimension"), into one of the mode constants (NATIVE_DIMENSION, MAINTAIN_ASPECT_RATIO, or EXPLICIT_DIMENSION).
convertMetersToFeet(double) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWMath
converts meters to feet.
convertMetersToMiles(double) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWMath
converts meters to miles.
convertMillisToDays(double) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWMath
Convert time in milliseconds to time in days.
convertMillisToHours(double) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWMath
Converts time in milliseconds to time in hours.
convertMillisToMinutes(double) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWMath
Converts time in milliseconds to time in minutes.
convertMillisToSeconds(double) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWMath
Converts time in milliseconds to time in seconds.
convertMinutesToMillis(double) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWMath
Converts time in minutes to time in milliseconds.
convertNad27toWGS84(Position) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.coords.DatumTransformation
Shift datum from NAD27 to WGS84
convertNumericStringToBoolean(String) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWUtil
Converts a specified string to a boolean value.
convertPointsToPositions(List<Vec4[]>, List<Position[]>) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.HighResolutionTerrain
convertPolarStereographicToGeodetic(double, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.coords.PolarCoordConverter
The function Convert_Polar_Stereographic_To_Geodetic converts Polar Stereographic coordinates (easting and northing) to geodetic coordinates (latitude and longitude) according to the current ellipsoid and Polar Stereographic projection Parameters.
convertSecondsToMillis(double) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWMath
Converts time in seconds to time in milliseconds.
convertStringToBoolean(String) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWUtil
Converts a specified string to a boolean value.
convertStringToDouble(String) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.gdal.GDALUtils
convertStringToDouble(String) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWUtil
Converts a specified string to a floating point value.
convertStringToInteger(String) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWUtil
Converts a specified string to an integer value.
convertStringToLong(String) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWUtil
Converts a specified string to a long integer value.
convertToDDS() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.retrieve.AbstractRetrievalPostProcessor
Converts an image to DDS.
convertToPowerOfTwoImage(BufferedImage, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.ImageUtil
Returns a copy of the specified image such that the new dimensions are powers of two.
convertToStandardDataConfigDocument(Document) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.DataConfigurationUtils
Returns the specified data configuration document transformed to a standard Layer or ElevationModel configuration document.
convertToWebView(Object, Point) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractBrowserBalloon
Converts the specified screen point from AWT coordinates to local WebView coordinates.
convertToWindows(MouseEvent) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.webview.WindowsWebView
Converts the specified mouse event's screen point from WebView coordinates to Windows coordinates, and returns a new event who's screen point is in Windows coordinates, with the origin at the upper left corner of the WebView window.
convertToWorldWind(AVList, AVList) - Static method in class
convertTsvToByteBuffer(String) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.StarsConvertor
Converts a Stars tsv file to a ByteBuffer with radius DEFAULT_RADIUS
convertTsvToByteBuffer(String, float) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.StarsConvertor
Converts a Stars tsv file to a ByteBuffer
convertTsvToDat(String) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.StarsConvertor
Convert star tsv text file to binary dat file
convertTsvToDat(String, float) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.StarsConvertor
Convert star tsv text file to binary dat file
convertTsvToDat(String, String) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.StarsConvertor
Convert star tsv text file to binary dat file
convertTsvToDat(String, String, float) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.StarsConvertor
Convert star tsv text file to binary dat file
convertUPSToGeodetic(String, double, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.coords.UPSCoordConverter
The function Convert_UPS_To_Geodetic converts UPS (hemisphere, easting, and northing) coordinates to geodetic (latitude and longitude) coordinates according to the current ellipsoid parameters.
convertURIToFile(URI) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWIO
Converts a specified URI as to a path in the local file system.
convertURLToFile(URL) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWIO
Converts a specified URL as to a path in the local file system.
convertUTMCoordinatesToGeographic(int, String, DoubleBuffer) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWUtil
Converts the specified buffer of UTM tuples to geographic coordinates, according to the specified UTM zone and hemisphere.
convertWGS84toNad27(Position) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.coords.DatumTransformation
Shift datum from WGS84 to NAD27
CoordAccessor(int) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.VecBuffer.CoordAccessor
coordBuffer - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.impl.ColladaMeshShape
The vertex data buffer for this shape data.
coordBuffer - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Polygon.ShapeData
The vertex data buffer for this shape data.
coordDecimalPlaces - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.StatusLayer
COORDINATE_SYSTEM - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.avlist.AVKey
COORDINATE_SYSTEM_GEOGRAPHIC - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.avlist.AVKey
COORDINATE_SYSTEM_NAME - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.avlist.AVKey
COORDINATE_SYSTEM_PROJECTED - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.avlist.AVKey
COORDINATE_SYSTEM_SCREEN - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.avlist.AVKey
COORDINATE_SYSTEM_UNKNOWN - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.avlist.AVKey
COORDINATES - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaParserContext
The key used to identify the coordinates parser in the parser context's parser map.
COORDINATES - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.kml.KMLParserContext
The key used to identify the coordinates parser in the parser context's parser map.
coordinates - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.kml.KMLPoint
CoordinatesDisplay - Class in gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.features
CoordinatesDisplay() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.features.CoordinatesDisplay
CoordinatesDisplay(Registry) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.features.CoordinatesDisplay
coordinatesParser - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.kml.KMLParserContext
CoordIterable(int) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.CompoundVecBuffer.CoordIterable
coords - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.PolygonTessellator2
COORDS_PER_VERTEX - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaAbstractGeometry
Number of coordinates per vertex.
coordsPerVec - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.CompoundVecBuffer.EmptyCompoundVecBuffer
coordsPerVec - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.VecBuffer
coordsPerVec - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.VecBufferBlocks
coplanarTriangles(Vec4, Vec4[], Vec4[]) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Triangle
copy() - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.avlist.AVList
Returns a shallow copy of this AVList instance: the keys and values themselves are not cloned.
copy() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.avlist.AVListImpl
copy() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.awt.WorldWindowGLCanvas
copy() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.awt.WorldWindowGLJPanel
copy() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.LayerList
copy() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.kml.impl.KMLAbstractBalloon
Returns a shallow copy of this AVList instance: the keys and values themselves are not cloned.
copy() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.BasicAirspaceAttributes
Returns a new ShapeAttributes instance of the same type as this ShapeAttributes who's properties are configured exactly as this ShapeAttributes.
copy(AirspaceAttributes) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.BasicAirspaceAttributes
copy() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.BasicBalloonAttributes
Returns a new ShapeAttributes instance of the same type as this ShapeAttributes who's properties are configured exactly as this ShapeAttributes.
copy(ShapeAttributes) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.BasicBalloonAttributes
Copies the specified ShapeAttributes' properties into this object's properties.
copy() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.BasicShapeAttributes
Returns a new ShapeAttributes instance of the same type as this ShapeAttributes who's properties are configured exactly as this ShapeAttributes.
copy(ShapeAttributes) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.BasicShapeAttributes
Copies the specified ShapeAttributes' properties into this object's properties.
copy(PointPlacemarkAttributes) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.PointPlacemarkAttributes
Copies all values, including null values, from another instance to this one.
copy() - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.render.ShapeAttributes
Returns a new ShapeAttributes instance of the same type as this ShapeAttributes who's properties are configured exactly as this ShapeAttributes.
copy(ShapeAttributes) - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.render.ShapeAttributes
Copies the specified ShapeAttributes' properties into this object's properties.
copy() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.BasicTacticalGraphicAttributes
Returns a new TacticalGraphicAttributes instance of the same type as this TacticalGraphicAttributes who's properties are configured exactly as this TacticalGraphicAttributes.
copy(TacticalGraphicAttributes) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.BasicTacticalGraphicAttributes
Copies the specified TacticalGraphicAttributes' properties into this object's properties.
copy(TacticalSymbolAttributes) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.BasicTacticalSymbolAttributes
Copies the specified TacticalSymbolAttributes' properties into this object's properties.
copy() - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.TacticalGraphicAttributes
Returns a new TacticalGraphicAttributes instance of the same type as this TacticalGraphicAttributes who's properties are configured exactly as this TacticalGraphicAttributes.
copy(TacticalGraphicAttributes) - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.TacticalGraphicAttributes
Copies the specified TacticalGraphicAttributes' properties into this object's properties.
copy(TacticalSymbolAttributes) - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.TacticalSymbolAttributes
Copies the specified TacticalSymbolAttributes' properties into this object's properties.
copy() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.RasterControlPointList
copy() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.tree.BasicFrameAttributes
Returns a new FrameAttributes instance of the same type as this FrameAttributes, who's properties are configured exactly as this FrameAttributes.
copy(FrameAttributes) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.tree.BasicFrameAttributes
Copies the specified FrameAttributes' properties into this object's properties.
copy() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.tree.BasicTreeAttributes
Returns a new TreeAttributes instance of the same type as this TreeAttributes, who's properties are configured exactly as this TreeAttributes.
copy(TreeAttributes) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.tree.BasicTreeAttributes
Copies the specified TreeAttributes' properties into this object's properties.
copy() - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.util.tree.FrameAttributes
Returns a new FrameAttributes instance of the same type as this FrameAttributes, who's properties are configured exactly as this FrameAttributes.
copy(FrameAttributes) - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.util.tree.FrameAttributes
Copies the specified FrameAttributes' properties into this object's properties.
copy() - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.util.tree.TreeAttributes
Returns a new TreeAttributes instance of the same type as this TreeAttributes, who's properties are configured exactly as this TreeAttributes.
copy(TreeAttributes) - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.util.tree.TreeAttributes
Copies the specified TreeAttributes' properties into this object's properties.
copy() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.SARSegmentPlane.AltitudeLabelAttributes
copy() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.SARSegmentPlane.AxisLabelAttributes
copy() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.SARSegmentPlane.ControlPointLabelAttributes
copy() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.SARSegmentPlane.MessageLabelAttributes
copy() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.SARSegmentPlane.SARLabelAttributes
copy() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.segmentplane.SegmentPlaneAttributes
copy() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.segmentplane.SegmentPlaneAttributes.GeometryAttributes
copy() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.segmentplane.SegmentPlaneAttributes.LabelAttributes
copy() - Method in class
copy(PointGrid.Attributes) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.lineofsight.PointGrid.Attributes
copyAndConvertToLowerCase(String[]) - Method in class
Clones string array and also converts clones to lower case
copyArrayToBuffer(Vec4[], FloatBuffer) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWBufferUtil
Copies a specified array of vertices to a specified vertex buffer.
copyCurrentEntryToTempDir() - Method in class
Copies a file from the input stream to the temporary area created to represent the KMZ contents.
copyDirectory(File, File, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWIO
copyEntryToTempDir(ZipEntry) - Method in class
Copies a zip entry to a temporary file.
copyFile(File, File) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWIO
copyOf(int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.BufferWrapper.ByteBufferWrapper
copyOf(int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.BufferWrapper
Returns a copy of this buffer with the specified new size.
copyOf(int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.BufferWrapper.DoubleBufferWrapper
copyOf(int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.BufferWrapper.EmptyBufferWrapper
copyOf(int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.BufferWrapper.FloatBufferWrapper
copyOf(int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.BufferWrapper.IntBufferWrapper
copyOf(int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.BufferWrapper.ShortBufferWrapper
copyOf(int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.VecBuffer
Returns a copy of this VecBuffer with the specified new size.
copyOf(ByteBuffer, int) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWBufferUtil
Returns a copy of the specified buffer, with the specified new size.
copyOf(CharBuffer, int) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWBufferUtil
Returns a copy of the specified buffer, with the specified new size.
copyOf(ShortBuffer, int) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWBufferUtil
Returns a copy of the specified buffer, with the specified new size.
copyOf(IntBuffer, int) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWBufferUtil
Returns a copy of the specified buffer, with the specified new size.
copyOf(FloatBuffer, int) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWBufferUtil
Returns a copy of the specified buffer, with the specified new size.
copyOf(DoubleBuffer, int) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWBufferUtil
Returns a copy of the specified buffer, with the specified new size.
copyProperties(Element, AVList) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWXML
Copy any Property elements in an XML document to an attribute-value list.
copyScreenPixelsToTexture(DrawContext, int, int, int, int, Texture) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.OGLRenderToTextureSupport
copySideTextureReferences(ExtrudedPolygon) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.ExtrudedPolygon.ShapeData
copyTo(SegmentPlaneAttributes.LabelAttributes) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.SARSegmentPlane.ControlPointLabelAttributes
copyTo(SegmentPlaneAttributes.LabelAttributes) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.SARSegmentPlane.MessageLabelAttributes
copyTo(SegmentPlaneAttributes.LabelAttributes) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.SARSegmentPlane.SARLabelAttributes
copyTo(SegmentPlaneAttributes.GeometryAttributes) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.segmentplane.SegmentPlaneAttributes.GeometryAttributes
copyTo(SegmentPlaneAttributes.LabelAttributes) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.segmentplane.SegmentPlaneAttributes.LabelAttributes
copyValues(AVList, AVList, String[], boolean) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWUtil
Copies only values of the specified keysfrom srcList to another destList.
copyViewState(View) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.BasicView
copyViewState(View) - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.View
Copy the state of the given View.
copyViewState(View) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.orbit.BasicOrbitView
Corner(String) - Constructor for class
cornerRadius - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractBrowserBalloon.FrameGeometryInfo
cornerRadius - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.BasicBalloonAttributes
Indicates the radius of each rounded corner on the balloon's rectangular frame, in pixels.
cornerRadius - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.tree.BasicFrameAttributes
corners - Variable in class
Corners() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Frustum.Corners
corners - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.FramebufferTexture
corners - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.SurfaceImage
corners - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.glider.GliderImage
corners - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.glider.GliderTestApp
corners - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.lineofsight.GridOfPoints.PositionIterator
corners - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.lineofsight.PointGrid
CORNERS - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.VideoOnTerrain
cos() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Angle
Obtains the cosine of this angle.
cosHalfAngle() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Angle
count - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.CompoundStringBuilder
count - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.CompoundVecBuffer
counter - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.VideoOnTerrain.AppFrame
COUNTER_CLOCKWISE - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.avlist.AVKey
COUNTER_CLOCKWISE - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.GeometryBuilder
countImagesInSector(Sector, int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.mercator.MercatorTiledImageLayer
countImagesInSector(Sector) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.TiledImageLayer
countImagesInSector(Sector, int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.TiledImageLayer
countLocations() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.ExtrudedPolygon
Counts the total number of locations in this polygon's boundaries, not including positions introduced by extrusion.
countPositions() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Polygon
Counts the total number of positions in this shape, including all positions in all boundaries.
COUNTRIES - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.Earth.NASAWFSPlaceNameLayer
countries - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.ows.OWSAddress
COUNTRY - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.OGCAddress
country - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.OGCAddress
COUNTRY_CODE - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.SymbologyConstants
Indicates the country code associated with a MIL-STD-2525 symbol (SIDC positions 13-14).
CountryBoundariesLayer - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.Earth
CountryBoundariesLayer() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.Earth.CountryBoundariesLayer
countryNameCodes - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.xml.xal.XALCountry
countryNames - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.xml.xal.XALCountry
countTilesInSector(Sector, int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.BasicElevationModelBulkDownloader
countTriangleVertices(List<List<Integer>>, List<Integer>) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractShape
COVERAGE_IDENTIFIERS - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.avlist.AVKey
CoverageInfo() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.WCSCoveragePanel.CoverageInfo
coverageInfo - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.WCSCoveragePanel.CoverageInfoAction
CoverageInfoAction(WCSCoveragePanel.CoverageInfo, WorldWindow) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.WCSCoveragePanel.CoverageInfoAction
coverageInfos - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.WCSCoveragePanel
coverageOfferings - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.wcs.wcs100.WCS100ContentMetadata
coverageOfferings - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.wcs.wcs100.WCS100DescribeCoverage
coverageSummaries - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.wcs.WCSContents
coverageSummaries - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.wcs.WCSCoverageSummary
CR_LF - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.HTTPFileUpload
create(String, Object) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.BasicFactory
Static method to create an object from a factory and configuration source.
create(String, Object, AVList) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.BasicFactory
Static method to create an object from a factory, a configuration source, and an optional configuration parameter list.
create(Object) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaRoot
Creates a Collada root for an untyped source.
create(Object) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.kml.KMLRoot
Creates a KML root for an untyped source.
create(Object, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.kml.KMLRoot
Creates a KML root for an untyped source.
create(WorldWindow) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.kml.KMLViewController
Convenience method to create a new view controller appropriate for the WorldWindow's current View.
createActiveAttributes() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractSurfaceShape
createAirfieldPaths(DrawContext) - Method in class
Create shapes to draw the airfield graphic.
createAirspace(WorldWindow, boolean) - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.AirspaceBuilder.AirspaceFactory
createAirspace(WorldWindow, boolean) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.AirspaceBuilder.PolygonAirspaceFactory
createAirspace(WorldWindow, boolean) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.AirspaceBuilder.SphereAirspaceFactory
createAirspaceAttributes(Color) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.RandomShapeAttributes
createAirspaceCoordinationText(TacticalGraphic) - Method in class
createAndParse(Object) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaRoot
Creates and parses a Collada root for an untyped source.
createAndParse(Object) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.kml.KMLRoot
Creates a KML root for an untyped source and parses it.
createAndRegisterObject(String, Object) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.core.Controller
createAndRegisterObject(String, Object) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.core.Registry
createAngleSpinner(String, Angle, Angle, Angle) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.ViewLimits.AppFrame
createAnnotation() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractAnnotationBalloon
Create an annotation to render the balloon.
createAnnotation() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.GlobeAnnotationBalloon
Create an annotation to render the balloon.
createAnnotation() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.ScreenAnnotationBalloon
Create an annotation to render the balloon.
createAppPanel(Dimension, boolean) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.glider.GliderTestApp.GliderAppFrame
createAppPanel(Dimension, boolean) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.ApplicationTemplate.AppFrame
createArc(DrawContext, double, Angle, Angle, List<Position>) - Method in class
Create positions to draw an arc around the graphic's center position.
createAreaGraphics(RenderableLayer) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.symbology.TacticalGraphics.AppFrame
createArrowHeadPositions(List<Position>, List<Position>, List<Position>, Globe) - Method in class
Create positions that make up the arrow head.
createArrowHeadPositions(List<Position>, List<Position>, List<Position>, Globe) - Method in class
Create positions that make up the arrow head.
createArrowHeadPositions(List<Position>, List<Position>, List<Position>, Globe) - Method in class
Create positions that make up the arrow head.
createArrowHeadPositions(List<Position>, List<Position>, List<Position>, Globe) - Method in class
createAudioAnnotation(AnnotationControls.AppFrame, Position, String, Object) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.AnnotationControls
createAzimuthLabels() - Method in class
Create azimuth labels.
createAzimuthLabelString(Angle) - Method in class
Create text for an azimuth label.
createBackingImage(int, int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.TextureAtlas
Creates and returns a BufferedImage with the specified dimensions to use as this texture atlas' backing image.
createBalloon(KMLAbstractFeature) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.BalloonController
Create a balloon for a KML feature and attach the balloon to the feature.
createBasicElevationModelConfigDocument(AVList) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.BasicElevationModel
Creates a configuration document for a BasicElevationModel described by the specified params.
createBasicElevationModelConfigElements(AVList, Element) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.BasicElevationModel
Appends BasicElevationModel configuration parameters as elements to the specified context.
createBorderGeometry(Globe, SegmentPlane, SegmentPlaneRenderer.RenderInfo) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.segmentplane.SegmentPlaneRenderer
createBoundingSphere(Vec4[]) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Sphere
Creates a sphere that completely contains a set of points.
createBoundingSphere(BufferWrapper) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Sphere
Creates a sphere that completely contains a set of points.
createBoundingSphere(Iterable<? extends Extent>) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Sphere
Creates a sphere that completely contains a set of Extents.
createBowTie(DrawContext, Position, Position) - Method in class
Create positions required to to draw the bow tie part of the graphic.
createBowtie(DrawContext) - Method in class
Create a path to draw the bowtie graphic in the middle of the circle.
createBulkDownloadPostProcessor(TextureTile) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.BasicTiledImageLayerBulkDownloader
createCacheEntry(Object, String) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.cache.BasicGpuResourceCache
createCacheEntry(Object, String, long) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.cache.BasicGpuResourceCache
createCacheEntry(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.impl.ColladaMeshShape
Creates and returns a new cache entry specific to the subclass.
createCacheEntry(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.kml.KMLRegion
Creates and returns a new RegionData instance specific to this Region instance.
createCacheEntry(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractShape
Creates and returns a new cache entry specific to the subclass.
createCacheEntry(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.ExtrudedPolygon
createCacheEntry(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Path
createCacheEntry(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Polygon
createCacheEntry(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.RigidShape
createCacheEntry(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.antenna.AntennaAxes
createCacheEntry(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.antenna.AntennaModel
createCacheEntry(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.RadarVolume
createCacheKey(DrawContext, RectangularTessellator.RectTile) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.RectangularTessellator
createCapGeometry(DrawContext, ExtrudedPolygon.ShapeData) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.ExtrudedPolygon
Compute the cap geometry.
createCapNormals(ExtrudedPolygon.ShapeData) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.ExtrudedPolygon
createCenterOfSectorArrow(DrawContext, Angle, double) - Method in class
Create shapes to draw the Center Of Sector arrow.
createCenterPositionAccessor(OrbitView) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.orbit.OrbitViewPropertyAccessor
createCircle() - Method in class
Create a circle for a range ring.
createCircle() - Method in class
Create a circle for a range ring.
createCircle(String, Position, double, AVList) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.milstd2525.MilStd2525GraphicFactory
Create a circular graphic.
createCircle(String, Position, double, AVList) - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.TacticalGraphicFactory
Create a circular graphic.
createClampToGroundSurface() - Method in class
createClipShape() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.ShapeClipping.AppFrame
createColorGradientAttributes(double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class
Returns a new instance of AnalyticSurface.GridPointAttributes with a Color computed from the specified value and value range.
createColorGradientLegendImage(int, int, double, double, Color) - Method in class
createColorGradientLegendLabels(int, int, double, double, Iterable<? extends AnalyticSurfaceLegend.LabelAttributes>, AnalyticSurfaceLegend.LabelAttributes) - Method in class
createColorGradientValues(BufferWrapper, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class
Returns a new iterable populated with AnalyticSurface.GridPointAttributes computed by invoking AnalyticSurface.createColorGradientAttributes(double, double, double, double, double) for each double value in the speicfied BufferWrapper.
createCompatibleBuffer(int, int, AVList) - Static method in class
createCompatibleDataset(int, int, Sector, AVList) - Method in class
createCompatibleImage(int, int, int) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.ImageUtil
createComponent(String) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.WorldWind
createComponent(WCS100Capabilities, WCSCoveragePanel.CoverageInfo) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.WCSCoveragePanel
createComponent(WMSCapabilities, AVList) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.WMSLayersPanel
createComponents(JPanel) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.features.WMSPanel
createCompoundModel(Element[], AVList) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.BasicElevationModelFactory
Creates a compound elevation model and populates it with a specified list of elevation models.
createConfigDoc(AVList) - Method in class
Returns an ElevationModel configuration document which describes the tiled elevation data produced by this TiledElevationProducer.
createConfigDoc(AVList) - Method in class
Returns a Layer configuration document which describes the tiled imagery produced by this TiledImageProducer.
createConfigDoc(AVList) - Method in class
Returns a configuration document which describes the tiled data produced by this TiledRasterProducer.
createConfigurationComponent(String) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.WorldWind
createConfigurationDocument(AVList) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.BasicTiledImageLayer
createConfigurationDocument(AVList) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.BasicElevationModel
createConfigurationDocument(AVList) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.WCSElevationModel
Appends WCS elevation model configuration elements to the superclass configuration document.
createConfigurationDocument(AVList) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.WMSBasicElevationModel
Appends WMS basic elevation model configuration elements to the superclass configuration document.
createConfigurationDocument(AVList) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.wms.WMSTiledImageLayer
Appends WMS tiled image layer configuration elements to the superclass configuration document.
createContent(Position, AVList) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.AnnotationControls.AppFrame
createContentAnnotation(AnnotationControls.AppFrame, Position, AVList) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.AnnotationControls
createContext() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.combine.ShapeCombiner
createControlPoint(Position) - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.util.measuretool.WWOMeasureTool.ControlPointList
createControlPoint(Position) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.util.measuretool.WWOMeasureTool
createControlPoint(Position) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.util.measuretool.WWOMeasureToolControlPoints
createControlPointFor(WorldWindow, Line, AirspaceEditor, Airspace, AirspaceEditorUtil.EdgeInfo) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.editor.AirspaceEditorUtil
createControlPointGeometry(Globe, SegmentPlane, SegmentPlaneRenderer.RenderInfo) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.segmentplane.SegmentPlaneRenderer
createControlPoints() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.util.measuretool.WWOMeasureTool
createCoverageInfo(WCS100Capabilities, WCS100CoverageOfferingBrief) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.WCSCoveragePanel
createCustomRenderableLayer() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.measure.MeasureTool
createDataRaster(int, int, Sector, AVList) - Method in class
createDataRaster(int, int, Sector, AVList) - Method in class
createDataRaster(int, int, Sector, AVList) - Method in class
createDataStore(FileSet, File, String, DataStoreProducer) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.dataimporter.DataInstaller
createDataStore(File[], FileStore, DataStoreProducer) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.dataimport.InstallImageryAndElevationsDemo
createDataStoreFromFile(File, FileStore, DataStoreProducer) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.features.ImportedDataDialog
createDataStoreProducerFromFile(File) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.features.ImportedDataDialog
createDataStoreProducerFromFiles(FileSet) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.dataimporter.DataInstaller
createDataStoreProducerFromFiles(File[]) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.dataimport.InstallImageryAndElevationsDemo
Creates an instance of the DataStoreProducer basing on raster type.
createDefaultBalloonText() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.kml.impl.KMLAbstractBalloon
Build a default balloon text string for the feature.
createDefaultBrowserControls() - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractBrowserBalloon
Returns a list containing the browser balloon's three default browser controls, configured as follows:

ControlActionOffsetSizeImage Source CloseAVKey.CLOSE(30, 25) pixels inset from the balloon's upper right cornerImage source's native size in pixels (16x16)images/browser-close-16x16.gif BackAVKey.BACK(15, 25) pixels inset from the balloon's upper left cornerImage source's native size in pixels (16x16)images/browser-back-16x16.gif ForwardAVKey.FORWARD(35, 25) pixels inset from the balloon's upper left cornerImage source's native size in pixels (16x16)images/browser-forward-16x16.gif

createDefaultCache() - Static method in class
createDefaultColorGradientLabels(double, double, Format) - Static method in class
createDefaultExtendedDataText(StringBuilder, List<KMLData>) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.kml.impl.KMLAbstractBalloon
Build a default balloon text string for the feature's extended data.
createDefaultInputHandler() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.awt.WorldWindowGLCanvas
Constructs and attaches the InputHandler for this WorldWindow.
createDefaultInputHandler() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.awt.WorldWindowGLJPanel
Constructs and attaches the InputHandler for this WorldWindow.
createDefaultMarker() - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.editor.BasicAirspaceControlPointRenderer
createDefaultMarker() - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.editor.SphereAirspaceEditor
createDefaultSchemaDataText(StringBuilder, List<KMLSchemaData>) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.kml.impl.KMLAbstractBalloon
Build a default balloon text string for the feature's schema data.
createDefaultTileWriteService(int) - Method in class
createDefaultTitle(String) - Static method in class
createDefaultValues(int) - Static method in class
Returns a new iterable populated with the default AnalyticSurface.GridPointAttributes.
createDestConfigDoc(Document, AVList) - Method in class
createDisplayList(DrawContext, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.markers.BasicMarkerShape.Shape
createDocumentBuilder(boolean) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWXML
Create a DOM builder.
createDocumentElement(Document, String) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.RestorableSupport
createDoubleSpinner(String, double, double, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.ViewLimits.AppFrame
createDownloadPostProcessor(TextureTile) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.BasicTiledImageLayer
createEchelonSymbol(String) - Method in class
Create a tactical symbol to render the echelon modifier.
createEchelonSymbol(String) - Method in class
Create a tactical symbol to render the echelon modifier.
createEditor(Airspace) - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.AirspaceBuilder.AirspaceFactory
createEditor(Airspace) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.AirspaceBuilder.PolygonAirspaceFactory
createEditor(Airspace) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.AirspaceBuilder.SphereAirspaceFactory
createEditor(AbstractShape) - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.shapebuilder.RigidShapeBuilder.AbstractShapeFactory
createEditor(AbstractShape) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.shapebuilder.RigidShapeBuilder.BoxFactory
createEditor(AbstractShape) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.shapebuilder.RigidShapeBuilder.ConeFactory
createEditor(AbstractShape) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.shapebuilder.RigidShapeBuilder.CylinderFactory
createEditor(AbstractShape) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.shapebuilder.RigidShapeBuilder.EllipsoidFactory
createEditor(AbstractShape) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.shapebuilder.RigidShapeBuilder.ExtrudedPolygonFactory
createEditor(AbstractShape) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.shapebuilder.RigidShapeBuilder.PyramidFactory
createEditor(AbstractShape) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.shapebuilder.RigidShapeBuilder.WedgeFactory
createElevationAccessor(View) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.ViewPropertyAccessor
createElevationModelConfigElements(AVList, Element) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.AbstractElevationModel
Appends elevation model configuration parameters as elements to the specified context.
createErrorTitle(String) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.AnnotationControls
createEyePositionAccessor(View) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.ViewPropertyAccessor
createEyePositionAnimator(View, long, Position, Position) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.ViewUtil
createFileCachePathFromTile(int, int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.placename.PlaceNameService
createFlyToFlyViewAnimator(BasicFlyView, Position, Position, Angle, Angle, Angle, Angle, double, double, long, int) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.firstperson.FlyToFlyViewAnimator
createFlyToFlyViewAnimator(BasicFlyView, Position, Position, Angle, Angle, Angle, Angle, Angle, Angle, double, double, long, int) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.firstperson.FlyToFlyViewAnimator
createFlyToLookAtAnimator(BasicFlyView, Position, Angle, Angle, double, long, int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.kml.KMLFlyViewController
Create an animator to fly to a LookAt position.
createFlyToOrbitViewAnimator(OrbitView, Position, Position, Angle, Angle, Angle, Angle, double, double, long, int) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.orbit.FlyToOrbitViewAnimator
createFlyToOrbitViewAnimator(OrbitView, Position, Angle, Angle, Angle, long, int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.kml.KMLOrbitViewController
Create an animator to animate an orbit view to an eye position and orientation.
createFrame() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.tree.BasicTreeLayout
Create the frame that the tree will be rendered inside.
createFrameVertices(AbstractBrowserBalloon.OrderedBrowserBalloon) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractBrowserBalloon
Creates the balloon's frame vertex buffer according to the active attributes.
createFromCapabilities(String, AVList) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.BasicFactory
Create an object such as a layer or elevation model given a local OGC capabilities document containing named layer descriptions.
createFromConfigSource(Object, AVList) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.BasicFactory
Creates an object from a general configuration source.
createFromConfigSource(Object, AVList) - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.Factory
Creates an object from a general configuration source.
createFromConfigSource(Object, AVList) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.BasicLayerFactory
Creates a layer or layer list from a general configuration source.
createFromConfigSource(Object, AVList) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.BasicElevationModelFactory
Creates an elevation model from a general configuration source.
createFromLayerDocument(Element, AVList) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.BasicLayerFactory
Create a layer described by an XML layer description.
createFromStrings(String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.OGCBoundingBox
createFromStrings(String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.wms.BoundingBox
createFullGeometry(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.impl.ColladaMeshShape
Create full geometry for the shape, including normals and texture coordinates.
createFullGeometry(DrawContext, Terrain, ExtrudedPolygon.ShapeData, boolean) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.ExtrudedPolygon
Computes a boundary set's full geometry.
createFullGeometry(DrawContext, Terrain, Polygon.ShapeData, boolean) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Polygon
Computes a shape's full geometry.
createGeographicSRS() - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.gdal.GDALUtils
createGeometry(Globe, SurfaceTileDrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractSurfaceShape
createGeometry(Globe, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractSurfaceShape
createGeometry(Globe, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.SurfaceBox
createGeometry(DrawContext, Polygon.ShapeData) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Polygon
Compute the cap geometry.
createGeometry(Globe, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.SurfaceEllipse
createGeometry(Globe, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.SurfaceMultiPolygon
createGeometry(Globe, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.SurfacePolygon
createGeometry(Globe, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.SurfacePolyline
createGeometry(Globe, SurfaceTileDrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.SurfacePolylines
createGeometry(Globe, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.SurfacePolylines
createGeometry(Globe, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.SurfaceQuad
createGeometry(Globe, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.SurfaceSector
createGeometryKey(DrawContext, SurfaceTileDrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractSurfaceShape
createGeoreferencedRaster(AVList) - Static method in class
createGeoreferencedSurfaceImage(File, BufferedImage) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.RubberSheetImage.Controller
createGpuResourceCache() - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.WorldWindowImpl
createGraphic(String, Iterable<? extends Position>, AVList) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.milstd2525.MilStd2525GraphicFactory
Create a tactical graphic positioned by more than one control point.
createGraphic(String, Iterable<? extends Position>, AVList) - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.TacticalGraphicFactory
Create a tactical graphic positioned by more than one control point.
createGridPointAttributes(double, Color) - Static method in class
Returns a new instance of AnalyticSurface.GridPointAttributes with the specified value and color.
createHeadingAccessor(View) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.ViewPropertyAccessor
createHeadingAnimator(View, Angle, Angle) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.ViewUtil
Create an animator to animate heading.
createHeadingPitchRollAnimator(View, Angle, Angle, Angle, Angle, Angle, Angle) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.ViewUtil
Create an animator to animate heading, pitch, and roll.
createHelpAnnotation(WorldWindow) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.KeepingObjectsInView
createIcon(String, AVList) - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.IconRetriever
Create an icon to represent a symbol in a symbol set.
createIcon(String, AVList) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.milstd1477.MilStd1477IconRetriever
createIcon(String, AVList) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.milstd2525.MilStd2525IconRetriever
Create an icon for a MIL-STD-2525C symbol.
createIcon(String, AVList) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.milstd2525.MilStd2525ModifierRetriever
Create an icon for a symbol modifier.
createIcon(String, AVList) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.milstd2525.MilStd2525PointGraphicRetriever
Create an icon for a MIL-STD-2525C point graphic.
createIcon(Object, Position, String, Object) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.AnnotationControls
createIconLayer() - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.AnnotationControls
createIconTextureData() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.AbstractTacticalSymbol.IconTexture
createImage(int, int) - Method in class
Create an exportable image from this surface's colors and attributes.
createImageAnnotation(AnnotationControls.AppFrame, Position, String, Iterable) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.AnnotationControls
createImageLayer(WMSCapabilities, WMSLayerCapabilities, AVList) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.util.WMSLayerTree
createImageRaster() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.dataimporter.FileSetPreviewImageGenerator
createIndices(int) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.RectangularTessellator
createInstanceFromPrototype(XMLEventParserContext) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.xml.XMLEventParserContextFactory
Constructs a new parser context given a prototype parser context.
createIntersectionGeometry(Terrain) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Box
createIntersectionGeometry(Terrain) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Cone
createIntersectionGeometry(Terrain) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Cylinder
createIntersectionGeometry(Terrain) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Ellipsoid
createIntersectionGeometry(Terrain) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.ExtrudedPolygon
createIntersectionGeometry(Terrain) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Polygon
createIntersectionGeometry(Terrain) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Pyramid
createIntersectionGeometry(Terrain) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.RigidShape
createIntersectionGeometry(Terrain) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Wedge
createLabel(DrawContext, SegmentPlane, Position, AVList, Object) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.segmentplane.SegmentPlaneRenderer
createLabels() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.AbstractTacticalGraphic
createLabels() - Method in class
createLabels() - Method in class
Create labels for the start and end of the path.
createLabels() - Method in class
Create labels for the start and end of the path.
createLabels() - Method in class
Create labels for the start and end of the path.
createLabels() - Method in class
createLabels() - Method in class
Create labels for each ring.
createLabels() - Method in class
Create labels for the graphic.
createLabels() - Method in class
Create labels for the start and end of the path.
createLabels() - Method in class
Create labels for the graphic.
createLabels() - Method in class
Create labels for the start and end of the path.
createLabels() - Method in class
createLabels() - Method in class
Create labels for the start and end of the path.
createLabels() - Method in class
Create labels for the start and end of the path.
createLabels() - Method in class
createLabels() - Method in class
createLabels() - Method in class
Create labels for the graphic.
createLabels() - Method in class
Create labels for the start and end of the path.
createLabels() - Method in class
Create labels for the start and end of the path.
createLabels() - Method in class
Create labels for the graphic.
createLabels() - Method in class
Create labels for the graphic.
createLabels() - Method in class
Create labels for the start and end of the path.
createLabels() - Method in class
Create labels for the start and end of the path.
createLabels() - Method in class
createLabels() - Method in class
createLabels() - Method in class
createLabelText() - Method in class
Create the text for the main label on this graphic.
createLabelText() - Method in class
createLabelText() - Method in class
createLabelText() - Method in class
Create the text for the main label on this graphic.
createLabelText() - Method in class
Create the text for the main label on this graphic.
createLabelText() - Method in class
Create the text for the main label on this graphic.
createLabelText() - Method in class
Create the text for the main label on this graphic.
createLabelText() - Method in class
Create the text for the main label on this graphic.
createLabelText() - Method in class
Create the text for the main label on this graphic.
createLabelText() - Method in class
Create the text for the main label on this graphic.
createLandShape() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.ShapeClipping.AppFrame
createLayer(WMSCapabilities, String) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.eurogeoss.RecordPanel
createLayer() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.features.AbstractOnDemandLayerFeature
createLayer() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.features.CoordinatesDisplay
createLayer() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.features.Crosshair
createLayer() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.features.GraticuleLayer
createLayer(LayerNode) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.features.swinglayermanager.LayerManagerPanel
createLayer(LayerNode) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.features.WMSPanel
createLayer() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.ScreenSelector
createLayerConfigElements(AVList, Element) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.AbstractLayer
Appends layer configuration parameters as elements to the specified context.
createLayerFromGeoJSON(GeoJSONObject) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.GeoJSONLoader
Create a layer from a GeoJSON object.
createLayerFromSource(Object) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.GeoJSONLoader
Create a layer from a GeoJSON document.
createLayerInfo(WMSCapabilities, WMSLayerCapabilities, WMSLayerStyle) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.WMSLayersPanel
createLayerInfos(OGCCapabilities, WMSLayerCapabilities) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.core.WMSLayerInfo
createLayerList(Element[], AVList) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.BasicLayerFactory
Create a list of layers described by an array of XML layer description elements.
createLayerList(WMSCapabilities) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.features.WMSPanel
createLayerLists(Element[], AVList) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.BasicLayerFactory
Create a collection of layer lists and their included layers described by an array of XML layer-list description elements.
createLayerNode(Layer) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.layertree.LayerTreeModel
Returns a new root LayerTreeNode for the specified layer.
createLayers() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.features.AbstractApplicationFeature
createLayers(Object, AVList) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.util.LayerTree
createLayers(Object, AVList) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.util.WMSLayerTree
createLayersFromElement(Element) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.BasicModel
Create the layer list from an XML configuration element.
createLayersThread - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.features.AbstractApplicationFeature
createLayout(String, Offset, Offset) - Method in class
Create a simple layout map and populate it with one key value pair.
createLegendForDaysOfWeek(MarkerAttributes[]) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.MarkersOrder.AppFrame
createLegendForHours(MarkerAttributes[]) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.MarkersOrder.AppFrame
createLegendLabelAttributes(double, String, Font, Color, double, double) - Static method in class
createLegendRenderable(AnalyticSurface, double, AnalyticSurfaceLegend) - Static method in class
createLegs(DrawContext, Ambush.ArcData, Path[], int, int) - Method in class
Create paths for the graphic's "legs".
createLevelSet(int, int) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.SurfaceObjectTileBuilder
Returns a new LevelSet with the specified tile width and height.
createLevelSetConfigElements(AVList, Element) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.DataConfigurationUtils
Appends LevelSet configuration parameters as elements to the specified context.
createLineGraphics(RenderableLayer) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.symbology.TacticalGraphics.AppFrame
createLineMesh(List<ColladaLines>, ColladaBindMaterial) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.impl.ColladaMeshShape
Create a line mesh shape.
createLinePositions(List<Position>, List<Position>, double, Globe) - Method in class
Create positions that make up the left and right arrow lines.
createLinePositions(List<Position>, List<Position>, double, Globe) - Method in class
createLineRenderable(Iterable<? extends Position>, String) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.AbstractGraticuleLayer
createLinkPickedObject(DrawContext, Color, AVList) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractBrowserBalloon
createLinuxWebView(Dimension) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.webview.BasicWebViewFactory
Create a WebView for Linux.
createLookupTable(int, int, double, double, double, double, AffineTransform) - Method in class
createMacWebView(Dimension) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.webview.BasicWebViewFactory
Create a WebView for Mac OS.
createMainText(TacticalGraphic, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class
createMaskDataset(int, int, Sector) - Method in class
createMeasureDisplay() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.util.measuretool.WWOMeasureTool
createMemoryCache(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.BasicElevationModel
createMinimalGeometry(DrawContext, ColladaMeshShape.ShapeData) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.impl.ColladaMeshShape
Compute enough geometry to determine this shape's extent, reference point and eye distance.
createMinimalGeometry(DrawContext, ExtrudedPolygon.ShapeData) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.ExtrudedPolygon
Computes the information necessary to determine this extruded polygon's extent.
createMinimalGeometry(DrawContext, Polygon.ShapeData) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Polygon
Compute enough geometry to determine this polygon's extent, reference point and eye distance.
createMixedColorGradientGridValues(double, BufferWrapper, BufferWrapper, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class
createModels() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.features.AbstractElevationsFeature
createModelsThread - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.features.AbstractElevationsFeature
createModifierImage() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.AbstractTacticalSymbol.IconAtlasElement
createMouseActionAttribute(int) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.awt.ViewInputAttributes.ActionAttributes
createNewEntry(AirspaceBuilder.AirspaceFactory) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.AirspaceBuilder.AirspaceBuilderController
createNewEntry(ExtrudedPolygonBuilder.ExtrudedPolygonFactory) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.shapebuilder.ExtrudedPolygonBuilder.PolygonBuilderController
createNewEntry(RigidShapeBuilder.AbstractShapeFactory) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.shapebuilder.RigidShapeBuilder.AbstractShapeBuilderController
createNonCompoundModel(Element, AVList) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.BasicElevationModelFactory
Create a simple elevation model.
createNormals() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.impl.ColladaMeshShape
Create this shape's vertex normals.
createNormals(Polygon.ShapeData) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Polygon
Create this shape's vertex normals.
createObject(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.core.Registry
createObjectsToTrack() - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.KeepingObjectsInView
createOGLDrawPrimitivesCallback(GL2) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.GLUTessellatorSupport
Creates a new GLUtessellatorCallback that draws tessellated polygons as OpenGL primitives by calling glBegin, glEnd, and glVertex.
createOrderedRenderable() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractBrowserBalloon
createOrderedRenderable() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.GlobeBrowserBalloon
createOrderedRenderable() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.ScreenBrowserBalloon
createParserContext(XMLEventReader) - Method in class
createParserContext(XMLEventReader) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaRoot
Invoked during ColladaRoot.initialize() to create the parser context.
createParserContext(XMLEventReader) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.kml.KMLRoot
Invoked during KMLRoot.initialize(boolean) to create the parser context.
createParserContext(XMLEventReader) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.OGCCapabilities
createParserContext(XMLEventReader) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.ows.OWSCapabilities
createParserContext(XMLEventReader) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.wcs.wcs100.WCS100Capabilities
createParserContext(XMLEventReader) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.wcs.wcs100.WCS100DescribeCoverage
createParserContext(String, String) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.xml.XMLEventParserContextFactory
Constructs and returns a parser context for a specified mime type and namespace.
createPath(List<Position>) - Method in class
Create and configure the Path used to render this graphic.
createPath(List<Position>) - Method in class
Create and configure the Path used to render this graphic.
createPath() - Method in class
createPath() - Method in class
Create and configure the Path used to render this graphic.
createPath(List<Position>) - Method in class
Create and configure the Path used to render this graphic.
createPath(List<Position>) - Method in class
Create and configure the Path used to render this graphic.
createPath() - Method in class
Create and configure the Path used to render this graphic.
createPath(List<Position>) - Method in class
Create and configure the Path used to render this graphic.
createPath() - Method in class
Create and configure the Path used to render this graphic.
createPath() - Method in class
Create and configure the Path used to render this graphic.
createPath(List<Position>) - Method in class
Create and configure the Path used to render this graphic.
createPath(List<Position>) - Method in class
Create and configure the Path used to render this graphic.
createPath() - Method in class
Create and configure the Path used to render this graphic.
createPath(List<Position>) - Method in class
Create and configure the Path used to render this graphic.
createPath() - Method in class
Create and configure the Path used to render this graphic.
createPath(Position, Position) - Method in class
Create between two points and configure the Path.
createPath(LayerPath) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.features.swinglayermanager.LayerManagerPanel
createPaths(DrawContext) - Method in class
Create the paths used to draw the route.
createPattern(String) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.PatternFactory
Draws a pattern using the default scale (.5), bitmap dimensions (32x32) and colors (light grey over a transparent background).
createPattern(String, Color) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.PatternFactory
Draws a pattern with a given Color using the default scale (.5), bitmap dimensions (32x32) and backgound color (transparent).
createPattern(String, float) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.PatternFactory
Draws a pattern with a given scale using the default bitmap dimensions (32x32) and colors (light grey over a transparent background).
createPattern(String, float, Color) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.PatternFactory
Draws a pattern with a given scale and Color using the default bitmap dimensions (32x32) and backgound color (transparent).
createPattern(String, float, Color, Color) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.PatternFactory
Draws a pattern with a given scale and Colors using the default bitmap dimensions (32x32).
createPattern(String, Dimension, float, Color) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.PatternFactory
Draws a pattern with a given scale, Color and bitmap dimensions, using the default backgound color (transparent).
createPattern(String, Dimension, float, Color, Color) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.PatternFactory
Draws a pattern with the given scale, Colors and bitmap dimensions.
createPickedObject(int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.kml.impl.KMLExtrudedPolygonImpl
Creates a PickedObject for this shape and the specified unique pick color code.
createPickedObject(int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.kml.impl.KMLLineStringPlacemarkImpl
Creates a PickedObject for this shape and the specified unique pick color code.
createPickedObject(DrawContext, Color) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.kml.impl.KMLPointPlacemarkImpl
Create a PickedObject for this placemark.
createPickedObject(int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.kml.impl.KMLPolygonImpl
Creates a PickedObject for this shape and the specified unique pick color code.
createPickedObject(DrawContext, Color) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.kml.impl.KMLSurfacePolygonImpl
Create a PickedObject for this surface object.
createPickedObject(int) - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.pick.PickedObjectFactory
Create a picked object from the specified pick color code.
createPickedObject(DrawContext, Color) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractBrowserBalloon
createPickedObject(int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractShape
Creates a PickedObject for this shape and the specified unique pick color code.
createPickedObject(DrawContext, Color) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractSurfaceObject
Create a PickedObject for this surface object.
createPickedObject(int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.AbstractAirspace
createPickedObject(DrawContext, Color) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.GlobeBrowserBalloon

Overridden to use this balloon's position as the picked object's position.

createPickedObject(DrawContext, Color) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.PointPlacemark
Create a PickedObject for this placemark.
createPickedObject(int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.AbstractTacticalSymbol
createPickFrustum(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.AbstractSceneController
createPickTileBuilder() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractSurfaceObject
Returns a SurfaceObjectTileBuilder appropriate for building and drawing the surface object's pickable representation.
createPitchAccessor(View) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.ViewPropertyAccessor
createPitchAnimator(View, Angle, Angle) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.ViewUtil
Create an animator to animate pitch.
createPlaceNameChunk(PlaceNameService) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.placename.PlaceNameLayer.GMLPlaceNameSAXHandler
createPlaneInterpolator(Globe) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.segmentplane.SegmentPlane
createPoint(String, Position, AVList) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.milstd2525.MilStd2525GraphicFactory
Create a tactical graphic positioned by a single control point.
createPoint(String, Position, AVList) - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.TacticalGraphicFactory
Create a tactical graphic positioned by a single control point.
createPoint(GeoJSONGeometry, Position, PointPlacemarkAttributes, AVList) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.GeoJSONLoader
createPointAttributes(GeoJSONGeometry, Layer) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.GeoJSONLoader
createPointAttributes(Color) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.RandomShapeAttributes
createPointGraphics(RenderableLayer) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.symbology.TacticalGraphics.AppFrame
createPolygon() - Method in class
createPolygon(List<? extends LatLon>) - Method in class
createPolygon() - Method in class
Create and configure a SurfacePolygon to render the arrow head on the sector center line.
createPolygon(List<? extends LatLon>) - Method in class
createPolygon(GeoJSONGeometry, Iterable<? extends Position>, Iterable<? extends Position>[], ShapeAttributes, AVList) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.GeoJSONLoader
createPolygon(WorldWindow, boolean) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.shapebuilder.ExtrudedPolygonBuilder.ExtrudedPolygonFactory
createPolygonAttributes(GeoJSONGeometry, Layer) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.GeoJSONLoader
createPolyline(GeoJSONGeometry, Iterable<? extends Position>, ShapeAttributes, AVList) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.GeoJSONLoader
createPolylineAttributes(GeoJSONGeometry, Layer) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.GeoJSONLoader
createPosition(int, double, int) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.HighResolutionTerrain
createPosition(int, double, int) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.RectangularTessellator
Computes from a column (or row) number, and a given offset ranged [0,1] corresponding to the distance along the edge of this sector, where between this column and the next column the corresponding position will fall, in the range [0,1].
createPositionSquareInViewport(WorldWindow, Position, Angle, double) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.ShapeUtils
createPositionText(int, int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.SlideShowAnnotationController
createPotentialNextPositionGeomAttributes() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.SARTrackExtensionTool
createPotentialNextPositionLabelAttributes() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.SARTrackExtensionTool
createPowerOfTwoImage(int, int) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.RubberSheetImage
createPowerOfTwoScaledCopy(BufferedImage) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.RubberSheetImage
createPrecipitationSurface(double, double, RenderableLayer) - Static method in class
createPrecipitationSurface() - Static method in class
createProperty(Map.Entry<String, Object>, Element) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.UserPreferenceUtils
createPropertyList(AVList, Element) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.UserPreferenceUtils
createQuad(String, Iterable<? extends Position>, AVList) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.milstd2525.MilStd2525GraphicFactory
Create a graphic with four sides.
createQuad(String, Iterable<? extends Position>, AVList) - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.TacticalGraphicFactory
Create a graphic with four sides.
createRandomAltitudeSurface(double, double, int, int, RenderableLayer) - Static method in class
createRandomColorSurface(double, double, int, int, RenderableLayer) - Static method in class
createRandomGridValues(int, int, double, double, int, double) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.ExampleUtil
Creates a 2D grid of random values with an optional smoothing parameter.
createRangeLabelString(double, String) - Method in class
Create text for a range label.
createRaster(Sector, BufferedImage) - Method in class
createRasterServer(AVList) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.LocalRasterServerLayer
createRasterServer(AVList) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.LocalRasterServerElevationModel
createReader(Object) - Method in class
createReader(Object) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaRoot
Creates the event reader.
createReader(Object, boolean) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.kml.KMLRoot
Creates the event reader.
createReader(Object) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.OGCCapabilities
createReader(Object) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.ows.OWSCapabilities
createReader(Object) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.wcs.wcs100.WCS100Capabilities
createReader(Object) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.wcs.wcs100.WCS100DescribeCoverage
createRecord() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.rpf.RPFFileIndex.Table
createRectanglePacker(int, int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.TextureAtlas
Returns a new JOGL rectangle packer that is used by this texture atlas to determine how to pack the elements within this texture atlas' backing image.
createRectangularArray() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.ContourBuilderExample.AppFrame
createRegistryObject(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.core.Controller
createRegistryObject(Object) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.core.Registry
createRenderables() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.Earth.UTMBaseGraticuleLayer.SquareGrid
createRenderables() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.Earth.UTMBaseGraticuleLayer.SquareZone
createRequestTask(TextureTile) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.BasicTiledImageLayer
createRequestTask() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.LazilyLoadedTexture
Returns an object that implements the Runnable interface, and who's run method retrieves and loads this texture's image source.
createRequestTask() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.AbstractTacticalSymbol.IconTexture
createRequestTask() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.TextureAtlasElement
Returns an object that implements the Runnable interface, and who's run method retrieves and loads this element's image source.
createResizeController(Balloon) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.BalloonController
Create a resize controller and attach it to the WorldWindow.
createResourceMap(KMLModel) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.kml.impl.KMLModelPlacemarkImpl
Build the resource map from the KML Model's ResourceMap element.
createResourceRetrievalService(String) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.DataConfigurationUtils
Convenience method to create a ScheduledExecutorService which can be used by World Wind components to schedule periodic resource checks.
createRetriever(AVList, RetrievalPostProcessor) - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.retrieve.RetrieverFactory
createRetriever(URL, RetrievalPostProcessor) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.retrieve.URLRetriever
Create the appropriate retriever for a URL's protocol.
createRollAccessor(View) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.ViewPropertyAccessor
createRollAnimator(View, Angle, Angle) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.ViewUtil
Create an animator to animate roll.
createRootNode() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.layertree.LayerTreeModel
Returns a new root TreeNode for this tree model.
createRoute(String, Iterable<? extends TacticalPoint>, AVList) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.milstd2525.MilStd2525GraphicFactory
Create a route graphic.
createRoute(String, Iterable<? extends TacticalPoint>, AVList) - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.TacticalGraphicFactory
Create a route graphic.
createRPFFileRecord(File) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.rpf.RPFFileIndex
createSectorFromLatLonBox(KMLAbstractLatLonBoxType) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.kml.impl.KMLUtil
Creates a Sector from a KMLAbstractLatLonBoxType's north, south, east, and west coordinates.
createSectorLayer(FileSet) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.dataimporter.FileSetHighlighter
createSectorLayer(FileStoreDataSet) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.dataimporter.FileStoreSectorHighlighter
createSegmentPlaneGeometry(Globe, SegmentPlane, SegmentPlaneRenderer.RenderInfo) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.segmentplane.SegmentPlaneRenderer
createSelectControl(TreeNode) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.tree.BasicTreeLayout
Create a pickable object to represent selection control in the tree.
createSelectionRectangle() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.ScreenSelector
createServiceURLFromSector(Sector) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.placename.PlaceNameService
createShadowSurface() - Method in class
createShape() - Method in class
createShape() - Method in class
createShape(DrawContext) - Method in class
Create a Path to render the line.
createShape(WorldWindow, boolean) - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.shapebuilder.RigidShapeBuilder.AbstractShapeFactory
createShape(WorldWindow, boolean) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.shapebuilder.RigidShapeBuilder.BoxFactory
createShape(WorldWindow, boolean) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.shapebuilder.RigidShapeBuilder.ConeFactory
createShape(WorldWindow, boolean) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.shapebuilder.RigidShapeBuilder.CylinderFactory
createShape(WorldWindow, boolean) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.shapebuilder.RigidShapeBuilder.EllipsoidFactory
createShape(WorldWindow, boolean) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.shapebuilder.RigidShapeBuilder.ExtrudedPolygonFactory
createShape(WorldWindow, boolean) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.shapebuilder.RigidShapeBuilder.PyramidFactory
createShape(WorldWindow, boolean) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.shapebuilder.RigidShapeBuilder.WedgeFactory
createShapeAttributes(Color) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.RandomShapeAttributes
createShapeBuffer(String, double, double, int, DoubleBuffer) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.FrameFactory
Create a vertex buffer for a shape with the specified width, height and corner radius.
createShapefileLayer(Element, AVList) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.BasicLayerFactory
Creates a shapefile layer described by an XML layer description.
createShapeInstance(String) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.markers.BasicMarkerShape
createShapePositions(DrawContext) - Method in class
Create the list of positions that describe the arrow.
createShapes() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaNode
Create shapes to render this node.
createShapes(DrawContext) - Method in class
Create the paths required to draw the graphic.
createShapes(DrawContext) - Method in class
Create the paths required to draw the graphic.
createShapes(DrawContext) - Method in class
Create the circles used to draw this graphic.
createShapes(DrawContext) - Method in class
Create the list of positions that describe the arrow.
createShapes(DrawContext) - Method in class
Create the paths required to draw the graphic.
createShapes(DrawContext) - Method in class
Create the paths necessary to draw the graphic.
createShapes(DrawContext) - Method in class
Create the list of positions that describe the arrow.
createShapes(DrawContext) - Method in class
Create the list of positions that describe the arrow.
createShapes(DrawContext) - Method in class
Create the list of positions that describe the arrow.
createShapes(DrawContext) - Method in class
Create the list of positions that describe the arrow.
createShapes(DrawContext) - Method in class
Create the list of positions that describe the shape.
createShapes(DrawContext) - Method in class
Create the list of positions that describe the arrow.
createShapesForGeometry(ColladaInstanceGeometry, List<ColladaMeshShape>) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaNode
Create shapes for a geometry.
createShapeWithLeaderBuffer(String, double, double, Point, double, int, DoubleBuffer) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.FrameFactory
Create a vertex buffer for a shape with the specified width, height and corner radius.
createSideGeometry(ExtrudedPolygon.ShapeData) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.ExtrudedPolygon
Constructs the Cartesian geometry of this shape's sides and sets it in the specified shape data.
createSideNormals(ExtrudedPolygon.ShapeData) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.ExtrudedPolygon
createSideTextureCoords(ExtrudedPolygon.ShapeData) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.ExtrudedPolygon
Creates the texture coordinates for this shape's sides.
createSlice(int[], int, int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.CompoundVecBuffer
createSlice(int, int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.CompoundVecBuffer
createSlice(int[], int, int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.CompoundVecBuffer.EmptyCompoundVecBuffer
createSlice(int, int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.CompoundVecBuffer.EmptyCompoundVecBuffer
createSlice(int[], int, int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.VecBufferBlocks
createSlice(int, int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.VecBufferBlocks
createSlice(int[], int, int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.VecBufferSequence
createSlice(int, int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.VecBufferSequence
createSquareInViewport(WorldWindow, Position, Angle, double) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.ShapeUtils
createSquaresGrid(int, String, Sector, double, double, double, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.Earth.UTMBaseGraticuleLayer
createStateObject(Element, String, String) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.RestorableSupport
createStateObject(Element, String, String, boolean) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.RestorableSupport
createSubBuffer(int, int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.CompoundVecBuffer
createSubBuffer(int, int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.CompoundVecBuffer.EmptyCompoundVecBuffer
createSubBuffer(int, int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.VecBufferBlocks
createSubBuffer(int, int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.VecBufferSequence
createSubGrids() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.Earth.UTMBaseGraticuleLayer.SquareGrid
createSubRaster(int, int, Sector, AVList) - Method in class
This returns a new sub-raster initialized with the specified properties.
createSubTile(Sector, Level, int, int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.TextureTile
Creates a sub tile of this texture tile with the specified Sector, Level, row, and column.
createSubTile(Sector, Level, int, int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.SurfaceObjectTileBuilder.SurfaceObjectTile
Creates a sub tile of this texture tile with the specified Sector, Level, row, and column.
createSubTileKey(Level, int, int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.TextureTile
Returns a key for a sub tile of this texture tile with the specified Level, row, and column.
createSubTileKey(Level, int, int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.SurfaceObjectTileBuilder.SurfaceObjectTile
Returns a key for a sub tile of this texture tile with the specified Level, row, and column.
createSubTiles(Tile, Level) - Method in class
createSubTiles(Level) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.mercator.MercatorTextureTile
createSubTiles(Level) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.TextureTile
Splits this texture tile into four tiles; one for each sub quadrant of this texture tile.
createSubTree(WMSCapabilities, WMSLayerCapabilities, AVList) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.util.WMSLayerTree
createSurfaceImageFromControlPoints(BufferedImage, RasterControlPointList) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.RubberSheetImage.Controller
createSurfaceImageFromGCPSFile(BufferedImage, File) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.RubberSheetImage.Controller
createSurfaceImageFromTABFile(BufferedImage, File) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.RubberSheetImage.Controller
createSurfaceImageFromWorldFiles(BufferedImage, File[]) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.RubberSheetImage.Controller
createSurfaceShape() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractShape
Returns a SurfaceShape that corresponds to this Path and is used for drawing on 2D globes.
createSurfaceShape() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.AbstractAirspace
Returns a SurfaceShape that corresponds to this Airspace and is used for drawing on 2D globes.
createSurfaceShape() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.Box
createSurfaceShape() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.CappedCylinder
createSurfaceShape() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.CappedEllipticalCylinder
createSurfaceShape() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.Curtain
createSurfaceShape() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.Orbit
createSurfaceShape() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.Polygon
createSurfaceShape() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.SphereAirspace
createSurfaceShape() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.ExtrudedPolygon
createSurfaceShape() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Path
createSurfaceShape() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Polygon
createSurfaceShape() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.DirectedPath
Returns a SurfaceShape that corresponds to this Path and is used for drawing on 2D globes.
createSurfaceTileDrawContext(SurfaceObjectTileBuilder.SurfaceObjectTile) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.SurfaceObjectTileBuilder
Returns a new Object representing the drawing context for the specified tile.
createSymbol(String, Position, TacticalSymbolAttributes) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.milstd2525.AbstractMilStd2525TacticalGraphic
createSymbol(String) - Method in class
createSymbol(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.milstd2525.MilStd2525PointGraphic
Create a tactical symbol to render this graphic.
createTablePanel() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.dataimporter.FileSetPanel
createTacticalSymbolPointPlacemark(RenderableLayer) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.Placemarks
createTerrain(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.AbstractSceneController
createTerrain2DContinuous(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.BasicSceneController
createTessllationGeometry(DrawContext, ExtrudedPolygon.ShapeData) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.ExtrudedPolygon
Tessellates this extruded polygon's cap.
createTessllationGeometry(DrawContext, Polygon.ShapeData) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Polygon
Tessellates the polygon.
createTexCoords() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.impl.ColladaMeshShape
Create this shape's texture coordinates.
createText(TacticalGraphic) - Method in class
Construct the text for labels in a Fire Support area graphic.
createTextBuilder() - Method in class
createTextDecoder(KMLAbstractFeature) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.kml.impl.KMLAbstractBalloon
Create the text decoder that will process the text in the balloon.
createTextureCoordinates(int) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.RectangularTessellator
createTextureRepresentation(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.webview.AbstractWebView
Create a texture representation of the WebView.
createTextureRepresentation(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.webview.MacWebView
createTextureRepresentation(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.webview.WindowsWebView
Create a texture representation of the WebView.
createTile(Sector, Level, int, int, String) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.SurfaceObjectTileBuilder
Returns a new SurfaceObjectTile corresponding to the specified sector, level, row, column, and cacheName.
createTile(TileKey) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.BasicElevationModel
createTile(int, int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.HighResolutionTerrain
Creates a tile for a specified row and column of the tile array.
createTile(Sector) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.HighResolutionTerrain
Creates the tile for a specified sector.
createTile(DrawContext, Sector, int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.RectangularTessellator
createTile(TileKey) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.LevelSet
createTiledImageLayer(Element, AVList) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.BasicLayerFactory
Create a TiledImageLayer layer described by an XML layer description.
createTiledImageLayerConfigDocument(AVList) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.TiledImageLayer
Creates a configuration document for a TiledImageLayer described by the specified params.
createTiledImageLayerConfigElements(AVList, Element) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.TiledImageLayer
Appends TiledImageLayer configuration parameters as elements to the specified context.
createTileInfo(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.SurfaceObjectTileBuilder
Creates a tile info associated with the specified draw context.
createTileInfoKey(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.SurfaceObjectTileBuilder
Creates a key to address the tile information associated with the specified draw context.
createTileKey(Level, int, int, String) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.SurfaceObjectTileBuilder
Returns a new tile key corresponding to the tile with the specified level, row, column, and cacheName.
createTileRaster(LevelSet, Tile, AVList) - Method in class
createTileTexture(DrawContext, int, int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.SurfaceObjectTileBuilder
Returns a new surface tile texture for use on the specified draw context with the specified width and height.
createTileTexture(DrawContext, int, int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.tree.ScrollFrame
Returns a new tile texture with the specified width and height.
createTimeRangeText(TacticalGraphic) - Method in class
createTitle(Iterable) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.AnnotationControls
createTitle(Object) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.SlideShowAnnotationController
createTogglePathControl(Tree, TreeNode) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.tree.BasicTreeLayout
Create a pickable object to represent a toggle control in the tree.
createTopLevelTiles() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.TiledImageLayer
createTopLevelTiles(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.RectangularTessellator
createTransformer() - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWXML
Create a XML transformer.
createTreeLayout(Offset) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.layertree.LayerTree
Returns a new TreeLayout suitable for displaying the layer tree on a WorldWindow.
createTreeModel() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.layertree.LayerTree
Returns a new LayerTreeModel.
createTriangleMesh(List<ColladaTriangles>, ColladaBindMaterial) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.impl.ColladaMeshShape
Create a triangle mesh shape.
createUnknownOSWebView(Dimension) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.webview.BasicWebViewFactory
Create a WebView for an operating system other than Windows, Mac, or Linux.
createUserPreferenceElements(AVList, Element) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.UserPreferenceUtils
createUserPreferencesDocument(AVList) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.UserPreferenceUtils
createVertexCoords(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.impl.ColladaMeshShape
Create the shape's vertex coordinates.
createVertices(Terrain, ExtrudedPolygon.ShapeData, boolean) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.ExtrudedPolygon
Creates this shape's Cartesian vertices.
createVertices(Terrain, Polygon.ShapeData, boolean) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Polygon
Computes the Cartesian vertices for this shape.
createView() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.awt.WorldWindowGLCanvas
Constructs and attaches the View for this WorldWindow.
createView() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.awt.WorldWindowGLJPanel
Constructs and attaches the View for this WorldWindow.
createWaveletRecord(File, long) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.rpf.RPFFileIndex
createWCSLayerConfigElements(AVList, Element) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.DataConfigurationUtils
Appends WCS layer parameters as elements to a specified context.
createWebView(Dimension) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.webview.BasicWebViewFactory
Returns a new WebView with the specified frameSize.
createWebView(Dimension) - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.util.webview.WebViewFactory
Returns a new WebView with the specified frameSize.
createWindowsWebView(Dimension) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.webview.BasicWebViewFactory
Create a WebView for Windows.
createWMSLayerConfigElements(AVList, Element) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.DataConfigurationUtils
Appends WMS layer parameters as elements to a specified context.
createWorldWindow() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.glider.GliderTestApp.GliderAppPanel
createWorldWindow() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.ApplicationTemplate.AppPanel
createZoomAccessor(OrbitView) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.orbit.OrbitViewPropertyAccessor
credits - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.DrawContextImpl
cross3(Vec4) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Vec4
crossesDateLine - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.SurfacePolylines
crossesDateline - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.GeographicImageInterpolator.GeographicCell
Denotes if the pixels in this geographic image cell crosses the international dateline.
crossesLongitudeBoundary(Angle, Angle) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Angle
Crosshair - Class in gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.features
Crosshair(Registry) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.features.Crosshair
CrosshairLayer - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.layers
Renders a crosshair icon in the viewport center or at a specified location.
CrosshairLayer() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.CrosshairLayer
CrosshairLayer(String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.CrosshairLayer
CRS - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.wms.WMSLayerCapabilities
crs - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.wms.WMSLayerCapabilities
CSS_ARA_DHA - Static variable in interface
Detainee Holding Area
CSS_ARA_EPWHA - Static variable in interface
Enemy Prisoner Of War (EPW) Holding Area
CSS_ARA_FARP - Static variable in interface
Forward Arming And Refueling Area (FARP)
CSS_ARA_RHA - Static variable in interface
Refugee Holding Area
CSS_ARA_SUPARS_BSA - Static variable in interface
Brigade (BSA)
CSS_ARA_SUPARS_DSA - Static variable in interface
Division (DSA)
CSS_ARA_SUPARS_RSA - Static variable in interface
Regimental (RSA)
CSS_LNE_CNY_HCNY - Static variable in interface
Halted Convoy
CSS_LNE_CNY_MCNY - Static variable in interface
Moving Convoy
CSS_LNE_SLPRUT_1WTRFF - Static variable in interface
One-Way Traffic
CSS_LNE_SLPRUT_2WTRFF - Static variable in interface
Two-Way Traffic
CSS_LNE_SLPRUT_ASRUT - Static variable in interface
Alternate Supply Route
CSS_LNE_SLPRUT_ATRFF - Static variable in interface
Alternating Traffic
CSS_LNE_SLPRUT_MSRUT - Static variable in interface
Main Supply Route
CSS_PNT_AEP - Static variable in interface
Ambulance Exchange Point
CSS_PNT_AP_ASP - Static variable in interface
Ammunition Supply Point (ASP)
CSS_PNT_AP_ATP - Static variable in interface
Ammunition Transfer Point (ATP)
CSS_PNT_CBNP - Static variable in interface
Cannibalization Point
CSS_PNT_CCP - Static variable in interface
Casualty Collection Point
CSS_PNT_CVP - Static variable in interface
Civilian Collection Point
CSS_PNT_DCP - Static variable in interface
Detainee Collection Point
CSS_PNT_EPWCP - Static variable in interface
Enemy Prisoner Of War (EPW) Collection Point
CSS_PNT_LRP - Static variable in interface
Logistics Release Point (LRP)
CSS_PNT_MCP - Static variable in interface
Maintenance Collection Point
CSS_PNT_ROM - Static variable in interface
Refuel On The Move (ROM) Point
CSS_PNT_RRRP - Static variable in interface
Rearm, Refuel And Resupply Point
CSS_PNT_SPT_CLS1 - Static variable in interface
Class I
CSS_PNT_SPT_CLS10 - Static variable in interface
Class X
CSS_PNT_SPT_CLS2 - Static variable in interface
Class Ii
CSS_PNT_SPT_CLS3 - Static variable in interface
Class Iii
CSS_PNT_SPT_CLS4 - Static variable in interface
Class Iv
CSS_PNT_SPT_CLS5 - Static variable in interface
Class V
CSS_PNT_SPT_CLS6 - Static variable in interface
Class Vi
CSS_PNT_SPT_CLS7 - Static variable in interface
Class Vii
CSS_PNT_SPT_CLS8 - Static variable in interface
Class Viii
CSS_PNT_SPT_CLS9 - Static variable in interface
Class Ix
CSS_PNT_SPT_GNL - Static variable in interface
CSS_PNT_TCP - Static variable in interface
Traffic Control Post (TCP)
CSS_PNT_TTP - Static variable in interface
Trailer Transfer Point
CSS_PNT_UMC - Static variable in interface
Unit Maintenance Collection Point
CSVTrackReader - Class in gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.tracks
CSVTrackReader() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.tracks.CSVTrackReader
ctxMenuInfo - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.ContextMenusOnShapes.ContextMenu
CUBE - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.markers.BasicMarkerShape
Cube() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.markers.BasicMarkerShape.Cube
Cube - Class in gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.tutorial
Example of a custom Renderable that draws a cube at a geographic position.
Cube(Position, double) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.tutorial.Cube
Cube.AppFrame - Class in gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.tutorial
Cube.OrderedCube - Class in gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.tutorial
This class holds the Cube's Cartesian coordinates.
cullNames - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.placename.PlaceNameLayer
current - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.wms.WMSLayerDimension
CURRENT_BROWSE_DIRECTORY - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.SARKey
CURRENT_PANEL_DESCRIPTOR - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.wizard.WizardModel
CURRENT_SEGMENT - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.TrackViewPanel
currentCharacters - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.ElementParser
currentContour - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.combine.CombineContext
The vertices of the current contour currently being assembled.
currentContour - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.ContourBuilder
currentControl - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.ViewControlsLayer
currentCoverage - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.RectangularTessellator
currentData - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.kml.KMLRegion
Identifies the active globe-dependent data for the current invocation of isActive.
currentData - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractShape
Identifies the active globe-dependent data for the current invocation of AbstractShape.render(DrawContext).
currentDrawAnnotations - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.BasicAnnotationRenderer
currentElement - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.ElementParser
currentEntry - Variable in class
The next entry to read from the input stream.
currentEvent - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.ShapeEditor
The event most recently recieved by the selection method.
currentFramesOrderedCube - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.tutorial.Cube
currentFrameTime - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.BasicAnnotationRenderer
currentFrustum - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.RectangularTessellator
currentGlyphs - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.AbstractTacticalSymbol
currentHeading - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.ShapeEditor
For shapes without an inherent heading, the current heading established by the editor for the shape.
currentIcon - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.core.ToolBarImpl.ToolBarButton
currentInfo - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.AbstractAirspace
currentInfo - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.SurfaceObjectTileBuilder
The currently active TileInfo.
currentItem - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.BasicQuadTree
currentLabels - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.AbstractTacticalSymbol
currentLayer - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.DrawContextImpl
currentLevel - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.RectangularTessellator
currentLines - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.AbstractTacticalSymbol
currentName - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.BasicQuadTree
currentPickAnnotations - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.BasicAnnotationRenderer
currentPoints - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.lineofsight.PointGrid
currentPrim - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.GLUTessellatorSupport.CollectIndexListsCallback
currentResource - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.eurogeoss.Record
currentResourceTile - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.TiledImageLayer
currentSector - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.BulkDownloadPanel
currentSizingMarker - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.ShapeEditor
The control point associated with the current sizing operation.
currentSurfaceObjects - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.SurfaceObjectTileBuilder
List of currently assembled surface renderables.
currentTiles - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.TiledImageLayer
currentTiles - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.RectangularTessellator
currentType - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.GLUTessellatorSupport.CollectIndexListsCallback
currentUsedCapacity - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.cache.BasicMemoryCache
cursor - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.AbstractResizeHotSpot
Curtain - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces
A curtain is a series of adjacent rectangular planes.
Curtain(Iterable<? extends LatLon>) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.Curtain
Curtain(AirspaceAttributes) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.Curtain
Curtain() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.Curtain
Curtain(Curtain) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.Curtain
Curtain.CurtainGeometry - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces
Curtain.SectionRenderInfo - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces
CurtainGeometry() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.Curtain.CurtainGeometry
curvature - Variable in class
Angle that controls the curve of the line.
curvature - Variable in class
Factor that controls the curve of the line.
curvature - Variable in class
Scale factor that determines the curvature of the corners of the arc.
curvature - Variable in class
Factor that controls the curve of the line.
customCursor - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.HotSpotController
Indicates that the active HotSpot has set a custom cursor that must be reset when the HotSpot is deactivated.
CustomElevationModel - Class in gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples
Illustrates how to configure World Wind with a custom ElevationModel from a configuration file.
CustomElevationModel() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.CustomElevationModel
CustomRenderableLayer() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.measure.MeasureTool.CustomRenderableLayer
cutAlongDateLine(List<LatLon>, String, Globe) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractSurfaceShape
Divide a list of locations that encloses a pole along the international date line.
cutLocationsAlongDateLine(Iterable<? extends LatLon>, String, Globe) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.LatLon
Divides a sequence of geographic locations that encloses a pole along the international dateline.
CYAN - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Material
Cylinder - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.geom
Represents a geometric cylinder, most often used as a bounding volume.
Cylinder(Vec4, Vec4, double) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Cylinder
Create a Cylinder from two points and a radius.
Cylinder(Vec4, Vec4, double, Vec4) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Cylinder
Create a Cylinder from two points, a radius and an axis direction.
Cylinder - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.render
A general cylinder volume defined by a center position, height and radius, or alternatively, by three axis radii.
Cylinder() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Cylinder
Construct a cylinder with default parameters
Cylinder(Position, double, double) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Cylinder
Constructs a Cylinder from a specified center position, height and radius.
Cylinder(Position, double, double, double) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Cylinder
Constructs a cylinder from a specified center position and axes lengths.
Cylinder(Position, double, double, double, Angle, Angle, Angle) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Cylinder
Constructs a cylinder from a specified center position, axes lengths and rotation angles.
CYLINDER - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.markers.BasicMarkerShape
Cylinder() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.markers.BasicMarkerShape.Cylinder
CYLINDER - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.TrackRenderer
Cylinder() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.TrackRenderer.Cylinder
CylinderEditor - Class in gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.shapebuilder
CylinderEditor() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.shapebuilder.CylinderEditor
CylinderFactory() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.shapebuilder.RigidShapeBuilder.CylinderFactory
cylinderHeight - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Cylinder
cylinderRadius - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Cylinder
Cylinders - Class in gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples
Illustrates how to use the World Wind Cylinder rigid shape to display an arbitrarily sized and oriented cylinder at a geographic position on the Globe.
Cylinders() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.Cylinders
Cylinders.AppFrame - Class in gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples
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NASA World Wind